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However, you receive a new currency called Tachyon Particles which produce dilated time. The Eternity milestones tab shows milestones that unlock more automation and quality of life stuff just by doing more eternities, up to 100 eternities. 3,145 Obtainable EXP. Get 10 Replicanti Galaxies in 15 seconds. In addition to having Challenge 9's restriction, when buying dimensions 1-4, everything with costs smaller or equal increases, and when buying dimensions 5-8, everything with costs bigger or equal increases. This achievement switched positions with "8 nobody got time for that" (now 101) in the Reality Update. Max Dimension and Tickspeed autobuyer intervals. Have 10 Replicanti Galaxies with 15 seconds in this Infinity. Unlike the IP multiplier, you do not need all Eternity upgrades to buy the multiplier. On mobile, press the "Buy more" button on the "Shop" tab. By this point, your fastest infinity should be about 5 seconds. Stare intently at the statistics tab for 15 real-time minutes. The aim of the game is to reach infinity as soon as possible, as this allows you to. You can do a really long run overnight if you want. After this, do not buy any more Dimension Boosts or Galaxies. You can also do this for long TT runs, if you cannot afford study 131/132/133. The first 3 upgrades in the column are just a production boost, then finally, you have one that lets you generate IP. * {{Squick}}: There's an Achievement called "Like Feasting on a Behind", which is implied to be exactly what you think it sounds. For the 2nd eternity, gain 3 EP (requires e426 IP and Replicated Galaxies), and buy TTs up to e80000 antimatter and e400 Infinity Points. Cost: 80 IP. You will get the "Time is relative" achievement as the reward for doing your first eternity. Have the time between two ticks be 6 hours or more (excludes offline ticks, includes the Kongregate purchase). The method enabled scientists in . Cookie Notice Sacrifice every sacrificable Glyph type at least once. Get the sum of Infinity Challenge times under 6.66 seconds. Replicanti galaxies divide your replicanti by 1.8e308. Total sacrifice multiplier 1e9000 after sacrificing. Keep getting every Infinity Dimension upgrade / 2x IP upgrade / Break infinity upgrade whenever you can. You'll earn something like 200,000 infinitied stat every 5 seconds, so in 40 minutes to an hour you'll have the 100 million infinities you need. Once you switch back to normal runs, which you should, focus on finishing getting the first 3 columns of infinity upgrades. For challenge 2, disable autobuyers just tap the M key every few seconds, to let the production build up, completing could take a while. Go to Dimensions > Time Dimensions. Wait another few days for each overpriced TD and wait 1-2 weeks to reach the endgame. When you reach 1e50 EP, you're initially doing the long haul. Complete the 2nd Antimatter Dimension Autobuyer challenge (C2) in 3 minutes or less. First of all, set all the Dimension/Tickspeed (if you decided to do challenge 9) autobuyers to Buy 10/Buy Max. Internally called "Minute of infinity" on web. At a certain point, you will be able to get your replicanti upgraded enough that it will be much more advantageous to use the Active path. This will allow you to cap the second eternity upgrade, which will help you now, and to unlock EC1x5 later. : Progress related achievement, which with enough EP multiplier and other progress factors, you will get this achievement. - YouTube Finally! Googolmeister/Antimatter Dimensions Playthrough, Bubby3/The History of Antimatter Dimensions, FAULSEGODS/But is antimatter good or evil. Have complete > 0 Infinity Challenges after Crunching. I recommend you wait until you have infinitied about 50-100 times before worrying about the challenges. - Infinity Upgrades. This one tastes like chicken - Best Contents 2022 Have 2 Antimatter Galaxies after buying an Antimatter Galaxy. Antimatter Dimensions is one of the most polished Incremental Games out there. Eternity Challenges are a new type of challenges that are similar to Infinity Challenges, but the goal is to reach a specified amount of IP with a condition, then eternity. Unlock two new Infinity Upgrades - 2 IP multiplier and an offline IP generation. This will get all challenge times to 0.02-0.06 seconds or less. Get e500 IP on this run, then eternity for 4 EP, getting 1 TT for each currency. Additionally all multipliers are further multiplied by everything else on this page. Set your big crunch autobuyer to big crunch at around that many IP. The last one generates IP and is not that special. Next, get 1e71 IP, and do IC4. After