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Learn the different ways to respond to the American Community Survey -- online, by phone, by email. I returned the question booklet as instructed. I am appalled by the questions asked on the ACS! Thank you for your interest in the age, racial composition, daily habits, and private information regarding the private lives and private property of the members of my household. He was shocked and said it was required by law. I would rather pay the $100 fine to keep my freedom in check. When he did, the employee asked him to allow her into his home. My first question is: which section authorizes ACS? The survey taker shows up at the residence unannounced to request that the resident comply with the survey or otherwise face potential legal repercussions. I just hope one of them won't be on my 'case.'. After four or five visits with three notices taped to the door over two weeks, they seem to have given up. You can't actually expect all of the decisions to be made accurately and take into account the needs at the consumer level based on a head county every 10 years. Some hypothesize that the Census Bureau will not take legal action against, or pursue fines for, noncompliance with the ACS because doing so would likely attract much negative media attention. The daily number of cyber attacks on our federal government and access by illicit state and non-state actors is eye watering. Before the second visit, I posted a 'no trespassing' sign at the bottom of the stairway leading up to my garage apartment. So, my husband filled it out with the lady standing at my front door. Then I'll find a place to post it and tweet it to my 350+ followers. Fact Sheet Aug 25, 2021 Fact Sheet: Protecting and Advancing Health Care for Transgender Adult Communities New data and analysis reveal important health disparities and barriers to care for. I told him that was fine. When I answered the door she said who she was and had a survey for me. I told him that on the advice of my attorney I had shredded the form. [36] This same principle could apply to questions posed by ACS agents. The old surveys don't ask for much more than that (other than birthplace). The visits stopped, and I never heard from them again. During the past year and especially with the current administration in D.C., I am so angry and distrustful of our government. Anytime you give out information, you can bet it gets compromised. Federal law mandates as much, but the bureau also doesn't seek to penalize individuals who fail to participate. according to the constitution it limits the government's ability to do anything but enumerate. Instead of hiring mindless sheep to bother busy, honest, hard working people, the government can hire people to scour the internet for this "readily available information". He presented me with an ACS envelope and said a "government guy" had come to school and was having random students fill them out. She didn't have the common courtesy to disclose that little fact. There is no legal obligation for you to answer their questions. The provision for the Census is found in Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Constitution. She said actually it's mandatory. It's now the end of Jan. 2010 and I just received my second ACS form. Clemons v. Dep't of Commerce, 562 U.S. 1105 (2010). I like the idea of video taping them and guess I will charge up the old video camera. they started harassing my boyfriend and some how i got thrown into it because i live here. so earlier before i got home he called me and told me his story of her showing up. My husband and I now know what we will do when a rep shows up at our door. I guess it's too simple, or full of common sense. Also, someone please answer this question: How can the census determine how many illegals are in the US, when they don't pay taxes, use our social security numbers, etc.? I included a note with the returned survey stating that I would continue to refuse to answer these additional questions as a matter of principle, and I requested that no phone calls or visits to my home be made by your agency. Please confirm. You can search the internet and find many references to threats of a fine, but you won't find anyone who has ever been fined. What you say is true. i am not in their rat race, and i do not answer to their color coded political designations. The slippery slope stops here. I still am in my boxers since I just woke up and surely was not prepared for a slew of questions from this guy who was getting paid my tax money to invade my privacy). So today I found this census worker peeping tom at my windows, which face the back woods. That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. I firmly told her I had no intention of filling out the survey as I felt it was no one's business. Unfortunately, the second time my husband gave in, as he felt we would get fined and was tired of the threats. We told a census worker to come back on Friday at 6 p.m. Now the latest. I live in upstate New York and was just threatened that the census taker would be back with the police and his supervisor because I refused to fill out the form. Although no reports have surfaced of individuals actually being penalized for refusing to answer the survey, the potential fines that can be levied for refusing to participate in the ACS are staggering. I will pay the fine if that is what it takes. I never thought at age 47 that I would ever see our country go this far the the left. No reason to be rude to someone doing their job. OK then, so why waste my time asking questions? Please post legal options for readers when census takers are sharing personal information with neighbors! The law in Title 13 exists solely for the purpose of being able to print the treat on the forms and to use to intimidate scared grandmothers. Still, some citizens do not answer it. I want to thank you for this site and for all of the posters sharing their experiences and offering insight and information. I just thought I would throw that out there! The 24-page survey, which can be found on the Bureau's website, is sent out to about 2.5% of the American population to collect statistical information for city planning. He told me that my info was not received and that he would be sending it back out in the mail. I walked over to my neighbors later that evening and they told me that she did not come by to see them, but she was very persistent about getting the birth dates, ages, place of employment, phone numbers. Perfect. Comparing the