Skyrim: The 15 Best Light Armor Sets, Ranked. It only weighs 10 points so it’s also a really lightweight option. 12. So, I'm about to start a new playthrough and I'm looking for any lore friendly armor mods/ armor bundles. Muffle the boots, and with the investment into the light armor and the sneak skills you can make yourself hard to detect even if your character wears Dragonscale armor. It offers 85 points of protection with a weight of just 16! However the features and attributes of the boots, gloves, and hood are better than their lookalikes. RELATED: 10 Craziest Quests In Skyrim (& Where To Find Them). The game’s essential story turns around the player’s character, the Dragonborn, on their main goal to smash Alduin, the World-Eater, a determined beast to obliterate the world. This page contains information on available Light Armor in Skyrim. This is some of the best looking light armor Skyrim. If you’re into the Thieves’ Guild then this next choice won’t surprise you much. I'm going to play as a male nord archer. A complete set with a shield will bump the player's armor from over 100, to 103. That’s why many Skyrim players prefer using sets of light armor. It's the best armor set in terms of pure protection for light armor characters. It will still give protection, somewhat. Light and quick on one’s feet, light armor is the second type of armor in the world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Newer Than: A full set of it with a shield included will provide 85 armor rating, which is pretty close to low-end heavy armor ratings. However, you may also get your hands on this set of armor by getting it as random loot. Loot his corpse and you'll get your hands on this lovely unique set, which totals to a 60 armor rating. To get your hands on this, you need to have the Dawnguard DLC, and you'll need to beat Arch-Curate Vyrthur during the quest Touching the Sky. Rislav the Righteous 4. This category lists all of the light armor helmets in the game of Skyrim.These are all the items that are worn on the head, increase your armor rating, and are governed by the Light Armor skill. ; Skyrim-Clothing-Hoods lists clothing that can be worn on the head in place of armor. Light armor is particularly good for players who want to remain agile and prefer playing sneaky or quick characters from range. The Dragonscale armor set makes its way to this spot because it’s far easier to craft than glass, and it’s one of the best sets of light armor in the entire game. Thx in advance :) On top of that, it can be crafted if the player has level 70 Smithing and the Glass Smithing perk. This is a pretty good trade-off to be honest so it’s one of my personal favorite choices. The Ancient Falmer Armor has a pretty unique appearance that almost seems to combine an Ebony armor set and an Elven armor set. It defends for a grand total of 111 points with a shield, and 82 points without one. I did it, finally after long last I have catered to your needs. Locating the set can be quite difficult, as it is a rare find as random loot in chests, and only becomes available at level 50. And though it is extremely heavy, it will protect you from all kinds of foes including the mightiest of dragons. Basically it’s the same as for the stealth archer. Now I realize there’s no “best way” to decide what the best set is. 1. A full Forsworn armor set can be looted off of most Forsworn members at any camp located in the Reach. This skin-tight armor set is granted to those who join the ranks of the Dark Brotherhood. Deathbrand Armor is arguably the best armor in the game - certainly if you don't have max-level Smithing and Enchanting skills. Light armor might not be as protective as its heavy counterpart, but it lets you move swiftly while still getting some defense boosts. Included in the Dragonborn DLC, this armor can be found in different locations around Solstheim, but it can also be crafted if the Elven Smithing perk is unlocked and the player has Smithing level 30.+. For something truly unique, but still well within the theme of Skyrim's wilds, there's Forsworn armor. RELATED: 5 Best Bethesda Games (And 5 Worst), According To Metacritic. It can also be crafted if the Steel Smithing perk is unlocked. 2. Anyway, a battle mage tends to be heavy armor, and use magic THEN a weapon. The Thieves Guild is one of the best factions to join if you're looking to grab two sets of unique light armors for the price of one quest line. Thanks. The armor itself looks exactly like Linwe’s Armor using the same in-game skin. While it's usually overlooked by most players as not being good enough due to its significantly lower armor rating, light armor does have its own perks. Eh, maxing out light armor skill without crafting will give at most 200 plus (less than 300) armor rating even for dragonscale (most other unimproved light will die at the mid 200 rating). Even during the early stages of the game. Mod Highlights 3. 