this, do a bunch of quick runs for Eternity Milestones. Once you get the last infinity upgrade, your fastest infinity time should massively decrease. Gain 2.5x Time Theorems, and a free coupon to McDonalds. For challenge 9, you can easily mess up, but I have some tips. antimatter dimensions zero deaths; antimatter dimensions wiki; antimatter dimensions long lasting relationship; antimatter dimensions save editor; antimatter dimensions ic5; Previously was 5 seconds in an earlier update. Antimatter Dimensions is a game made in Javascript, and none of the code is made to be hard to view or understand (it's open source ). This is fairly OP at the moment, so remember to buy it as soon as possible after you get to that amount. How to do it: Close the game and do nothing for 6 hours. Keep doing crunches every 5 orders of magnitude. Antimatter Dimensions - Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. The game will force you to big crunch which resets your progress. The achievement's name and image was changed around 2 days after the "This update sucks" update. Use a "painful" notation for 10 real-time minutes after having Eternitied at least once. Don't forget to go for another dilated run each time you buy a x3 tachyon multiplier, as well as focusing on normal runs every now and then for more EP, which will help you a lot when you go back to dilated runs. The paths TD/Active may be powerful for grinding EP, at some point that it will increase EP faster than TD/Idle (depends on the person/their preference), but each path will be important in how you will progress. Grind eternities whenever you're AFK or overnight, until you get at least 110,000. Boost per buying 10 Antimatter Dimensions +1%. 1e1,400,000: The number of antimatter required to unlock the fourth completion of Eternity Challenge 7. Now look at the Eternity tab. Antimatter Dimensions is an Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements. No other sections in Eternity have been tested for Antitables (but there may be late game opportunities for this). Some of the dilation upgrades, especially the huge IP multiplier, will boost your progession and allow you to get all the achievements. Nerfed "Gift From The Gods"'s achievement reward. 104 Total Achievements. Note: the XeX notation means the first number followed by the second number of zeroes, so for example 2e6 = 2000000, 1.53e4 = 15300, etc. You need 1e600 EP earned on an eternity in dilation under 1 minute to get this achievement. In the web version, the description for the reward is "Reduces starting tick interval by 2%. EC11 and EC12, however, cost only 1 time theorem, unlike the other challenges you've faced before. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available from This achievement's informations are hidden until you Doom your Reality. Also remember to buy the infinity point doubling upgrade when possible. Getting Time Dilation is deemed necessary to continue progress, which without it will cause you to be stuck at around the 1e1300 EP mark. . (can be done way before 1e50 EP, with 1e300 times big crunch, ID/active path, just do your usual grinding technique, just changed to get fast enough to get under 200 ms eternities, and with a fast update rate in settings). After Eternity you permanently keep 5% of your Infinities. After Infinity the game has just begun, as there are much . Additional 4 multiplier to Infinity Points gained from Big Crunch. You may need a IP amount around 1.8e308 or at least the lowest IP amount you can get that is greater than 1.8e308 IP, and then keep big crunching by 1.8e308 times from there until 10 infinities with at least 1.8e308 times more IP than the last infinity are done. Start an Infinity Challenge inside an Eternity Challenge. Infinity Point mulitplier based on time spent in this Infinity. It have several Prestige layers, bunch of upgrades, achievements, optimization. - Passively generate infinitied stat based on your fastest infnity: Infinitied stat is how many times you've infinitied but this stat will now be increased based on your fastest infinity. Even if you complete the challenge, matter will continue rising. Buy everything costing 100 B IP or less, then buy the 2nd level of ID1. Last episode, I got the "Many Deaths" achievement, allowing me to gain Galaxy Points. Note that after the reality update, buying tickspeed upgrades in IC5 is now completely safe so that autobuyer can be left on, but the goal for the challenge is increased. "We could afford nine": Turn off replicanti upgrade autobuyers, and wait for your replicanti amount to hit 9, then eternity. Use TD+Idle for EP runs. All Antimatter Dimensions