American Community Survey to the American Housing Survey. I propose: 1) Grabbing your video recorder and recording the entire exchange. But I will not tell you when I leave for work and about the medical condition of my relatives. They have all the information they need from the IRS. I will fill it out and send it back to Census Bureau but I won't feel good about it. For example, lets say in 1790, two years after the ratification of the Constitution, Congress prepared a budget and decided to impose a direct tax to raise the needed revenue. Never logged on (implicit refusal) 2.11 524 Survey completed after close of the field period 2.27 2 When they arrive on your property, order them off your property. I hope it's not too late for us. I'm planning on returning it blank, with a letter stating the reason for not complying is the OMB# expiration. I actually worked for the Census in 1970. Firm, clear refusal and don't even hint that you have any fear of their authority. But at the same time, phones are not supposed to be tapped. These "enumerators" aren't policemen and they can't make you answer their questions or let them into your house. You aren't getting mine! This is due to lack of security for any personal information you provide. Help people, can I really get fined if I don't fill this crap out? This is Government out of control. Active resistance is the order of the day. Although an intrusive visit would make my blood boil, I would suggest a similar strategy for visits if possible. its no joke. If you read and listen to them carefully they actually say that it's mandatory and you could be fined. Therefore, if a person representing a two-person household refused to fill out any questions or simply answered nonsensically, the total fines could range from upwards of $10,000 and $50,000 for noncompliance. At what location did this person work last week? Somewhere in the process we got some messages on the answering machine asking us to call their 800 number and refer to our "case number." My blood pressure is through the roof right now after reading this survey. [11] 10 minutes ago I felt apprehensive. she wouldnt tell him who she was and kept insisting to come in. The 2019 American Community Survey counted 139.69M housing units, up 1.15M from 2018, and up 7.90M from 131.79M in 2010. In 2000 I refused to fill mine out. [36] Florida v. Royer, 460 U.S. 491, 498 (1983). If they want more personal financial information, then I suggest they get it from the IRS. I agree with telling I live here, how many live here, as it's just counting folks to help with how many people have how many reps in congress and Senate. answers to this "anonymous" survey, my information would necessarily be identifiable, perhaps through my address, for at least some period of time. Just throw the census form in the trash. I plead the 5th amendment because the government can ask legally, according to the attorneys office, but I can also remain silent legally. A number of findings also closely match results obtained from surveys of U.S. faculty and graduate students. Perhaps the people who did not answer the questions do not want to end up like the Japanese Americans did during World War II when the census was used to track them down, and it took 50 years to find out about it! He asked me about a census employee who visited my home the prior week. She left. Throw the thing in the garbage, leave on your answering machine for a few weeks, and slam the door in the face of anyone who comes by. It's not good politics. You send it in it could become public information. I am so thankful for this website! Most people allow themselves to be bullied and are afraid of breaking some law. Oh wait, we have a socialist leader now. Logged onto survey; did not complete any items 2.1121 65 Never logged on (implicit refusal) 2.11 887 Survey completed after close of the field period 2.27 189 Completed interview but was removed for data quality 1 Screened out . What the hell was someone on Obama's team thinking about? If all they want is a head count, all they have to do is count social security numbers! Sad, but I simply do not trust the government anymore. I'm sorry you feel the need to spread such fear and lies. Thus, information obtained through the ACS is not simply used to inform government policy in a neutral manner, but is also being provided to private actors for the purpose of promoting corporate and/or political agendas. Last year I was hounded by these people and they are back I am so glad I did not answer or call or contact them I cannot believe this information is relevant for city planningthe person above said it best. The info tells them how many live in a certain area. Don't fill it out. Well, for all who are posting to this blog saying it is our civic duty, that its just a few questions on the census, that we should just go ahead and answer the questions, let me say this: this is not a census. Title OFFICIAL ADDRESS TELEPHONE Number City State ZIP Code FAX . My wife and I were not home at the time the census work stopped by. The response given is not intended to create, nor does it create an ongoing duty to respond to questions. It also asked for the full names, DOB, SS# of all person including children. They left before they arrived. I asked my accountant about them and he recommended not to fill them out. They do go to your neighbors and landlord if you are a renter, and they do try to threaten and intimidate you by saying that if you don't answer then someone will return and will have the police with them, so yeah, keep on believing that it's all just a few harmless questions. How come I get the ACS? Have no fear. And if said "enumerator" doesn't like it, tough! Does anyone know? Especially after reading the comments on this page. If you got grilled before then they are trying to find out the change in your situation over time. They are a toothless tiger. 1. To be sure, the calls were incessant for a time -- anywhere from one to eight calls a day for about six to eight weeks perhaps. Why am I being asked what my age and birthdate are? Clearly our government is out of control by trying to intimidate citizens to comply with this survey. This tool helps you do just that. This crap has been going on for almost a month now! If they aren't paying my bills they don't have a need to know how much they are. A: The law requiring answers to the ACS also provides that a person who fails to answer shall be fined not more than $100.