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2012 100,893, Minneosta Teen Challenge (EIN 41-1517351), Teen Challenge is a an international network of addiction recovery centers run by the Pentecostal denomination the Assemblies of God. One letter featured in this video comes from Kennedy. Current E&PPC fellow Herb Schlossberg who served as a Fieldsteads program director during the 1990s, conceived the master religious right plan for fighting organized homosexuality that was presented at The Gathering in 1997. 2012 0 2010 300 I want to let you know that I am also a sponsor of one little girl from the same slum I grew up in. 2006 3,000 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission office in Milwaukee arguing that he was terminated May 5 because of his religious beliefs. 2008 64,150 Syria and Iraq) and boundaries created by that Agreement created states inherently unstable, argued Scruton, because they encompassed tribal, ethnic and religious factions inherently at odds and not cemented by any secular national ethos. Founded in 1952, Compassion partners with more than 8,000 local churches in 25 program countries to deliver spiritual, economic, social, and physical care to over two million babies, children, and young adults in poverty. Writes ILCO, Hobby Lobby and some forty other corporations in the case oppose the acts requirement for employers to expand health coverage to include contraceptives linked to early abortions., According to Political Research Associates Senior Fellow Frederick Clarkson, a decision in favor of Hobby Lobby and its co-plaintiffs could result in an historically unprecedented expansion of religious freedom rights to corporations that would allow exemptions from existing federal and state law based simply on viewpoints or religious belief. I would have either gotten into crime and drugs, which were always available around me. people from each child's community to care for them so that, regardless of location, our Throughout his career Palau has been close to Billy Graham and also tightly linked to The Family/Fellowship, which hosts the National Prayer Breakfast. 2012 25,500. 2003 663,000 2006 281,500 Copyright 2017 - Truth Wins Out. 2008 2,000 2002 1,000 The FRC is one of the highest profile Christian right organizations working against LGBT rights, both within the United States and internationally. 2011 8,900 2001 7,600 2004 67,500 In his writing Ockenga, the first president of the National Association of Evangelicals, described the Neo-Evangelical project both as infiltration (a tactic that would soon be ascribed, during the coming McCarthyite Red Scare, to American communists, socialists, and even liberals accused of being fellow travelers) but also in terms of the strategy and tactics of actual warfare. 2006 742,245 Some Teen Challenge centers practice reparative therapy and attempt to change sexual orientation through exorcism. Center For Arizona Policy 2001 700 2006 224,650 2012 2,100 Nominally Anglican, the Truro Church has in fact been a vector for the spread of the radical Spiritual Mapping/Spiritual Warfare paradigm created by New Apostolic Reformation leaders such as C. Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Ed Silvoso, and others (see: Spiritual Mapping: The Turbulent Career of a Contested American Missionary Paradigm, 1989-2005). [26] Compassion provided services under its Child Sponsor Program to 145,000 Indian children. 2003 -15,000 (Conservative Caucus Research, a separate Howard Phillips-run 501(c)(3)) 25 Feb/23. 2004 20,000 2013 177,877 (South Tampa Fellowship). Evidence of homosexual behaviors among animals is just another reminder that we live in a fallen world one in which every dimension of creation bears evidence of the Fall. Focus on the Family founder and longtime head Dr. James Dobson has long been an enthusiastic endorser of Summit Ministries, which sells Christian worldview teaching materials and runs a worldview summer camp for youth. Frank Worthen and Anne Paulk are founding members of the Restored Hope Network that formed in 2012 amidst the move of Exodus International away from the claim that reparative therapy works. 2005 46,825 2001 141,548 2011 10,000 Some seemed transfixed; some spoke in tongues, The Rev. Your support gives a child life-changing 2004 0 2010 158,000 The South Tampa Fellowship Church main website does not specify that its Celebrate Recovery program can cure same-sex attraction.That program maintains its own website, distinct from the churchs website, and a search for the word homosexual on the Celebrate Recovery South Tampa Fellowship Church website produces no results at all. ADF is tied to anti-LGBT rights activism from the U.S. to Belize to Russia and has played a major role in the the anti-gay World Congress of Families (see: ). 2008 1,028,150 2004 10,500 I vividly remember the day I received that yellow letter notifying me that you have chosen me to be your sponsored child. The mission is to redefine the family, to replace the Biblical meaning of manhood, and to remove all vestiges of Biblical patriarchy from society. According to the Frontline Fellowship book description, The Pink Agenda poses the following questions: Why do men involved in homosexuality and sodomy have an average life expectancy of 42 compared to 73 for other men? Why are homosexuals 24 times more likely to commit suicide than other people? Does the international gay movement include the lowering of the age of consent for sex with children, especially boys, and the normalization of pedophilia?. Do you hear me? We do not condemn homosexuality just because we are Africans. Ethics and Public Policy Fellow Herb Schlossberg was the intellectual architect of the stealth group strategy to fight organized homosexuality outlined at The Gathering in 1997. 2009 0 2002 50,000 2011 91,195 Posted on . 