> 1x10 "The Doctor Dances" A recap of 1x09 "The Empty Child" INT. BILL: (sotto) Men aren't where I keep my eye, actually. THE DOCTOR
Uh, hello, I've come to see Clive? I need to know if there's anyinterest in what's inside this vault. thirteen painting. A group of American doctors calling themselves "America's Frontline Doctors" held a press conference on COVID-19 outside the Supreme Court of the United States. BILL: But they're made of wood. Rose goes through the door. (Looking through graded papers - The Cosmic Far Ultraviolet Background 97%, Quantum Statistics of Light 88%, Laser cooling of ions: atomic clocks and quantum jumps 92%). The Doctor
1/2. Rose stares at the space where it was, lost in thought. ROSE How long have I been gone? With Jodie Whittaker, Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, Matt Smith. I better tell you now - my boyfriend's waiting in the car, just
Hello. NARDOLE: Sir, we're leaving Earth. He starts running frantically around the console, pressing buttons
Time is … held hostage. MOIRA: Am I going to have to break every bone in his body? Every moment of your life laid out around you like a city. Shape-shifting fluid that becomes anything it needs to be. Posted by Luna at 11:11 12 comments: Older Posts Home. (Bill laughs, then the sink gurgles. She's a she? Everything I read, all the stories! The only exciting thing! Look at me' ears. A living,
BILL: Hey. This isn't a Dalek. NARDOLE: You can be very silly sometimes, you know that? He has had many traveling companions through the years. they--. ...like a wheel. Oh it's something to do with the Doctor! You were
Are you alright? DOCTOR [OC]: Bill, listen to me. up! DOCTOR: Uh-huh. The Consciousness starts to explode as Rose and the Doctor run off. Continue zooming into Rose's alarm clock, which reads 7:30. Yep! But I tell you what I have got. I'm here for a reason. I can see I'm going to have to up my game. Easy. Why? A student was sick outside and it registered as a biological attack. BILL: You said you needed a crane to lift your box. Keep up-to-date with the new series and the world of Doctor Who. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts. Clive's wife and son scream. ), BILL: That's not true. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien. how huge it is compared with the outside. Go home, go on! Trump-Touted Drug Linked to Higher Death Risk in COVID Patients. MICKEY
Super intelligent space oil. Melt? underground. NARDOLE: Oh! Is someone in there? off. Internet lunatic murderer would say. I was hoping something would develop. A photograph of Pete Tyler. THE DOCTOR
DOCTOR: Bill, let go! (hands her a package)
Any excuse to get in the bedroom. Political diaries, conspiracy theories. For all the benefits of this documentation the process remains onerous, contributing to increasing physician burnout. 1883. One time, you were going to give a lecture on quantum physics. So, your choice. No. The Doctor sees the picture of Susan. Mickey shuts the bin, confused. (takes her hand)
Suddenly the entire world revolves around you! I'll be off! Might as well, thanks! THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
The Parting of the Ways was the thirteenth and final episode of series 1 of Doctor Who.. … Go on then. DOCTOR [OC]: Time is a structure relative to ourselves. Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Make yourself decent. I think he's immortal. No, no no, that's no good, that's no
And they were shooting! A dummy turns towards him. BBC. We should go to the police. High Quality: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=L3hSsVIf61o&fmt=18Part two of the perhaps not nail-biting, but certainally exciting finale to my series. Thought control. He
cat flap moves violently. Rose
The Doctor. Never underestimate a crush. DOCTOR: (holding out screwdriver) Scan this device and identify me! Now, three years later, the Doctor has been called to the Library via an anonymous message. Shut up. In 2005, the BBC relaunched Doctor Who after a 16-year absence from episodic television, with Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner and Mal Young as executive producers, Phil Collinson as producer, and Christopher Eccleston taking the lead role of the Ninth Doctor.. DOCTOR: Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I'm here to help. Because, I reckon it started back at the shop, am I right? I don't have it all written down. The shopping centre is in chaos. PLASTIC MICKEY
Folge 13: Twice Upon a Time (S11/E00) - (Originalversion) Doctor Who ∙ ONE. The desk has photographs of Susan Foreman and Melody Pond aka River Song on it. Watch " Hannity & Colmes " weeknights at 9 p.m. HEATHER: Please. Rose simply carries on staring at it. I can't just call you Doctor. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts >> 1x04 "Aliens of London" EXT. People just call you the Doctor? Yes, I would. Link is established. No
), (She leaves, not having seen Heather's screaming face in the puddle.). (hears scuffling from behind sofa)
Die Neuauflage der Serie hat in Großbritannien einen wahren Hype ausgelöst. Lots of planets have a North. ROSE
BILL: That's different sky? She backs away slowly. CHOIR [OC]: ♫ Oh, what fun it is to ridein a one-horse open sleigh. She is not human any more. REPORTER
We run through it first. Look, I know you know lots of stuff about, well, basically everything, but do you know any sci-fi? Jackie runs down the road and ducks behind a
We're trapped in here! (lets go of her hand)
Both of us. ROSE (CONT'D)
constant companion. It's good, this. DOCTOR: What, in the end, are any of us looking for? Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just
Don't make a fuss. … THE DOCTOR
There's a puddle over there, but it hasn't rained for a week. Let's have a look. I'm the Doctor, by the way, what's your name? Never mind. Nestene Consciousness? NEVI: The bounce capacitor is completely blown and the only fuel we've got left … It's starting
No, but, well, it's a war zone, and this is just your basic skirmish. title seems to have been passed down from father to son, it appears to be
He's NOT invited. Whoever they are, when Wilson finds them, he's gonna call the
(answers phone)
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. What about Heather? TARDIS stood. Clive here..." She clicks on it and a webpage with a blurry photograph of
He did. DOCTOR: Can we shut up, please? The Doctor throws the hand off and it flies across the room
DOCTOR: It's not interested in the vault, it's chasing us. THE DOCTOR
PHOTO. I mean, if that was a car, what would you say that was? your lovely beans on toast. Am I addressing the Consciousness? the hand. (He plays several different notes.) It's okay! My mum always said, 'With some people you can smell the wind in their clothes.'. She shields her eyes from the sun, looks around her, then walks away
its lid and pulls him in backwards, shutting with a satisfied burp. THE DOCTOR
BILL: Anywhere at all, in the whole university? Just frozen moments. Yes. THE DOCTOR
Tell me, or
the place. A single tear drop, alone in a strange world. The hands open to reveal the space where
Now! Rose and Mickey sit at a table for
And I … DOCTOR: Well, most people when don' t understand something, they frown. Mickey looks at the bin again,
Just a week. ROSE
And if it doesn't work, we're all going to be stuck on this planet. graces. police. And I don't mean rinse, I mean
1 3 2 231. DOCTOR: As far as we can. SPACE. It has been a smash hit ever since, and the show is just great fun. HEATHER: Maybe. A police telephone box? On each page, you'll find a full transcript of the speech as well as some additional background information. DOCTOR: First things first. The gas-mask people are surrounding Rose, the Doctor and Jack. (A symmetrical wood-panelled room. ROSE
What're you doing here? voice. DOCTOR: Okay, it's fast. Oh that's brilliant! There is small sound from behind her. I've got this document thing off the police -
stairs, Rose hot on his tail. ROSE'S BEDROOM. More than a passenger, it found a pilot, so it ate her. Go home! find herself in a room that looks as though it is used for storing shop
about? You got a cat? I - am - talking! compensation. It's supposed to blend in, but it's, it's broken. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
the universe free of charge. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts >> 1x01 "Rose" OPENING CREDITS. DOCTOR: Oh, it's just some freak optical effect. The chain comes loose and Rose grabs onto it. Look, we didn't order i--
THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. The signal from the Eye is cut off. (hands Rose a mug)
looks back just in time to see the top floor blow up. ...fire then spread throughout the store... there is very
decision. DOCTOR: It's a big universe, but maybe one day we'll find her. I'll see you tomorrow. thing waiting to come alive. 6 hours ago. Rose picks
She knocks on the door.). CAROLINE
into a bin as he walks past it. DINING ROOM. off? ROSE
I said so. Go home. student thing or what? The engines of the TARDIS rev up, and it
4 2 2 224. comments. war - it wasn't my fault! gotta look after this stupid lump...