[32] The actual fine for a refusal to complete the ACS could be much greater because a failure to respond to certain ACS questions could be considered a separate offense subject to the $100 fine. Just open the door, answer their questions, and they will forget about you and your insignificant existence for another 10 years. We do not have to be subjected to this mistreatment, Ladies and Gentlemen!! So far no challenges to our door visitors. ), vacated sub nom. He didn't know what to think about that (needed to check the law), and took no action. I have a few ideas to annoy them: Answer the door buck naked while eating a piece of chicken. After giving it some thought, I felt compromised by the invasive questions asked, and decided that my right to privacy was surely being violated. While the survey states that my address was selected at random for the survey, they have my address and unlisted telephone number, which they call regularly. Are they too dense to realize that word just means "to count?". No one from the Census has ever said they would come back with the sheriff - the sheriff would simply laugh at them if they ever asked. We filled in very basic info and did put in the drive times. [3] U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 2, Clause 3. If it is kept under the radar, then there are not enough people screaming to make a difference. Well its going to get colder before I give them the info. Best policy is to avoid answering the door to strangers but it's difficult to do if you are outside a lot. [It does not appear that Census is proposing any changes to the ACS instrument.] After 40 years and right before everybody in the country is supposed to reply to the 2010 census? SSV-6. Yeah, I've got concerns, and no, I'm not going to answer their questions. I am a nurse, taxpaying honest citizen and I will not be forced into answering these obscene questions! A couple were friendly; one sounded very "authoritative" and intimidating. So, I tore off the page with my address on it and shredded it, and then I tossed the rest of the survey into the garbage. Direct taxes are inherently unfair because one state, with ten percent of the population, might be one of the richest states while another state, with the same percentage of the population, might be one of the poorest. I see a lot of people have more courage than me. [34] By the way, from what I read in Title 13, the max they can fine you is $100 for not filling out the form, or max $500 for false information. Mind your own business. Keep being sheep. don't let them take our rights away even more than they already have. Then why am I being asked what my race is? And for every intentionally false response to a question, the fine is $500. Make the Census people eat this Supreme Court ruling: Neither branch of the legislative department [House of Representatives or Senate], still less any merely administrative body [insert Census Bureau], established by congress, possesses, or can be invested with, a general power of making inquiry into the private affairs of the citizen." And how do they fine/prosecute a person if "answers" cannot be used in court or obtained by law enforcement? I don't mind giving my name, the name of my spouse, children, ages and occupations but that is it. I too am grateful for this site. The American Community Survey (ACS) qualifies as a government program whose purpose, while seemingly benign, raises significant constitutional concerns. "; "How many times a day do you fantasize about blowing up a federal building? The ACS is not part of the enumeration required by Article I of the Constitution, and that constitutional provision only applies to a census for purposes of counting the number of people in each state. I just got a pretty harassing phone call from a census lady, who said I would be fined if I didn't fill this crap out. [30] The Census Bureau also maintains that responding to the ACS is mandatory and that recipients are legally obligated to answer all questions.[31]. Title 13 of the United States Code, however, requires that the Census Bureau keep this information confidential and subjects employees who violate this confidentiality requirement to a fine of up to $250,000 USD, up to 5 years imprisonment, or both. She said they don't do that. The survey is clearly an invasion of privacy, and any attempts of the ACS to pursue a fine for failure to submit the survey should be challenged in a court of law on unconstitutional and invasion of privacy grounds. For the information of the people here, Congressman Poe (Texas) and Bachmann (Minnesota)have introduced legislation to eliminate the ACS intrusive questions. I am being harassed and threatened. D. oes anyone understand what is involved in managing 300 million people spread out over an entire continent, each thinking all that matters is their individual needs? do we have a hot water heater? I guarantee it will be a short and polite conversation and the last time they ever bother you! This browser does not support PDFs. If they harass you with phone calls change your number before they do the census and keep it unlisted. When he refused, the employee turned up twice unannounced at my apartment, demanding entry, and warning me of the fines I would face if I didn't cooperate.[35] Only after he filed a complaint with the Census Bureau did the agency realize he had actually completed the survey, thus ending its attempts to enter his home. Like its children it seems it wants us to be happy and being so it has empowered us to live our dreams freely, Know you are worth it, see it and feel it and it will be. (Same woman who was no longer employed with the census). The less you say to them the faster they stop bothering you. It is confined to determining the number of Representatives [in the House] and imposing direct Taxes among the several States. The biggest, the American Community Survey (ACS), is sent annually to more than 3.5 million randomly selected homes to gather population, economic, housing and other data that helps determine how hundreds of billions of dollars in state and federal money is distributed. As a consequence, conspiracy theories flourished and quickly spread. Attempting to use scare tactics to get personal information - nice. Firm, clear refusal. The ACS, sent annually in recent years to a sampling of more than 3 million U.S. households, collects detailed information on population and housing, helping to update the information gathered in. Should all of us contact our local media so that everyone knows about ACS?

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