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Every Call Of Duty Game Released In The Last Decade, Ranked By The Strength Of Their Multiplayer Maps, Skyrim: The 15 Best Light Armor Sets, Ranked, 5 Best Bethesda Games (And 5 Worst), According To Metacritic, 10 Craziest Quests In Skyrim (& Where To Find Them), The Elder Scrolls 6: 5 Lessons It Can Learn From Skyrim (& 5 It Can Learn From Oblivion), Skyrim: 5 Creation Club Mods That Are Worth It (& 5 That Aren't), Skyrim: 5 Of The Best Areas (& 5 That Are Just Terrible), Skyrim: 10 Hilarious Memes Only True Dragonborn Understand, 10 Craziest Glitches In Skyrim (& Why They Happen), Super Smash Bros. For actual stats: this set comes with a defense boost of 69 points and weighs only 12 points. Yet the headpiece of this set is what really makes it so darn cool. It's common among Stormcloak members, as well as bandits in the wild. My aim is to bring you quality content so you can get the best out of your games and take your experience to the next level! You’ll be thrilled to complete the set. I’ve chosen heavy armor only, light armor shields aren’t really worth using for any play-style. One of the most basic and earliest armors available, hide armor in Skyrim is extremely easy to find both in loot and at shops. You will receive a special set of Nightingale armor during the Thieves’ Guild questline and its powers depend on your level when they receive it. Enchantment: Magicka regenerates 125% faster. So killing them will be an easy way to get your hands on this basic armor set. You’ll notice that Forsworn armor feels like an aesthetic variation of the base-game leather armor. So it’s worth looking around if you want some mid-level light armor. 5 Dragonplate Armour One of the notorious armour sets that dominate the world of Skyrim, the Dragonplate set is talked about for a reason. This set is completely unique. Not only will you eventually have the Guild Master's armor, but you'll also get one of the coolest-looking light armor sets in the entire game: the Nightingale set. 2. Get your copy of the Skyrim Legendary Guide today! It can't be crafted, but it can eventually be upgraded with some moonstone ore. It’s sturdy and also generally the best set of armor for thieves in Skyrim, as it increases your carrying capacity up 50 points, makes picking locks 35% easier, it gives a 35% boost for pickpocketing, and it also makes everything you but a whopping 20% cheaper. These robes are heavily detailed. I’ll be going through the 10 best shields in Skyrim for this list. The armor can be upgraded with Void Salts, and when the full set is worn it totals to an armor rating of 69. The set itself can be looted from guards, but you may also directly purchase it from Gunmar at any time during the game. It definitely has Skyrim written all over it, but sadly it's among the weakest armors in the game. If you buy something we may get a small commission at no extra cost to you. This set of armor is traditionally worn by the Nightingale themselves who are followers of Nocturnal, the Daedric Prince. Here are the 15 best armor enchantments, ranked. The full set will grant the player an armor rating of 53. With a shield, the player can expect to have an armor rating of 108 when wearing the full set. To get your hands on this, you'll need to not only finish the main quest for the Thieves Guild but also restore the guild to its former glory by running a few jobs for Delvin and Vex. what is the best. 15 Best Light Armor Sets in Skyrim. The Shouded sets (including clothes, and the Jesters') are the best for sneaky types, and come with a unique, not availibly anywhere else enchantment to double backstab damage (with 1 handed weapons.) The Dragonscale Armor set is the best armor in the game, but, it takes quite a while to acquire, which makes the Deathbrand Armor the next best thing. And you can only do that after progressing far enough in the Solstheim story. Maestro. While the game is heavily scaled in favor of a fighter who wields a two-handed weapon, there are quite a few cool and unique light armors you can get to boost your build. After joining the Nightingales and doing Nocturnal's bidding, you'll be gifted with this set late into the Thieves Guild main quest. As you can probably tell from all the features I listed! Linwe’s Armor can be obtained during the Summerset Shadows quest and it’s a great item for assassins and thieves. Even though Skyrim’s light armor comes with some setbacks, it is still the best choice to start a new character. Skyrim Fast Leveling Light Armor Posted on December 6, 2011 by auluftwaffles Light armor takes ages to level up in the normal way, but I have found a trick to it that will let you level up light armor without even having to be at you computer/console. It’s slightly stronger than its hide counterpart and it’s arguably far better looking. It's fairly common to find in loot around level 36 or even lower. With a lighter weight, this set has some of the best-weighted stats in the game. However it’s a good option to wear after killing the assassins in the Ashfallow Citadel – especially if you’re unable to find a better set in the early game. In fact, some alternate versions estimate its base armor rating to be around 72, but the basic version is still 58. Scaled armor, when wearing a full set, will grant the player with an armor rating of roughly 64. You’ll start finding parts of the set as random loot once you hit level 50, but again this will take a little while so you’ll have to be patient. It looks exactly like the regular shrouded armor set but it has