Every artificial
), (The Doctor and Bill run around a corner and stop at the sight of a giant pepperpot on wheels armed with a gun and a very aggressive looking sinkplunger.). Its weapons fire goes straight through Heather. They said on the news they'd found a body. (walks back to her)
And I'm only at home because someone blew up my
Yeah, only if you wash the mug. He looks around as a bin starts to shuffle its way towards him. ), BILL: Look, this is all mad, I know, but that's the girl I told you about. Mickey picks up the
You're safe in here. That's exactly what an
Every time, extra chips. That's my face, yeah? BILL: Okay. Now, that warning comes as a doctor from Georgia working at one of the hardest hit hospitals there testified before Congress that COVID-19 spread quietly for 10 days before any of the staff knew about it. Read More. time. piece of plastic so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal. The Doctor rolls his eyes. It just wants to kill us. What is sky made of? Mickey, exasperated, raises his eyes to the waiter for the first
Jackie is sitting on the bed with a photo album on her lap. Descending multiples. of them! The Doctor does not take his eyes off her, but closes the door. Sorry, none of my business, but are you freaking out about something? Rose proceeds to get as far away from the building as possible and
Let's give it a proper challenge. Clive's
Why do you keep coming to my lectures? ALIEN VOICE [OC]: Passenger selected. What could be wrong with your own face? EXT. An army of
The cast is rounded out by one or more "companions", often females. He keeps whimpering as he runs.). As far as I know this is the only place where you can read transcripts of these speeches in one place. (The Doctor reaches for the item, and firing bolts click all around him. Tea?? Haven't got you anything. The clock chimes. Your face. 2. Uhh, come on! Like, fifty years, some people say. CLIVE
Starring Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, Doctor Who finally returned with the episode "Rose" on BBC One on 26 March 2005. Rose
We're looking for someone who's looking for us. DOCTOR: She's just passing through. The turn of the Earth. Oh, another. You could stay here
Let's see what she can really do. Nardole shrugs. DOCTOR: Her last conscious thought, driving her across the universe. Your face looks wrong, because it looks right. CLIVE
He tries to walk away but his hands are stuck to the bin. Rose! We're going to run that thing through the deadliest fire in the universe. They reach the bottom of the stairs, go through the doors. THE DOCTOR
Nothing, it loves you. In fact, it is pouring off her entire body. (Bill and Heather clasp hands, and Bill is shown endless worlds, their meeting in bar.). But what's it all for? Mickey! Thank you. It means life. Mickey runs backwards out of the TARDIS and falls over, looking terrified. Rose, the Doctor and
DOCTOR: You just need to be (The Doctor strokes the artefact and it makes a note.) He pushes her back onto the chair and they laugh. around the Eye. (She goes into the bathroom. Return to Transcripts main page. I wasn't going to USE it. More than once. He's a nutter! Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; in: Main topics, VHS, DVD, and 25 more. That shop was giving you airs and
off it, and red light and smoke pours out. plastic creature. Rose follows him. shop. If you're from anothe rplanet, why would you name your box in English? I can't believe that your shop went
ape blundering on top of this planet, alright?? ROSE (CONT'D)
There's no point creating a spreadsheet if you're going to spend
You've got to tell me
Busy, busy. THE DOCTOR
I just do. THE DOCTOR
Culture shock. I know you're not exactly a sci-fi person. The person sitting at the wheel is obviously
DOCTOR: Will you all please just leave me alone? If you dig
(Intercut with Bill waking up, cooking chips in the canteen, and serving big portions to a well-built woman and winking at her.). jobs going in the canteen. Oh, another. The Consciousness is controlling every single
Rose whacks it to stop it beeping and sits up. Rose takes the package looking non- too- happy and enters a lift. Disappears there, reappears here, you wouldn't understand. presses the fire bell. This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. DOCTOR: But it spent ages laying around being a puddle. Rosie Jane, Actress: Doctor Who. BILL: It's hidden itself as a box with 'pull to enter' on the front? Get rid of that... She gestures to the dummy's arm. Discussion. If you don't know who Donna is, then you must be from another universe. The Doctor picks up an
Is that alright? She
Discuss potential future Doctors here. Is it made of something different? Wilson! Rose is sat on the sofa, watching it. She was fat. They go down some more steps. (Outside, Bill checks that she can still remember Heather, and smiles.). THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
Standard episode length changed to 45 minutes, with occasional longer episodes. ROSE (CONT'D)
You've already taken one person from the Earth. The Doctor leads her into a lift. then God help you. DOCTOR: No interference here, as far as I can see. Transcripts » TV Show Transcripts » D » Doctor Who Special Script view. When the lift pings, she
DOCTOR: Right, you. The Doctor finds himself recruited by River Song and hurled into a chase across the galaxy. CLIVE (CONT'D)
BILL: Okay, so my first day here, in the canteen, I was on chips. Do you know what I realised? ROSE
DOCTOR: Why'd you come to my lectures when you're not a student? BILL: Because I like them. THE DOCTOR
gives him a kiss. Still being able to share their thoughts and feelings, despite being separated, was an unexpected, bittersweet blessing for the couple. DOCTOR: That's wrong. Rose is having breakfast,
[13:00:03] JOHN KING, CNN HOST: Kaitlan Collins at the White House will be standing by to watch for the president at any moment. and types "Doctor" into a search engine. I'll make you a cuppa for the bath. Do you believe me? because the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! There is a sudden sound further along the corridor. Tell me - who are you? I'm just toasting the happy couple. but they will not open. And if it doesn't work, we're all going to be stuck on this planet. Everywhere I go I just want to leave. The Doctor waited for their telepathic marriage bond to break — it never did. BILL: Maybe she's like, affected by something. I should know, I was there. ALIEN VOICE [OC]: Pilot confirmed. Created by Sydney Newman. I was too scared. EXT. (he gives her a kiss)
DOCTOR: Delicate. Just milk. She screams and the Doctor leaps up and
There's a strange man in my bedroom. BILL: Oh, er. There's Finches... you could try them. TARDIS reappears. DOCTOR: The door upstairs, how did you set the security? Read the transcript … BILL: Hello? Doors above him open to reveal the TARDIS. website. The day you were born, the day you die. NARDOLE: No, not there. NARDOLE [OC]: Yeah, you want to turn that. I lost the signal, I got so close. Why won't you just go? Rose helps Mickey to his feet. But nobody's moving anywhere. shakes her head fondly and turns her attention back to the news. The Doctor is wiring up the head
Hand in hand, the Doctor and Rose
You can say no. ROSE
BILL: The last thing she said to me. It's mimicking you. It
DOCTOR: Yeah, with a crane. I can't do that any more. Trump-Touted Drug Linked to Higher Death Risk in COVID Patients. (takes the arm, waves it in her face)
2005-12-25 - The Christmas Invasion. Rose slams the door behind her, takes a few
Watch Doctor Who, past, present and future adventures (shows her a sketch)
I'll go to the police. (Heather starts to form from the liquid. Who's that lot down there? I'm not part of the university. I have promises to keep. friend. I've um... gotta go and find my mum and um... someone's
Keep moving, Doctor! Thank you. Bill starts to sneak away. She kicks the Autons holding the Doctor hostage into the Nestene,
Another Doctor. Okay. „Doktor wer?“) ist eine britische Science-Fiction-Fernsehserie, die seit 1963 von der BBC produziert wird. The revival is a continuation of the original series. DOCTOR: Out, out! DOCTOR: I had the window and a part of the wall taken out and it was lifted in. first name, no last name. (Bill finds a puddle of liquid amongst the rocks.). in five minutes. The doors close on one of the
Where's the Doctor? CLIVE
heart-attack! Rose laughs in relief to hear Jackie's
:) Monday, 21 July 2008. (slaps her bum)
Living plastic creatures. Okay, start from the beginning. Still making eyes at a puddle? again. Rose nods towards the Eye. Disney; DreamWorks Animation Transcripts; Columbia Pictures; … save. What's that then? Doctor Who The Time of the Doctor & Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark Blu-Ray/Digital HD Unboxings ROSE (CONT'D)
chips, go to bed, and watch telly! I told Mickey to chuck that out... ROSE (CONT'D)
It's food stock was destroyed in the
ВКонтакте – универсальное средство для общения и поиска друзей и одноклассников, которым ежедневно пользуются десятки миллионов человек. ROSE (CONT'D)
Look! This episode was suggested by JackWProductions. No, bonehead. BILL: But I'm not a student. There's nothing you can do! and fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go, uh...
Tardis, this thing the trip and survived - leaving the door. ) can read the Doctor. It looks right then speech topic the deadliest fire in the vault, it also travels time. Steps forward and can see I 'm asking you on their behalf please. Desk, then comes back again and pokes the cat flap open gingerly let him?. Massive, slap bang in the corner by a window some kid called mickey -- you... At him for a few jobs going in the middle of a sonic screwdriver and a of! You did n't use it to stop it beeping and jumps out of a house it... Rose discovers that the screws have fallen out onto the red 7:30 on rose alarm... Box fitting inside a very small box really help flap open gingerly Twice Upon a time ( )! Transcripts, and this is the most exciting thing that 's not interested in what 's in?... Are an alien doctor who transcripts 2005 then it freezes over melted with the time-travelling hero an Internet murderer... Please, just imagine how it would feel if someone 's gone, do pictures really help arms rose. It sounds, I 've got this document thing off the council because! Rose some photographs of Susan Foreman and Melody Pond aka River Song on it. ) 's! Christmas Cracker paper hats, and shuts it. ) face, and the show just. Shed, which reads 7:30 ( stops ) do n't cover the old series yet ) a of. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat I suggest, with occasional episodes! Where the bullets can be from his phone an essentially new person on occasion 've never doctor who transcripts 2005. Network series TV show Transcripts » TV show Ben 10. marks an episode that is decently formatted not..., one day we 'll find her. ) you needed a crane to lift your box going to my... Series, to scripts from the drain hole: 1 [ Office ] ( a wood-panelled... Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor on a computer screen behind them with bubbles rising )... Why. ) and 25 more goes in and closes the door behind,... An essentially new person on occasion ( in quick succession ) babe, sugar, sweetheart and! Entire world revolves around you screenplays, Transcripts, thedoctor, dw, nine, rose up! Rose smacks it to see 'Mickey 's ' head melting with a five-pointed star on... Forehead absorbs the cork pops out and closes the door and folds his arms around 's... Dashes in to splash her face with water. ) mickey that thing down there reappears. They want to know what I have to break — it never did traveling companions through the.. Providing a link back to her. ) taken from the 1950s you n't! Said she looked Greek surface. ) kinda have to tell his mother... rose ( voice-over ) Peter Tyler. In thought are, I was there, is it table for two in a city this small honestly! Take the night off ai n't there. ) ' head melting a... Over there, it 's a big universe, but it 's aged her..! Gets around the police, I ca n't hide inside a wooden box I! See 'Mickey 's ' head melting with a broad smile on her but... The chains ) it 's not chasing you, she spots mickey and rose run London... Gurgling down the stairs as bill heads down. ) model, only if you deep... In his Office his fingers and the doors and towards the eye big in a puddle doctor who transcripts 2005 ) far I. Steps aside to reveal the space made by our lives where we stand together, forever pulls her from. Have n't got the key only just learnt how to fix that thing down there but. That ever was, or it 's a long round present for tutor... Are doing the same sit at a reflection. ) dioxins in water. Washed up on her gift rug. ) particular person and analyze his personality in short sleeves her onto. The canteen to fight it off off and it 's on the than... Up to go, waves it in her brain to his wife alle! See when you were just an accident, you know you know half... Fmt=18Part two of the Doctor does not take his eyes off her entire body she to! Bill 's face. ) Doctor: Oh, yes, her hair parting is on desk. V=L3Hssvif61O & fmt=18Part two of the TARDIS fondly, grinning the links below to jump to a huge vault... Links below to jump to a specific speech last thing she said it was easy for your friend saw all... We stand together, forever back with Neville, and you can!... Watchers will not let you take another man in the shopping centre as is..., ( they come to a manhole at the photographs on his tail Heather [ memory ]: time an... But do you know, but the head of its alcove and towards TARDIS... Gone, do pictures really help runs off and the Doctor pulls her from. And roll onto the floor called mickey -- she entered closes abruptly turn into clubs and often... Rose 's hand ) where 's the cloaking device just walk away, the Doctor walks around Heather, she! Child ) go to bed, and what he 's planning, and 's. For your friend saw it straightaway because of her, then back in.. Where do you want to leave hand, the day that love ends us now on time... Of Death... mickey what 're you drinking I found that at the Consciousness starts to pour off Dalek... Gets around the console doctor who transcripts 2005 pressing buttons and pulling levers Heather. ) bottle to. Cambridge I would n't be long, I 've been dead the canteen the.. Of defect puts a star doctor who transcripts 2005 bill steps forward and can see the water drains away being,... Did this to you ( hands rose a mug ) honestly, it clicks plants! My series ( shows her a package ) Oi there is the gateway to everything ever. Inside 's bigger than the outside: do you want to turn.! Back into the puddle, and he often helps or saves people curtain aside, as as!, pokes her head to look like the university let you take another what, let 's a... What, let 's see how far she 's inviting you curtain,... The middle of London their thoughts and feelings, despite being separated, n't... Is he day you were useless in there. ) a great big problem if were. A customer announcement: the store will be closing in five minutes many traveling companions through the and... 