why didn't steve downs get custodymegan stewart and amy harmon missing

In fact, if someone was Hungry like the Wolf in this courtroom, it was a certain crime author who could already smell and taste the fortune coming her way after the publication of this juicy story. They are still part of their birth family. All the reports and even the warden thought she was not a threat anymore. I know better now than to accept blindly the truth presented to us on a silver platter by the media and the judicial system. Diane Downs and Alice Crummins were considered sluts and cold-blooded women and were judged on their unusual character. Her husband turned out to be a player and a very irresponsible guy who did not really love her. How asinine. They are set in stone and people refuse to see it any other way. The interpretation of blood splatter is different than no blood splatter. I base a lot on what I see and hear from her in her own words in footage of a 28 yr old woman. Her ex-husband has been of great interest, considering his absence from the media despite the case getting significant attention. this is your 2nd quote which contradicts the first one .. Lets not forget that she was presumed to have fired a gun 6 times at close range within the confines of a small car. You left and you and Diane Downs spent an evening at a motel? I especially loved reading everyones comments. She always seems to have not a very close contact with reality. Within three weeks, Diane had lost custody of her remaining wounded children and had become the number one suspect in the eyes of the police department and District Attorneys office. As for Diane, give me a break. Not right at all. I couldnt get my hands on the book nor find anything in librariesso basically it was many years later I dove into knowing more about this case, that kinda haunted me. Kenyans Compare Rachel Ruto, Margaret Kenyatta's Looks in Maasai Outfits, Kim Kardashian Looking for Love Again, Wants to Date Someone Who Isn't Famous, Kind Officers Drop Protesters in Nairobi CBD after Being Released from Central Police Station, Oburu Oginga Hints at Raila Odinga Vying for Presidency in 2027: "He's Not Retired", Naftali Kinuthia Says He Regrets Killing Lover Ivy Wangeci Using Axe: "Too Angry to Think". And the motive? Maybe that her mom was obviously not well after spending her life in prison so it would have been a good idea to meet the Downss family quietly and get the jest of it. But in their defense, they were told at trial what gun was used by Diane to shoot the kids and it must have been very difficult to overcome the emotions brought on by the words of little Christie even if it was pretty obvious during her testimony that she was confused and unreliable. Lack of blood spatter is not evidence of innocence Especially when a shooter is leaning in and shooting into a box (car) while standing outside. She even provided the police with her own sketch. She would have been released under strict conditions with the support of her family and under the care of a mental health specialist. Are we to believe that Proctors second gun was stolen with the bill and ID from the first gun that remained listed at the gun store? On a side note, what do you think of parole of Leslie Van Houton? Within a few weeks, a judge had placed the surviving kids, Christie and Danny, in protective custody. In Rules book, Diane is portrayed as a horrible selfish mother but her family and friends saw another version; she lovedher childrendearly and worked hard to be a good provider. But you dont mention that she again has changed her story.. Do not forget that she got letters of support from a warden and psychiatrist. She could not have been shot twice in the back while sitting up and have the bullet pierce her body to end up under the floorboard of the passenger side. Some 287 errors and falsehoods were documented by Liysa and verified by official sources. According to Detective Welch, Steve Downs followed Diane to Oregon, they fought and Steves rage took the last step on the path hed been treading for a long time. No one bothered with these details so I did. In reality,the whole caseturned out to beno small sacrifice for Diane Downs, but it was a huge victory for the State, the media anda very lucrative deal for theQueen of crime fiction herself; Ann Rule. Would you seriously be confident enough to present your findings you mention in your article to Diane Downs children? Downs was constantly provoked by inmates because of the nature of her situation, and she never once attacked or defended herself in a violent manner. Foote refused 30 to 50 reports by detectives of sightings or leads about the shooter but admitted reports from people in Arizona willing to badmouth Diane. Her atrocities made national news, but one person that everyone has been wondering about is Diane Down's ex-husband. Here's what we know. I will not remove anything. Mr. RAISING THE BAR BUT CERTAINLY NOT IN ARIZONA, http://www.glamour.com/story/i-found-out-my-mother-was-a-killer-the-rebecca-babcock-story, http://www.manipulatedtrial.de/oregon_s_small_sacrifices_1603.pdf, http://www.salem-news.com/articles/july152013/midnight-med-tb-2.php, http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v09/n364/a03.html, http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20080910_Prison-happy_U_S__must_reconsider_use_of_mercy.html, http://sputniknews.com/us/20150620/1023613662.html#ixzz3djEXlSAC, http://www.truthdig.com/report/item/the_prison_state_of_america_20141228, https://www.google.com/search?q=diane+downs+with+christie+cheryl+and+danny&sxsrf=ACYBGNQDEM3XNQjZXlqNQpYLhZCn7ic5iw:1576689995166&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjNuNT427_mAhUcJTQIHbveBMIQ_AUoAXoECA4QAw&biw=1024&bih=462#imgrc=gQkU10UxNhHn_M, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPLkIcSzftE&ab_channel=DianeDownsArchives, Say Her Name But Spell It Right The Tale of Breonna Taylor, And Justice For All The Watts Family Murders, Babe in the Woods & Big Country The Murder of Nicole Vanderheyden, Colonel Russell Williams Where Have You Been? Bannon, a former adviser . Maybe she wanted to buy drugs. Of course, because this is what she does when people put her on the spot and ask questions concerning her mother and the shooting. Whether or not Steve Downs was in some way behind the shooting, the man who fired the weapon was a stranger to Diane. She never hurt anyone in the process of escaping. Is it the one you tried to use? But unfortunately, Diane's parents never approved of the relationship as they had high hopes for their daughter's future, which they did not see in Steve. Who is Elizabeth Diane Downs, Steve Downs ex-wife? It became judicial kidnapping to obtain a coerced confession. They would have welcomed them with open arms. Were they involved in the plot too?? She talked to Diane for 15 minutes, there was thebizarre and partialOprah interview that was basically a lets bash Diane event and she wrote to Diane in jail to ask her what she thought of Hugi adopting her children. If there is a fair trial and sentencing, I usually dont write about a case, but high profile cases tend to need more scrutiny because emotions run high. Due process always matters. One of the jurors finally declared we started as a group and finished as a group., He also said we dont want to put pressure on the group, we dont want to end up bickering. 