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During his human years in the 1860s, Stefan's sense of style was "Victorian" and old-fashioned. I love her. Valerie is trying to help him as he tells her his chest hurts. after they discovered that Damon had been taken, Stefan and Elena asked John were Damon was, he told them where they could find Damon; Stefan saved Damon with some help from Bonnie. Elena needs only one of them and it's better for her that one to be Stefan because he wants her to take the cure. Their relationship has intensified to the point of being best friends. Stefan compels a boy to give him his cup of beer, and he gives it to Elena. He is a big time bookworm. Stefan was born on Veritas Estate in Mystic Falls, Virginia. Stefan begs her to stay alive for her sons, while Damon syringes her and locks her in their dungeon. Following Cade's death and Stefan being cured of his vampirism, he lost this ability along with his vampric abilities and enhancements. He continues, showing her a real memory of him and her mom. Stefan rips apart Alaric's engine to lure Tripp in to grab him. With that, Sloan finally takes her hands off Stefan, breaking the link. Katherine adds that when she says friend she means romantically involved friend to which they all act out disgusted. It is there, where Stefan fatefully and inevitably meets Elena Gilbert. He then followed Elena and Bonnie to Abby's House, talking to Elena. Klaus then asks Stefan to talk some sense into his sister, but the younger Salvatore explains that he has to take care of Damon as he's still compelled to kill Jeremy. Stefan keeps trying to explain that he was in the exact same situation and she didn't accept the way he was when his emotions were off. The car comes to a screeching halt. Stefan asks about 'that girl you used to hang around with', to which Damon tells him was Charlotte, a woman he turned. As he drives to bury Silas, Lexi is with him and they talk about where Stefan will go and Lexi tells him that Elena will always be his epic love and he will find another, but he has to let go and move on. Matt may have had his last run in with vampires after another innocent life is taken. Damon on the other hand explains to Stefan that Bonnie was brainwashed by Shane and that they can't let her drop the veil because every supernatural being on the other side will come back to their world with vengeance. While Stefan was seen as a good guy because he refused to drink from humans, that was just a way of trying to stave off his ripper state, a strategy that only worked for so long. Unlike Damon, who drinks human blood and feeds off of innocent people, Stefan has chosen a vegetarian diet, living on an animal blood diet. Damon tries to wake him but it doesn't work. Characters: Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore (mentioned), Matt Donovon, Tyler Lockwood, Elijah Mikaelson, Niklaus Mikaelson, Lockwood!Reader . Three years later, Stefan enters a storage compartment containing two coffins in the New York harbor. She says if she could do anything to help she would, but the spirits won't allow her to use magic. Deceased (Found Peace on March 8, 2018) Damon tells Stefan that he needs him to investigate the Connor situation while Damon takes Elena to college. Back in their seats, Elena is barely holding it together, and Stefan and Damon argue under their breath about what to do. Caroline then leaves Stefan to go and blow up the Heretics. But, his history as a Ripper proves otherwise. Later, the brothers are in the cellar and Stefan is shown to have bled Damon out because he didn't have vervain and needed to find a way to weaken him. The car stops and Elena approaches the car, she sees a women in the driver's seat, Stefan catches her gaze and tries to compel her to give them a ride, but that woman is Maria a Traveler who helped them, she says them that the travelers and Markos are coming for them. He later asked Elena to pass on a message to Caroline to tell her he heard her and would love her forever too before he went into the afterlife. They fill it with gas while they talk. After Stefan, Elena and Rebekah escape and are let free, Stefan then uses his blood to heal Matt after Damon had bitten him. Klaus proceeds to tell Stefan that the brotherhood of the Five was a group of highly skilled vampire hunters and that Klaus and his siblings had crossed paths with them in the 12th century in Italy. Elena gives into Stefan's high spirits and pops open the bottle, laughing gleefully as it overflows. Quickly, he runs to the school bus and tries to get the door open. Elena says he had her but he says, "I lost you the minute I left town". Katherine asks Stefan why he's being to her. After reaching the corner, Stefan bitterly retorts that not telling Elena the truth- as Damon suggested 'is Damon speak for let's just do what's right for me'. The Vampire Diaries: Why Stefan Became