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Making the smart choice in traditional Blue Zones is often the only choice available, not really a choice at all. For those who want to explore the peninsula at their own pace, renting a car might be best (you can use your home countrys drivers license for a maximum of three months). He cautions though that one of the reasons Nicoyas centenarians live so long is that they dont have high incomes, which means theyve had to do physical labor since they were young, their meals are light and mainly of vegetables and legumes, and they cant afford a lot of protein or processed foods. Costa Rica is known for its pura vida lifestyle and attitude. It would be hard to imagine two more different places than free-wheeling Costa Rica and legally rigid Singapore, yet both are among the happiest places on earth. It includes black beans, cooked plantains, fresh papaya, yams, squash, homemade corn tortillas, and fish (if near the coast). The peninsula is one of the worlds five Blue Zones where many people live exceptionally long and healthy lives. None of these staples are processed, and because all of these foods are locally grown they are not faced with genetically modified or pesticide laden produce. Nicoyas interior where most of the centenarians and almost-centenarians live and northeastern coast are less visited by tourists but still have much to offer. Buettner approached National Geograhic with his idea and they agreed to help fund his research. There are many factors that go into the long life of Nicoyans, and some of them will be impossible for you to replicate (unless you plan to move to an area of the world where the sun is always shining, the nature is amazing, and then you also need to bring all of your family with you). The sustainable and equitable promotion of the long-living population of seniors and the establishment of a cultural agenda aimed at strengthening sustainable, rural, community tourism stood out among the commitments made. Meaning, family ties are strong. For most of their lives, Nicoyan centenarians ate a traditional Mesoamerican diet highlighted with the three sisters of agriculture: squash, corn, and beans. Enjoying good health conditions shouldn't depend on economic or technological factors, but rather on protective factors that are evident and proven in the region. These cantons are: Carillo, Hojancha, Nicoya, Santa Cruz, and Nandoyure. Directions: Toss the cabbage with the orange juice, season with salt and pepper and let sit 30 minutes. Costa Rica holds one of the original 5 blue zones of the world and you will find yourself in one of them if you decide on living in the Nicoya Peninsula. All of our step by step Costa Rica planning tips in one spot. The Nicoya Peninsula Blue Zone, in addition to aligning with our Wellness Pura Vida strategy, are important as a driver of wellness tourism throughout the country, highlighting the importance of creating authentic travel experiences. As of now, there are 5 blue zones: Icaria, Greece. Everywhere you go in Costa Rica, youll hear pura vida! and soon feel the freedom to adopt the pura vida lifestyle yourself. Now I was excited to roam off the beaten path into a world-famous Nicoya Peninsula blue zone. Go to a soda, thats the name of a small, local caf, and look for casado this popular dish is rice and beans served with vegetables and either fish or meat. Stir in two chopped plum tomatoes, half of a finely chopped onion and one . It is not unusual for several generations to gather on a regular basis for lively gatherings. What are Blue Zones? The 9 Secrets Boosting a Long Life in Nicoya, Costa Rica: They have a strong sense of purpose No matter how old they are, Nicoyans have a strong sense of purpose, a reason to live longer. If we can harness that, we can hopefully improve the health of future generations. In a few, unique communities around the globe, people live long and heathy lives, up to and past 100. The world has a number of Blue Zones, areas where the locals live healthier and longer lives. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Now is the time for cities like Chicago to learn from the five Blue Zones throughout the world like Nicoya, Costa Rica. In terms of a definition, these zones are geographical areas with a high concentration of long-lived populations, who frequently reach ninety or one hundred years of age. Another is a focus on family and a special ability to listen and laugh. The agreement was signed by the Vice President of Costa Rica, Ana Helena Chacn, as well as ministries and institutions of the government and the mayors of the cantons of Nicoya Peninsula: Nandayure, Hojancha, Carrillo, Santa Cruz and Nicoya. We know we should include exercise into all parts of our lives (not just an hour at the gym). Of course, there is still a desire for success (especially in the cities) but in general, the priorities are shifted. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with a host of problems, such as osteoporosis and heart disease, but regular, "smart" sun exposure (about 15 minutes on the legs and arms) can help . We are always happy to help you out! Alternatively, Blue. In the Nicoya Peninsula, the water is particularly rich in calcium and magnesium which studies show is good for cardiovascular health and preventing cancer. The town of Nosara, located in the Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica, is a surfing and wellness hot spot located in one of the five "blue zones" in the world. One of the five designated blue zones in the world, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica features residents who live even longer than those in the rest of the country. The World Meeting of Blue Zones laid the groundwork, in a spirit of s se puede (yes we can), envisioning a blue Costa Rica, following the example of healthy habits set by more than 900 inhabitants aged 90 or older, and the centenarians of Nicoya Peninsula. It includes the five cantons of the Nicoya Peninsula: Hojancha, Nandayure, Carrillo, Santa Cruz and Nicoya. It's also an area identified as a "Blue Zone . Fish is a lean protein and provides oils which help with overall brain function. Costa Rica Tourism Board, Institutional Site, Costa Rica Convention Center, Promotional Site, Costa Rica Tourism Board | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Site Map. Calles 27 & 29, Ave 2, Nicoyans regularly take in the sunshine, which helps their bodies produce vitamin D for strong bones and healthy body function. While we may not increase the average life expectancy throughout the world we can use Nicoya as a template for healthier living. Blue Zones Nicoya desarrolla alimentos, bebidas y suplementos inspirados en los centenarios de la. Its difficult to maintain family bonds and friendships when school and work take us far from home, into strange communities. While Nicoyans start their day by eating a healthy breakfast, their diet is not the only secret to living long lives. Pura vida means pure or simple life and Costa Ricas Nicoya Peninsula has what you could call extreme pura vida. Montezuma is great for long beach walks and jungle hikes. American researcher, Dan Buettner, discovered that people in these areas shared several lifestyle characteristics: They don't smoke; They eat a plant-based diet He added that "we must somehow emulate, duplicate or copy the lifestyle of centenarians, and their way of living, but above all, their environment, diet, activity; above all, the connections they make, human connections, not technological ones. Even the cancer rates on the Nicoya Peninsula are lower than those elsewhere in the world! Over the last several months, the world has mourned the loss of hundreds of thousands of lives. Theyre focused on sick care, and so the actual healthcare is often neglected, says Chaves. Full of natural beauty, endless sunlight, white beaches and radiant ocean, Nicoya reigns as one of the most popular destinations in Costa Rica. The five blue zones are: Loma Linda, California; Sardinia, Italy; Okinawa, Japan; Ikaria, Greece; and the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. By encouraging Nicoyans belief community and sense of purpose through work, family, or nature, cities could help their poorest thrive. These factors are present, to some degree, in the other four Blue Zones in the world, according to world experts who participated in the World Meeting in Nicoya in mid-November. Lets explore the Blue Zone in Nicoya, Costa Rica and what the Nicoyan lifestyle can teach us about humanity and what we could do better in the future. It's a question that inhabitants of Guanacaste are happy to be asking themselves, since it's a true pride for the province's population to be home to one of the five such zones that exist worldwide. All rights reserved. Nicoyas west and south coasts are the most popular for visitors and offer a wide range of accommodations and access to the peninsulas wilderness and activities. . This information is complemented by studies carried out by Costa Rican demographer Dr. Luis Rosero Bixby, which show that the mortality of inhabitants of the Nicoya Peninsula aged 90 is 10% lower than for Costa Ricans of the same age elsewhere in the country. That is when brands, businesses and cities will be able to look at Blue Zones like the one in Nicoya and find a model to follow. It's also one of the happiest places in Central America: Costa Ricans report a high level of life satisfaction and the country has the highest literacy rate in Latin America. Without a doubt, this is a challenge for the next generations, in the context of the world's age pyramid turning upside down, with ever more senior citizens. The Ikarians and the Ikaria is another one of the Blue Zones, and the Costa Ricans, Nicoya, they're taking a nap. The Blue Zone of the Nicoya Peninsula stands out for the beauty of its landscapes, its tourist attractions, and its conservation areas, but above all, for the stories told by the long-lived inhabitants of the region, who have exceeded the life expectancy in Costa Rica and continue to be lucid and active, and who enjoy long, healthy lives. The Nicoya Peninsula has five cantons where middle-age morality is lowest and centenarians are the most abundant. Guevara lives in the Nicoya peninsula of Costa Rica. What they generally don't know, however, is that a part of Costa Rica tourists rarely visit (the rural Nicoya Peninsula towns of Nicoya, Santa Cruz and environs) contains the largest. The most amazing part about