are 40% stronger, but only in challenges. When you big crunch, you can do another normal run, but it is recommended to go to challenges and start Challenge 8, or the 8th dimension autobuyer challenge. You will be able to get lots of studies back. (I found ways to beat it in 1e17 EP or less, even without eternity challenge completion: respec studies and turn off all autobuyer, buy single 1st dimensions, crunch (if you can't, buy second and third until you have more than 1.80e308 antimatter, you can only get about 27 IP), then turn on auto crunch and set to 2e308x, buy all studies with TD/idle, then turn on normal dimension 1-8, tickspeed, dimboost, galaxies, infinity dimension 1-8, replicanti change, interval, max galaxies, replicanted galaxies and IP multi, I beat in 2e16 EP without any eternity challenge complete - E308.25), Eternities are the new Infinity (Possible at about 1e18 EP w/ infinity dimensions and active path) - Should eventually be trivial, either you can get them through autobuy, click on big crunch a few times, etc. 1e8,296,262: The tickspeed required for the achievement Faster than a potato^286078. This will produce 7th dimensions at the 8th dimensions maximum production rate. Cost: 1e60 dilated time. ]], ** Likewise, [[spoiler:Infinity Challenge 5 when initially unlocked requires good micromanagement. Finally, buy everything costing 1e16 EP or less - by this time you should have 10 rows of achievements done, giving your TDs an effective 57.6x multiplier. Getting the 2nd galaxy is about as slow as the first, but after the 2nd galaxy, the tickspeed upgrades become so powerful that getting to Infinite Antimatter (called infinite because the computer calls it that, it's equal to 1.80e308, 2^2^10, 2^1024, 100% of the bar at the bottom, etc) can be done in less than an hour after a few dimension boosts. You will have ~e13 DT and ~e2300 EP. Go for 100M IP 1e1100 Antimatter to unlock the new dimension. Have antimatter/sec exceed your current antimatter above 1e63. When you reach 1e15 dilated time, you can get access to an upgrade that allows you to passively generate Time Theorems, based on the amount of tachyon particles. Matter will begin to build up upon buying a second Antimatter Dimension. Gain a multiplier to Tachyon Particle and Dilated Time gain based on Antimatter Galaxies. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Get the sum of Normal Challenge times under 5 seconds. When you hit 1e100 EP, the purchases for the eternity multipliers start to slow down, as they have increased in price. Row 12 achievements in this margin (only some, varying in difficulty): As usual, as you grind, you will eventually be able to do challenges, either for a faster completion or completing it right away when you can unlock it. Get any Antimatter Dimension multiplier over 1e31. Challenges 1 and 8 should already be done. You can upgrade these by doing challenges. (When you first get TS181 (about 1e40 EP), you won't have enough TT to buy EC4x5, so you have to grind before you can buy it. It shouldn't take more than a few minutes. Gain more IP based on amount of antimatter you had when crunching. Like feasting on a behind - Using Time Study 181, you must disable all autobuyers and macros used to buy dimensions, and don't press M (max all) at all. This may take some time. Barely an inconvenience! Gotten by lowering the window size. This replaces "Stop right there criminal scum! This is internally referred to as "This achievement doesn't exist II". While you are far into challenge 8 and it is going really fast, disable all your autobuyers if you have any, then sacrifice to reset your dimensions. 32000 to 79999: divide n by 8000 and get quotient q and remainder r, then n --> (q)^r looks like this: (4 . (Mobile) Have infinite Replicanti or > 0 Replicanti Galaxies with < 1 hour in this Infinity. Crunch every 5 orders of magnitude of IP until you reach 1e170 IP. "8 nobody got time for that": Turn off dimension autobuyers 1-7. All Antimatter Dimensions are significantly stronger in the first 60 seconds of Infinities. Additionally, you should have completed the first six eternity challenges 5 times, and you should also have at least 2-4 completions of EC7 and 2 completions of EC8. Do this challenge repeatedly until you have 5-7 infinities. Set them to buy max (you can't with the tickspeed one yet). If you can't do this, respec out of time study 32, and you can get up to 8 infinities of that length. - Break infinity is unlocked next section. For infinity upgrades, get the "Increase the multiplier per 10 dimensions to 2.2x" upgrade, then all 4 of the "Multiplier to dimensions based on infinitied