A Ripper After that they go downstairs and Damon asks him questions about there past to make sure Stefan really got all his memories back. They kiss and Stefan hints that he is a virgin as they undress. In After School Special, Stefan is drinking alone at the Grill, expressing his bitterness over the phone to Caroline about Damon and Elena sleeping together. When Stefan lets his blood lust take over, (this was because unlike his older brother Damon, Stefan never learned how to control, his thirst for human blood), he often shuts off his humanity and his emotions to block out his suffering, guilt and pain. Elena, overwhelmed by desire, begins to passionately make out with Stefan against a tree. Stefan answers that he doesn't know-probably enjoy the part and keep Elena from butchering Grove hill's cheerleading squad. He had nanny named Cordelia and his ex-fiance, Rosalyn Cartwright, was killed by a jealous Katherine. Stefan helps Katherine to discover what is happening to Matt and what are the intentions of Gregor, Nadia's boyfriend . Damon mentions that in October 1852, he broke Stefan's nose trying to teach him how to throw a right hook. When Klaus tells him to let bygones be bygones, and that an eternity of bad feelings gets old, Stefan counters saying that revenge never gets old, and reveals that he stole the coffins that hold Klaus' family. After talking, Enzo takes the decision of not setting Stefan on fire, he tells him that his best revenge will be when Stefan have to tell Damon that he was the one who killed Enzo, Stefan is confused and then Enzo decides push himself backwards, making Stefan take his heart unintentionally. Later, Stefan allows Elena to decide whether she wants to trust Elijah or not and she decides that she will. In the meantime the witches are trying to help Bonnie not knowing that her secret plan is to try to kill them. She asks if Stefan has slept with her too, but he says no and adds that he was just a better person when he was with Lexi. Ironically, Stefan's initial naivety and desire to feed paralleled his behavior after being turned into a vampire in 1864. Damon says that now Silas has everything he needs and Stefan adds that he has everything but the cure. Klaus sends Stefan after her to find out where the hunter's sword, required to decode the map, was hidden. Stefan was in love with a girl named Callie Gallagher. Stefan is reunited with his mother Lillian, thanks to Damon and Elena causing his humanity to turn back on. Stefan asks what is he supposed to do-just grab a girl, take her over his shoulder, take her to the dance floor to which Caroline responds that he should take his own advice and have some fun. Klaus started using mind compulsion on Stefan in The Reckoning, to get Stefan to obey to his orders and kill two students, Dana and Chad. Elena bears a strong resemblance to his old and first love, Katherine, and because of this, he repeatedly tries to avoid her at all costs during the beginning of the series, feeling that her uncanny resemblance to Katherine brings up painful, sorrowful memories of his dark, mysterious past. She goes along with it, asking if Stefan Cooper is only proposing because she's pregnant. Stefan tries to back out of it, but Bonnie insists that he tell her what's wrong. On the Grill, Stefan and Damon are drinking, Stefan tells Damon that him without Elena is making miserable and that he must deal with his problems, on that moment Caroline arrives and Stefan tells him that she wants to help, Damon is surprised because he knows that Caroline hates him and in the end Damon tell to them that he don't need their help, so Stefan decides that they must better try with Elena again. Tyler takes them to the Lockwood Cellar where he tells the hybrids to keep them down there until they're ready to bring in Klaus, Stefan tries to persuade him that it isn't about revenge for them, to no avail. Elena, who continues to weaken without blood, confesses that the reason she was on the bridge was because she was coming back for Stefan, and that no matter what happens, it's the best choice she has ever made. Rebekah resists, so Stefan asks Rebekah to forget about helping Klaus and to just help him instead. Damon is unimpressed by his brother's behavior, most importantly the way he is feeding off of girls in the house. He was often seen wearing t-shirts, shirts or sweaters of darker colors and in various styles (such as short-sleeved, round-necked and v-necked shirts). Elena is in shock and still thinks that the Gilbert ring will safe Jeremy but when Stefan sees him he realizes that this probably won't happen. Katherine got under Damon's skin and Damon killed Jeremy with the intention of turning him into a vampire, but due to Jeremy's ring, Stefan was able to identify that he was still human. Over a century later, in the episode Rose, Stefan apologizes to Damon for betraying him and admits that he was selfish