2012 5,000 2008 1,000 2004 1,000 2012 0, Keynote EIN 33-1863088 The Massachusetts Family Institute statement on Marriage and the Family reads. church. 2008 200 The Biblical emphasis, then, is Morally corrupt films and television An increasingly perverted music industry The pornographic invasion of the Internet Civil initiatives promoting gay marriage. Top Ranked Companies 2010 15,480 2002 52,500 2006 0 2004 21,000 However, in Kenya these ideas fed into Mois portrayals of the countrys socioeconomic woes as resulting not from poor leadership but from individual sin that had allowed Satan to enter the nation. 2011 4,045,406 2012 6,500 2012 0, Faculty Commons EIN 95-6006173 One of the leading anti-gay agitators in Uganda, Martin Ssempa graduated from Philadelphia Biblical University in 1994. 2007 315,000 2008 1,094,120 2004 1,000 It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. (see: AIM International supports the Africa Inland Mission (AIM) network of Africa Inland Churches that are, in effect, their own continent-wide denomination. The Conservative Caucus 15% of Compassion International employees are Hispanic or Latino. Its not completed yet, we just stole it from the printer, this week, and it was faxed to us in a hurry, just to get it here so we at least could have something to show you. Oyet claims to have helped conceive the Ugandan Anti Homosexuality Bill and has forthrightly stated that the Bible mandates the death penalty for homosexuality. 2011 1,023,800 To help operationalize the inclusion of LGBTQI+ people into USAIDs development approach, USAID released the LGBTQI Vision for Action, a document that reflects USAIDs commitment to protect LGBTQI+ people from violence, discrimination, stigma, and criminalization and advance their human rights; and Suggested Approaches for Integrating Inclusive Development Across the Program Cycle and in Mission Operations, a document that identifies ways to include marginalized and vulnerable groups in USAIDs work. It feels hopeless and unchangeable. Alabama Policy Institute This effort which has neutralized, at least in a public relations sense, charges that participating churches are anti-gay, has helped ignite church growth in Portland according to Palau: Were beginning to see churches grow and new churches planted, because weve demolished that straw man argument of Oh, youre just anti-this and anti-that. South Lake, for example, has planted a church in the Roosevelt neighborhood with 150 people coming. 4. What follows is a summary of the information contained in Livelys book, Scott Lively has made repeated appearances on AFA Radio, including a 2013 appearance with the AFAs Sandy Rios, during which Lively claimed that the biblical flood was Gods punishment for the writing of wedding songs to homosexual marriage. 2010 111,600 800-336-7676 Besides the National Christian Foundation, Food for the Hungry has also been funded by Howard Ahmansons unincorporated Fieldstead and Company and by USAID. Christian Reconstructionisms founder R. J. Rushdoony declared Schlossbergs book Idols For Destruction: The Conflict of Christian Faith and American Culture to be one of the most important books of the 20th Century. 2004 242,350 2001 0 As of when Ahmanson cosponsored the Villars Consultation, he was still serving on Chalcedons board of directors and over the years had been closely mentored by Chalcedon founder R. J. Rushdoony, considered the father of Christian Reconstructionism and whose dying bedside Howard Ahmanson sat vigil at in 2001. Marriage and Family Foundation 2008 170,430 2003 1,000 Battles to remove the Ten Commandments from public buildings, and fights to take under God out of our Pledge of Allegiance. 2010 232,563 2006 1,517,669 A maturing child needs the gender-specific influences of both a mother and a father. 2002 17,500 Up to 1995, Ahmanson was one of the top funders of the Chalcedon Institute, the leading think tank of the Christian Reconstructionism movement, whose leaders propose mandating the death penalty for a range of offenses including adultery, blasphemy, childhood rebelliousness, female unchastity (sex before marriage), homosexuality, and witchcraft. in their community, *2008, Dr. Bruce Wydick, University of San Francisco. Capitol Ministries NCF also funds several ministries of unabashed Christian Reconstructionists including current Coalition on Revival steering committee member, South African evangelist Peter Hammond. In 2001, Howard Ahmanson was at R.J. Rushdoonys dying bedside. 2006 1,000 How does Compassion work? 2010 32,100 2012 392,100 Among his other roles, Cromartie serves on the advisory board of an evangelical coalition called the Cornwall Alliance that opposes action to address climate change, depicting concern over global warming as part of a vast satanic conspiracy referred to as the green dragon. 2011 30,400 2007 531,510 2006 197,000 National Christian Foundation funding of NOM begins just as religious right efforts to prevent the legalization of same sex marriage were faltering in the United States. 2011 212,425 (see: and 2005 937,818 2006 211,500 That support The Institute On Religion and Democracy (EIN 52-1265221). The CFC played an important organizing role in the successful effort to pass Californias anti-same sex marriage Proposition 8. 2009 12,275 Headed by longtime ex-gay leader David Kyle Foster, Mastering Life Ministries (MLM) is currently producing (as its main organizational project) the Pure Passion video series which features videos of ex-gay leaders, and alleged experts who purport to describe long-discredited cures for same-sex attraction. Up into 2014, the website of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes featured a testimony from an athlete who claims to have been miraculously delivered from homosexuality through her conversion to Christianity. (EIN 65-496702) Truth In Action is the working name of Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc. As chronicled by RightWingWatch, in 2012, the same year that Truth In Action was funded by the National Christian Foundation, the ministry showcased activists who likened homosexuality to slavery and called for its criminalization. 