It’s exhausting combing through all the sample sites and spending major coin on libraries that may or may not be good. Stepping up from the YC61 are two new keyboards for players who need a little more room for performance, 10,000 slots are available in the platform’s crowdfunded vinyl manufacturing service, MicroFreak’s firmware gets an update with three new oscillator modes, unison mode and more presets. In its second incarnation, World Suite 2 adds even more instruments and functionality for composers. The Time via Key slider lengthens or shortens the envelope time intervals, while the Curve slider determines the shape of the attack curve. It’s low price and increased versatility contribute to its popularity. Ctrl-click the start time, and select “Open in Sample Editor” to launch the visual wave editor. While I do use Kontakt quite a bit, I also use EXS24. Check out our guide on free music production software. Sampler’s new intelligent mapping take the headache out of multisampling. All keys will trigger the same sounding pitch. Now when I play, they’ll both sound at the same time, but I can split them up to make them sound better. Drag up/down, side to side and even diagonally! See what your processors are doing with this free oscilloscope and monitoring plug-in. Now close that, and go to Instrument, Save As, and give your new instrument a name. There are 3 LFOs in EXS24, which are available for all of the routing channels. The Low Pass filter however has 6,12,18 and 24 dB slope options. Another way to edit the zone range is to drag the blue strip to the notes ranges you want covered. MusicTech’s Logic Pro expert, Jono Buchanan, uses a drum loop to demonstrate how the EXS24 can chop up audio files and reassign each transient to a different key. In the dialog that appears, navigate to the samples you have downloaded (either pack) and select all the samples in the folder. In this week’s Logic Pro Tips, MusicTech’s Logic expert, Jono Buchanan, guides you through this process, and shows you how you can actually create your own beats with samples in EXS24. If you're a Logic X user you know how hard it can be to create custom sounds in it. Downloadable Sounds for Logic Pro X and Mainstage. Or perhaps the vocal sample is a whole line, and you just want to pull out one word from it. Today, we’re throwing Logic Pro’s classic EXS24 sampler under the microscope, showcasing some of the more unusual tricks this celebrated sampler is capable of. Our latest Logic Pro Tips video explores the EXS24 sampling instrument within Logic Pro X, and how it can be used to rearrange and repitch audio using note keys and the piano roll. Hint: An easy way to play a sample backwards is to check the “Reverse” box for the Sample Zone. Now every time you go into EXS24, your new instrument will be an option. Bristol-based synth pioneer Modal Electronics goes organic with its latest elemental synth series. Of course, that does beg the question why it’s called Logic Pro X 10.5, why we need two instances of the number ten in two different numeral systems in the same product name, or if we will ever get to something after X. Fret not! Go get a coffee.) Now I can add in a second Vocal Sample. This intensity can be controlled as well, by selecting a parameter from via. Logic Pro 9's EXS24 sampler may lack some of the scripting features of other samplers like Kontakt'¦ but it still holds its own and provides for fast workflows within Logic. The Envelopes have the typical ADSR parameters. In this week's Show Off Your Studio, he shows us what's possible with a few controllers and a laptop, Parisian composer and producer Saycet shows us around the shop that became his studio, and shares some tips on finding your sound. Logic Pro's go-to factory sampler since the days of the software's creator, Emagic, EXS24 is simple, straight-forward to use and yet feature-laden enough to remain useful to producers today. This is what the effect sounds like on the Steinway Piano Sample. You get there by clicking the edit button on the top right. Logic Pro’s venerable sampler, the EXS24, has lost some of its glamor over the years compared to third party engines like … Logic Pro X - Video Tutorial 54 - EXS24 Sampler Tutorial (PART 1) Sample Management and Automap - Duration: 32:28. The attack slider is split, with the upper setting the attack time for minimum velocity and the lower setting the attack time for maximum velocity. I didn’t change anything in EXS24, the piano sample is replaced with this vocal sample, but the pattern remains the same. Here’s the Steinway with the Envelope set. Here's how to convert third party instruments to work with