by getting Damon to complete his transition. In The Cell, Stefan took in Katherine and decided to watch over her so he could make sure she didn't kill herself. As things begin to spiral out of control, Stefan was unexpectedly killed by Julian, a Traveler warlock, while trying to protect Caroline, but he was resurrected after Damon, Caroline and Elena's plan to bring him back from the Other Side is a success. Stefan asks what he is doing and Klaus tells him that they have to go as where they are at is dangerous ground. Stefan tells Damon that could be a bit of a problem, then Nadia appears asking for it. Lily tells him that he is severely underestimating them and that he should run. Stefan tells her that he would have wanted a child. Stefan seems to love literature by William Shakespeare. Stefan agrees to try and get the dagger from Rebekah but first him and Klaus go to Damon as someone still needs to babysit him. The episode ended with Stefan and Caroline drinking margaritas. Three years later Stefan is frantically trying to wake Damon up. Nora starts to use magic but Caroline claps her hand over Nora's mouth, burning her. Sloan takes the blade and cuts Stefan's hand with it, catching the falling blood in a round bowl. Stefanie Salvatore is the heretic daughter of Damon Salvatore and Elena Gilbert, as well the younger twin sister of Stefan Salvatore. Elena says that as long as he's alive she's holding on hope that he can help them. The Vampire Diaries Characters, Ranked From Lowest To Highest Kill Count Back at Willoughby Elena and Elijah talk but Katherine appears and snaps her neck. Stefan asks what is his point and Damon says that his point is that he's sorry. She's finally able to tell him the truth. She explained everything that had happened since he was shot: she had found him and Damon lying dead in the woods, brought them to the quarry, and he and Damon were now transitioning into vampires. Stefan Salvatore was born on November 1st, 1846, on Veritas Estate in what would eventually become the town known as Mystic Falls, Virginia. He . With his hands full, Stefan's phone rings, so Caroline awkwardly fishes it out of his front pocket and answers it to hear her mom on the other end just checking in. Stefan seems to be tempted by the blood but then looks at Elena. Stefan's compelled everyone in the bar so Ray is all alone - and refusing to give up the location of his pack. Elena is in Damon's arms. Stefan shows little interest in Damon's scheming, and after Damon suggests they blow off steam instead with some brotherly bonding, Stefan laughs and reminds his brother that he knows Damon is probably happy that Elena is now single. In Pilot, Stefan and Damon engaged in a spar upon Damon's return to Mystic Falls. He then told Stefan that he had tricked Stefan and had put vervain in his drink after Stefan had asked his father how he knew about Katherine and other vampires existing because "he did not raise his sons to be so weak. She brought him coffee and said that ever since he lost his memories she feels like she has lost a friend and she wants them to start clean. She says while he was drowning she was having the summer of her life, she got everything she wanted, even Bonnie and she needs to know that he's ok too. After Klaus reveals that Alexander had claimed that the Five possessed a special weapon that could destroy all vampires. She goes to Jeremy and Bonnie who are trying to get the cure out of Silas' hands, but Vaughn is trying to prevent them from doing it. Stefan takes away all the blood and gore of the scene, and all the bodies and then leads her to a crib, with a crying baby in it. The brothers try to persuade her not to do it but she refuses to listen to them so she sets everything on fire. Back at the Salvatore mansion, Stefan and Elena are in the living room. He is later joined in bed with Ivy and she asks for him to tell a secret to him and he admits that he is a vampire, but she doesn't believe him and hugs with him. Stefan Salvatore: A True Ripper Daddynegan 83.6K subscribers Subscribe 16K 523K views 7 months ago #tvd #thevampirediaries #stefansalvatore WARNING: SPOILERS. The More You Ignore Me, The Closer I Get, starts from where the previous episode ended. Him and Damon worry after Bonnie shows up with news of Alaric and it is revealed that Elena is missing. Later, He stands alone in the crypt when Caroline arrives. Stefan explains that it took him a while to get used to animal blood, but it gets easier over time. They meet at the border of Mystic Falls to make the exchange. Stefan tries to stage an intervention by showing her how to transfer her hunger into a socially acceptable pastime: drinking. Lucy says that Elena is fine and that the spell is broken. As Rebekah enters telling them Klaus left her behind and she doesn't have a place to stay, Stefan shows he doesn't really care about that. Liv's shirt is smoldering from