stat" upgrades (Infinitied Stat is under Statistics -> How many times you've infinitied), then the "Decrease the reset costs by 9" upgrade, then the "Galaxies are twice as effective" upgrade. With enough IP multiplier, you can get this achievement. Like the other IC5 strats around, you'll want all upgrades costing 1e83 IP or less. "Never again": You need to get a sum of IC times of 0.75 seconds or less. Keep doing single RG (replicanti galaxy) runs until you reach e240 IP, as getting all your RGs takes a very, very long time, and you should be able to reach e240 IP with 1 RG per run. The first 2 basically reduce post-e308 Antimatter Dimension/Tickspeed cost scaling which helps with production. With about 1-2 hours of waiting, you will be able to get your Galaxy and Big Crunch autobuyer intervals maxed, allowing you to break infinity. * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. You can choose whether or not you would like to see spoilers here. ** Eternity Challenge 11 is less of a challenge and more of a total slog. Importing "Do a barrel roll" will make the game screen do one clockwise revolution. When you break infinity, you will unlock a new tab with many notable upgrades, and be able to go beyond e308 Antimatter (but you must disable your big crunch autobuyer). You will eventually get enough IP/EP to get 1e8,296,262 ticks per second, but it will take some time to get it. There are eight dimensions in total. Revisit challenges again. OR: Set the Big Crunch Autobuyer to 1e300 times last crunch, use the ID/Active path, then hold M. "Yo dawg, I heard you liked infinities" - Set big crunch autobuyer to X times last crunch mode, and the threshold should be at least 1.8e308 IP. Have either Black Hole interval smaller than its duration, Black Hole Interval < Black Hole Duration. Have 1e26,000 IP, with 0 time studies, while dilated. Crunch while in a Normal Challenge with 0 Dimension Boosts or Galaxies. Buy a single 1st Dimension when you have over 1e150. These make you reach infinity with special conditions but give rewards. Keep going for infinity "speedruns" to get as much IP as possible out of that. - Game Design Is My Passion: Start IC5 with at least e165 IP, set your autobuyer priorities to 8/7/6/5/4/3/2/1/1 with Dimensions 1-7 on buy singles instead of max. Sum of Infinity Challenge times 6.66 sec. For the Dimension Boost one, there are 2 fields. First dimensions directly produce antimatter, while higher dimensions produce the dimension before them. The strategy at this point is to keep buying RGs until you can crunch for 5-10 more orders of magnitude of IP. Time dimensions are multiplied by the number of studies you have. 0.00% Ultra Rare - 0.0 EXP. Get a total sacrifice multiplier of 1e9000. You will eventually get 20 4th Dimensions and have around 10 Trillion antimatter. You have to use a specific Time Studies setup, wait for Replicanti to build up, and get a bunch of Replicanti Galaxies so you can get enough tickspeed to progress. You will hopefully get the "How the antitables have turned" achievement. Get 1.8e308 multiplier in a single Sacrifice. Complete all Singularity Milestones at least once. You can also do this earlier in challenge 3 if you are willing to wait a VERY long time for the first dimension bonus to reach infinity. At this point, you should be able to start Eternity Challenge 1. - Challenges. Then when you can, get 192, then drop those again for study 201. This includes: - Infinity points. This achievement reward will have replicanti galaxies divide replicanti by "Infinity" instead, (179.77UCe/1.80e308 or the maximum value in the console) rather than resetting replicanti to 1. - Big Crunch for 1e250 IP in 20 seconds or less. 500 52.97% (20.8) Multidimensional Antimatter Dimensions is an idle incremental game that has a ton of unlockable features and achievements. This TD multiplier helps a lot, so buy everything costing 1e17 EP or less, then you can buy your first eternity challenge. Used to be on the right of study 11, but room had to be made for study 12 in the Nameless Ones' reality. A lot of the stuff on this guide is taken or directly copied from there. They are useless. (Mobile) Entire ticker must be viewed to be "encountered". I recommend you always do it at 2x unless you are approaching a dimension boost or galaxy (first at 4-5x). Gained Glyph level is increased by number of distinct Glyph types equipped. Dilated time production is boosted based on best meta-antimatter (log (x)^0.5). A classic example of this is Study 111. : This is a very simple achievement, an achievement that may have been already achieved if you were far into the lategame of