advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership tutor2u

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When there is an autocratic leadership established within an organization, there are fewer levels of administration that must be kept informed of each decision. The leader will need to create the system, with all the rules and procedures, in which the team uses to operate and reach goals. and lack of staff initiative (2015). Other relevant articles for you are: Advantages and disadvantages of digital marketing, Advantages and disadvantages of franchising. Faster decision-making and quick information-sharing can help boost the teams productivity. The advantages of Autocratic Leadership are: 1. Autocratic leadership - Definition, Components, Advantage, Disadvantages. 8. In this article, we outline some essential autocratic leadership pros and cons. An autocratic leader is the sole authority in her company, on her team or at the head of the group she is tasked with leading. This process may create a powerful and positive impact on their performance. Here are the key advantages and disadvantages of autocratic leadership to consider. It leads to quick decision-making, control over the processes and the operations of a company, etc. Due to this behaviour, the leader should yield the ultimate power and provide the employees with the motivation to work, i.e. After all, this is what good leadership is all about. Employees, in turn, learn discipline and consistency from their leader. At times, the original instruction may get lost within complex and multiple channels of communication. They may sometimes ask their team members to provide feedback, however, the feedback is highly unlikely to change the decisions. Their expertise and experience can solve short-term issues. Did you ever tell him about your awesome weekend? If that leader does not create a fair working environment, then it is difficult for any employees to change that environment. Team members have creative freedom 3. Autocratic leadership is a suitable option for small-sized organizations where a single leader can handle all the matters easily. - the leader respects other peoples opinions and feedback. Also, graduated from Leeds Metropolitan University with a BA in Business & Management Studies and completed a DTLLS (Diploma in Teaching in the Life-Long Learning Sector) from London South Bank University. As such, in autocratic leadership, faster decisions can be made. It is one of the best advantages of autocratic leadership. It can create negative emotions. This is yet another of the several, advantages of autocratic leadership style. Did you ever invite him for a drink? It is a leadership style that is very easy to learn. Hence, he ensures that the products manufactured and services rendered meet the desired quality benchmarks. Answer (1 of 10): Before I begin, I also tried this type of leadership among newcomers in our Unit. Pros Advantages of Autocratic Leadership Quick Decision-Making Clearly Defined Structure Timely Work Completion Effective Communication Easy Acceptance Right for Inexperienced Employees Increased Efficiency and Productivity Suitable for Small Organizations Disadvantages of Autocratic Leadership Less Morale and Motivation High Turnover Low Satisfaction 214 High Street, From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors, 11 Autocratic Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages, Leaders Eat Last Speed Summary: 15 Core Principles, Extreme Ownership Speed Summary (3 Minutes) w/ PDF, Good to Great Speed Summary: 15 Core Principles of, "From Disabled and $500k in Debt to a Pro Blogger with 5 Million Monthly Visitors. If the leader offers questionable ethics, however, and refuses to create fairness, then there is no one who can really hold that person accountable. And when it comes to long-term issues, autocratic leaders know how to direct traffic through the hierarchies. Leadership styles There are many ways to lead and every leader has his or her own style. That consistency leads toward corporate success. Copyright 2017 2025. The advantages and disadvantages below refer to autocracy in general, including the two types of autocracy as discussed above. To be effective, people need to work in an environment where there is a trusting partnership. And what are. There are three main categories of leadership styles: autocratic, paternalistic and democratic. 1. Managers are interested in how happy workers feel and in many ways they act as a father figure (pater means father in Latin). This system leaves the employees stress-free. Leadership is critical in a changing business environment, where small and medi um sized companie s operat e, and even more whe n changes are amplifie d by transformations of a whole economy, like . Such a group process usually, takes a longer time to come to decision. Paternalistic managers give more attention to the social needs and views of their workers. Autocratic leaders generally believe that they are the smartest people around and know more than their subordinates. They just want to come to work, do what theyre told, then go home at the end of the day with a paycheck. Charismatic leaders are usually adaptable and possess the power to make the followers feel comfortable with . If yes, then the best way to manage such teams is through autocratic leadership. Employees, in turn, learn discipline and consistency from their leader. Often, autocratic leaders are referred to as micromanagers. If that leader goes away, then the team is unable to function because they were focused on their role. It encourages a higher churn rate. Some are collaborative and inspiring, while some are authoritative and controlling. As such people working under autocratic leaders are supposed to accept the guidance or orders of their leader without any disagreement. When a company crisis occurs, a leader with authoritative traits can begin to call the shots to make immediate changes. 