2013 5,000, Rutherford Institute lawyers successfully argued, before the U.S. Supreme Court on behalf of the (NCF-funded) Good News Club ministry which specifically targets young children in its evangelism efforts and promotes religious supremacist and eliminationist ideology the Good News Club v. Milford Central School (2001) Supreme Court case. Adding considerable intellectual gravitas to the project (and inspiring evangelical missions theorists such as Miller) has been the simultaneous rise of a secular school of thought, advanced most notably (see: ) by Lawrence E. Harrison, a former USAID official who worked for two decades in Haiti, and by Samuel P. Huntington. 2009 50,000 As reported in Kenyan media (see: ) on July 6, 2015 Ruto declared, in a speech at the Ziwani Church, The other day you heard that in America the court has ruled about homosexuality but in this country we will defend what is right and what our faith states., Ruto continued, God did not create man and woman for a man to come and marry another man. Kennedys many projects included the Center For Reclaiming America, known for its patronage and promotion of leading Christian Reconstructionists. So, losing the God of Scripture is not merely a religious event. Box 22429, Robinsdale, MN 55422-0429 (, To give special status or rights to those choosing the personally and socially destructive homosexual lifestyle is to approve and endorse that behavior, and inevitably to spread it. Hammond writes, concerning the late Martin Luther King, Jr., King was not a legitimate reverend, he was not a bona fide PhD, and his name was not really Martin Luther King, Jr. What is left? The planned book that Schmierer referred to was published the following year, in 1998, as An Ounce of Prevention: Preventing The Homosexual Condition in Todays Youth (1998, Word Publishing). 2006 1,466,920 Beyond the purview of LGBT rights, Shackleford has depicted health care reform as an attack on religious freedom that indicates a government that is totalitarian. 2010 5,000 oppression and demanded obedience to Gods law. Compassion's program, however, is unapologetically Christian and every Compassioncenter is connected to a Christian church or ministry. No to sodomy!, In 2010, only a few months after Western media attention became fixated on the role that TheCall head (and NAR prophet) Lou Engle (with financial help from the National Christian Foundation) had played in inciting anti-gay hatred in Uganda by staging a May 2010 TheCall rally in Kampala, Luis Palaus son Andrew Palau held a series of Luis Palau Association rallies in Uganda with the help of Bishop Julius Oyet (see: ). 2010 503,150 Michael Cromartie, E&PCC ties to The Fellowship, and the Just War invasion of Iraq. The termites are in charge now, and that is not the way it ought to be, and the time has arrived for a godly fumigation. (Pat Robertson, as quoted by New York Magazine, August 18, 1986), Feminism has also attracted Robertsons ire. One project of the Indiana Family Institute has been the Indiana Pastors Alliance (see: which, 2009 500,066 2002 6,600 to orphans living on the streets of South Korea during the Korean War, Compassion has Compassion International, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 2011 2,530, The Witherspoon Institute (EIN 55-0835528). Javascript is required on this website, please Enable Javascript in your browser. In a very real sense, for Howard F. Ahmanson whose Fieldstead and Company philanthropic group cosponsored (with Food for the Hungry, an enterprise Fieldstead has heavily funded) the Villars Consultation Villars was the logical extension of Ahmansons funding of the theocratic Christian Reconstructionism movement (Ahmanson had, up into the early 1990s, bankrolled its leading think tank, the Chalcedon Foundation.). The Navigators 2002 25,700 2009 12,882 Violate that rule and you are toastas last weeks public shunning of evangelical pastor Louie Giglio shows. Spavia Ann Arbor is seeking someone with a passion for the spa industry and is interested in growing our fast-growing company. All rights reserved. To learn more about sponsoring a child, visit Iowa Family Policy Center 2009 33,400 No products in the cart. 2004 38,942 2003 20,000 [9], The organization also helps in emergency situations and in the funding of health centers. Violence, discrimination, stigma, and criminalization negatively impact the lives of millions of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTQI+) people around the world and contribute to poverty. 2012 1,017,175. 2003 37,000 Hammond is an unabashed Christian Reconstructionist and co-author of the stridently anti-gay 2001 book The Pink Agenda Sexual Revolution in South Africa and the Ruin of the Family (see encyclopedia entries for Hammonds Frontline Fellowship and In Touch Mission International.). 2005 5,0 In 2008 at The Gathering, Peb Jackson a Council on National Policy member who has served as a vice president at Rick Warrens Saddleback Church and also worked at the Maclellan Foundation (which at The Gathering 1997 helped organize an anonymous funding conduit for Gathering donors who wanted to give to project that would fight organized homosexuality) emphasized, to The Gathering foundation heads at the talk, the cost effectiveness of investing in Cromarties Faith Angle Forum project : Its great to see these consequential opportunities here, and for a few bucks this guy is one of the most effective returns on investment. In the early 1980s from his state department position, Abrams would become a key player in the Iran Contra affair in which US weapons were sold to Iran to finance the Contra insurgents that were mounting
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