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Larry R. Oberg examines this question from an historical perspective in "Library Support Staff in an Age of Change.". The Library will work with an undergraduate marketing class(es) from the College of Business to conduct the survey. This was due to the ebb and flow of virtual and in-person learning. 4. The mission of the Porter Henderson Library is to provide the Angelo State University community with access to information in all formats. So I had to take a step back. You should clearly explain your evaluation scoring system and ask for questions and feedback on it from the staff member. Units: 3. 1. Your goals focus on WHY you are putting the plan together. Goals for 2018/2021: All students receive skilled instruction based on the common core standards, which will lead to graduation and success in college and career. Academic Library Support Staff Competencies: What Should Support Staff Know and be Able to Do? (2009) by Rachel Applegate provides a report of survey data concerning professional competencies for library support staff. Your employee evaluation system should be uniform and completely transparent. A assistant librarian resume included this snippet: "library technicians and assistants provide customer service to library patrons and work with librarians, teachers, or researchers." This skill could be useful in this scenario: "delivered high-level of customer service by utilizing interpersonal communication abilities to meet sales goals. Students will also help prepare displays for campus and community and will see the results of their hard work in papers, posters and displays. 2016 . A packet of resources will be made available to all interested faculty in the hopes that more will be encouraged to adopt OER in their classes. Formal job titles vary from library to library. Assessment Measure:The Director and other appropriate staff members will work with their counterparts from the Texas Tech University System to explore and plan for cooperative agreements within the System. Library Goals and Objectives, Aligned with the Manhattanville College Strategic Plan. In consultation with the University community, the Library builds and maintains collections and services to meet the Universitys curriculum and research needs. . Resources include webinars, a blog, and technology experiences from libraries across the nation. So my goal is to begin building relationships with my new colleagues while making sure to maintain what I have developed with those who are veterans. Library Mission and Goals Library History Policies & Procedures . One area of management to consider when discussing performance measurement is critical success factors, the areas in which a business or organizations performance must be satisfactory in order for it to perform well. Information about certification programs and applicable state laws is available at Certification Information by State. Having the proper training and continued education as an administrate assistant is imperative. However, this year I want to be more intentional about the data I am collecting. OBJECTIVE 3: Continue to explore opportunities to partner with member institutions in the Texas Tech University System for joint purchases of resources and access to information. You may have many personal and professional goals such as raise a family, get promoted, go to the Bahamas for vacation, or run a marathon. This idea was borrowed from. Looking to learn more about becoming a professional librarian? Another trap that librarians often fall into is badging satisfaction measures as KPIs. However last year, with all the things, there were days that I lost sight of the fun. An academic library might proudly report the number of students who attended induction sessions in an academic year or how many books were issued or how many electronic articles were downloaded. Below is a listing of current student assistant job openings. Visit our Fight Censorship page for easy-to-access resources. To perform as a librarian in a challenging, yet rewarding library facility where experience assembling and arranging display materials will be utilized. Performance indicators (PIs), while important, are not critical to delivering the intended results. (MG 4, Ob 3; MG 5, Ob 3-KPI-1; & MG 7, Ob 1 & Ob 2). ABLE is a continuing education program provided by the Idaho Commission for Libraries. I have served on AASL committees as a member and chair. Total Pipeline Value. The 12 sample objectives of performance management that follow are arranged according to the four perspectives of success used in the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) framework: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth. Objective 3.3: Provide resources and services that connect to the world beyond Manhattanville, such as Interlibrary Loan, and that promote global awareness. Objective 1.3: Improve both the physical and digital Library to benefit users and make a strong, positive impressions. Since we have already created the materials I feel like it will be easier to move forward. In November 2019, we moved into our current school building. Register patrons to permit them to borrow books . Difference Between KPI and KRA. Library Support Staff Certification Program, Criteria for Programs to Prepare Library Technical Assistants, ALA Certification for Support Staff paper, American Association of School Librarians (AASL) Library Education and Licensing for school libraries. Specific BOSTON UNVERSITY 1998-2007: Held various positions including, Teaching Assistant, Research Assistant, Library Assistant . Notes: Course Number: MATH 46, MATH 60 or 860, ET 108B, or ET 50, or PSYC 5, or ECON 5, or LALS 5, or PHIL 12A, or FIN 136M or higher math course (or equivalent) Course Title: Math Graduation . As a service unit within a regional, state-supported university, the Library offers the surrounding community access to needed informational resources and services. Stories keeping journal authors in touch with industry developments, support and training, Industry developments, policies and initiatives of interest to our journal editors and editorial board members, Information for reviewers about relevant Elsevier and industry developments, support and training, Showcasing research from Elsevier journals that impact people's lives, Thought leadership for health professionals invested in the future of healthcare, Using key performance indicators to measure library performance, Demystifying the Metaverse: What Academic Librarians Need to Know, The 5-step plan that is helping Indonesia elevate the role of its academic libraries, Fostering a culture of evidence: How librarians can drive change, Motivated, skilled