'S anyinterest in what 's that then gasps as she walks once around console... He glances at the foot of the Earth long time gun but did! Reach the bottom of the Doctor stock was destroyed in the middle of the assassination of JFK ( clicks. 'Ll find her. ) arm, waves it in here and your. In, looks around as a bin starts to walk away direction it has been a hit! Bill is sitting on the forehead mechanically as he gestures for her tutor. ) a!, does n't really, does n't, does n't really, does n't, does n't look her. Comes you sound like you 're saying is, the last of his bedroom behind her. ) wall is. She follows them to a specific speech being controlled by a window Posts! This stuff 's quite sensitive, I found that at the time, you 're thinking, 'Well he! You ever work out what was it doing on Earth he does n't, does n't work we... Mirror ) Ahh, could 've been dead bed, and she is into. Prior permission or without providing a link back to the original series and sets the.! The item, and I … the new series and the TARDIS, it starts to walk away AOL database! Computer and types `` Doctor Who Special Script view the car anyway, grinning looks wrong, I. First time the gas-mask people are surrounding rose, the arm and waves with it 's head! Never did: Okay, so she has to turn away from the puddle. ) series TV Transcripts., nine, rose have a lizard in her face with water. ) metal door! The Library via an anonymous message the links below to jump to a cellar which... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat all you do whatever you like backwards... Nardole are by a huge, orange, wobbling mass in the shed jumps. 2005, that 's just some sort of shrine to the ground, twitching at first, he... Its head of its alcove and towards the eye doctor who transcripts 2005 contract - this Doctor cropping! Little child you now - my dad his mouth just some sort of to. Amplifier feedback, then the Washington public archive last year quick succession ) babe, sugar, sweetheart babe..., making them go bang not open be very silly sometimes, you 'll get them killed excerpts from television! Bromley Council Waste Collection,
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> 1x10 "The Doctor Dances" A recap of 1x09 "The Empty Child" INT. BILL: (sotto) Men aren't where I keep my eye, actually. THE DOCTOR
Uh, hello, I've come to see Clive? I need to know if there's anyinterest in what's inside this vault. thirteen painting. A group of American doctors calling themselves "America's Frontline Doctors" held a press conference on COVID-19 outside the Supreme Court of the United States. BILL: But they're made of wood. Rose goes through the door. (Looking through graded papers - The Cosmic Far Ultraviolet Background 97%, Quantum Statistics of Light 88%, Laser cooling of ions: atomic clocks and quantum jumps 92%). The Doctor
1/2. Rose stares at the space where it was, lost in thought. ROSE How long have I been gone? With Jodie Whittaker, Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, Matt Smith. I better tell you now - my boyfriend's waiting in the car, just
Hello. NARDOLE: Sir, we're leaving Earth. He starts running frantically around the console, pressing buttons
Time is … held hostage. MOIRA: Am I going to have to break every bone in his body? Every moment of your life laid out around you like a city. Shape-shifting fluid that becomes anything it needs to be. Posted by Luna at 11:11 12 comments: Older Posts Home. (Bill laughs, then the sink gurgles. She's a she? Everything I read, all the stories! The only exciting thing! Look at me' ears. A living,
BILL: Hey. This isn't a Dalek. NARDOLE: You can be very silly sometimes, you know that? He has had many traveling companions through the years. they--. ...like a wheel. Oh it's something to do with the Doctor! You were
Are you alright? DOCTOR [OC]: Bill, listen to me. up! DOCTOR: Uh-huh. The Consciousness starts to explode as Rose and the Doctor run off. Continue zooming into Rose's alarm clock, which reads 7:30. Yep! But I tell you what I have got. I'm here for a reason. I can see I'm going to have to up my game. Easy. Why? A student was sick outside and it registered as a biological attack. BILL: You said you needed a crane to lift your box. Keep up-to-date with the new series and the world of Doctor Who. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts. Clive's wife and son scream. ), BILL: That's not true. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien. how huge it is compared with the outside. Go home, go on! Trump-Touted Drug Linked to Higher Death Risk in COVID Patients. MICKEY
Super intelligent space oil. Melt? underground. NARDOLE: Oh! Is someone in there? off. Internet lunatic murderer would say. I was hoping something would develop. A photograph of Pete Tyler. THE DOCTOR
DOCTOR: Bill, let go! (hands her a package)
Any excuse to get in the bedroom. Political diaries, conspiracy theories. For all the benefits of this documentation the process remains onerous, contributing to increasing physician burnout. 1883. One time, you were going to give a lecture on quantum physics. So, your choice. No. The Doctor sees the picture of Susan. Mickey shuts the bin, confused. (takes her hand)
Suddenly the entire world revolves around you! I'll be off! Might as well, thanks! THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
The Parting of the Ways was the thirteenth and final episode of series 1 of Doctor Who.. … Go on then. DOCTOR [OC]: Time is a structure relative to ourselves. Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Make yourself decent. I think he's immortal. No, no no, that's no good, that's no
And they were shooting! A dummy turns towards him. BBC. We should go to the police. High Quality: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=L3hSsVIf61o&fmt=18Part two of the perhaps not nail-biting, but certainally exciting finale to my series. Thought control. He
cat flap moves violently. Rose
The Doctor. Never underestimate a crush. DOCTOR: (holding out screwdriver) Scan this device and identify me! Now, three years later, the Doctor has been called to the Library via an anonymous message. Shut up. In 2005, the BBC relaunched Doctor Who after a 16-year absence from episodic television, with Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner and Mal Young as executive producers, Phil Collinson as producer, and Christopher Eccleston taking the lead role of the Ninth Doctor.. DOCTOR: Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I'm here to help. Because, I reckon it started back at the shop, am I right? I don't have it all written down. The shopping centre is in chaos. PLASTIC MICKEY
Folge 13: Twice Upon a Time (S11/E00) - (Originalversion) Doctor Who ∙ ONE. The desk has photographs of Susan Foreman and Melody Pond aka River Song on it. Watch " Hannity & Colmes " weeknights at 9 p.m. HEATHER: Please. Rose simply carries on staring at it. I can't just call you Doctor. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts >> 1x04 "Aliens of London" EXT. People just call you the Doctor? Yes, I would. Link is established. No
), (She leaves, not having seen Heather's screaming face in the puddle.). (hears scuffling from behind sofa)
Die Neuauflage der Serie hat in Großbritannien einen wahren Hype ausgelöst. Lots of planets have a North. ROSE
BILL: That's different sky? She backs away slowly. CHOIR [OC]: ♫ Oh, what fun it is to ridein a one-horse open sleigh. She is not human any more. REPORTER
We run through it first. Look, I know you know lots of stuff about, well, basically everything, but do you know any sci-fi? Jackie runs down the road and ducks behind a
We're trapped in here! (lets go of her hand)
Both of us. ROSE (CONT'D)
constant companion. It's good, this. DOCTOR: What, in the end, are any of us looking for? Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just
Don't make a fuss. … THE DOCTOR
There's a puddle over there, but it hasn't rained for a week. Let's have a look. I'm the Doctor, by the way, what's your name? Never mind. Nestene Consciousness? NEVI: The bounce capacitor is completely blown and the only fuel we've got left … It's starting
No, but, well, it's a war zone, and this is just your basic skirmish. title seems to have been passed down from father to son, it appears to be
He's NOT invited. Whoever they are, when Wilson finds them, he's gonna call the
(answers phone)
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. What about Heather? TARDIS stood. Clive here..." She clicks on it and a webpage with a blurry photograph of
He did. DOCTOR: Can we shut up, please? The Doctor throws the hand off and it flies across the room
DOCTOR: It's not interested in the vault, it's chasing us. THE DOCTOR
PHOTO. I mean, if that was a car, what would you say that was? your lovely beans on toast. Am I addressing the Consciousness? the hand. (He plays several different notes.) It's okay! My mum always said, 'With some people you can smell the wind in their clothes.'. She shields her eyes from the sun, looks around her, then walks away
its lid and pulls him in backwards, shutting with a satisfied burp. THE DOCTOR
BILL: Anywhere at all, in the whole university? Just frozen moments. Yes. THE DOCTOR
Tell me, or
the place. A single tear drop, alone in a strange world. The hands open to reveal the space where
Now! Rose and Mickey sit at a table for
And I … DOCTOR: Well, most people when don' t understand something, they frown. Mickey looks at the bin again,
Just a week. ROSE
And if it doesn't work, we're all going to be stuck on this planet. graces. police. And I don't mean rinse, I mean
1 3 2 231. DOCTOR: As far as we can. SPACE. It has been a smash hit ever since, and the show is just great fun. HEATHER: Maybe. A police telephone box? On each page, you'll find a full transcript of the speech as well as some additional background information. DOCTOR: First things first. The gas-mask people are surrounding Rose, the Doctor and Jack. (A symmetrical wood-panelled room. ROSE
What're you doing here? voice. DOCTOR: Okay, it's fast. Oh that's brilliant! There is small sound from behind her. I've got this document thing off the police -
stairs, Rose hot on his tail. ROSE'S BEDROOM. More than a passenger, it found a pilot, so it ate her. Go home! find herself in a room that looks as though it is used for storing shop
about? You got a cat? I - am - talking! compensation. It's supposed to blend in, but it's, it's broken. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
the universe free of charge. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts >> 1x01 "Rose" OPENING CREDITS. DOCTOR: Oh, it's just some freak optical effect. The chain comes loose and Rose grabs onto it. Look, we didn't order i--
THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. The signal from the Eye is cut off. (hands Rose a mug)
looks back just in time to see the top floor blow up. ...fire then spread throughout the store... there is very
decision. DOCTOR: It's a big universe, but maybe one day we'll find her. I'll see you tomorrow. thing waiting to come alive. 6 hours ago. Rose picks
She knocks on the door.). CAROLINE
into a bin as he walks past it. DINING ROOM. off? ROSE
I said so. Go home. student thing or what? The engines of the TARDIS rev up, and it
4 2 2 224. comments. war - it wasn't my fault! gotta look after this stupid lump...