a ton of effects directly enchanted on it. The powerful Nigthingale set of armor comes with a bunch of effects as well as a total defense value of almost 70 points, weighing 18 on its own. During the early game, many bandits and thieves use hide armor as their main protective wear. Oghma Infinium – choosing the \"Path of the Thief\" increases all thief-oriented skills by 5, including Light Armor 6. After the faction is joined, this set will appear pretty often and other variations become available as well. The Ancient Shrouded Armor gives you a base defensive value of 72 points and it only weighs an incredible 7.5 points. It’s an ideal set for thieves and one of the best overall light armor sets in the game considering the defense to weight ratio. The legendary Ancient Falmer Armor can be obtained by slaying the Arch-Curate Vythur during the quest “Touching the Sky”. But it’s understandable that getting your hands on the right piece of light armor can be quite difficult. Taking this into consideration, we give you some examples that can increase your potential in Skyrim. Armor: 20. A set of Chitin armor can be obtained only with the Dragonborn DLC. There are some mild perks to joining the Imperial Legion, one of which is getting one's hands on the Imperial Light Armor. Most stores will also have pieces of it in their inventories. But given its rarity, design, and fit for a variety of classes, I think this armor deserves a spot in this list. The lighter weight allows for the carrying of multiple suits of armor, each fine-tuned for specific enemies and situations, without drastically taking up encumbrance (6 full sets of elven armor weigh slightly more than 1 full set of steel armor). Slaying these people isn’t particularly difficult so you can get your hands on a set of Forsworn armor quite easily. It shares the same characteristics as the game’s glass armor set, but it only weighs 13 points. This armor’s appearance isn’t quite unique on its own, as it resembles the thieves’ armor worn by members of the Guild. Jornibret's Last Dance 3. It’s an incredibly useful mod if you want to be able to see your characters face at all time. Ice and Chitin 2. Now this mod doesn’t actually add any new armor to Skyrim. It’s an incredible armor set for assassins and ranged attackers, as it increases your resistance to poison, increases the damage of your sneak and bow attacks, and it helps you move more silently throughout the night. It doesn’t provide much protection but by wearing this light armor you send a message to anyone that sees it that you will not be taking any crap from any imperial over lords.. Another base game light armor, scaled armor is easy to find in loot or even on the corpses of most bandits. Less noisy, making sneaking easier. It's also easier to upgrade with just leather. This also begins showing up at various locations around Solstheim (mainly as random drops) once you hit level 35. Also, whats... a spellsword ? A full set of fur armor will total at 44 armor rating, making it the lowest in the game, but decent at the beginning. Advantages: 1. NEXT: Skyrim: 10 Hilarious Memes Only True Dragonborn Understand. This light armor set defends for 78.5 points and only weighs a total of 13. Not to be confused with the Morag Tong armor, the Chitin armor has a similar appearance with a more reddish coloring. This armor can be acquired pretty much instantly in the game as the Dragonborn escapes Helgen. The Dragonscale Armor is, hands down, the best light armor in the game. Enjoy! This page contains information on available Light Armor in. Wearing it as a full set provides the player with tons of cool buffs including an … As the light version of the iconic Dragonplate armor, this is the look many people imagine when they think about Skyrim. Its crafting recipe calls for Netch leather, Chitin plate and iron ingot. Glass might sound like a weak crafting ingredient, but in Skyrim, glass armor is the third-best light armor available. Fur armor, in terms of immersion, is probably the best-looking armor in the game. From unique variants to armor that can be crafted easily, here are five additional great picks when it comes to light armor sets. This might actually be the single lightest piece of armor in all of Skyrim! The full set of Imperial Light Armor along with a shield will give its wearer an armor rating of 68. The Dragonscale armor set makes its way to this spot because it’s far easier to craft than glass, and it’s one of the best sets of light armor in the entire game. Talk about some serious boosts! Dragonbone Ebonsteel Armor is one of the most beautiful sets on the list. The recipe calls for Stalhrim, leather strips, steel ingots and quicksilver ingots. The Stalhrim set can be obtained after completing the quest “A New Source of Stalhrim” in the Dragonborn DLC. Though I'm not a fan of the name of the armor set, Deathbrand Armor is a solid set of protection. 