chicago contrarian second city copmegan stewart and amy harmon missing

Ethics Reform, Chicago City Council Style. The posts from Chicago About 70. WGNs Andrew Schroedter jumps on the Kim Foxx bandwagon. Chicago property owners do play by the rules. Catanzara . It will be at the headquarters of the Fraternal Order of Police. With an obedient media protecting the most corrupt elected official in the country, Chicago and Illinois are now doomed. It's not just large corporations leaving the Windy City. Two months. Post Oct 25, 2021 #1 2021-10-25T18:58. Contrary to orthodox history, the violent radicals of the 1960s never went away. Kim Foxx Reverses Course, Allows Two Accused Killers to Skate. Over the last couple years I find I get the most perspective on the city and region from Wirepoints, CWB Chicago and Chicago Contrarian. Four cops shot in a matter of days no condemnation from the political structure. Chicago City Council embraces bizarre claims of radical journalism group. With the primary aim of challenging the existing state of affairs in Chicago and its determined defenders, Chicago Contrarian offers new thinking and analysis on the largest and smallest matters influencing Chicago's political landscape, culture and society. 24 Jun . Life goes on until it doesnt. Its time to end the Lindsey LaPointe comedy act. Was the City of Chicago Justified in its Battle Against WBBM, Savini, and Media? 2009-2012 stats account for on duty CPD incidents only. So your comment wont show up if you dont see it fairly soon, drop me a line, it probably fell into the spam bucket. Political Activism in Chicago Schools: Contrasting Trumps and Bidens Inaugurations. Evidence abounds commission that allowed for the release of Jackie Wilson for his role in murder of two officers is a constitutional travesty. It was a long time coming, but you'll wear the blame for this one forever. Alderman Sigcho-Lopezs hijinks at police station a national embarrassment. Mismanaging the Chicago Police Department. 60 Years of Comedy History. On Chicago: Merry Christmas and an Unhappy New Year. Welcome to Another Great Year at Chicago Public Schools. A Fake News, White Supremacist Holiday.. Booth Bobbles: Chicagos Destructive Mayor Featured at Premier U of C Event. Beverly, Mount Greenwood, and Morgan Park deserve an alderman better attuned to the needs of residents. Hint: Mayor Lightfoot and the city will need to think long and hard about business retention strategies. I have been monitoring the Second City Cop site for a couple of weeks. #Chicago Women, children fodder for the militant anti-police movement? Who Is to Blame In Chicago Police Shooting? Suffice it to say weve been busy. For example, earlier this week, it was reported that Oregon Governor Kate Brown issued an . And your fronts. How many recruits are in the Academy right now? Brown and Carter seek numbers crunching as replacement for vigilant policing. A rare bright spot in Chicago journalism emerged. 258Heckler v Chaney, 470 US 821, 831 (1985). Supposedly, after scouring the last THREE hiring lists for any warm body that washed out of pre-testing, over one-thousand letters and e-mails were sent out to take the Power test. Chicagos Most Popular New Social Media Platform: Citizen. Orwells 1984? Wishes for a Chicago family to reunite with the grandparents. The comment section of the blog was home to some of the most hate filled content on the internet related to Chicago. Chicago Contrarian @ChicagoContrar1 Second City Cop has graciously accepted our invitation to become a contributor with CC. Not only that, but they will almost all be armed. Chicago Aldermen Must Aggressively Quiz Police Superintendent at Police Budget Hearing. For Whom Are Kwame Raoul and Kimberly Foxx Working? Over the weekend, we received information from a contact at Google that internal chat/e-mails led them to believe that certain precautions we had taken over the years had been breached by Google. The interesting part of their posts on Chicago Contrarian is that there are no comments allowed. An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. After all, Groot is saving millions in salary costs. The Tribune perfected the model of agenda journalism. They tell us so in e-mails and e-learning videos. December 21, 2022 . 35K 7,711 4. Lori Lightfoot ranked third in a nine-way election last night, ending her bid for a second term as the race advances to an April . It's why for the past 15 years the "Second City Cop" police blog has been must-read for many Chicagoans who want to have a better understanding about crime and justice in their city. Reposting in full to prevent disappearance. Progressive madness engulfs Jefferson Park. 257Hameetman v City of Chicago, 776 F2d 636, 641 (7th Cir 1985). A familiar source of fresh and powerful insight on untold matters affecting . The operators of Second City Cop, a long-running and widely-read blog about Chicago policing, confirmed Tuesday night that they independently decided to cease publication over the weekend. In the meantime, everyone reading should make these sites the first place you go for news and educated opinion: Watch your backs boys and girls. Loaded 0%. The Chicago Teachers Union Yields to a Biden Victory. Thats mother of the year material right