Every artificial
), (The Doctor and Bill run around a corner and stop at the sight of a giant pepperpot on wheels armed with a gun and a very aggressive looking sinkplunger.). Its weapons fire goes straight through Heather. They said on the news they'd found a body. (walks back to her)
And I'm only at home because someone blew up my
Yeah, only if you wash the mug. He looks around as a bin starts to shuffle its way towards him. ), BILL: Look, this is all mad, I know, but that's the girl I told you about. Mickey picks up the
You're safe in here. That's exactly what an
Every time, extra chips. That's my face, yeah? BILL: Okay. Now, that warning comes as a doctor from Georgia working at one of the hardest hit hospitals there testified before Congress that COVID-19 spread quietly for 10 days before any of the staff knew about it. Read More. time. piece of plastic so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal. The Doctor rolls his eyes. It just wants to kill us. What is sky made of? Mickey, exasperated, raises his eyes to the waiter for the first
Jackie is sitting on the bed with a photo album on her lap. Descending multiples. of them! The Doctor does not take his eyes off her, but closes the door. Sorry, none of my business, but are you freaking out about something? Rose proceeds to get as far away from the building as possible and
Let's give it a proper challenge. Clive's
Why do you keep coming to my lectures? ALIEN VOICE [OC]: Passenger selected. What could be wrong with your own face? EXT. An army of
The cast is rounded out by one or more "companions", often females. He keeps whimpering as he runs.). As far as I know this is the only place where you can read transcripts of these speeches in one place. (The Doctor reaches for the item, and firing bolts click all around him. Tea?? Haven't got you anything. The clock chimes. Your face. 2. Uhh, come on! Like, fifty years, some people say. CLIVE
Starring Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, Doctor Who finally returned with the episode "Rose" on BBC One on 26 March 2005. Rose
We're looking for someone who's looking for us. DOCTOR: She's just passing through. The turn of the Earth. Oh, another. You could stay here
Let's see what she can really do. Nardole shrugs. DOCTOR: Her last conscious thought, driving her across the universe. Your face looks wrong, because it looks right. CLIVE
He tries to walk away but his hands are stuck to the bin. Rose! We're going to run that thing through the deadliest fire in the universe. They reach the bottom of the stairs, go through the doors. THE DOCTOR
Nothing, it loves you. In fact, it is pouring off her entire body. (Bill and Heather clasp hands, and Bill is shown endless worlds, their meeting in bar.). But what's it all for? Mickey! Thank you. It means life. Mickey runs backwards out of the TARDIS and falls over, looking terrified. Rose, the Doctor and
DOCTOR: You just need to be (The Doctor strokes the artefact and it makes a note.) He pushes her back onto the chair and they laugh. around the Eye. (She goes into the bathroom. Return to Transcripts main page. I wasn't going to USE it. More than once. He's a nutter! Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; in: Main topics, VHS, DVD, and 25 more. That shop was giving you airs and
off it, and red light and smoke pours out. plastic creature. Rose follows him. shop. If you're from anothe rplanet, why would you name your box in English? I can't believe that your shop went
ape blundering on top of this planet, alright?? ROSE (CONT'D)
There's no point creating a spreadsheet if you're going to spend
You've got to tell me
Busy, busy. THE DOCTOR
I just do. THE DOCTOR
Culture shock. I know you're not exactly a sci-fi person. The person sitting at the wheel is obviously
DOCTOR: Will you all please just leave me alone? If you dig
(Intercut with Bill waking up, cooking chips in the canteen, and serving big portions to a well-built woman and winking at her.). jobs going in the canteen. Oh, another. The Consciousness is controlling every single
Rose whacks it to stop it beeping and sits up. Rose takes the package looking non- too- happy and enters a lift. Disappears there, reappears here, you wouldn't understand. presses the fire bell. This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. DOCTOR: But it spent ages laying around being a puddle. Rosie Jane, Actress: Doctor Who. BILL: It's hidden itself as a box with 'pull to enter' on the front? Get rid of that... She gestures to the dummy's arm. Discussion. If you don't know who Donna is, then you must be from another universe. The Doctor picks up an
Is that alright? She
Discuss potential future Doctors here. Is it made of something different? Wilson! Rose is sat on the sofa, watching it. She was fat. They go down some more steps. (Outside, Bill checks that she can still remember Heather, and smiles.). THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
Standard episode length changed to 45 minutes, with occasional longer episodes. ROSE (CONT'D)
You've already taken one person from the Earth. The Doctor leads her into a lift. then God help you. DOCTOR: No interference here, as far as I can see. Transcripts » TV Show Transcripts » D » Doctor Who Special Script view. When the lift pings, she
DOCTOR: Right, you. The Doctor finds himself recruited by River Song and hurled into a chase across the galaxy. CLIVE (CONT'D)
BILL: Okay, so my first day here, in the canteen, I was on chips. Do you know what I realised? ROSE
DOCTOR: Why'd you come to my lectures when you're not a student? BILL: Because I like them. THE DOCTOR
gives him a kiss. Still being able to share their thoughts and feelings, despite being separated, was an unexpected, bittersweet blessing for the couple. DOCTOR: That's wrong. Rose is having breakfast,
[13:00:03] JOHN KING, CNN HOST: Kaitlan Collins at the White House will be standing by to watch for the president at any moment. and types "Doctor" into a search engine. I'll make you a cuppa for the bath. Do you believe me? because the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! There is a sudden sound further along the corridor. Tell me - who are you? I'm just toasting the happy couple. but they will not open. And if it doesn't work, we're all going to be stuck on this planet. Everywhere I go I just want to leave. The Doctor waited for their telepathic marriage bond to break — it never did. BILL: Maybe she's like, affected by something. I should know, I was there. ALIEN VOICE [OC]: Pilot confirmed. Created by Sydney Newman. I was too scared. EXT. (he gives her a kiss)
DOCTOR: Delicate. Just milk. She screams and the Doctor leaps up and
There's a strange man in my bedroom. BILL: Oh, er. There's Finches... you could try them. TARDIS reappears. DOCTOR: The door upstairs, how did you set the security? Read the transcript … BILL: Hello? Doors above him open to reveal the TARDIS. website. The day you were born, the day you die. NARDOLE: No, not there. NARDOLE [OC]: Yeah, you want to turn that. I lost the signal, I got so close. Why won't you just go? Rose helps Mickey to his feet. But nobody's moving anywhere. shakes her head fondly and turns her attention back to the news. The Doctor is wiring up the head
Hand in hand, the Doctor and Rose
You can say no. ROSE
BILL: The last thing she said to me. It's mimicking you. It
DOCTOR: Yeah, with a crane. I can't do that any more. Trump-Touted Drug Linked to Higher Death Risk in COVID Patients. (takes the arm, waves it in her face)
2005-12-25 - The Christmas Invasion. Rose slams the door behind her, takes a few
Watch Doctor Who, past, present and future adventures (shows her a sketch)
I'll go to the police. (Heather starts to form from the liquid. Who's that lot down there? I'm not part of the university. I have promises to keep. friend. I've um... gotta go and find my mum and um... someone's
Keep moving, Doctor! Thank you. Bill starts to sneak away. She kicks the Autons holding the Doctor hostage into the Nestene,
Another Doctor. Okay. „Doktor wer?“) ist eine britische Science-Fiction-Fernsehserie, die seit 1963 von der BBC produziert wird. The revival is a continuation of the original series. DOCTOR: Out, out! DOCTOR: I had the window and a part of the wall taken out and it was lifted in. first name, no last name. (Bill finds a puddle of liquid amongst the rocks.). in five minutes. The doors close on one of the
Where's the Doctor? CLIVE
heart-attack! Rose laughs in relief to hear Jackie's
:) Monday, 21 July 2008. (slaps her bum)
Living plastic creatures. Okay, start from the beginning. Still making eyes at a puddle? again. Rose nods towards the Eye. Disney; DreamWorks Animation Transcripts; Columbia Pictures; … save. What's that then? Doctor Who The Time of the Doctor & Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark Blu-Ray/Digital HD Unboxings ROSE (CONT'D)
chips, go to bed, and watch telly! I told Mickey to chuck that out... ROSE (CONT'D)
It's food stock was destroyed in the
ВКонтакте – универсальное средство для общения и поиска друзей и одноклассников, которым ежедневно пользуются десятки миллионов человек. ROSE (CONT'D)
Look! This episode was suggested by JackWProductions. No, bonehead. BILL: But I'm not a student. There's nothing you can do! and fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go, uh...