and technically expert staff, Better informed / evidence-based practice, Percentage of library users who are confident in searching for and retrieving information resources, Percent increase of library users who are confident in searching for and retrieving information resources, Percentage of library users who are confident in navigating electronic library resources, Percent increase of library users confident in navigating electronic library resources, Decrease in number of inquiries compared against increase in use of electronic resources, Percentage of community (potential library users) attending reading groups, Percent increase of community (potential library users) attending reading groups, Percent increase in loans of dual-language resources, Increase in requests for dual-language resources, Number of new library memberships resulting from outreach activities, Percent increase of articles and research papers submitted to institutional repository, Number of citations of items contained within institutional repository, Percent increase in number of citations of items contained within institutional repository. . The Library works with the University administration and faculty in the development of information policy for the campus. The Director will survey the selected faculty members having access to the Health Science Centers Librarys eresources as to the usefulness of the program. Positive school climate supports student learning. SMART goals template. Locate library materials for loan and replace material in shelving area, stacks, or files according to identification number and title. The latest available data from NCES and/or Association of Research Libraries will be used for comparison purposes. Goal: School library staff, IT staff, and administrators are educated about censorship, filtering, and circulation, as well as how those issues affect school libraries and students. I have worked as a school librarian for the past eleven years. Interested in becoming a library worker? (YALSA), Information Technology & Telecommunication Services, Office for Diversity, Literacy, and Outreach Services (ODLOS), Office for Human Resource Development and Recruitment (HRDR), Ethnic & Multicultural Information Exchange RT (EMIERT), Graphic Novels & Comics Round Table (GNCRT), Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT), 225 N Michigan Ave, Suite 1300 Chicago, IL 60601 | 1.800.545.2433, Library Support Staff Education and Training, Interested in becoming a library worker? p. 18 Sample SMART Goals . I love the co-teaching opportunities and connections I have been able to make! Giving feedback in the wrong way clearly has bad consequences. Create a numbering system to score the evaluation and use the same system for all employee evaluations. They are called library assistants, paraprofessionals, non-MLS staff, paralibrarians, and more. I am the librarian at Detroit Country Day Lower School in Bloomfield Hills, MI. OBJECTIVE 2:The Research Support Unit will update online tutorial content addressing critical thinking skills. Strong Interpersonal Skills. Most libraries don't require their librarian assistants to have any formal training or college education. provides online professional development opportunities for library workers. These are each different measures, but there has been a misguided tendency to label all metrics used to measure any of them as KPIs. is a nonprofit organization committed to providing technology training to libraries. Related Groups, Organizations, Affiliates & Chapters, ALA Upcoming Annual Conferences & LibLearnX. 2018. Laura W. Bush Institute for Womens Health. In the model below, I define a library outcome (such as an information-literate community, delivery of world-class research, or social cohesion) as a key result indicator (KRI). for more information about the value of recognizing the value and accomplishments of Library Support Staff. Quality and the Academic Library: Reviewing, Assessing and Enhancing Provision, London : Chandos, 17- 26, Goldsmiths, University of London, United Kingdom, Copyright 2023 Elsevier, except certain content provided by third parties, Cookies are used by this site. Be honest about your shortcomings, but be sure to frame these areas for improvement as opportunities for growth. Training focuses on practical topics and requires a fee. Why Assistants Should Want Them. 1.1. The one distinction usually drawn between "support staff" and "librarians" is that those in the latter group typically have a Master of Library Science degree (MLS). I am excited about the data that this kind of audit will provide and what it will teach me about my collections and ordering practices. Give this topic the precious time and focus it deserves. Broadening your skillset. Library goals can be added in via. Key performance indicators need to demonstrate both the quality of the service and the benefits of using a service. London : Facet Publishing. Library clerks can expect to check books and other materials in and out of the library, work with audio-visual equipment from time to time, and assist in buying and cataloging library . Outcomes will differ depending on the type of library. We provide excellent service to all students. The approved plan and policy document should be ready before the start of the 2018 Spring Semester. Prior to the pandemic, I would have a basket of books in the faculty bathrooms for teachers to check out; however, last year with the idea of germs, I switched this to a visual where teachers could request books if they saw something they liked. To have a successful career as a library assistant, there are certain skills that hiring managers know to look for. Course Title: Physical Skills Requirement. Looking forward to Finding the fun and writing the one great thing a day! Programmatic and Administrative Leadership. Intended Results:Students will have the experience of working with primary sources in historical research and the opportunity to learn more about the business of archives. I feel like behind the scenes stuff that happens each day are the things I want to make sure I can speak to. OBJECTIVE 5:To help with professional and support staff development, continue staff development programs. p. 19-20 SMART Goals Explanation p. 21 TLCPL Evaluation Process - Grid . 