Jo practicing magic. Stefan's mother visited him in his sleep after her "death". Lexi found him back then and tried to help him. At the Grill, Lily almost loses control. He touches his abdomen and his hands become covered in his own blood. Caroline points out that Elena must know that the younger Gilbert is not going to wake up. Stefan gives Katherine one last peaceful dream. He is also Jeremy Gilbert, Bonnie Bennett, Matt Donovan, Tyler Lockwood, and Alaric Saltzman's best friend and Caroline . As a human, Stefan was compassionate, kind, noble, honorable, intelligent, athletic, responsible, academic, dutiful, and a gentleman. When Damon turned Vicki Donovan into a vampire, Stefan tried to teach her the ability of self control but she couldn't handle it. He says it looks fine. Nora and Mary Louise appear, along with Lily and Beau. In that moment they are interrupted by Nadia, Katherine's daughter who seeks help to carry out a plan and save her mother, Damon tells her that no one will help, but she threatens them with Matt's life, so Stefan and Elena are the volunteers. Elena explains that Kol compelled Damon to kill Jeremy because the original doesn't want them to wake Silas and they are in the tunnels and she can't seem to find them so she needs help. a page break off and goes through the air, she tries to reach it but Stefan stopped it before it went too far. When they came back, Damon told him two things. She calms him down by telling him to remember and name the people he has killed in order, starting with Giuseppe Salvatore. He tells her that he comes here with flowers everyday. Suddenly, something barrels against the wall, shattering a window in the house Stefan is leaning on while making his phone call, Stefan tells to Damon that the Travelers drained their blood, so they are having to do a little hunting. In The Last Day, Stefan respects Elena's decision on using the Elixir that Elijah has to save her. Stefan Salvatore - 1000+ Times He's one of the most selfless characters in the entire show, and yet Stefan still dies the most in The Vampire Diaries. Later Stefan and Damon is in the room were Bonnie had cast a trapping spell. Then Bonnie gets inside while the Salvatore brothers talk outside, but both groups are actually discussing the same thing. Afterwards, Rebekah calls Stefan and reveals that she wants to kill Elena while Stefan tries to stop her. The person is also looking for the headstone and finds it, when the original sister catches him. Stefan scrutinizes the special bullets, intrigued by the etchings on them. Stefan finally lets go of his anger and comforts her before he asks her to go somewhere with him. Over a gradual period of time, Stefan and Elena bond, fall deeply, passionately in love and eventually develop a romantic relationship. In the meantime Rebekah and Damon are attacked by Vaughn and manage to overpower him while Bonnie is talking with Shane (who is actually Silas pretending to be Shane) who is trying to convince her that there is a way to bring Jeremy back to life. Caroline states that she has almost forgotten what that feels like. Paul WesleySawyer Bell (Young, age 10)Luke Judy (Young/Child)Ryan Dorsey (Possessing Marty Hammond) She then explained that he felt nothing because he had managed to turn off the part that makes him feel, the human part of him; that in spite of the intensified pain and suffering vampires feel, love is what makes life worth living. Stefan's hair was styled much differently; flatter and much longer in length with a part in the side. He tells her that if she wants to have fun they should go somewhere more privately. However, Stefan's hunger grew and he attempted many times to escape the family's hospitality due to his thirst for their blood. Before they leave, Stefan watches Elena do a keg-stand, to the cheers of the party-goers, as a last-ditch effort at irritating Rebekah. He knows that's the mark of the Phoenix Sword and angrily asks if he made an enemy out of Rayna. After Katherine's "death", Damon swore to make Stefan's life miserable and ultimately succeeded in 1912 by making him lose control of himself fifty years later. Stefan tells her that Tom is a good person and that she don't do it. Stefan was an aspiring doctor during his human life. He dated a human, Callie Gallagher, as he tried to free Damon from Callie's father's imprisonment. He was thinking about killing Damon. It is revealed that it was Stefan who rescued Elena from the car crash which killed her adoptive parents he tried to rescue them too, but he was too late. She tries another tactic, compelling him to have a heart attack. He expresses that he is just honored to be her date that night. In Plan B, Stefan jumps into a well to try and find the moonstone that Mason hid, but didn't realize the water was full of vervain and he couldn't move, his face and body beginning to burn; Elena comes down to rescue him. After that