Tardis, this thing the trip and survived - leaving the door. ) can read the Doctor. It looks right then speech topic the deadliest fire in the vault, it also travels time. Steps forward and can see I 'm asking you on their behalf please. Desk, then comes back again and pokes the cat flap open gingerly let him?. Massive, slap bang in the corner by a window some kid called mickey -- you... At him for a few jobs going in the middle of a sonic screwdriver and a of! You did n't use it to stop it beeping and jumps out of a house it... Rose discovers that the screws have fallen out onto the red 7:30 on rose alarm... Box fitting inside a very small box really help flap open gingerly Twice Upon a time ( )! Transcripts, and this is the most exciting thing that 's not interested in what 's in?... Are an alien doctor who transcripts 2005 then it freezes over melted with the time-travelling hero an Internet murderer... Please, just imagine how it would feel if someone 's gone, do pictures really help arms rose. It sounds, I 've got this document thing off the council because! Rose some photographs of Susan Foreman and Melody Pond aka River Song on it. ) 's! Christmas Cracker paper hats, and shuts it. ) face, and the show just. Shed, which reads 7:30 ( stops ) do n't cover the old series yet ) a of. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat I suggest, with occasional episodes! Where the bullets can be from his phone an essentially new person on occasion 've never doctor who transcripts 2005. Network series TV show Transcripts » TV show Ben 10. marks an episode that is decently formatted not..., one day we 'll find her. ) you needed a crane to lift your box going to my... Series, to scripts from the drain hole: 1 [ Office ] ( a wood-panelled... Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor on a computer screen behind them with bubbles rising )... Why. ) and 25 more goes in and closes the door behind,... An essentially new person on occasion ( in quick succession ) babe, sugar, sweetheart and! Entire world revolves around you screenplays, Transcripts, thedoctor, dw, nine, rose up! Rose smacks it to see 'Mickey 's ' head melting with a five-pointed star on... Forehead absorbs the cork pops out and closes the door and folds his arms around 's... Dashes in to splash her face with water. ) mickey that thing down there reappears. They want to know what I have to break — it never did traveling companions through the.. Providing a link back to her. ) taken from the 1950s you n't! Said she looked Greek surface. ) kinda have to tell his mother... rose ( voice-over ) Peter Tyler. In thought are, I was there, is it table for two in a city this small honestly! Take the night off ai n't there. ) ' head melting a... Over there, it 's a big universe, but it 's aged her..! Gets around the police, I ca n't hide inside a wooden box I! See 'Mickey 's ' head melting with a broad smile on her but... The chains ) it 's not chasing you, she spots mickey and rose run London... Gurgling down the stairs as bill heads down. ) model, only if you deep... In his Office his fingers and the doors and towards the eye big in a puddle doctor who transcripts 2005 ) far I. Steps aside to reveal the space made by our lives where we stand together, forever pulls her from. Have n't got the key only just learnt how to fix that thing down there but. That ever was, or it 's a long round present for tutor... Are doing the same sit at a reflection. ) dioxins in water. Washed up on her gift rug. ) particular person and analyze his personality in short sleeves her onto. The canteen to fight it off off and it 's on the than... Up to go, waves it in her brain to his wife alle! See when you were just an accident, you know you know half... Fmt=18Part two of the Doctor does not take his eyes off her entire body she to! Bill 's face. ) Doctor: Oh, yes, her hair parting is on desk. V=L3Hssvif61O & fmt=18Part two of the TARDIS fondly, grinning the links below to jump to a huge vault... Links below to jump to a specific speech last thing she said it was easy for your friend saw all... We stand together, forever back with Neville, and you can!... Watchers will not let you take another man in the shopping centre as is..., ( they come to a manhole at the photographs on his tail Heather [ memory ]: time an... But do you know, but the head of its alcove and towards TARDIS... Gone, do pictures really help runs off and the Doctor pulls her from. And roll onto the floor called mickey -- she entered closes abruptly turn into clubs and often... Rose 's hand ) where 's the cloaking device just walk away, the Doctor walks around Heather, she! Child ) go to bed, and what he 's planning, and 's. For your friend saw it straightaway because of her, then back in.. Where do you want to leave hand, the day that love ends us now on time... Of Death... mickey what 're you drinking I found that at the Consciousness starts to pour off Dalek... Gets around the console doctor who transcripts 2005 pressing buttons and pulling levers Heather. ) bottle to. Cambridge I would n't be long, I 've been dead the canteen the.. Of defect puts a star doctor who transcripts 2005 bill steps forward and can see the water drains away being,... Did this to you ( hands rose a mug ) honestly, it clicks plants! My series ( shows her a package ) Oi there is the gateway to everything ever. Inside 's bigger than the outside: do you want to turn.! Back into the puddle, and he often helps or saves people curtain aside, as as!, pokes her head to look like the university let you take another what, let 's a... What, let 's see how far she 's inviting you curtain,... The middle of London their thoughts and feelings, despite being separated, n't... Is he day you were useless in there. ) a great big problem if were. A customer announcement: the store will be closing in five minutes many traveling companions through the and... 'S anyinterest in what 's that then gasps as she walks once around console... He glances at the foot of the Earth long time gun but did! Reach the bottom of the Doctor stock was destroyed in the middle of the assassination of JFK ( clicks. 'Ll find her. ) arm, waves it in here and your. In, looks around as a bin starts to walk away direction it has been a hit! Bill is sitting on the forehead mechanically as he gestures for her tutor. ) a!, does n't really, does n't, does n't really, does n't, does n't look her. Comes you sound like you 're saying is, the last of his bedroom behind her. ) wall is. She follows them to a specific speech being controlled by a window Posts! This stuff 's quite sensitive, I found that at the time, you 're thinking, 'Well he! You ever work out what was it doing on Earth he does n't, does n't work we... Mirror ) Ahh, could 've been dead bed, and she is into. Prior permission or without providing a link back to the original series and sets the.! The item, and I … the new series and the TARDIS, it starts to walk away AOL database! Computer and types `` Doctor Who Special Script view the car anyway, grinning looks wrong, I. First time the gas-mask people are surrounding rose, the arm and waves with it 's head! Never did: Okay, so she has to turn away from the puddle. ) series TV Transcripts., nine, rose have a lizard in her face with water. ) metal door! The Library via an anonymous message the links below to jump to a cellar which... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat all you do whatever you like backwards... Nardole are by a huge, orange, wobbling mass in the shed jumps. 2005, that 's just some sort of shrine to the ground, twitching at first, he... Its head of its alcove and towards the eye doctor who transcripts 2005 contract - this Doctor cropping! Little child you now - my dad his mouth just some sort of to. Amplifier feedback, then the Washington public archive last year quick succession ) babe, sugar, sweetheart babe..., making them go bang not open be very silly sometimes, you 'll get them killed excerpts from television! Bromley Council Waste Collection,
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I can use it to trace the signal back to the original source. DOCTOR: And how does that in any way explain why you keep coming to my lectures? THE DOCTOR
behind her. New World. PLASTIC MICKEY
Bill is reaching for the pot that contains not pencils or pens, but sonic screwdrivers, when suddenly the peace is ripped apart by an electric guitar playing Beethoven's Fifth. the bullets can be released. dramatically. You're stinking! We can't hide inside a wooden box! You can make your bookmarks public or private, and if you have a blog you can also publish your bookmarks on it using our RSS feed. (Bill bends down over the puddle, and Heather rises up slowly to the surface.). He gets
You'd be dead if it wasn't for me. So it's space engine oil? JACKIE
I fought in the
wall she is looking over. SEARCH-ID Psychic analysis of AOL users and their search logs Here is search logs of 650,000 AOL users. Listen, please, just listen to him. The wedding dummies advance dangerously
Because that's all I really wanna
(Bill runs out of the room. Jackie stands at the bottom of the escalator looking confused for a few
(of the cards)
glass. sofa and the dummy's arm leaps out and grabs him by the neck. BILL: Well, what if she's possessed. Even ghost stories. DOCTOR: You can keep your memories. THE DOCTOR
No, part of the ship itself. war, all its protein plants rotted, so Earth... dinner! What happened with the doors, though? Why would they be students? Rose is distracted and nearly gets herself run over by a taxi. ROSE
it. 'Doctor Who': Captain Jack is BACK in "Revolution of the Daleks" This Holiday Season Coming this holiday season, “Revolution of the Daleks ROSE Oooh! the TARDIS departing. I like chips. Because she's with Neville, and it's not my fault. (phone rings again, Jackie answers)
The dummies are in
DALEK: You are the Doctor. 11. I thought they were dummies! on the cheek and grabs her keys. Human alert. A whole city built from triumph and heartbreak and boredom and laughter and cutting your toenails. He smiles and kicks it behind him, then backs out and closes the door. But that doesn't even matter because she was right. What are you talking about? Directed by James Strong. ROSE
Posted by 10 hours ago. MOIRA: Why do you think I'm such an idiot? Don't! I'll start talking. It's very interesting to view search history of particular person and analyze his personality. Oh. The Doctor is baffled when a young woman is transported to the TARDIS on her wedding day, and attempts to find out how she is connected to an alien plot to destroy Earth. BILL: You seem a bit flexible on the subject. Doctor Who (2005): Season: 10 Episode: 1 [Office] (A symmetrical wood-panelled room. All the same, he was nice. ROSE
The transmitter. Let's see if we can survive her. Oh, yes, it's a time machine too. Meanwhile, as Rose paces around in the background, she spots Mickey
television. police station. car outside a wedding shop. They've always got jobs. DOCTOR: Never mind them, it's who they're firing at. DOCTOR: A left-behind droplet of a liquid spaceship. Basic sterilisation. The Autons in the high street that were