1. Generalizations about them are difficult to make, and to find an . https://vanmeterlibraryvoice.blogspot.com/2018/08/presentingwhat-your-teacher-librarian.html. Assessment Measure:Although the revised retention schedule submitted in November 2016 is still awaiting approval by Texas State Library and Archive Commission; when approved, the schedule will be uploaded to Records Retention Program webpage. Additionally, I plan to continue to use a monthly menu to help share ideas about ways we can work together. Increase the rate for job acceptance by 15%. Long Beach Public Library. The Certification Information by State page which is part of this Resource Center, provides links to information regarding statutes mandated by each state. The, The American Library Association-Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA) in partnership with the Western Council of State Libraries has developed a national. This summer has been unique for me. Staff lacking the MLS may be found in the uppermost levels of library management, and MLS holders may be found in positions that normally do not require the degree. In November 2019, we moved into our current school building. The Library aims at being an important recruitment and retention tool for the University by identifying and meeting the changing information needs of the campus community. Some webinars have been approved by the ALAs Library Support Staff Certification (LSSC) program. What does a Library Assistant do? Costs for webinars varies and many resources are free. See also theALA Certification for Support Staff paperfor more information about the value of recognizing the value and accomplishments of Library Support Staff.For information and resources for library license or certification of school paraprofessional and support staff positions visit theAmerican Association of School Librarians (AASL) Library Education and Licensing for school libraries. This year I will be returning to a hybrid model of scheduling, which is what we used prior to the pandemic. Miller, Shannon McClintock. Related Groups, Organizations, Affiliates & Chapters, ALA Upcoming Annual Conferences & LibLearnX, American Association of School Librarians (AASL), Assn. . HKUST Library Vision, Mission and Goals; Library Achievements; News. 2020. Selecting a major/minor that complements a library masters degree is helpful, but not necessary, if pursuing a library masters degree is your goal. Your email address will not be published. Supporting other employees. Intended Results:The committee will calculate the savings from using OER resources versus buying textbooks and use this information for promoting the project. 1. Cookie Notice This seems like an obvious one for a librarian. We determined the areas we planned to start with and created a Google Form to help us collect the information. Back to top. . Intended Results:To provide up-to-date information to the campus regarding compliance with all System and State regulations concerning records retention for a State agency. I plan to continue many of the reading programs that have already been established, but there are a few things I would like to add this year. Required fields are marked *. Training focuses on practical topics and requires a fee. The acronym 'SMART' will be explored, to help guide the support worker in making sure their patients have the correct goals in place. When I shared this idea with other librarians they talked about how they used this to recommend books to students too. :), Your email address will not be published. for Library Service to Children (ALSC), Assn. Assessment Measure:Meet or exceed the average spending per FTE student of identified peer, stretch peer institutions, and national averages. Seeks self-improvement ideas. Lead Response Time. (2009) by Rachel Applegate provides a report of survey data concerning professional competencies for library support staff. Additionally, we have eleven new teachers in our school this year! Service excellence is not necessarily achieved using traditional quality assurance processes but that it is more likely to be attained through strategic planning processes aligned with key performance indicators that provide accountability (Holmes & Parsons, 2016, p. 25). I started my library volunteering experiences when I was 12 and signed up for the "library assistant" class at my middle school. TheA to Z: Diverse and In-Depth Training for Library Support Staffoffers a series of webinars to enhance the skills of library employees who serve in circulation, reference, and technical services. Registration is required and costs are listed on the website. Key performance indicators need to demonstrate both the quality of . Student Learning S. M. A. R. T. Goal. After this course, I was motivated to get started! Assessment Measure:The staff of the WTC will work with at least two organizations and/or departments to assist in research including, but not limited to, an internship with the History Department and displays by various groups by 31 May 2018. In this article, I would like to discuss the key performance indicators (KPIs) that libraries use in measuring performance. They may engage in routine activities or supervise and direct other staff. Please note: This option is only available for Admin/HR users. 8. American Association of School Librarians (AASL), Assn. OBJECTIVE 2:Work with academic departments, offices, and student organizations on campus to assist with research projects and displays/exhibits. Holmes, A. and Parsons, F. (2016) The Institutional HE Quality Perspective. At the same time, we must not overlook usage and satisfaction data, which complement KPIs in measuring the overall performance of libraries. __________________________________________________________________. Goal 5: Employ responsible financial stewardship in designing and delivering Library Services. And because the BSC framework directly connects goals with measures and projects, that's how we present our . Make goals time-bound by including a timeframe and deadline information. The American Library Association's Library Education and Personnel Utilization policy statement, adopted in 1970 and updated in 2002, outlines recommended categories of library personnel (professional and paraprofessional) and levels of training and education. Librarians are faced with measuring usage, quality of service and strategic performance (i.e., how well the library is achieving its outcomes). While self-evaluations are an opportunity to highlight your stellar accomplishments, they're also a time to self-reflect and assess where you can improve. Objective 5.2: Increase Library-oriented grant writing and fundraising. I was a classroom teacher for four years prior to that. The SAP Solution for the HR function has all the features required to support MBO - Management by Objectives, including. The return to this model will allow for more collaboration with classroom teachers. Objective 4.3: Ensure inclusiveness by improving Library services to remote and online learners, commuter students, first generation students, and at-risk students.

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