people who live in Nicoya, Costa Rica is that many of them live without medication or disability. It consists of 100 recipes with ingredients used by those who live in Nicoya, Costa Rica and the other four Blue Zones. This calcium leads to stronger bones and the ability to stay physically active at a later age. BOOK YOUR COSTA RICA RENTAL CAR AND SAVE 10%. In the interior, the town of Nicoya is one of Costa Ricas oldest and also has one of the countrys oldest churches the Parroquia San Blas, first built in 1544. They are joined by 42 other centenarians in the Nicoya Peninsula, located in the 5 blue cantons: Nicoya, Santa Cruz, Hojancha, Nandayure and Carrillo (according to data from Jorge Vindas, a field researcher for the Nicoya Peninsula Blue Zone Association). The peak nesting time is from August to November and in the days before a new moon, thousands of turtles congregate in the Pacific waiting for the perfect time to come ashore and dig a hole to lay their eggs. The Adventists are praying. Demographers have identified the area, located on Costa Rica's northern Pacific coast, as a Blue Zone or "longevity hot spot," typified by a higher-than-normal number of people living past the age of one hundred. Blue Zones: Lessons For Living Longer From The People Whove Lived The Longest. These regions are considered Blue Zones. Old people often have too little calcium in their bodies. January 18, 2022 . I feel lucky to have found this information, though the credit doesn't belong to me, but rather to the older residents. uma atrativa pergunta explica que os habitantes de Guanacaste e sim dvida contar com uma das cinco que existem no mundo um orgulho para todos os habitantes da provincia. If coming from San Jose, the easiest way to get to the Nicoya Peninsula is to take the ferry from Puntarenas. Sardinia, Italy. The Nicoya Peninsula of Costa Rica is one of the five areas in the world that hold the distinguished classification of a Blue Zone. Also, the environment just exudes joy. A Blue Zone is the name given to one of the areas in the world where a majority of people have a life expectancy of at least 100 years old. One thing I found especially interesting is the idea that this long life span is dying out. Speaking of work, finding work/life balance is a constant challenge for many. Offering barefoot luxury on Playa Langosta this family-owned boutique hotel is a 15-minute walk from downtown Tamarindo. Toss gently. Many of us in Western countries know we need to eat less junk and add more natural food to our diets. Try opting to walk places instead of driving. According to researchers, most inhabitants live to at least the age of 90.. There are 5 Blue Zones around the world, one of which is located on the Nicoya Peninsula; the others on the list are Sardinia in Italy, Okinawa in Japan, Loma Linda in the United States, and Icaria, in Greece. Currently, three emblematic examples of this Blue Zone include the centenarians Jos Bonifacio "Pachito" Villegas, from Pochote de Quebrada Honda, Nicoya, who rides a horse every day at age 100, Trinidad Espinoza, who recounts anecdotes from Costa Rica in the 1930s continuously while she feeds her chickens, and Dmaso Mendoza, age 102, who, on receiving a visitor, always talks about her years as a dancer and how she enjoys the company of the five generations of her family in Santa Ana de Beln, Carillo. The most southerly point is Cabo Blanco Reserve and the south coast also has the town of Tambor. Eating fewer calories appears to be one of the surest ways to add years to your life. A "Blue Zone" is an area of the world where it is typical for people to live past 100 years old. There are common factors that exist in these populations, such as good physical and mental health, a healthy traditional diet, respect for the family, deep faith, constant mobility, and a purpose in life. Nearby are waterfalls at Montezuma, ziplining near the Cabo Blanco Reserve, and kite surfing. So, what's the secret behind our region's long life? Even the cancer rates on the Nicoya Peninsula are lower than those elsewhere in the world! For one, Costa Rica is a small country and most people never move away from the area they were born in. Each region has its own diet, types of exercise, and community structure, but each has specific elements in common - all starting with a sense of purpose. This provides the nutrition they need to work hard during the day. These geographical areas are considered special, because most people live at least 90 and often over 100 years of age. Lunch is the main meal in Costa Rica (its better for your digestion to eat a bigger breakfast and lunch and a lighter dinner). However, altering your diet, increasing the amount of exercise you get in a given day, and embracing relationships with family and friends are good places to start. Buettner's studies on the Nicoya Peninsula revealed eight key factors that affect people's life expectancy. They first noticed that people in several villages on the Italian island of Sardinia were living well into their 90s and 100s and that they had few significant mental or physical health problems. My Nicoya Peninsula Blue Zone Retreat. A stay at Nantipa will help you have a true Blue Zone adventure, especially if you book its transcendental