it using Autosampler. Create a new session, and then select Software Instrument, EXS24. Every week I post tutorials, answer questions, and share how to get the most out of Logic Pro X. Notice by raising the sustain and release, you can emulate a sustain pedal on the piano. Plug-ins and Sounds. You can run the sample as a loop, and adjust the start and end time. I hope that gave you a good overview of the sampler for Logic Pro X. Question: Q: How Do I Open EXS24 in Pro X. I am running Logic Pro X on a 13' MacBook Pro. Logic Remote lets you use your iPhone or iPad to control Logic Pro X … A Sampler Instrument is the EXS24 file type, which contains one or more audio file. He now also makes awesome weekly tutorials for Logic Pro X! You can achieve mesmerising results with the right application of Live's idiosyncratic audio effect. Hint: If you’re wondering how to sample vocals in Logic Pro X, then this might work for you. There Drive knob adds saturation/overdrive to the signal. If your projects include multiple instances of the EXS24 sampler, use a dedicated hard drive to store EXS24 samples. Just click in the window and drag to select a start and end point. Logic Studio - A subreddit for tutorials, discussions and links about Apple's Logic Pro X and its … Press J to jump to the feed. The display on the top right is where you can load Sampler Instruments. Leave comments if you have EXS24 questions, or would like to see this tutorial expanded. The problem here is that my sample is in the key of G, but EXS24 is going to assume everything is based on a key of C3. Producer and convicted murderer Phil Spector dies, NAMM 2021: Yamaha’s YC Series introduces the YC73 and YC88, Bandcamp opens its vinyl pressing service to independent artists and labels, Arturia collaborates with Noise Engineering for MicroFreak V3, The Big Review: Modal Electronics Cobalt8, Show Off Your Studio: Kartell’s cosy, warm workshop, Show Off Your Studio: Saycet’s synth shop keeps him calm and creative, Gear Of The Year 2020: The best DAWs, hardware instruments, monitors and accessories, Learn how MIDI Humanize can make your virtual instruments sound more realistic, Weekend Workshop: Visualise saturation, clipping and compression, Harness the power of Grain Delay in Ableton Live, Mapping Multisampled Instruments in Logic Pro’s Sampler, The 10 best websites for free music samples in 2021, Iconic Strings: from Bach to Britney – the POPularisation of classic strings, Gift guide 2020: Presents for producers under £150, Cyber Monday 2020: The best software deals for producers. From the Zone menu choose '˜Load Multiple Samples'. We take a look at the speedier way to transform a folder full of samples into a finished instrument. Click in there, and select a sample from the menu. The easiest way to load a sample into the EXS24 is to click the ‘edit’ button in the upper right hand corner and drag and drop an audio file into the edit window from finder or the sample browser in Logic. Most people who work in Logic probably make extensive use of the sample-based Virtual Instruments like the EXS24 … One way to get a vocal chopped effect is to import an audio file of vocals into EXS24. © 2021 MusicTech is a member of the media division of BandLab Technologies. Jay Asher investigates. In Logic Pro, open EXS24, then click on the '˜Edit' button to open the Instrument Editor and from the Instrument menu choose '˜New Instrument'. Likewise, Pitch can be controlled by LFO1, and Relative Velocity can control the modulation intensity. You can see in the image above, the blue strip for the 2nd sample is from F3 all the way to the last note on the keyboard. In the dialog that appears, navigate to the samples you have downloaded (either pack) and select all the samples in the folder. Everyone has their favourite, but this DAW certainly has served us best in 2020. hint: Click the chain symbol between Cutoff and Resonance to control both like an XY pad. ENV1 is used to control the filter over time, and ENV 2 is used for the changes in level over time. Join author Brian Trifon as he shows how to improve music and audio productions using virtual instruments in Logic Pro. EXS24 Upright Pianos. How do I open any of the virtual instruments to edit them etc? (via Synthopia) The Logic Fiends’ Guide to EDM on Logic Pro X, Sonnox Inflator – How to Make Your Music Loud, Attack – the amount of time it takes to reach maximum velocity from the time the key is struck, Decay – the amount of time for the the held note to fall to the sustain level, which has no effect if sustain is set to maximum, Sustain – how long the sound is held or sustained at maximum level, Release – how long the sound takes to decay to zero after the key is released. Next go to Edit, Write Sample Loop to Audio File. In our Logic Pro Tips series, MusicTech’s Logic expert Jono Buchanan breaks down music production on Apple’s professional DAW. DISCLOSURE: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning when you click the links and make a purchase, we receive a commission. This video looks at. With a comprehensive sound set and detailed performance features, has UVI succeeded in creating the ultimate world-encompassing collection? Now when I play the pattern, the notes for E3 and below will play the first sample, and the notes for F3 and above will play the 2nd sample. (note to Apple: please update the Logic sampler interface). Why Logic Pro Rules is a website dedicated to helping you get the best you can out of Apple’s Logic Pro X. Chances are as a Logic Pro user you've used (if not created your own) sampler instruments using the EXS24. EXS24 K-Piano. In the filter section, you can turn on/off the filter, select the cutoff and resonance, as well has High Pass, Low Pass and Band Pass Filters. Producers like Timbaland, Johnny Juliano, Izze The Producer, and Cardo are know for bending their 808's. While Kontakt is considered by many to be best sampler, EXS24 (the sampler for Logic Pro X) has been praised for its ease of use. Other episodes posted so far include: Jono Buchanan is an Apple Certified instructor, with tons of experience under his belt. EXS24 has two envelopes. The slider (green arrow) to the right controls the intensity of the modulation. IMPORT A SAMPLE. You can use the hand tool to grab the highlighted range and drag it left or right to fine tune it. There are 10 modulation routing “channels”. View as : Sort by Add to Cart. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts Logic Pro X, OS X Mavericks (10.9) Posted on Dec 7, 2013 10:47 AM. In Paris, Roche Musique’s pioneer weaves wondrous nu-disco with an arsenal of powerful plug-ins and top-notch monitoring. iZotope has tweaked its flagship vocal-production suite with some new features – but are they worth the asking price? MusicTechHelpGuy 184,098 views. If you are looking to feed your Logic Pro sampler, check out the EXS section at Loopmasters, they have a ginormous selection. You first select what to modulate, by clicking on the down arrow next to the “Dest”, then select which “Src” to use for the modulation. (Logic Fiends recommends doing a Splice Free Trial.). Samplers are useful for re-creating acoustic instruments because you’re playing back recorded audio files. The Logic Pro EXS24 sampler plays audio files known as samples. EXS24 Modulation Routing. EXS24 MkII is a software sampler. Logic Remote Touch and flow. This one is in the key of E, so after I drag it in, I do the same thing as above, and change the key from C3 to E3. Logic Pro X gives you a massive collection of … This course tours the program's virtual instruments, including the ES2 hybrid synthesizer, Sculpture physical modeling synthesizer, EFM1 FM synthesizer, the EVOC 20 vocoder, the Ultrabeat drum synthesizer, and the EXS24 sampler, and shows how to achieve various effects … To use the patches in Logic Pro X's EXS24 Sampler, drag the unzipped folder into: ~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Sampler Instruments. (Sometimes loading Kontakt reminds me of waiting for Windows to boot. Format hard disks, flash drives, or other storage devices used with Logic Pro in the APFS or Mac OS Extended (Journaled) format. It’ll say zone #1. Once in edit mode, just drag an audio file onto the screen. The instrument editor is where you edit sampler instruments. Bending 808's is a style that involves "gliding" from 1 pitch to the next. Granted Kontakt is loaded with libraries, so maybe that’s not quite fair, but something to consider. The Source and Via options are identical and include: As an example, you can have Velocity control the Filter Cutoff, and use LFO1 to control the modulation intensity. While you can record yourself and bounce the region to a wav file, if you’re a male and require a female vocal, then you’re probably better off buying some samples. From the Zone menu choose '˜Load Multiple Samples'. But you can also sample synthetic sounds or mangle acoustic samples until they’re no longer recognizable to create unique sounds with Logic Pro X. Maybe with an ARM port? MacBook Pro 10.8.5 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 6GB Ram - Logic Pro X (10.2) MacMini 10.13.6 2GHz Intel Core i7 16GB Ram - GarageBand 10.4.5 Logic Pro X (10.4.8) iPad Mini iOS 12 - iOS GarageBand 2.0.1 Qosimo X70-A 10.13.6 Intel® Core™ i7-4700MQ Processor 32GB DDR3L 1600MHz memory, 2-500GB 7200rpm hard drives - Logic Pro X (10.4.8) Recently upgraded, Logic Pro X has become very robust and is the DAW of choice for track production by some. In this example I’m using a sample from my pack Warm 808’s I recommenced that you pick them up. We asked you to vote in 13 categories, and our experts have since deliberated on the results. hint: the inv next to Via or Src can be clicked to invert the modulation. First click the looping icon (yellow button above with circular arrows) as this will make it much easier to hear what you are editing. If nothing else, it loads faster and is much more resource efficient. How to Tune 808’s in Logic Pro X Tutorial. Whe I click on the icon it just opens up the Smart Controls - in Logic 9 I could see the whole instruments. Sample Downloads > Logic Pro EXS24 / Sampler Logic Pro EXS24 / Sampler . Hint: Make sure the Pitch box is checked, otherwise the sample won’t change pitch with different keys. 32:28. Fancy yourself as a bit of a Sherlock when it comes to re-connecting missing samples in Logic Pro X's EXS24? It’s the most wonderful time of the year for your plug-in folder. In a reverse of the famous Shakespearean quote, 'I come to praise the EXS24, not to bury it' . Well, take a break from the sleuthing and let Joe Albano show you an easier way! Close the edit window, and you should see the new name listed in the instrument drop down list. Logic Pro X users rejoice! This button was in Logic Pro 9 at the top right next to the 'options' button.. Can anyone help? Here are the winners for our Gear of the Year roundup of the ’20s. Sampler Instruments need to be stored in the following locations to be seen by EXS24: While EXS24 comes with some samples out of the box, you will no doubt want to add more. Sampler uses the same file extension as the EXS24 (.exs) and stores custom software instruments in the same default location as the EXS24 (~/Music/Audio Music Apps/Sampler Instruments). Once loaded, you can click the plus and minus buttons on each side of the panel display to scroll through the instruments. Jono Buchanan shows you how Logic Pro's stock sampler can be used creatively. The Roland System 101 Model 101 Construction Kit comes in versions for both EXS24 and Native Instruments Kontakt. Feeling highly strung about your current project? LFO 3 is a fixed triangular wave, but LFO 1 and LFO 2 can be selected from any of the shapes available from the wave buttons. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to properly tune 808’s in Logic Pro X using EXS24 and Kontakt 5. This allows you to take single hits of a drum loop, for example, and play an entirely new pattern with them. Here, you learn how to use […] Whether you’re looking to surprise the producer in your life or give yourself a festive treat, here are some presents to pop under the tree. I crafted a short tutorial on how to bend 808's with the EXS24 sampler. Here’s what the Steinway Sample sounds like with the filter applied. Live Loops is a dynamic way to create and arrange music … Very frustrating when you are in creative mode and want to get an idea out quickly. Live Loops For spontaneous composition. The fat button only works for Low Pass settings, and is used to thicken up the bass frequencies. We explore how legendary artists incorporated strings into their work, and show you how similar results can be achieved with Orchestral Tools' LA Sessions. You can use the Cutoff knob to select the cutoff frequency, but the slope is set at 12 dB. They will perfect for carrying out what you’ve come here to learn. It plays back audio files, called samples, that you load into it.These samples are combined into tuned, organized collections called sampler instruments.As sampler instruments are based on audio recordings, they are ideally suited to emulating real instruments such as guitars, pianos, and drums. We round up some of our favourite sites for fresh, inspiring samples. We're not robots, so it's time to stop making robot music. This is the Steinway sample with the LFO applied to the modulation routing. Always use a dedicated drive if you use the Virtual Memory option with EXS24. To load a sampler instrument created with EXS24, simply load the instrument from the Library or from the pop-up menu at the top of the Sampler window. Logic Pro gives you a massive collection of plug-ins and sounds to fuel your creativity. LFO 1 has an EG knob that is used to set the fade in and fade out time for the modulation. I agree with Apple when they say that this is the biggest update to Logic Pro X since its launch. More Less. The world’s leading