Poetry helps in language development, creative language skills, creativity, writing skills, self-expression, and in the development of natural rhythms. In this blog, I described how poetry can be used at the start of the year to learn about where students come from and who they are. Is it really that important? If you’re looking for ways to get your kids excited about a poem or a work of poetry, you can find helpful ideas here. It takes us to other worlds. But, by the time we’re adults, something has happened to our love of poetry. If you’re thinking ahead to those SAT verbal scores, as a college educator, I recommend poetry over SAT prep classes any day of the week. So we start out loving poetry but end up disliking it. My husband writes poetry, and we read poetry regularly. Boys, too. Tap here to turn on desktop notifications to get the news sent straight to you. Research shows that young children prefer funny, silly, or whimsical poems, but poetry preferences will change as children grow older. “Poetry enables teachers to teach their students how to write, read, and understand any text. It isn't a hiding place. Part of HuffPost News. Recognizing poetic … It turns out that there are some important developmental benefits of poetry for children. Use fun, informative poems as a mentor text for your students. If you are reluctant to teach poe… Reason #1: Poetry helps us know each other and build community. William Butler Yeats said this about poetry: "It is blood, imagination, intellect running together...It bids us to touch and taste and hear and see the world, and shrink from all that is of the brain only." It is a finding place.". It is a way to help instill the English language in a very non-intimidating way. “poetry slams are cool,” I know that teaching poetry requires a commitment that is intrinsically rewarding-for teachers and for students of all ages. Through rhymes and poems, children learn to recognize patterns, and through patterns, they learn to understand what a sequence is, both of which help with learning math skills later. It stretches your linguistic faculties in ways that pay off later. Below are selected verses from longer poems by five students that reflect the range of ability in my class. Poetry teaches us how to live. So many writers avoid writing poetry. Poems are a fun way for students to learn and collect new facts. Poem of the week activitiescan be easily implemented to strengthen language arts lessons. Reading and writing poetry also helps students to become more aware of the ways in which language can be used and the rhythms, images and meanings that can be created. Relationship Between Poetry, Numbers Studies also show a relationship between poetry and numbers. So far this year, my 12th grade literature students have read nearly 200,000 words for my class. This post includes five reasons to teach poetry in the classroom. History has been told, legends passed down, and faith strengthened by simple poems written by passionate people. 10 poetry unit explored in this article, involved the personal experiences of students juxtaposed to Australian history, Australian poets and students’ evolving sense of self. This is a shame — not just because poetry is important to teach, but also because poetry is important for the So, in our house, poetry is important. Find those poems that communicate with the deepest parts of your being and welcome them in. Reading and writing poetry is good for you. As a parent, I didn’t want my children to have the same kinds of negative experiences with poetry that I did. Poetry is one of the most universal vehicles of human expression, and one of the most important of all written media for describing experiences. Working creatively with sentence structures helps improve writing skills and creative thinking, and poetry is the perfect genre for introducing creative and interesting vocabulary to children. Sometimes, the most powerful word choice is choosing no words at all. If you don't already have these two books, get them now! It can add additional value to our studies. Visit this Edutopia article for more ideas. The program was recently brought to the NSW Southern Highlands where students were taught to compose poems in the Gundungurra language to coincide with World Poetry Day. Why Is poetry Important to our community? All of us, as both parents and teachers, can work to bring poetry to life for children and make sure children don’t end up with strong negative experiences with poetry. Most likely, children are having some negative experiences with poetry in school and are not getting enough positive experiences with poetry anywhere else. Reason #3: Poetry opens venues for speaking and listening, much neglected domains of a robust English Language Arts curriculum. I'm a primary (elementary) school teacher in Australia so some of my studies at university involved learning about how children learn to read. 1. To Deepen Your Understand of Language. So as a reader, we must do the same. Don't deconstruct it or try to make meaning of it. Poetry is an ancient art form and dates back to the first human civilization in … It asks us to celebrate language for its beauty and strangeness. In fact, a recent survey indicated that Americans’ number one fear is public speaking. Contrary to popular belief amongst kids, boys get really into poetry when brought in through rhythm and rhyme. (This is not quite so true for genres such as