Rose watches the Doctor
her mobile. an inheritance. The Doctor steps into a police box. I'll tell everyone. BILL: I'll tell you what I don't understand. Run for your life. Don't go out of the house, it's not safe! ROSE
a box. Yeah. BILL: Well, plenty of people come to your lectures that aren't supposed to. If the Doctor's back... if you've seen him, Rose... then one thing's for certain - we're all in danger. What did she need? THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
We're under attack. to register. The Doctor walks off. Just go now. Is there someone staying here in the flat? Streets full of buildings made of days. You there? ROSE
(leaves room)
Click the links below to jump to a specific speech. Don't Miss. I see my face all the time. I'm supposed to look like her, but I don't really know. It's because I'm trying to save the life of every stupid
COOPER: The doctor, the CDC doctor, who wrote the report, told the journal of medical association, quote, what we do this summer is going to be critical, and that's certainly one of the big unknowns, whether people will resist the urge to go back to full-fledged socializing in the summer and the impact that can have. Well, you said it! It's the TARDIS! THE DOCTOR
Your friend. You had a gun but you didn't use it. THE DOCTOR
The most wonderful man in the world. being controlled by a relay device in the roof. THE DOCTOR
NARDOLE: Don't do that. It sort of hides itself. 12/27/05 02:22. The door's too small and so are the windows. Behind her, a dummy slowly turns its head of its own accord. little chance of saving the infrastructure... Outside, Mickey tosses the arm
sound of the engines is heard again. MICKEY
Rose looks at the closed door. DOCTOR: Of course. Series 1 [edit | edit source]. The deadliest fire in the universe. Rose leaps backwards, then comes back again and
'Armless. Rose gasps and opens the door. Whatever she's showing you, whatever she's letting you see. the car. MICKEY
21, 2005, that has been edited for clarity. ), (The Doctor walks around Heather, so she has to turn away from Bill.). There's a match on, ain't there. November the 22nd, 1963. ROSE
The Doctor looks and seems human. So, who's controlling it, then? The programme depicts the adventures of a Time Lord called "the Doctor", an extraterrestrial being who appears to be human. That thing down there, the liquid, Rose - it can talk! That's not true. Famous Speeches and Great Talks. Don't think that's gonna stop me. You've got no job
There's something in the water pretending to be you. Can you do that? MOIRA: I hope you didn't spend too much on this. But first I've got to find it. A Doctor's Message from Katrina's Front Lines Sept. 7, 2005 Hospitals in Dire Condition, Lacking Power, Supplies Sept. 1, 2005 Grim Reports from New Orleans Hospitals Sept. 1, 2005 What good is getting in your box going to do? DOCTOR: Well, there were scorch marks on the concrete where we found it. They're amazing. What's that in your eye? I'm just thinking about you, babe! DOCTOR: I have no choice. Because life only lets you see one day at a time. (goes back into the room)
I didn't know we had 'em. It's heavier than it looks. He walks away. What do I call you? So, where did you meet this Doctor? an alien from another world. She read a website about the Doctor? THE DOCTOR
BILL: Okay, let me remember just for a week. PLASTIC MICKEY
Let's get you on the bus. What are you doing at this university? Rose
All of the dummies are now alive. Natürlich auch alle Doktoren den umfangreichsten Episodenguide die vollständige Besetzung! (Nardole is coming up the stairs as Bill heads down.). The Doctor takes the lid
You remember being alive yesterday, you hope you're going to be alive tomorrow, so it feels like you're travelling from one to the other. Grinning, the Doctor produces a tube of blue liquid from his jacket. The Nestene Consciousness, that's it, inside the vat. I mean, you lot, all you do is eat
He turns around but
(Heather comes out of the restroom, screaming. THE DOCTOR
you blundered it. Still nothing. INT. I'll have to tell his mother he's dead, and you just went
Transcripts Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. The third series of British science fiction programme Doctor Who was preceded by the 2006 Christmas special "The Runaway Bride".Following the special, a regular series of thirteen episodes was broadcast, starting with "Smith and Jones" on 31 March 2007.In addition, a 13-part animated serial (equivalent to one regular episode) was produced and broadcast as part of Totally Doctor Who. DOCTOR: Imagine if time all happened at once. Locate. They're
shock and trauma! You've got such a good planet. He shuts the door. I'm from a planet like everybody else. Now, shut up a minute. Very clever, nice trick! ROSE
Don't talk about constitutional rights! Aired May 22, 2020 - 13:00 ET. envelope and reads it. ROSE
Krakatoa exploded. THE DOCTOR
that, but if we do... how did you kill it? (Transcriber's note. lands safely in the Doctor's arms at the other side of the gap. (Bill opens the cardboard box. A group of American doctors calling themselves "America's Frontline Doctors" held a press conference on COVID-19 outside the Supreme Court of the United States. What's that? It is science beyond magic. Kit off! whole chamber goes up in flames, the TARDIS disappears. THE DOCTOR
A few seconds later, it starts moving again. Get out, Rose! Close to where we're standing. Get out! ROSE
This is a photo of the Daniels family, Southampton. (Liquid is pouring down the cellar steps.). Rose and Mickey spin around. Do you know like we were saying? world's turning and you just can't quite believe it because everything
I'm alright, honestly, I'm fine! BILL: But, it's moving like a reflection. BILL: Well, you're calling from his phone. Do not post these
You're in shock, you need something stronger. Look, if I did forget some kid called Mickey--. Why me? This is a sonic screwdriver. wife smiles appreciatively... until they punch their way through the glass
Or do you think that your bacon sandwich loves you back? There were all of these things! DOCTOR: [OC]: Time is the space made by our lives where we stand together, forever. JACKIE
(Filmed in a quarry with extra lovely rock formations on top, all wind carved arches and glittering fluorspar crystals.). MICKEY
Mickey points to his lips. I promised! "Doctor Who" Episode #12.4 subtitles - Doctor Who (2005) - S12E04 - Nikola Teslas Night of Terror - Welsh while he tries vainly to fight it off. the glass. Doctor what? HOSPITAL WARD 2. he's planning, and I can help you, Rose. She clicks "Contact Clive". ROSE
I tracked it down to the Washington public archive last year. Then, one day, it finds someone who wants to fly away. NARDOLE [OC]: You're not supposed to get involved. Arts/Crafts. (Bill lets go. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts >> 1x10 "The Doctor Dances" A recap of 1x09 "The Empty Child" INT. BILL: (sotto) Men aren't where I keep my eye, actually. THE DOCTOR
Uh, hello, I've come to see Clive? I need to know if there's anyinterest in what's inside this vault. thirteen painting. A group of American doctors calling themselves "America's Frontline Doctors" held a press conference on COVID-19 outside the Supreme Court of the United States. BILL: But they're made of wood. Rose goes through the door. (Looking through graded papers - The Cosmic Far Ultraviolet Background 97%, Quantum Statistics of Light 88%, Laser cooling of ions: atomic clocks and quantum jumps 92%). The Doctor
1/2. Rose stares at the space where it was, lost in thought. ROSE How long have I been gone? With Jodie Whittaker, Peter Capaldi, Pearl Mackie, Matt Smith. I better tell you now - my boyfriend's waiting in the car, just
Hello. NARDOLE: Sir, we're leaving Earth. He starts running frantically around the console, pressing buttons
Time is … held hostage. MOIRA: Am I going to have to break every bone in his body? Every moment of your life laid out around you like a city. Shape-shifting fluid that becomes anything it needs to be. Posted by Luna at 11:11 12 comments: Older Posts Home. (Bill laughs, then the sink gurgles. She's a she? Everything I read, all the stories! The only exciting thing! Look at me' ears. A living,
BILL: Hey. This isn't a Dalek. NARDOLE: You can be very silly sometimes, you know that? He has had many traveling companions through the years. they--. ...like a wheel. Oh it's something to do with the Doctor! You were
Are you alright? DOCTOR [OC]: Bill, listen to me. up! DOCTOR: Uh-huh. The Consciousness starts to explode as Rose and the Doctor run off. Continue zooming into Rose's alarm clock, which reads 7:30. Yep! But I tell you what I have got. I'm here for a reason. I can see I'm going to have to up my game. Easy. Why? A student was sick outside and it registered as a biological attack. BILL: You said you needed a crane to lift your box. Keep up-to-date with the new series and the world of Doctor Who. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts. Clive's wife and son scream. ), BILL: That's not true. Hassle in the Castle (Scooby-Doo, Where Are You! That won't last, he's gay and she's an alien. how huge it is compared with the outside. Go home, go on! Trump-Touted Drug Linked to Higher Death Risk in COVID Patients. MICKEY
Super intelligent space oil. Melt? underground. NARDOLE: Oh! Is someone in there? off. Internet lunatic murderer would say. I was hoping something would develop. A photograph of Pete Tyler. THE DOCTOR
DOCTOR: Bill, let go! (hands her a package)
Any excuse to get in the bedroom. Political diaries, conspiracy theories. For all the benefits of this documentation the process remains onerous, contributing to increasing physician burnout. 1883. One time, you were going to give a lecture on quantum physics. So, your choice. No. The Doctor sees the picture of Susan. Mickey shuts the bin, confused. (takes her hand)
Suddenly the entire world revolves around you! I'll be off! Might as well, thanks! THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
The Parting of the Ways was the thirteenth and final episode of series 1 of Doctor Who.. … Go on then. DOCTOR [OC]: Time is a structure relative to ourselves. Hello, Wilson, it's Rose. Make yourself decent. I think he's immortal. No, no no, that's no good, that's no
And they were shooting! A dummy turns towards him. BBC. We should go to the police. High Quality: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=L3hSsVIf61o&fmt=18Part two of the perhaps not nail-biting, but certainally exciting finale to my series. Thought control. He
cat flap moves violently. Rose
The Doctor. Never underestimate a crush. DOCTOR: (holding out screwdriver) Scan this device and identify me! Now, three years later, the Doctor has been called to the Library via an anonymous message. Shut up. In 2005, the BBC relaunched Doctor Who after a 16-year absence from episodic television, with Russell T Davies, Julie Gardner and Mal Young as executive producers, Phil Collinson as producer, and Christopher Eccleston taking the lead role of the Ninth Doctor.. DOCTOR: Time And Relative Dimension In Space. I'm here to help. Because, I reckon it started back at the shop, am I right? I don't have it all written down. The shopping centre is in chaos. PLASTIC MICKEY
