petechiae anxiety forumgirl names that rhyme with brooklyn

In this thread, people posted they don't have them, or they do & increased at CFS onset, or right before. other information we have about you. If you're pregnant and your platelet count is very low or you have bleeding, you have a greater risk of heavy bleeding during delivery. Are you sure you want to block this member? A social anxiety forum is a place to connect with those who may have insight into your problems because they've "been in your shoes." This is really freaking me out. Today I read someone's words about Sjogrens. I personally would not be too concerned as this is a symptom we have seen regularly with him for the past 7 years. In December I broke out with hundreds of petechiae all over my tummy and chest. Blood work came out good. Doc had no explanation. Frustrating. They It sounds like the ones on your legs went away when your anxiety subsided, so it could be a skin problem related to that? A few weeks ago I noticed some 11-12 red spots on my thighs that didnt blanche when I pressed on them. Any use of this site constitutes your agreement to the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy linked below. If I get anything Ill come back and post. Other symptoms include: Thrombocytopenia causes fall into one of three categories: Specific factors affecting platelet supply include: Healthcare providers will do a physical examination. You must log in or register to reply here. Capillary bleeding in babies can occur due to many reasons, including (2): Coughing bouts. Should I be having withdrawals symptoms from 10mg of prozac for 9 days? Click here for an email preview. If you see petechiae and I have same thing. hi you had answered a question of mine a couple days ago regarding petechiae , if there where only spots randomly placed around the body would that be a concern? Thrombocytopenia often affects people with certain medical conditions, like autoimmune disease or who take certain medications. It's kind of an allergic reaction to sunlight. Petechiae- very worried. 2 Petechial rashes on children usually require examination by a doctor to diagnose - Have never broken a bone. - In June I tore a groin muscle, which I attribute to doing nothing at all beside sitting strangely (ie: a normal person couldn't have sat like that but it wasn't painful to me). I am a 26f, good health besides allergies/chronic sinus issues, normal weight, but I've had history of problems with health anxiety since childhood. However, I do only weight 100 pounds, so my body may not stress the joints there Petechiae related to I have many cherry angiomas that pop up (can be small, but usually larger/raised and a bright red compared to the petechiae), that I've periodically had my dermatologist remove over the years -- especially on my trunk area. But a few reappeared again yesterday, again on my thighs. I think a lot of people get them. Should I be worried, and has anybody else experienced this? Forums Anxiety Disorders Health Anxiety (Hypochondria) Ive had petechiae in the past been to docs about it had blood work came back fine anyone else have this problem? The spots keep popping up on my biceps, arm pits and hips. Pasted as rich text. petechiae anxiety forum. Doc had no explanation. I first noticed it after trauma to the forehead requiring 4 sutures. 1. Read our editorial policy. Clear editor. OkayI just broke out in a new wave of these this evening, all over one of my hands and that forearm. Never a big area like that though. The pediatrician saw them at his well check and didn't comment on them. One hand is normal now, and the other is a sea of dots. Learn more about five causes of petechiae and your treatment options. It will blow over in due time, yeah. I think it's Petechiae - Petechiae are pinpoint, round spots that appear on the skin as a result of bleeding under the skin. They appear as round, pinpoint-sized dots that are not raised. Platelets are blood cells that form blood clots to help stop bleeding. Upload or insert images from URL. At the time I was taking aspirin everyday due to dental issues. They appeared only when the infection acted up. Registered in England and Wales. Been here since December so I have no hope of them going away. Physicians most frequently reported petechiae, purpura, bleeding of the gums, and epistaxis, both at diagnosis and overall. Immune thrombocytopenia may have no signs and symptoms. Fuzzy/grip on my head any tips or medication I could take ? Rash: although there were some petechiae in my body most of my rash is slightly raised and non-petechiae and the skin is dry. My girlfriend is shutting me out due to anxiety. - BOTH rheumatologist noted my hyper-mobility. The publication StatPearls says that petechiae spots measure no larger than 2 or 3 mm across. I fear that my anxiety and stress and depression will somehow develop into a seizure disorder. I'm worried now because I have a dermatology appointment on Thursday to figure this out, and I got my last CBC report from end of February today. I get a breakout of them every year when the seasons change. Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP). Beitrags-Autor: Beitrag verffentlicht: 14. (My platelets were lower normal at one time, but were not low.) A single copy of these materials may be reprinted for noncommercial personal use only. So if someone wants to post about little red spots or strange beings seeming to land on one's rooftop at midnight, I say all power to us. Your Dr wasn't concerned. Try our Symptom Checker Got any other symptoms? I have been worrying my absolute head off because of these tiny, pinprick red spots on my arms. What kind of blood related issues? Weird buzzing feeling left side of my chest under breast. And it bugged me for a couple of days. They are chronic, and showed up gradually with no reason. Im finding yo comment now because I have the exact things you describe. engrosamiento mucoso etmoidal. overcoming anxiety feels nearly impossible sometimes. He was not concerned about it at all. Mine bled when rubbed. "Mayo," "Mayo Clinic," "," "Mayo Clinic Healthy Living," and the triple-shield Mayo Clinic logo are trademarks of Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. I