nonfiction text that get a lot of airtime these days.). As noted in this piece from NY Magazine, poetry reading and interpretation demand analysis and critical thinking, important skills for all of us. All rights reserved. Poetry can allow kids to paint sketches of their lives, using metaphor, imagery and symbolic language to describe painful experiences, or parts of themselves that they're not ready to share. Reason #1: Poetry helps us know each other and build community. The importance of poetry in today’s literary society is substantially important because it has an ability to express the thoughts and emotions of a writer through flowing words. No question about it. A final suggestion about bringing poetry into your lives: don't analyze it, don't ask others to analyze it. Founder of parenting blog, "Pajamas, Books, and Chickens", Sign up for membership to become a founding member and help shape HuffPost's next chapter. Although the support is specific to our collection, the general approach and strategies can be applied to any work of poetry you hope to help your kids enjoy. As parents, we may know that reading is important but not stop to think about the value of poetry. Why should teaching poetry matter at all? However, it is a powerful instructional tool and an important art to study at any age. Think spoken word and poetry slams. As parents, we may know that reading is important but not stop to think about the value of poetry. Reading poetry everyday serves this purpose of exercising mind. April is National Poetry Month. Today is National Voter Registration Day! To my mind, poetry is the complete package. You can give students a bubble map or other graphic organizer to collect facts they hear in the poem. Students should be exposed to this form of art and they should be allowed to experiment with writing poetry, as well. As has happened for others, poetry became associated with the stress of public speaking for me. On this topic, Jeanette Winterson, a poet and writer, says this: "...When people say that poetry is a luxury, or an option, or for the educated middle classes, or that it shouldn't be read in school because it is irrelevant, or any of the strange and stupid things that are said about poetry and its place in our lives, I suspect that the people doing the saying have had things pretty easy. Rethinking Schools also has fantastic resources: Edutopia® and Lucas Education Research™ are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. Poetry can inspire nonfiction writing. In this blog, I described how poetry can be used at the start of the year to learn about where students come from and who they are. I tell the kids the most important thing about poetry is that people feel differently after reading it.” Let me start with this: We need poetry. April is National Poetry Month, inaugurated by the Academy of American Poets to celebrate poetry and its vital role in American culture.The academy sponsors events such as the star-studded Poetry & the Creative Mind Gala (April 17 at Lincoln Center in New York City) and mass-appeal activities like Poem in Your Pocket Day (April 18), when everyone is encouraged to carry a poem. However, reading it emotionally allows the nuances and paradoxes to enter our understanding. Here are five reasons why we need poetry in our schools. Poetry’s strength lies in its ability to shed a “sideways” light on the world, so the truth sneaks up on you. Find the poems that wake you up, that make you feel as if you've submerged yourself in a mineral hot spring or an ice bath; find the poems that make you feel (almost) irrational joy or sadness or delight. Read It Often. Children really do benefit from positive experiences with poetry. Every society is measured by the extent to which it has high culture. ©2021 Verizon Media. Reason #5: Poetry builds resilience in kids and adults; it fosters Social and Emotional Learning. But why should we be worried about children’s experiences with poetry? Poetry Is defined as a work of literacy at which special Intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm. That’s where the practicality of poetry comes in. Poetry is a unique literary art form that has been written and read for millenia. When reciting poetry students are given the freedom to express feelings to their audience. Poetry forces you to search the language for the perfect word. Poetry Lessons to Meet the Common Core State Standards: A teachers’ guide.. I don’t know where you stand on public speaking, but most people fear it. Poetry can teach facts. Poetry allows kids to put language to use-to make it serve a deep internal purpose, to break rules along the way (grammar, punctuation, capitalization -- think of e.e. Young children -- babies and preschoolers included -- may not understand all the words or meaning, but they'll feel the rhythms, get curious about what the sounds mean and perhaps want to create their own. Repeating rhymes also impacts kids’ physical deve lopment. Since this was a common poetry experience for me and I didn’t have enough positive experiences with poetry, I just began to dislike poetry. It starts by helping children find poetry they enjoy. Reason #4: Poetry has space for English Language Learners. This message takes on different tones, playing out the different emotions of being humorous to being defeated to being furious or to being loving It can be taught as part of reading, writing, and language lessons, and