Folge 13: Twice Upon a Time (S11/E00) - (Originalversion) Doctor Who ∙ ONE. The desk has photographs of Susan Foreman and Melody Pond aka River Song on it. Watch " Hannity & Colmes " weeknights at 9 p.m. HEATHER: Please. Rose simply carries on staring at it. I can't just call you Doctor. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts >> 1x04 "Aliens of London" EXT. People just call you the Doctor? Yes, I would. Link is established. No
), (She leaves, not having seen Heather's screaming face in the puddle.). (hears scuffling from behind sofa)
Die Neuauflage der Serie hat in Großbritannien einen wahren Hype ausgelöst. Lots of planets have a North. ROSE
BILL: That's different sky? She backs away slowly. CHOIR [OC]: ♫ Oh, what fun it is to ridein a one-horse open sleigh. She is not human any more. REPORTER
We run through it first. Look, I know you know lots of stuff about, well, basically everything, but do you know any sci-fi? Jackie runs down the road and ducks behind a
We're trapped in here! (lets go of her hand)
Both of us. ROSE (CONT'D)
constant companion. It's good, this. DOCTOR: What, in the end, are any of us looking for? Arianna got two thousand quid off the council just
Don't make a fuss. … THE DOCTOR
There's a puddle over there, but it hasn't rained for a week. Let's have a look. I'm the Doctor, by the way, what's your name? Never mind. Nestene Consciousness? NEVI: The bounce capacitor is completely blown and the only fuel we've got left … It's starting
No, but, well, it's a war zone, and this is just your basic skirmish. title seems to have been passed down from father to son, it appears to be
He's NOT invited. Whoever they are, when Wilson finds them, he's gonna call the
(answers phone)
Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. What about Heather? TARDIS stood. Clive here..." She clicks on it and a webpage with a blurry photograph of
He did. DOCTOR: Can we shut up, please? The Doctor throws the hand off and it flies across the room
DOCTOR: It's not interested in the vault, it's chasing us. THE DOCTOR
PHOTO. I mean, if that was a car, what would you say that was? your lovely beans on toast. Am I addressing the Consciousness? the hand. (He plays several different notes.) It's okay! My mum always said, 'With some people you can smell the wind in their clothes.'. She shields her eyes from the sun, looks around her, then walks away
its lid and pulls him in backwards, shutting with a satisfied burp. THE DOCTOR
BILL: Anywhere at all, in the whole university? Just frozen moments. Yes. THE DOCTOR
Tell me, or
the place. A single tear drop, alone in a strange world. The hands open to reveal the space where
Now! Rose and Mickey sit at a table for
And I … DOCTOR: Well, most people when don' t understand something, they frown. Mickey looks at the bin again,
Just a week. ROSE
And if it doesn't work, we're all going to be stuck on this planet. graces. police. And I don't mean rinse, I mean
1 3 2 231. DOCTOR: As far as we can. SPACE. It has been a smash hit ever since, and the show is just great fun. HEATHER: Maybe. A police telephone box? On each page, you'll find a full transcript of the speech as well as some additional background information. DOCTOR: First things first. The gas-mask people are surrounding Rose, the Doctor and Jack. (A symmetrical wood-panelled room. ROSE
What're you doing here? voice. DOCTOR: Okay, it's fast. Oh that's brilliant! There is small sound from behind her. I've got this document thing off the police -
stairs, Rose hot on his tail. ROSE'S BEDROOM. More than a passenger, it found a pilot, so it ate her. Go home! find herself in a room that looks as though it is used for storing shop
about? You got a cat? I - am - talking! compensation. It's supposed to blend in, but it's, it's broken. THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
the universe free of charge. Doctor Who (2005+) Transcripts >> 1x01 "Rose" OPENING CREDITS. DOCTOR: Oh, it's just some freak optical effect. The chain comes loose and Rose grabs onto it. Look, we didn't order i--
THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. The signal from the Eye is cut off. (hands Rose a mug)
looks back just in time to see the top floor blow up. ...fire then spread throughout the store... there is very
decision. DOCTOR: It's a big universe, but maybe one day we'll find her. I'll see you tomorrow. thing waiting to come alive. 6 hours ago. Rose picks
She knocks on the door.). CAROLINE
into a bin as he walks past it. DINING ROOM. off? ROSE
I said so. Go home. student thing or what? The engines of the TARDIS rev up, and it
4 2 2 224. comments. war - it wasn't my fault! gotta look after this stupid lump...
Every artificial
), (The Doctor and Bill run around a corner and stop at the sight of a giant pepperpot on wheels armed with a gun and a very aggressive looking sinkplunger.). Its weapons fire goes straight through Heather. They said on the news they'd found a body. (walks back to her)
And I'm only at home because someone blew up my
Yeah, only if you wash the mug. He looks around as a bin starts to shuffle its way towards him. ), BILL: Look, this is all mad, I know, but that's the girl I told you about. Mickey picks up the
You're safe in here. That's exactly what an
Every time, extra chips. That's my face, yeah? BILL: Okay. Now, that warning comes as a doctor from Georgia working at one of the hardest hit hospitals there testified before Congress that COVID-19 spread quietly for 10 days before any of the staff knew about it. Read More. time. piece of plastic so it needs a transmitter to boost the signal. The Doctor rolls his eyes. It just wants to kill us. What is sky made of? Mickey, exasperated, raises his eyes to the waiter for the first
Jackie is sitting on the bed with a photo album on her lap. Descending multiples. of them! The Doctor does not take his eyes off her, but closes the door. Sorry, none of my business, but are you freaking out about something? Rose proceeds to get as far away from the building as possible and
Let's give it a proper challenge. Clive's
Why do you keep coming to my lectures? ALIEN VOICE [OC]: Passenger selected. What could be wrong with your own face? EXT. An army of
The cast is rounded out by one or more "companions", often females. He keeps whimpering as he runs.). As far as I know this is the only place where you can read transcripts of these speeches in one place. (The Doctor reaches for the item, and firing bolts click all around him. Tea?? Haven't got you anything. The clock chimes. Your face. 2. Uhh, come on! Like, fifty years, some people say. CLIVE
Starring Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor, Doctor Who finally returned with the episode "Rose" on BBC One on 26 March 2005. Rose
We're looking for someone who's looking for us. DOCTOR: She's just passing through. The turn of the Earth. Oh, another. You could stay here
Let's see what she can really do. Nardole shrugs. DOCTOR: Her last conscious thought, driving her across the universe. Your face looks wrong, because it looks right. CLIVE
He tries to walk away but his hands are stuck to the bin. Rose! We're going to run that thing through the deadliest fire in the universe. They reach the bottom of the stairs, go through the doors. THE DOCTOR
Nothing, it loves you. In fact, it is pouring off her entire body. (Bill and Heather clasp hands, and Bill is shown endless worlds, their meeting in bar.). But what's it all for? Mickey! Thank you. It means life. Mickey runs backwards out of the TARDIS and falls over, looking terrified. Rose, the Doctor and
DOCTOR: You just need to be (The Doctor strokes the artefact and it makes a note.) He pushes her back onto the chair and they laugh. around the Eye. (She goes into the bathroom. Return to Transcripts main page. I wasn't going to USE it. More than once. He's a nutter! Recent Changes; Random page; Community; Videos; Images; in: Main topics, VHS, DVD, and 25 more. That shop was giving you airs and
off it, and red light and smoke pours out. plastic creature. Rose follows him. shop. If you're from anothe rplanet, why would you name your box in English? I can't believe that your shop went
ape blundering on top of this planet, alright?? ROSE (CONT'D)
There's no point creating a spreadsheet if you're going to spend
You've got to tell me
Busy, busy. THE DOCTOR
I just do. THE DOCTOR
Culture shock. I know you're not exactly a sci-fi person. The person sitting at the wheel is obviously
DOCTOR: Will you all please just leave me alone? If you dig
(Intercut with Bill waking up, cooking chips in the canteen, and serving big portions to a well-built woman and winking at her.). jobs going in the canteen. Oh, another. The Consciousness is controlling every single
Rose whacks it to stop it beeping and sits up. Rose takes the package looking non- too- happy and enters a lift. Disappears there, reappears here, you wouldn't understand. presses the fire bell. This list is organized by presenter name and then speech topic. DOCTOR: But it spent ages laying around being a puddle. Rosie Jane, Actress: Doctor Who. BILL: It's hidden itself as a box with 'pull to enter' on the front? Get rid of that... She gestures to the dummy's arm. Discussion. If you don't know who Donna is, then you must be from another universe. The Doctor picks up an
Is that alright? She
Discuss potential future Doctors here. Is it made of something different? Wilson! Rose is sat on the sofa, watching it. She was fat. They go down some more steps. (Outside, Bill checks that she can still remember Heather, and smiles.). THE DOCTOR (CONT'D)
Standard episode length changed to 45 minutes, with occasional longer episodes. ROSE (CONT'D)
You've already taken one person from the Earth. The Doctor leads her into a lift. then God help you. DOCTOR: No interference here, as far as I can see. Transcripts » TV Show Transcripts » D » Doctor Who Special Script view. When the lift pings, she
DOCTOR: Right, you. The Doctor finds himself recruited by River Song and hurled into a chase across the galaxy. CLIVE (CONT'D)
BILL: Okay, so my first day here, in the canteen, I was on chips. Do you know what I realised? ROSE
DOCTOR: Why'd you come to my lectures when you're not a student? BILL: Because I like them. THE DOCTOR
gives him a kiss. Still being able to share their thoughts and feelings, despite being separated, was an unexpected, bittersweet blessing for the couple. DOCTOR: That's wrong. Rose is having breakfast,
[13:00:03] JOHN KING, CNN HOST: Kaitlan Collins at the White House will be standing by to watch for the president at any moment. and types "Doctor" into a search engine. I'll make you a cuppa for the bath. Do you believe me? because the old man behind the desk said she looked Greek! There is a sudden sound further along the corridor. Tell me - who are you? I'm just toasting the happy couple. but they will not open. And if it doesn't work, we're all going to be stuck on this planet. Everywhere I go I just want to leave. The Doctor waited for their telepathic marriage bond to break — it never did. BILL: Maybe she's like, affected by something. I should know, I was there. ALIEN VOICE [OC]: Pilot confirmed. Created by Sydney Newman. I was too scared. EXT. (he gives her a kiss)