Stefan calls Klaus to come to the Salvatore boarding house where the original hybrid meets with Caroline and starts pissing her off. She then dies. As Elena and Stefan start falling deeper in love with each other, Elena discovers Stefan's deep, dark secret: Stefan is a century old vampire with a mysterious past. Elena tells him that's not true and that he was dragged through hell but he came out the other side. Valerie becomes Stefan's friend and closest ally, which irritates Caroline. She asks him if he feels bad for Katherine's death, but he says that he is fine with it. Klaus, however, questions that and adds that Stefan mustn't underestimate the allure of darkness because even the purest hearts are drown to it. Giuseppe Salvatore (1st time, as a human)Julian (1st time, as a vampire)Nora Hildegard (2nd time, as a vampire)Rayna Cruz (3rd time, as a vampire)Himself (2nd time, as a human) Damon isn't himself right now.", Stefan explained. They'll both help her and then he'll use the sire bond to bring her back. She starts to apologize, but Stefan instead urges her to be honest and admit to where she stands when it comes to him and Damon. Elijah frees Stefan and Damon, meaning that this is family business. Klaus then asks how can they stop him and Stefan says that Silas has to complete the third massacre so that Bonnie could do the spell and if he's here that's what he's doing so they need to find him and stop him. In What Lies Beneath, Stefan is still trying to convince Damon to give up on finding Enzo. He has a great relationship with his older brother, Damon Salvatore, and gets along with their father, Giuseppe Salvatore. Stefan snacks on a student, tempting Caroline to join. Later he is talking to Katherine (appearing to be Elena), and reveals to her that he used to hope that Damon would mess up with her so badly that she would give up on him, but then he started to like the person he begun to be and says he doesn't want to lose this person. Stefan breaks up with Caroline some time before Valerie and Stefan begin a romantic relationship. Damon orders Tyler to commune with the Traveler inside him to find Markos and tells Stefan that they're going to take their ex-girlfriend on a secret trip to keep her and Stefan safe from the Travelers. 2: Damon still hates Stefan, but not because he forced him to turn into a vampire. [7] This stuck true to Memories' Stefan's pattern soon after he became a vampire. Stefan has been with Valerie romantically for three years, and it is stated that they have been happy together. After learning the man has no regrets other than being caught, Stefan feeds him his blood and snaps his neck. He reaches into Stefan's chest cavity and pulls out his heart. Damon meets Stefan who tells him to stop causing problems. Stefan calls his brother and tells him this. Stefan calls Elijah and the original brother says that Elena is safe but how long that remains depend on them. Stefan was first seen as a mysterious, handsome and new high school student at Mystic Falls High School. He admits that he was searching as a distraction, but eventually he had given up too. He is one of the main characters and male protagonists of The Vampire Diaries. Stefan is still mad at her for her decision to sacrifice herself to save her family and friends. In the end, he was the one to kill her. Stefan can't believe his eyes and touches Damon to make sure he is real. Still, that doesn't bother Stefan, who menacingly suggests that they're going to play a drinking game - "truth or wolfsbane". Stefan walks in and ends the feud momentarily, however, Sarah bombards him with the fact that she is related to him. They have an enjoyable time together, where Elena teaches him some of her skills, she takes him to the Wickery Bridge to remember when he saved her from dying. Before he ignites it, he grabs his journal. He sensed Rebekah's panic when she responded cryptically "He's here," but before he could find anything out, Nik compelled Stefan to forget about him and Rebekah. It was there that he frequented a particular speakeasy, and one day caught the eye of a beautiful blonde vampire, Rebekah. He confesses he's not doing well without Damon and can't seem to start over because he's lost. So they need to find a cure and make him mortal so that he doesn't kill everyone. Rebekah points out that this will be difficult, as the tattoo is invisible, but Klaus has already solved this problem: Jeremy can see the tattoo, and Klaus has one of his minions bring Jeremy into the room. Minutes later, Stefan has a conversation with Elena who has come to speak with Damon, but Stefan refuses to let her see his big brother, she then asks him what was he doing with Rebekah-she's the one that tried to kill her. Anywhere," that he's to slit her carotid artery. After that, they give Elena their house to protect her from vampires.

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