media brand at the intersection of music and technology. There are 10 modulation routing “channels”. The slopes are preset, so to apply a High Pass Filter, click the 12 dB button under HP. While you can enter the start and end times directly, it’s much easier if you can see the wave file to edit. With an addictive appetite for partials, saws and plenty more, Rob Papen’s newly updated soft-synth cuts straight to the heart of your mix. We test its credentials. Our latest Logic Pro Tips video explores the EXS24 sampling instrument within Logic Pro X, and how it can be used to rearrange and repitch audio using note keys and the piano roll. Best of all, it comes with Logic so there’s really no downside to using it. Outside of that, he also produces and composes for various projects and writes reviews for MusicTech magazine too. Go play. hint: the b/p next to Dest can be clicked to bypass each modulation routing. Feb 19, 2017 In this video, Echo Sound Works takes you through some of the best alternatives to the EXS24. In this article Mike Watkinson explores a trusted way Then click the speaker icon next to the loop button to play the edited sample. They are both useable as sources in the router. Once you are happy with it. $0.00 Add to Cart. Logic's EXS24 is still a powerful sampler and completely integrated into Logic Pro. You first select what to modulate, by clicking on the down arrow next to the “Dest”, then select which “Src” to use for the modulation. When selected, an orange arrow will appear with the green arrow, and these can be used to set the min and max of the modulation intensity. The Sampler Instrument contains stored data, like keyboard mappings, and audio file names, but the audio files themselves are not stored in the Sampler Instrument. Many top DJ/Producers have used it (Nicky Romero, Armin Van Buuren.) Similarly the Band Pass is set at 12 dB. For Zone #1 (the first sample,) I clicked in the “Hi” cell, and dragged it down to E3, and for Zone #2 I clicked in the “Lo” cell, and dragged up to F3. The slider (green arrow) to the right controls the intensity of the modulation. In Logic Pro X, in EXS24, where is the EDIT button? Mix engineer, producer, and Logic fanatic. If you want to know how to pitch up a sample in Logic, click in the “Key” column where it says C3, and drag it up until it says G3. The ever‑growing Sound Library is also a powerful source of inspiration, thanks to Patches that allow for rich layers of instruments and effects — and Smart Controls that let you easily shape any sound. Add to Compare | Add to Wishlist. My unscientific experiment showed EXS24 loading in “1 Mississippi” and Kontakt took “9 Mississippis”. MusicTech’s Logic Pro expert, Jono Buchanan, uses a drum loop to demonstrate how the EXS24 can chop up audio files and reassign each transient to a different key. He’s a professor in Guildhall’s Electronic Music Department, teaching BMus Year 2 Dance Music project for Electronic Music’s Principal study course. This is what it sounds like with the Vocal. Logic Pro Video Tutorials. This is what the Steinway Sample sounds like. Add to Compare | Add to Wishlist. Create your instrument In Logic Pro, open EXS24, then click on the '˜Edit' button to open the Instrument Editor and from the Instrument menu choose '˜New Instrument'. This is useful if you have a sample with a long tail of silence or reverb that you want to cut off. What this means is that when you play C3, it’s really sounding a G. This may not be a big deal, but if you’re trying to do something melodic, and you hit the C key expecting to hear a C, but G comes out instead, it’ll be confusing, or throw off your melody. Logic Pro X‘s EXS24 boasts some useful features to slice up audio with.Once sliced, the audio can be assigned to different notes as MIDI data, available for you to play back in your own way. If you rotate the knobs to the left, the values oscillate freely, but if you want them locked to the tempo, rotate them to the left. Logic Pro X is another popular DAW developed by Apple for use on MACs. Flagship vocal-production suite with some new features – but are they worth the asking price to import an file. In creative mode and want to get a vocal chopped effect is to drag the blue strip to the button... 24 dB slope options in 2020 versatility contribute to its popularity the attack Curve a finished instrument take the out. The plus and minus buttons on each side of the modulation stop making robot music Pro sampler check... Full of samples into a finished instrument a comprehensive Sound set and detailed performance features, has UVI in... 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