10. Does anyone know what the best light armor is. Updated on November 24th, 2020 by Anastasia Maillot: Stealth archers are one of the most popular builds in the game after a generic tanky character, and more and more players are actually getting interested in building a powerful light armor character build. The good thing about fur armor is that it's available easily and at the beginning of the game. Fur Armor differs from the hide set as it cannot be crafted, which means that you’ll have to find it by looting or killing. It’s worn by members of the Dawnguard in The Elder Scrolls: Dawnguard DLC. The base defense damage of this set stands at 60 points so it’s also not the strongest to protect against. This post may contain affiliate links. Ancient Shrouded Armor. Need I say more? By the name you can probably guess where to find this set. The full set of the light armor will provide the player with an armor rating of 61, which is pretty decent for light armor. Various NPCs in Solstheim will sell the armor, but it will also be included in loot around level 35. This armor can rarely be found in loot, which is why crafting it is usually the better option. RELATED: Skyrim: 5 Creation Club Mods That Are Worth It (& 5 That Aren't). It can't be crafted, but being fairly easy to find, it's a great addition to any assassin character's closet. If its an unique id love to know where it is. With over 30 apparel enchantments available, Skyrim players are spoiled for choice. You’ll need to complete the Deathbrand quest if you wish to obtain this legendary set of armor, which was worn by a pirate in the days of old. Lighter and less movement penalty. Stormcloak armor. So there’s a few places to get it but also not the easiest set to acquire. When worn with a shield, the full set will give the player an armor rating of 55, just a bit better than the Morag Tong assassin's armor, and is available in the base game. The Morag Tong armor is just a variant of the Chitin armor used by the Morag Tong assassins. The recipe calls for Corundum ingot, leather, leather strips and steel ingot. November 3, 2020 by Sourav Yadav. READ: Best Light Armor Sets in Skyrim. Targe of the Blooded. Have a look at the attributes for each piece if you want to see what they offer(hint: great for archers!). 4. It’s certainly a bit heavier than others but it also offers some extra features. Video games, movies, TV shows, cartoons, anime, toys, comics, and so much more. Sets of hide armor can be found all across the region so just roaming around Skyrim will probably see you stumbling onto dozens people wearing it. Fun content on everything pop culture. Light armor may have a bad reputation in Skyrim, but it has its perks, particularly for players looking to be sneaky and stealthy. Related categories are: Skyrim-Armor-Helmets Heavy lists the heavy armor helmets. At least that's my understanding. This can be found in the Dragonborn DLC and fits quite well on almost any play style. A spellsword tends to wear light armor, and use a weapon THEN magic. A one-stop shop for all things video games. Stormcloak genral armor. The recipe requires refined moonstone, refined malachite, leather and leather strips. It offers the same defensive points as well as the same weight, but it does look different and it can only be found by killing members of the Forsworn. Top 15 Best Skyrim Armor Mods 2019 You Must Use. It can actually be found in light or heavy form, but its light form protects a total of 78.5 points and it just weighs 13 points on its own. Vampire Royal Armor (Light): Body. Hide Armor is probably the first type of light armor that you’ll come across. This is a unique one. The Ancient Shrouded Armor gives you a base defensive value of 72 points and it only weighs an incredible 7.5 points. Light Armor has the best selection in pre-enchanted gear. But since these pieces come with attributes you’ll need an Arcane Blacksmith if you wish to upgrade the set. But seriously, you’ll want to get that shield. With upgrades, a set of fur armor can be improved to a degree. It offers a very solid defensive value of 61 with a weight of just 10 points, making it one of the lightest sets of armor in the game. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition > General Discussions > Topic Details. The only issue with this set is that it doesn’t have a helmet, so I’d recommend using a regular hide helmet during the early game. Helmet Toggle. Tea lover and video game obsessed writing enthusiast with her very own Overwatch team, Anastasia writes about games that leave an impression on her and make her come back time and time again. :) < > Showing 1-15 of 20 comments . 15. However, if finding it proves difficult, the player can also craft one provided their Smithing is at level 50 and they have the Advanced Armors perk unlocked. 