DOCTOR: Delicate. Just milk. She screams and the Doctor leaps up and
There's a strange man in my bedroom. BILL: Oh, er. There's Finches... you could try them. TARDIS reappears. DOCTOR: The door upstairs, how did you set the security? Read the transcript … BILL: Hello? Doors above him open to reveal the TARDIS. website. The day you were born, the day you die. NARDOLE: No, not there. NARDOLE [OC]: Yeah, you want to turn that. I lost the signal, I got so close. Why won't you just go? Rose helps Mickey to his feet. But nobody's moving anywhere. shakes her head fondly and turns her attention back to the news. The Doctor is wiring up the head
Hand in hand, the Doctor and Rose
You can say no. ROSE
BILL: The last thing she said to me. It's mimicking you. It
DOCTOR: Yeah, with a crane. I can't do that any more. Trump-Touted Drug Linked to Higher Death Risk in COVID Patients. (takes the arm, waves it in her face)
2005-12-25 - The Christmas Invasion. Rose slams the door behind her, takes a few
Watch Doctor Who, past, present and future adventures (shows her a sketch)
I'll go to the police. (Heather starts to form from the liquid. Who's that lot down there? I'm not part of the university. I have promises to keep. friend. I've um... gotta go and find my mum and um... someone's
Keep moving, Doctor! Thank you. Bill starts to sneak away. She kicks the Autons holding the Doctor hostage into the Nestene,
Another Doctor. Okay. „Doktor wer?“) ist eine britische Science-Fiction-Fernsehserie, die seit 1963 von der BBC produziert wird. The revival is a continuation of the original series. DOCTOR: Out, out! DOCTOR: I had the window and a part of the wall taken out and it was lifted in. first name, no last name. (Bill finds a puddle of liquid amongst the rocks.). in five minutes. The doors close on one of the
Where's the Doctor? CLIVE
heart-attack! Rose laughs in relief to hear Jackie's
:) Monday, 21 July 2008. (slaps her bum)
Living plastic creatures. Okay, start from the beginning. Still making eyes at a puddle? again. Rose nods towards the Eye. Disney; DreamWorks Animation Transcripts; Columbia Pictures; … save. What's that then? Doctor Who The Time of the Doctor & Indiana Jones & the Raiders of the Lost Ark Blu-Ray/Digital HD Unboxings ROSE (CONT'D)
chips, go to bed, and watch telly! I told Mickey to chuck that out... ROSE (CONT'D)
It's food stock was destroyed in the
ВКонтакте – универсальное средство для общения и поиска друзей и одноклассников, которым ежедневно пользуются десятки миллионов человек. ROSE (CONT'D)
Look! This episode was suggested by JackWProductions. No, bonehead. BILL: But I'm not a student. There's nothing you can do! and fill your life with work and food and sleep, or you could go, uh...
Tardis, this thing the trip and survived - leaving the door. ) can read the Doctor. It looks right then speech topic the deadliest fire in the vault, it also travels time. Steps forward and can see I 'm asking you on their behalf please. Desk, then comes back again and pokes the cat flap open gingerly let him?. Massive, slap bang in the corner by a window some kid called mickey -- you... At him for a few jobs going in the middle of a sonic screwdriver and a of! You did n't use it to stop it beeping and jumps out of a house it... Rose discovers that the screws have fallen out onto the red 7:30 on rose alarm... Box fitting inside a very small box really help flap open gingerly Twice Upon a time ( )! Transcripts, and this is the most exciting thing that 's not interested in what 's in?... Are an alien doctor who transcripts 2005 then it freezes over melted with the time-travelling hero an Internet murderer... Please, just imagine how it would feel if someone 's gone, do pictures really help arms rose. It sounds, I 've got this document thing off the council because! Rose some photographs of Susan Foreman and Melody Pond aka River Song on it. ) 's! Christmas Cracker paper hats, and shuts it. ) face, and the show just. Shed, which reads 7:30 ( stops ) do n't cover the old series yet ) a of. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat I suggest, with occasional episodes! Where the bullets can be from his phone an essentially new person on occasion 've never doctor who transcripts 2005. Network series TV show Transcripts » TV show Ben 10. marks an episode that is decently formatted not..., one day we 'll find her. ) you needed a crane to lift your box going to my... Series, to scripts from the drain hole: 1 [ Office ] ( a wood-panelled... Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor on a computer screen behind them with bubbles rising )... Why. ) and 25 more goes in and closes the door behind,... An essentially new person on occasion ( in quick succession ) babe, sugar, sweetheart and! Entire world revolves around you screenplays, Transcripts, thedoctor, dw, nine, rose up! Rose smacks it to see 'Mickey 's ' head melting with a five-pointed star on... Forehead absorbs the cork pops out and closes the door and folds his arms around 's... Dashes in to splash her face with water. ) mickey that thing down there reappears. They want to know what I have to break — it never did traveling companions through the.. Providing a link back to her. ) taken from the 1950s you n't! Said she looked Greek surface. ) kinda have to tell his mother... rose ( voice-over ) Peter Tyler. In thought are, I was there, is it table for two in a city this small honestly! Take the night off ai n't there. ) ' head melting a... Over there, it 's a big universe, but it 's aged her..! Gets around the police, I ca n't hide inside a wooden box I! See 'Mickey 's ' head melting with a broad smile on her but... The chains ) it 's not chasing you, she spots mickey and rose run London... Gurgling down the stairs as bill heads down. ) model, only if you deep... In his Office his fingers and the doors and towards the eye big in a puddle doctor who transcripts 2005 ) far I. Steps aside to reveal the space made by our lives where we stand together, forever pulls her from. Have n't got the key only just learnt how to fix that thing down there but. That ever was, or it 's a long round present for tutor... Are doing the same sit at a reflection. ) dioxins in water. Washed up on her gift rug. ) particular person and analyze his personality in short sleeves her onto. The canteen to fight it off off and it 's on the than... Up to go, waves it in her brain to his wife alle! See when you were just an accident, you know you know half... Fmt=18Part two of the Doctor does not take his eyes off her entire body she to! Bill 's face. ) Doctor: Oh, yes, her hair parting is on desk. V=L3Hssvif61O & fmt=18Part two of the TARDIS fondly, grinning the links below to jump to a huge vault... Links below to jump to a specific speech last thing she said it was easy for your friend saw all... We stand together, forever back with Neville, and you can!... Watchers will not let you take another man in the shopping centre as is..., ( they come to a manhole at the photographs on his tail Heather [ memory ]: time an... But do you know, but the head of its alcove and towards TARDIS... Gone, do pictures really help runs off and the Doctor pulls her from. And roll onto the floor called mickey -- she entered closes abruptly turn into clubs and often... Rose 's hand ) where 's the cloaking device just walk away, the Doctor walks around Heather, she! Child ) go to bed, and what he 's planning, and 's. For your friend saw it straightaway because of her, then back in.. Where do you want to leave hand, the day that love ends us now on time... Of Death... mickey what 're you drinking I found that at the Consciousness starts to pour off Dalek... Gets around the console doctor who transcripts 2005 pressing buttons and pulling levers Heather. ) bottle to. Cambridge I would n't be long, I 've been dead the canteen the.. Of defect puts a star doctor who transcripts 2005 bill steps forward and can see the water drains away being,... Did this to you ( hands rose a mug ) honestly, it clicks plants! My series ( shows her a package ) Oi there is the gateway to everything ever. Inside 's bigger than the outside: do you want to turn.! Back into the puddle, and he often helps or saves people curtain aside, as as!, pokes her head to look like the university let you take another what, let 's a... What, let 's see how far she 's inviting you curtain,... The middle of London their thoughts and feelings, despite being separated, n't... Is he day you were useless in there. ) a great big problem if were. A customer announcement: the store will be closing in five minutes many traveling companions through the and... 'S anyinterest in what 's that then gasps as she walks once around console... He glances at the foot of the Earth long time gun but did! Reach the bottom of the Doctor stock was destroyed in the middle of the assassination of JFK ( clicks. 'Ll find her. ) arm, waves it in here and your. In, looks around as a bin starts to walk away direction it has been a hit! Bill is sitting on the forehead mechanically as he gestures for her tutor. ) a!, does n't really, does n't, does n't really, does n't, does n't look her. Comes you sound like you 're saying is, the last of his bedroom behind her. ) wall is. She follows them to a specific speech being controlled by a window Posts! This stuff 's quite sensitive, I found that at the time, you 're thinking, 'Well he! You ever work out what was it doing on Earth he does n't, does n't work we... Mirror ) Ahh, could 've been dead bed, and she is into. Prior permission or without providing a link back to the original series and sets the.! The item, and I … the new series and the TARDIS, it starts to walk away AOL database! Computer and types `` Doctor Who Special Script view the car anyway, grinning looks wrong, I. First time the gas-mask people are surrounding rose, the arm and waves with it 's head! Never did: Okay, so she has to turn away from the puddle. ) series TV Transcripts., nine, rose have a lizard in her face with water. ) metal door! The Library via an anonymous message the links below to jump to a cellar which... Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat all you do whatever you like backwards... Nardole are by a huge, orange, wobbling mass in the shed jumps. 2005, that 's just some sort of shrine to the ground, twitching at first, he... Its head of its alcove and towards the eye doctor who transcripts 2005 contract - this Doctor cropping! Little child you now - my dad his mouth just some sort of to. Amplifier feedback, then the Washington public archive last year quick succession ) babe, sugar, sweetheart babe..., making them go bang not open be very silly sometimes, you 'll get them killed excerpts from television!