1. The autocratic leadership style is highly dependent upon the leader. ", 100 Best Side Hustles for Teens to Make Money, 10 Proven Psychological Pricing Strategies with Examples, 100 Office Etiquette Rules You Need to Know, 50 Best Business Letter Closings of All-Time. Disadvantages. Here are the pros and cons of autocracy: Pros of autocracy There are many benefits of autocracy, including: Increasing productivity: Autocracy can increase productivity, especially when subordinates don't have advanced skills or training yet. The theory, which is generally linked with autocratic leadership, assumes employees don't like to work and tend to focus on fulfilling self-interests. But, the results always lead to corporate success. Because autocratic leaders are able to move information throughout an organization quickly, there are fewer delays in productivity. In . Over time, this makes employee morale begin to sink. Autocratic Leadership Advantages and Disadvantages: Advantages: It allows for fast decisions to be made: - An autocratic leadership includes fewer levels of administration levels that are to be informed. Even if low-skill tasks need to get done, it is the leaders responsibility to make sure someone makes copies, gets coffee, or files documents properly. The manager respects employees' insight and asks them to help make the best decision, and the team respects the leader's ability to ultimately make the right call after considering their viewpoints. Faster Decision-making Proponents of this government form claim that having one ruler or person to decide on matters concerning a nation and without distractions and influences of others make it easier for the leader to make sound decisions he or she thinks works for the interest of the country. Autocratic leaders rely on specific rules, policies, and procedures to govern all processes within the workplace. Moreover, the instructions will go straight to the employees. Autocratic leadership always encourages one-way communication to eliminate this problem. All the standard operating procedures are also followed. Full potential of subordinates and their creative ideas are not utilized. Unlike, group decision-making the autocratic leader does not have to decide with his followers. Provides a clear sense of direction Anyone who's worked on a class group project knows the value of having a leader. St. Thomas University: What is Autocratic Leadership? Only the leader will weigh the pros and cons of every option instead of the entire C-suite. Although this form of leadership is often found within the government, it is also present in some corporate structures as well. Increased autonomy 2. That means leaders using this style tend to be busier than other leaders. As such, between them, there is no communication and you know communication is a must for a healthy relationship. At times, the original instruction may get lost within complex and multiple channels of communication. The following are some of the pros of the autocratic leadership style: The autocratic leadership style facilitates quick decision-making in the workplace. So, there are advantages of the autocratic leadership style for the employees, too. The autocratic style provides fast crisis management benefits. So, what are the autocratic leadership advantages and disadvantages? The employees need not wait for the thumbs up from seniors or ask for a deadline extension if they can get all the approvals and data on time. This improves the speed of decisions because only one person is weighing the pros and cons of each choice, not a C-Suite. Good leaders can produce great results. What leads to a successful working relationship is an ability of workers to have trust in their leaders, and vice-versa. These types of interactions do not create a sustainable working relationship, which ultimately creates productivity problems as workers experience lower morale levels. Autocratic leaders do not take input from other members of a team in their decisions. The quality of a team, structure, or organization practicing autocratic leadership is dependent upon the ethics of the leader in charge. Subordinates are expected to comply with orders from their supervisors, who in turn are expected to comply with orders from their superiors. In fact, some characteristics of autocratic leadership can be considered advantages in some situations and drawbacks in others. While the advantages and disadvantages of leadership styles are not always readily apparent, one thing is certain - being decisive while avoiding autocratic leadership tactics is necessary for successful leaders and negotiators alike. This can be achieved by reviewing autocratic leadership examples. Definition, Types, Reasons, and Ways To Overcome, What is Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) Cycle? "An organisation is only as good as the person running it". 7. One of the greatest advantages to working with an autocratic leader is that the employee always knows whats expected and what will happen if they fail to perform as expected. Autocracy has many benefits as well as some drawbacks. - good style for meetings. This is yet another of the several advantages of autocratic leadership style. Many analysists also argue that this style usually leads to an absence of creative solutions to problems, which may ultimately hurt the group efforts. The correct leadership approach used at the right time will foster a long-term employeeleader relationship. The retention rate can increase 4. Under this type of leadership style there is no delay as the decision rests with a single authority and in times of crunch situation where a quick decision is needed . Every leadership style comes with some benefits and weaknesses. Autocratic leadership, characterized by this centralized style of leadership, is an important concept in business, economics and politics. Task 2.3 - Comparison of leadership style Autocratic Leadership Style: Mr. Worth took on a more autocratic approach to leadership by operating his office from the top floor of the company, and rarely interacting with his employees.

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