4. Now Dawnguard armor is one of the best wears for a mid-level warrior who likes to look slick in his outfit. With a shield included, the set rates at around 111, making it decent even for heavy armor standards. Note: If you’re playing Skyrim Special Edition, you already own all DLCs. Light and quick on one's feet, light armor is the second type of armor in the world of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Skyrim armor: The best armor in Skyrim to craft and wear By Cian Maher 03 September 2019 There's plenty of Skyrim armor variants to be found and made in the game, and this is how you get the very best Dragonscale Armor is the light version of the Dragonplate armor. Oh the irony. Keep in mind, however, that the stats of the set are always the same regardless of its aesthetic characteristics. Armor- guild master armor (epic) Gloves- linwes gloves (epic) Boots- nightingale boots (legendary) Weapons- ebony dagger enchant are absorb health and frost damage Ebony bow paralyze and frost damage Light armor is at 100 and all u need is 4/5 armor and 100 sneak with all perks also if u want 2-4/5 one archery all perks Nov 10, 2016 @ 12:39am What is the best light armor? Some sets of armor are better suited to assassins and thieves, while others seem like the perfect fit for warriors who don’t want to feel clunky & hunkered down. If you can get your hands on this then definitely do it. Players who have the Dragonborn DLC installed might recognize this as the Chitin armor. The Rear Guard 5. It definitely has Skyrim written all over it, but sadly it's among the weakest armors in the game. Location: [DG.09] Castle Volkihar Ruins. The following books provide a permanent one level up to Light Armor upon the first time reading. I tend to avoid mods like immersive armors due to the fact, that It's cost me quite some crashes. It's also available for anyone to craft regardless of Smithing skill level, and requires leather, as well as leather strips. Dragonscale Armor is undoubtedly one of Skyrim’s best light armor sets, with an immense base armor level and a powerful shield to accompany it, too. Best Light Armor Sets. With a protective base value of 55 for the whole set, it’s quite a solid option to get started in your adventures as it only weighs 13 points in total. The set isn’t particularly special as it resembles the Chitin set in almost every feature bar the defensive stats and weight. With the right perks unlocked from the skill tree, wearing a full set of light armor also grants some incredible bonuses. It cannot be crafted nor can you obtain it with ease, but it offers a solid level of protection at 72 points defense with a weight of just 13. As we've mentioned, Light Armor functions best for sword 'n' shield players, archers, and stealthy players. Best Armor for Thief Archer. 1. I prefer light armor, but heavy can do it too. It's another armor set that's fairly easy to find even early on in the game, although it's generally not advised to challenge some of the Forsworn camps at lower levels due to Briarhearts. Not only does it protect you from damage but it also increases your stamina as well as your sneaking skill, your one-handed attack damage, and your bow damage. However you need to complete the Under New Management quest before you can get your hands on this set. That being said, the addition of Deathbrand Armor in the Dragonborn DLC has introduced the 'Deathbrand' playstyle for Light Armor wearers, meaning duel-wielding is finally a very valid option without requiring Heavy Armor for protection. It's not too bad, but this can mean you are taking double damage or even triple damage compared to a max crafted set. So I’ve compiled my list of light armor sets for you to look through and decide for yourself. If that sounds like you, the Dragonscale Armor may be your best bet. It gives you a ton of boosts to stamina, carrying capacity, and damage, and it also allows you to breathe underwater. The helmet is the skull of a dead animal and it should make any Dragonborn look quite fearsome. It seems to suit players who love an aggressive playstyle, so thieves might want to keep reading this list since I don’t think the fur set will work for them. RELATED: Skyrim: 5 Of The Best Areas (& 5 That Are Just Terrible). The go-to source for comic book and superhero movie fans. Instead, it allows you to toggle hats, helmets, hoods and any head items with the press of a single button. This is both good and bad for a few reasons. If the Daedric kind had a light armor, it would probably be something better than this one, but unfortunately light armor wearers will have to make due. Bethesda Game Studios created a computer game Skyrim, distributed by Bethesda Softworks. Search titles only; Posted by Member: Separate names with a comma. Finally, the best light armor of the game is undoubtedly the Dragonscale armor. While it’s heavier than other light armor on this list, Dragonscale brings your defense to a serious 82. For the player looking to jump straight into it, level 40 is when the armour starts appearing in the regular world. Learn more: read the Top 10 Inventory Items: Enchantments. Visit Mod. It can be obtained in the region of Solstheim, or it can be obtained by killing Reavers or by visiting Glover Mallory’s house. Born in the first half of the 90s, video games have been a part of my life ever since I was introduced to Age of Empires I by my dad. 10. The Dawnguard DLC introduces players to a new faction that fights the rise of the Volkihar vampires. Just note it might be more for appearance’s sake than anything else. I do not own the pictures or music used in this video. Forsworn Armor However, the darker coloring on the face actually reveals it to be Morag Tong assassin attire, which can be looted off an assassin in Solstheim or found in Ashfallow Citadel. This is light armor only. I'm a Mass Communications graduate with a specialization in Marketing, as well as a hardcore gamer. At Smithing level 100 and with the Dragon Armor perk unlocked, the player will be able to craft a full set using Dragon Scale. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Level 80 Smithing and the Ebony Smithing perk are a must to craft one from scratch. Stalhrim is a new ore introduced in the Dragonborn DLC, and allows for the creation of both a new heavy and light armor set. On Nov 25, 2020 9:20 am, by NuclearCoffee. It's usually enchanted with powerful boosts to abilities used by assassins and thieves alike. Skyrim: The 15 Best Armor Enchantments, Ranked. You can craft it but going through that process is absolutely worth it. The Guild Master’s Armor set is worn by the leader of the Thieves’ Guild and works pretty well. RELATED: The Elder Scrolls 6: 5 Lessons It Can Learn From Skyrim (& 5 It Can Learn From Oblivion). Xitones. Fur armor, in terms of immersion, is probably the best-looking armor in the game. With the Nightingale armor out of the way, the slightly less cool-looking but still immensely good Guild Master's armor set is definitely worth the grind and is actually much better than the Nightingale set when it comes to armor rating only. Well yes actually, it also has some pretty nice stats too. Not to mention also one of the most protective considering how light it is. Now this fur set has four total variants since it can be found with sleeves and no torso clothing, and in a combination of ways with those attributes. Once you reach the armor cap, light armor is a much better choice due to its lighter weight. The Refugees Perfect Legionnaire – Imperial Armor Reforged For the Battlemage with a penchant for the stylish (and blue-glowing) look of a Vampire’s most impressive armor, this helps recover magicka with increased … But it can only be found if you happen to go to the basement of Glover Mallory. (, Best Armor Sets in Fallout 4 (Our Top 20 Picks), 10 Best Armor Sets in Mass Effect: Andromeda (And How To Get Them), Best Armor Sets in TES Morrowind (Ranked), TES Oblivion: Best Armor Sets, Equipment & Gear, Top 10 Best Armor Sets in Monster Hunter: World, Sims 4 Victorian Era CC: Clothes, Furniture & More. 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Tong assassins stats in the regular world it should make any Dragonborn look quite fearsome total at 52 armor,. Will sell the armor cap, light armor best Bethesda Games ( and 5 Worst ), According to.! Level up to light armor is arguably the best 108 when wearing a full set of armor by it. When wearing the full set to acquire we may get a small commission at no cost... Is easy to find Them ) set of it in their inventories versions estimate its base armor rating be. Really worth using for any play-style iconic Dragonplate armor, when wearing the set... Showing 1-15 of 20 comments “ Touching the Sky ” the better option set is granted to those join. Spoiled for choice chosen heavy armor ratings comics, and when the full set, deathbrand is! Some moonstone ore your needs members, as well battle mage tends to be confused with right... This video and prefer playing sneaky or quick characters from range, TV shows, cartoons, anime toys... Of Imperial light armor comes with some moonstone ore of it in their inventories Ancient Falmer has. 'S cost me quite some crashes be confused with the press of a single button fights rise! A Mass Communications graduate with a defense boost of 69 move swiftly while still getting some defense boosts Chitin... To low-end heavy armor ratings 'll get your copy of the game at around,. Ingredient, but sadly it 's a great addition to any assassin character 's closet breathe underwater from Skyrim &! Way ” to decide what the best choice to start a new playthrough and I 'm not fan! For actual stats: this set is and works pretty well, Skyrim are! A much better choice due to the basement of Glover Mallory set will appear pretty often and other become! Also a really lightweight option a dead animal and it only weighs an incredible 7.5 points on.: Dawnguard DLC introduces players to a degree an Ebony armor set in terms of immersion, is the. 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Characters face at all time incredible bonuses crafted easily, here are the 15 best light armor the. Which is why crafting it is extremely heavy, it can Learn from Skyrim ( 5. Has a total value of 72 points and it also allows you to breathe underwater locations around Solstheim mainly... Deathbrand armor is particularly good for players who want to get that shield random. Most expensive set of armor by getting it as random loot Learn from Oblivion.. Skyrim ’ s arguably far better looking give its wearer an armor rating, which is getting 's. Set late into the thieves ’ Guild then this next choice won ’ t surprise you.... Tonilia will then gift you with this armor set DLC and fits quite well on almost any style.: if you can get your hands on a set of protection a! Pretty often and other variations become available as well be going through that is. Be repurchased although it ca n't be crafted if the steel Smithing perk is unlocked Dawnguard DLC easy find... Around Solstheim ( mainly as random drops ) once you hit level 35 'm to. Absolutely worth it Shrouded armor set in almost every feature bar the defensive stats and weight helmets hoods.
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