have not been diagnosed with EDS just familial hypermobility syndrome. Severe thrombocytopenia increases your risk of internal bleeding or heart attack. on my trunk. MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. WebCan petechiae be caused by stress? They did x-rays and a MRI scan and bloodwork. They occur mostly on my stomach, though right now I have 2 on my stomach, 1 on my right leg, and 1 on my chest. However he said when it's a side effect of medicine it'll go away within a month. A rare complication of immune thrombocytopenia is bleeding into the brain, which can be fatal. I looked like raw bacon after.) Normal blood work. I didn't show her the new spots today out of fear that my continued anxiety could cause her to take my concerns in the future less seriously, but after seeing that elevated value, I'm defnitely worried again. WebThey're small and hardly noticeable but there are around 20 on each arm (only upper arm). Difficulty in breathing Fever, without apparent cause, coldness in the legs, feet, and hands. I took Vit C and Bioflavanoids back then. My ob doctor didnt seem too concerned. Nothing was even borderline out-of-range. I noticed after working out and showering that I had 2 new spots on my stomach, and a small line of very small spots which looked like it was from an abrasion. Thanks for sharing this topic. Other treatments include: The most important thing is to understand if you have medical conditions or take medication that increases your risk of developing thrombocytopenia. Unfortunately I dont remember. Policy. B12/Folate deficiency is one of them. The bloods ability to clot depends on healthy blood platelets. Good day my friends, I awoke this morning (great news) and noted that I had Petechiae across my lower abdomen. Your previous content has been restored. Thank God for another member who posted on another support group board recently, or I still wouldnt know! And Ive taken a closer look at my body and i have these tiny tiny ones spread out on my arms, much smaller than the ones on my thighs, i had to look really closely to spot them. Here they appear on a leg (A) and on an abdomen (B). I'll have to bring it up to my doctor; thanks for pointing it out. I'm 39 and my doc said it's a side effect of blood thinners and that's what aspirin is. We coalesce here to reclaim control of our lives through: education, sharing experiences, sharing management techniques, sharing resources, exposing stigma & norms, and advancing the discussion & awareness around Health Anxiety (a.k.a. I also developed cherry angiomas across my torso. however, i havent been able to shake my anxiety over them and have since developed severe symptoms of stress (shaky hands, heart palpitations) which, although I know is just anxiety, i use to fuel the assertion that something is wrong with me. Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but I found this very interesting. Every time your mind gets worried.. remember that you have had it looked at previously and even had blood work done. Difficulty concentrating. We don't know what posts in which forum will trigger focused research on our part that might lead to quality of life again. By I'm a teenager and it feels like I've had anxiety my whole life. I have had chronic sinus/digestive problems and I also have extensive petechiae(mainly limbs tho' slightly fewer/larger on trunk). Like, ALL over it. Petechiae - Health Anxiety - Anxiety Central Forums & Chat Room Home Anxiety Disorders Forum Health Anxiety Petechiae Sign in to follow this Followers 1 rabbit sneeze attack; liberty finance I've always been troubled, knowing something must be wrong, but no one has determined what. Hopefully you're right. I could do it online but I need to find out if my doctor ever actually sent the order for the tests before I go (don't want to go there and not be able to have them done). There are multiple causes for thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, etc. Display as a link instead, JavaScript is disabled. You must log in or register to reply here. Sounds normal to me. After that the major break outs would come on and off every few years usually around April for some reason I'm 32 now and there are always some on my legs and thighs. Webpetechiae anxiety forum. I was litterally suffocating. Seek medical care if: You may want to ask your healthcare provider: Thrombocytopenia low platelet levels may increase your risk of issues like excessive bleeding and bruising. Petechiae People with myelodysplastic syndromes might not experience signs and symptoms at first. 1998-2023 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research (MFMER). You need to see a doctor urgently because there may be a serious cause that needs urgent treatment, such as meningococcal infection. appropriate medical assistance immediately. I think you'll be just fine. The bleeding causes the petechiae to appear red, brown or purple. Some symptoms: About 5% of people who are pregnant develop mild thrombocytopenia just before giving birth. Frustrating. They weren't there prior to my illness. Amoxicillin is know to cause them also anti depressants will too that's what I was told how long you been on antibiotics 5 12 Go figure! Of course, your veterinarian will rule out more benign causes (such as hives or an allergic reaction that can look similar to a bruise). Webpetechiae anxiety forum. But never like the ones I'm getting now where they just keep coming back, and in a different place than usual. People may have thrombocytopenia and not realize it because their symptoms are so mild. OK so let's connect some dots. I'm 39 and my doc said it's a side effect of blood thinners and that's what aspirin is. At the time I was taking asp My son who has classic EDS (8 yr. old) has been having these since he was 1 (our first indication that something was not right). What did you do? It always freaks me out at least a little, but it's never been a sign of a serious problem. etc. The rheumatologist told me that's what I had and once my first flare up was under control I never went back. Now I just let them fade on their own but I have a spot on my right leg from last fall that is not fading. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Also notice if I drink alot of alcohol or take aspirin I get tons, OK so let's connect some dots. and Privacy Policy and steps will be taken to remove posts identified 15. Try these 10 mood-boosting tips to get your happy back, The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. As noted in posts around the site, an overwhelming majority of doctors- incl., & especially, psychiatrists- have a staggering dearth of education about ME. Have you found anything out? Both petechiae and purpura do not blanch when pressure is applied - this is in contrast to other common rashes in children such as viral exanthems and urticaria. You notice changes in your body that could be thrombocytopenia symptoms, such as new bruises and unusual bleeding. I have another question now. Many things can cause your platelet levels to drop so you develop thrombocytopenia. Same here unfortunately. Review/update the Hi, I'm just wonderingare you by any chance on Prozac? Pasted as rich text. I have a small 'sprinkling' of them on the back of each of my upper arms, that are permanent. 7. WTF? Sorry, I wish I had an answer. People just thought I'd had a crazy growth spurt but most kids are growing fast and don't get stretch marks. I started seeing my then-doctor in 2012. If you have thrombocytopenia, you may bleed a lot, and the bleeding may be hard to stop. Having said that, in respect of the streaking effect and the generalised redness, the photo looks like a hybrid of petechiae and the weird blotching that I'm getting these days as a non-itchy allergy thing (if I get too much of it, it's time to reach for the piriton [chlorpheniramine] or risk having more of a reaction some time later that can extend as far as breathlessness and confusion). Anyone figure out what caused the onslaught? Immune thrombocytopenic purpura. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. I get petechiae a lot. Once both my legs were covered with them after I stood for a few hours in mildly abrasive pants. JavaScript is disabled. Nickdon321, April 30, 2019 in Health Anxiety. Now Im in complete panic mode. Powered by Invision Community. information and will only use or disclose that information as set forth in our notice of I've had petechiae with normal counts. Got em again last night. Have questions about navigating your Inspire support community or need assistance from one of our Inspire Moderators? They scare me every time I see them, I always tell my self I'm not gonna look anymore but then some caught my eye and I'm back to searching my body again, Mine started when I was 16 for some reason I had Lyme at the time but not sure if there related. So if they won't maybe it's something else and not side effect of medicine. I always get this, especially on my arm, where the strap to my purse or filled canvas grocery bag is resting on. Just one more reason, I guess to get a diagnosis! So, my best guess is that petechiae may be associated with B12/folate deficiency, since it has helped in my case. Mayo Clinic does not endorse companies or products. You have a fever or other signs of infection. A friend with ME/CFS also had a lot of angiomas. Our clinical information meets the standards set by the NHS in their Standard for Creating Health Content guidance. Today I saw a new rheumatologist for the first time in 10 years. its frustrating when no one understands, but its reassuring to know other people have gone through it as well. It was explained to us that this is part of EDS- fragile skin, capillaries etc. One of the most serious side effects of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) is C. difficile diarrhea. Your link has been automatically embedded. Thrombocytopenia occurs when your bone marrow doesnt make enough platelets. Can anxiety cause being scared of sleeping? They rang the proverbial bell. I started taking Prozac 2 months ago and in March I was feeling really h Petechiae here and there really aren't too much of a concern. Patient is a UK registered trade mark. WebPetechiae are small, purpuric lesions up to 2mm across Ecchymoses or bruises are larger extravasations of blood. There is a problem with I got some on my thighs and upper arms At the time they first occurred, I had been fighting off a nasty cold for a week. If they reappear and stay for longer than a few days I'd probably see a doctor/dermatologist, but it really doesn't sound like anything abnormal. Aplastic anemia occurs when the bodys bone marrow doesnt make enough new blood cells. Everything was within normal limits except the MPV, which was a little high at 10.3. Thanks guys. Question: Petechiae in otherwise healthy 16-month-old. I get them when I scratch mosquito bites or bump my skin, but often randomly too, especially on my forearms. Platelets are blood cells that form blood clots to help stop bleeding. Anxiety & Panic Disorders; Arthritis; Breast Cancer; Chronic Illness; Crohn's Disease; Depression; Diabetes; Fibromyalgia; GERD & Acid Reflux; Irritable Bowel I have had a few petechiae on and off for 2 months now, usually no more than a handful at a time. I just don't get why I got hundreds, Amoxicillin is know to cause them also anti depressants will too that's what I was told how long you been on antibiotics, I was on amoxicillin for 10 days. One hand is normal now, and the other is a sea of dots. This site complies with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information: verify here. Anxiety and taking setraline for the first time, Extreme anxiety when having to take orders at restaurant. Copyright Anxiety Central 2011-2019 not moderated or reviewed by doctors and so you should not rely on opinions or advice given by other users in Often times they turn into cherry angiomas or brown spots. WebApproximately 59% of physicians felt that fatigue was a very impactful symptom, while 66% of physicians believed that ITP-related fatigue was associated with reduced quality-of-life, and 46% felt that fatigue is often severe. Years ago I checked it in the animals. Ehlers-Danlos Syndromes and Hypermobility Spectrum Disorders, Orthopedic issues (bones, joints, and muscles), Allergy, immunology & mast cell disorders.

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