wellness experience. The Caribbean nation is economically secure and has excellent health care. For Priscila Chaves, a Costa Rican social tech-entrepreneur and ethics thought leader, the question that still stands is, how can we translate these apparent otherworldly effects, to the rest of us? But the simplest truth is that what one needs is to sleep eight hours every night, eat a nutritious, plant-based diet during a six-hour period to give your pancreas an 18-hour break until your next meal, and be at peace with everything and everyone all of the time, he adds. WED LOVE IF YOUD ADD IT ON PINTEREST! The volcanic beach has calm swimming in Bahia Ballena (despite the name, whales are no longer frequent visitors), and theres birdwatching and hiking along the Rio Panica. You can design your own holistic retreat too, choosing from a Kirtan sound bath, detox program, cacao ceremony, blue clay treatment, drum circles, and more. It definitely runs contrary to what was written up about the Nicoya people in "The Blue Zones." In that book, their diet was characterized as primarily vegetarian. We have obtained information from Nicoya, Costa Rica on ways to live longer and be happier. After living there for four years I have my own theories as to what makes people so happy, and in turn have a longer life span. The Nicoya Peninsula, in Costa Rica, is one of them, . Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The Nicoya Peninsula is on Costa Ricas north Pacific coast. Some sea turtles have even lived to age 150. Blue Zones Nicoya naci en 2014, una empresa 100% costarricense, que durante los ltimos 6 aos ha sido destacada por la investigacin de alimentos locales de la Zona Azul de Nicoya-Guanacaste. A "Blue Zone" is a region of the world where people commonly live past the age of 100 years.In "Blue Zone Nicoya Peninsula", residents live even longer than those in other areas of Costa Rica. mobile app. Book a transfer from your hotel, opt for a shuttle or public bus, or take a domestic flight to one of the peninsulas larger towns. It remains to be seen if the COVID pandemic will affect that average. This has paid off, with Costa Rica frequently scoring high in world happiness and environmental rankings. This Central American nation isn't that far from the U.S. geographically, but it is way ahead of us in longevity. He then had the idea to research areas in the world with the longest lifespan. However, both towns have a more touristy vibe to them. Nicoyan centenarians tend to live with their families, and children or grandchildren provide support and a sense of purpose and belonging. Do you ever wish you could know the secrets to a long and happy life? Due to the Nicoya Peninsula's location in Central America, the area has an abundance of warm days with tons of sunlight. Living Hotel partners with the Spacio spa, a five-minute walk away, which has several treatments geared to surfers. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. When that day comes, Nicoyas Blue Zone will continue to be an example of the resiliency of the human body and spirit. The best way we can mourn those lives lost is to honor them by creating a better future for our children, their children, and their childrens children by making healthier choices now. Throughout Costa Rica, youll find vegetarian gallo pinto (rice and beans) served at breakfast, lunch, and dinner the name means spotted rooster because the black beans dot the rice. These include Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California; Ikaria, Greece, and you guessed it; Nicoya, Costa Rica. They wake up. 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Do you have any questions about the Costa Rica Blue Zone? The occasion was also used to release the most recent study on longevity by the Institute of Social Studies in Population (Instituto de Estudios Sociales en Poblacin, IDESPO) at the National University of Costa Rica. These commitments also included mechanisms to develop best practices in health promotion in the "five blue cantons" of the Peninsula, strengthening support networks, and incentivizing the recuperation of life lessons and traditions. People from Nicoya enjoy an ample dose of Vitamin D. They spend most of their time outside tending to the land and enjoy a healthy relationship with surrounding nature. Heres how to plan a trip to the Blue Zone in Costa Rica. ", For Belgian researcher Michel Poulain, one of the most important message of the World Meeting of Blue Zones is to tell the world that "Costa Rica has a treasure of longevity in the Nicoya Peninsula, that comes from the past generations, which has been built year by year. First . About two hours down the coast from Tamarindo is Nosara, Nicoyas yoga center (the Nosara Yoga Institute here offers teacher training). They feel needed and want to contribute to a greater good. seen in blue zones. Nicoyan centenarians frequently visit with neighbors, and they tend to live with families and children or grandchildren who provide support, as well as a sense of purpose. Located on the Guanacaste Peninsula in northwestern Costa Rica, Nicoya is a rural, beachside, blue-zone community. The concept of Blue Zones came from a series of demographic and statistical projects led by Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain, but they were made famous worldwide by the research work of journalist Dan Buettner, along with a team from National Geographic and the publication of his book, The Blue Zones. Brand Storytelling At Sundance: Championing Excellence And Filmmakers With Purpose, Profitable ECommerce Growth For CPGs Is In Reach. Spirituality and religious involvement/ beliefs. Guest Writer for Wake Up World. There will be a lot to learn and a lot to do to get back to a healthier normal. Down on the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica's Blue Zone, visitors can book into a yoga retreat, eat freshly caught fish, go surfing and ride horses along the beach. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. We hope you love the Blue Zone Costa Rica stays we recommend. It's also one of the happiest places in Central America: Costa Ricans report a high level of life satisfaction and the country has the highest literacy rate in Latin America. I cant blame you. By Ty and Charlene Bollinger. We met in Virginia, moved to Germany, and now live in sunny Costa Rica. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. They feel needed, and their daily lives revolve around their family and community. To my delight, Costa Rica has its own Blue Zone - the Nicoya Peninsula! Water sports are on offer pretty much everywhere along Nicoyas coast, whether you prefer surfing, kayaking, standup paddleboarding, snorkeling, scuba diving, or just checking out whats happening in the tide pools. So why is it that the people of Nicoya outlive so many others? You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. The people of Nicoya value their families a lot, and you can often see them joking with their neighbors, working hard for long hours, and enjoying the sunshine. The town of Nicoya is considered the oldest in Costa Rica, it is popularly known as "the colonial city". Blessed with sandy beaches and tropical forest, it's something of a backpackers' paradise. 4. Long-living creatures like sea turtles are frequent visitors to the Blue Zone too. This treasure includes the atmosphere around you." According to the most recent data from the Ministry of Health, this region will be painted blue for many years to come, as over 900 people over 90 have been recorded, along with over 5,000 inhabitants over 75, the majority of whom enjoy good health in their old age. Black beans contain high doses of antioxidants and they are eaten for almost every meal among Nicoyans (and most Costa Ricans). My fourth investigation into exactly what our Blue Zone folks eat has left this dietitian, well, intrigued. Longevity then would not be a luxury only reserved for a few living in Blue Zones, but a reality for billions.. Nicoya was introduced as a Blue Zone in a 2004 National Geographic article by Dan Buettner. One Nicoyan, a centenarian, said he knew death would eventually come for him but it is the love for his children that motivates him to keep going every day. Hi! To understand some of the reasons why Blue-Zoners live healthier, longer lives, let's take another look at Ricardo's daily routine. 1 - The Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. While walking gives Nicoyans a chance to exercise and get fresh air, it also gives them time to enjoy the natural beauty for which Nicoya is known. Its name is due to the tribe that reigned prior to the arrival of the Spanish in 1520, it is said to come from the Nahuatlas words Nica, Necoclau or Necocyanh, which means surrounded by water. Ed #2798 Oficina #8 Required fields are marked *, car rental deal! Nearby is the Barra Honda National Park with its caves, the Monte Alto Nature Reserve where a variety of orchids grow, and other natural reserves where you can see wildlife. "Looking beyond Costa Ricas Blue Zone in Nicoya, elements that make our population stand out and that describe our focus on well-being can be found in every corner of our territory. At the southern tip of the peninsula is Cabo Blanco Nature Reserve. - save 10% Plus other perks . Personally, I find that a combination of a healthy diet, exercise, and social contact all help lower my stress; which is crucial in a long life span. This is why the Costa Rican Tourism Board (ICT, Instituto Costarricense de Turismo) launched the Wellness Pura Vida country strategy, which seeks to position Costa Rica as a wellness destination with a difference, which offers unique, transforming experiences. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. The heart is a muscle, and all muscle contractions depend on calcium. Because of this, they enjoy extremely low rates of heart disease. Physical activity, diet, good mineral-rich water, friends, a satisfying job, eating light in the evening, and a "plan de vida" are the other aspects. Were Thomas (the German) and Sarah (the US-er). Costa Rica is home to one of the five original blue zones regions, the Nicoya peninsula, with a high number of centenarians in excellent health. If you would like to be near things but get a bit more of a feel for traditional Nicoya life while also enjoying a bit of the touristy perks (surfing, fun restaurants etc.) We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits.

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