it fits easily into classroom themes, projects, and celebrations. “Poetry ignites students to think about what it’s like to share their opinion, be heard, and make a difference in their world,” Southerton said. 06/26/2011 04:53 pm ET Updated Aug 26, 2011 In the last few years I have spent much of my time writing books on poetry. High school seniors Sam and Catherine will tell you what they have gotten ou… It is a creative piece of writing that often has meanings and messages that appear hidden. We can gain insight that had evaded us many times, that gives us new understanding and strength. Research has also concluded that teaching students poetry offers measurable results in a wide set of linguistic domains. Reading it logically results in an overall comprehension, rigid and unchanging. Older students benefit from the language study and attention to detail that both the poems and the students’ responses demand; poetry’s rhythms and rhymes attract younger students to Why does it matter that children enjoy poetry? Poetry has a place in our curriculum. An 8th grader: “Poetry lets kids break into a whole new level of deep thought, leading them to be more open-minded, thoughtful, creative and expressive. “Students can let go of traditional writing rules with poetry. Literacies and poetry What, then, is so important or distinct about poetry as a form of writing? Before our son could walk, I was reading him poems about bugs, and my husband shares his favorite children’s poems, such as Edward Lear’s “The Jumblies” and Lewis Carroll’s “Jabberwocky” with our son. Poetry is a way to understand how language and symbol systems work. Poetry is so important because it helps us understand and appreciate the world around us. Because poems defy rules, poetry can be made accessible for ELLs -- poems can be easily scaffolded and students can find ways of expressing their voices while being limited in their vocabulary. Poetry is a form of expression that we all seem to love as young children. Poetry Collections. Poetry is a crucial part of our cultural inheritance. I'm also a mum of three young adults who, to my surprise, learned to read easily and fairly quickly with very little in the way of formal instruction. 6. Poetry is one of those topics that often gets dismissed as whimsical and unimportant. Poetry promotes literacy, builds community, and fosters emotional resilience. This dislike turned into downright fear when I had a professor in college insist on his interpretations of poetry and anything else would be “an F answer,” which he would yell at students in front of the rest of the class. Making poetry available and fun for children is an important part of a child’s education. A tough life needs a tough language - and that is what poetry is. Poetry is important for children, and poetry is good for adults as well. Studying poetry can help students to expand their oral and written vocabularies. Poetry is an art form which uses the beauty and rhythm of language to produce emotions in a reader. In an age of increasing divisiveness, this is a hugely important education. cummings) and to find voice, representation, community perhaps. If you are a poetry advocate already, I hope you gain some additional insight and ideas to strengthen your program. This post was published on the now-closed HuffPost Contributor platform. Reason #2: When read aloud, poetry is rhythm and music and sounds and beats. Anyone who writes poetry can attest, you have to write it with an open heart. Just to add a little perspective, fear of clowns is number eleven on the list. If you need to flag this entry as abusive. Bring some poetry into your hearts, homes, classrooms and schools. Here is why reading poetry is good for you: First of all, poetry is emotional. What Is Poetry & Why Is It Important? What’s happening along the way that’s changing the way we feel about poetry? Poetry is that gift, so I want to end with a present from some of my students here in China. We made it easy for you to exercise your right to vote. And since pretty much every time we studied poetry in junior high school, a teacher would make me memorize and recite in front of the class, poetry began to equal stress for me. It can cross boundaries that little else can. Why is Poetry Important for Learning to Read? Shared in this way, poetry brings audience, authentic audience, which motivates reluctant writers (or most writers, for that matter) . 16 years after enjoying a high school literary education rich in poetry, I am a literature teacher who barely teaches it. Reading original poetry aloud in class can foster trust and empathy in the classroom … 5. It took me years to learn to love poetry again, and now that I read poetry and can enjoy it, my life is enriched. Why Poetry Is Necessary. Creatures of Earth, Sea, and Sky: Nature poems for early readers.. For Teaching Poetry. It lets us into other minds. Find the poems that make you want to roll around in them or paint their colors all over your bedroom ceiling. Children really do benefit from positive experiences with poetry. Sing rhymes will change as children grow older to think about the value poetry., creativity, writing skills, creativity, writing skills, creativity, writing skills, creativity, skills. Age of increasing divisiveness, this is a hugely important education students can also learn the underappreciated importance silence. 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