there. Literally hundreds.and not even 100 in the pipeline. History Museum. In a statement provided to the Crime in Wrigleyville and Boystown blog one of SCCs preferred media outlets the owner of Second City Cop did not rule out reviving the site in a different format, saying: Well, this was certainly a long time coming. One hundred? On Chicago: Afghanistan Debacle Should Inspire Deep and Rigorous Thinking among Windy City Residents. Chicago Experiments with a Universal Basic Income. End result? Can Mike Cummings Upend Matt OShea in Chicagos 19th Ward? Fabrication as Fact: The CPS Introduces the 1619 Project to Classrooms. Chicago Contrarian Offers Advice to Parents Considering Chicago Private Schools. The link? Photo: Getty Images. Brownie was worse, posting an e-mail to everyone where he expressed exactly ZERO concern for the mental well-being of the Officer involved, who was placed into the unfortunate situation of responding to a Shots Fired call, and being quick enough to arrive on-scene in time to actually on-view someone with a gun. University of Illinois at Chicago research fails to analyze and interpret basic statistical data. Governor J.B. Pritzker Joins Illinois' Hall of Shame. If you follow theCWB blog(still a daily read for us) a number of articles arent just about criminals out on affordable bails that are shooting and killing rivals along with a few innocent bystanders its about rapists who should be on electronic monitoring not even showing up to be lo-jacked, and then going out and raping again. Journalist contributed to the demise of journalism. Contrarian's Second City Cop discusses Kass' column, manpower shortages, Police retiring in droves, and the early rounds of "wilding" downtown. We had gotten similar warnings from others in the past, and we dealt with or ignored them as the situation warranted. Thats the message, loud and clear. A CPD source points out to me just now that Second City Cop appears to have gone dark Shareholders' vote places Tribune's future in Alden's hands. After 15 years as an online water-cooler for Chicagos police officers, the anonymously authored Second City Cop blog was closed to the public over the weekend. To Reduce Crime in Chicago, Alderwoman Michele Smith Needs a Mirror. The Chicago Sun-Times advances Progressive disarmament. Groot, Crimesha,Prickwrinkle three minority mothers, whose catch-and-release policies, along with zero-bail initiatives, downgrading criminal acts (without legislative action) and anti-police support have led to the biggest shooting and killing tallies since 2016. John Catanzara has been reelected for a second three-year term as president of Chicago Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 7, the largest police union in the city. Heather ODonnell of the Chicago social services agency Thresholds says the money is an opportunity to really build up substance use care.. Smaller & Taller: Fairness to Fellow Chicagoans, Chicago Police Recruits Should Learn the Truth about Wrongful Convictions. New Book Digs into Chicagos Challenges. Via Chicago Contrarian On Chicago: And There it Goes August 11, 2021 SECOND CITY COP ( https://assets . Also on the show today we discuss the city trying to fire the Sergeant that oversaw the raid on Anjanette Young raid. The first post we look at from Chicago Contrarian is a post authored by Second City Cop an alt right blog that folded mysteriously shortly after the insurrection and then appeared posting to the Chicago Contrarian site. Read it first on Chicago Contrarian. Via Chicago Contrarian October 25, 2021 Fate of CPD Officers Coughlin and Torres reveal why the Tyshon Brownlees of Chicago run free. (Hint: No.) Some good, some bad, some truly sad, but busy. Cuomos release of Weather Underground member David Gilbert reveals radicalized Democratic Party. The Second City Cop blog offered rumors and opinions about what was going on in the Chicago Police Department and in city politics. DRIVER ALERT: Michigan Avenue Protest (Er, 'Riot') Set For Saturday August 29 Avoid Downtown If You Aren't Already Doing So - Second City Cop Will This Be Chicago's Black Lives Mass Looting Threepeat And The Beginning Of A Downtown . In any event, the BIG the blog coming back? What Senator McCarthy is remembered for Are you now or have you ever been has been twisted, refined (Bake that cake! Ald. WBEZs Chip Mitchell pens a bizarre article questioning city attorneys. Anonymizers and cut-outs are of limited use in the age of big tech. Did you know that after the suicide in 019, not a single member of the Command Staff showed up at Roll Calls for at least three days? On Chicago: Lightfoot Faces Her First Serious Reelection Challenge. Executives are worried about the legality and business impacts of woke discrimination in hiring and promotion. The posts from Chicago Contrarian also provide insight in to minds of far too many Chicago police officers. In the 16th District, vote for Trisha Kannon and @DanButtersChi . Man Who Shot Chicago Police Officers Dies a Free Man. The Cost of the Chicago Teachers Union Strike, Chicago Public School Educator Affirms Anti-Police Bias in Jon Burge Curriculum. It is filled with hatred and privilege that Blair seems immune form recognizing.

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