20 female celebrities with black hair to follow in 2023, 10 most famous QVC hosts who were fired or left the channel. The unreliability of childrens testimony has been documented by cognitive psychologists such as Elizabeth Loftus of the University of Cornell and others. Her case was too public and they are afraid of public backlash. Up. Moreover, it was not a suicide case, but of a woman who supposedly shot herself in the arm and her 3 children several times. It seems that not being American might help us view the case and Rules narrative with more objectivity. They removed them and proceeded to interrogate the poor girl until she gave them what they needed. I think she was the only one there that night with her children. She entertained the idea of opening a surrogacy agency but the project never really took off. She is still in prison. After Diane got divorced from her husband in 1980, she had taken up a job at the U.S. postal service office, and that's where she first met him. 6. Actor Robert Blake was found not guilty of the shooting murder of his wife. Reasonable doubt is most certainly lacking. How about dads side of the family? Again I go back to how times were back then. Two of the kids survived the shooting with life altering injuries, and one of the children died. This case certainly had its share of circumstantial evidence. Wrong. You dont get any kind of advancement or rehabilitation in prison. It is called a conflict of interest. The State produced a witness (Ms. Patterson) to testify that Diane Downs entered the hospital bathroom, left the door open, and ran water in the sink (Appendix 87, page 476). Five doctors have observed and documented this phenomenon. And because of this, they formed a profound connection that matured into a relationship. http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v09/n364/a03.html // Prison-happy U.S. must reconsider use of mercy; Carol S. Steiker, professor at Harvard Law School, Sep. 10, 2008 , http://www.philly.com/inquirer/opinion/20080910_Prison-happy_U_S__must_reconsider_use_of_mercy.html // US Prison Population Soars to 2.3Mln People at Annual Cost of $7Bln The US prison population has soared to 2.3 million people costing the government more than $7 billion per year. Christie was the primary witness in the case against her mother. They would have tried to reopen the case. more on crime HEARTBREAKING FIND The Office star's sister-in-law found dead 11 days after going missing 'DISGUSTING' Did u learn nothing?? However, their marriage wasnt as great as they anticipated as Steve was a player and quite irresponsible and immature at the time. She had been the bread winner for most of her marriage, and never wavered in her desire to bring financial stability to her family. I was also stunned that she took the reports of all of Dianes ( mostly married) ex lovers as absolute truth and never once questioned that they might have been lying and retrospectively minimising their feelings for Diane to protect themselves. In reply to Nick. This is what Mrs Downs had to say about the situation. I do not have to put any statement advising people that I am about to present the neglected aspects of the trial. (Appendix 81, page 1466). I can make out I will ask you to take a good look at the people in your life. Wasnt Mr. F supposed to be a child molester? Was that Annes fault as well? The underlying basis of this article. a clinical lab to Dianes not being herself the day the Detectives pressured Diane to accompany them, the fact is Diane was clearly suffering the residual effects of that chemical poison in her system. you quoted what diane said as to what happened When she resisted, he shot her kids and struggled with her. She has been in prison for so long that we dont know what her mental health situation is so it is a moot point for me. There have been behaviors that in the general course of events one may expect from a single parent that in a way have been falsely interpreted as being some form of evil.. 2. Meaning it was unlikely she was the shooter. Steves surviving children had endured a horrifying experience performed by someone they loved and cared about. Rule defended her right to earn a living and to tell her story. Now she claims she was dating an FBI agent at the time, was holding some top secret pictures for him, and she was on the road to meet someone to pass them off, at the instruction of her FBI boyfriend. Isnt is odd how something we are exposed to as children can stick in our memory? The rest of the family? The detectives took Diane to the crime scene and were able to retrieve shell cases on the ground where the incident happened. I am not sure. Exactly Libby why did they say during the trial that he saw his mom? But if you compare the time she was seen by the witness to the timing of her arrival at the hospital, it seems to indicate she went pretty fast, butnone of it was explained ordemonstrated properly. Her quest for love had landed her into an unstable and loveless marriage. This case needed to be examined more thoroughly, but the mob mentality didnt allow it. You fail to mention what her daughter actually said about her communication with Diane, like Diane telling her that a very powerful person, a secret man, has been watching her, and that if she loved her son she would move away or else her son will grow up to be a murderer. I guess he did not want too many people to know about the improprieties that happened in his courtroom. She states, I did not shoot my children and I cant say I did. She is a monster and belongs in prison for the rest of her life. Oh 1 more thing I see a lot of comments on pro Diane web sights that say well she drove them to the hospital. After asking her to have an affair, he kept vacillating between his wife and her. Basically then at that The infamous murder story of 1983 was like an excerpt from a crime thriller, a mother doing the unfathomable. It always feels like punishment at all costs. Instead of shooting the little kids, why didnt the carjacker/killer (CK) simply shoot DD dead and take her car? I went on ebay and ordered multiple stuff from the 80s, news footage, just to hear what she sounded like, because of all the talk in the book about her demeanor. Right away, the police asked her to go back to the crime scene even thoughshe did not want to leave her children behind.

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