April 2018, although you could get this achievement way before that. Before doing it, respec studies, set your eternity autobuyer to 1, do 10 quick eternities (To max study 121), then choose the active (left path), and then do the run. Can be obtained by failing Eternity Challenge 4 in under 250ms. However, there is a new way to make progress after 1e1300 EP, requiring that you've completed everything before this point. Max Antimatter Dimension and Tickspeed autobuyers. [[/note]], * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update, * MemeticMutation: 5 hours until the update [[note]]When someone asks when the next update's going to come out, "5 hours" is the standard response. Achievements; Forum; 0 Achievements Earned; 0 Players Tracked; 100 Total Achievements; 0 Obtainable EXP; 0 100% Club; Zero Deaths. Instead, turn off your big crunch autobuyer, and buy Dimension boosts, Galaxies, Sacrifices at at least 2x if you can't do a reset instantly, and make sure you've done everything up to this point. After the 2nd 3 way split, get Study 151, then 161 (162 later), then 171. Once you have done this, do a LOOOOOOOOONG (up to 5 hours) run where you max out galaxies, dimension boosts, dimensional sacrifice and all to get 1e1900 Antimatter for the 2nd Infinity Dimension. (Mobile) Big Crunch for 1e300 or more Infinity Points. Do it over and over again at 2x, until it gets faster (because you keep your tickspeed upgrades on sacrifice), then once the sacrifice multiplier gets to 2x almost instantly you will be able to do it at 3x, then 4x, then 10x, then you will inflate to infinity. When will it be enough? Set max galaxies in the galaxy autobuyer to 1 and the dimension boost autobuyer to 56/2 for now. Now you're thinking with dilation! Are you sure these are the right way around? This is also your EC12 build by the way. The reward slightly counters the challenge nerf. After you reach around e260 IP, I recommend getting max replicanti galaxies in each infinity, as it will only take about 2 hours assuming you remember to upgrade everything (IP mult, IDs, replicanti upgrades). Unlock optimal automatic Glyph level factor adjustment. When you have another 500 TT, switch 222 for 228 then get 234. 52.4% You got past The Big Wall Buy an Antimatter Galaxy. More difficult versions of EC4 require more infinitied grinding, which will take more time to unlock the challenge. The first dilated run should take ~15 minutes. Most of them will be easy, and probably just require a few dimension shifts and maybe a galaxy. You need 308 for 1 EP, 349 for 2, 426 for 3, 481 for 4, 524 for 5 and so on. The reward is that antimatter will not reset on dimension shift/boost and on galaxy. However, the ones provided in the cell are the ones intended to be imported by the developers. 3-28-2020, v1.4: Added a new upgrade, and changed the font from meme font (impact) to . There is a little wall to unlock dilation. Eternity has also introduced a new type of dimension, Time Dimensions. Spend your EP on Time Theorems. In most browsers, those key combinations open the developer console. Previously in the spot of 36. Since 1st dimensions are not produced by the 2nd dimension, you can easily get this achievement without having to wait. How to do it: When you can get 90 8th Dimensions make sure to buy singles until you have 99. Buying tickspeed upgrades in infinity challenge 5 is 100% safe now but the goal was increased to compensate. Once your autobuyer bulk buys are 512 they will automatically start buying max. in IC1 If you hit a wall, then try the challenge again as challenge 7 might have given you bad RNG. It is hard because Infinity Dimensions don't produce Infinity Points, and maxing out them makes your Infinity Power production only briefly exceed your Infinity Power. Like regular Challenge 9, this requires very careful planning.]]. The endgame is not far from here (possibly just a couple days away), which "starts" to begin at 1e1300 EP (actual endgame period is later on during dilation). When you hit the 1e50 EP mark, you should have already obtained achievements up to "It's Over 9000" (completed achievements up to row 11), with row 12 achievements yet to be claimed (or partially some achievements in row 12). Continue upgrading your autobuyers. Made most large numbers in achievements be listed in your chosen notation. Have 2e9 Banked Infinities after Eternitying. Each individual achievement obtained will give a x1.03 multiplier, and an additional x1.25 multiplier is given for every completed row. For the tickspeed autobuyer challenge, set the autobuyers for Dimensions 1-6 to 3, 7 to 2, 8 to 1, and tickspeed to 4 (NOTE: unfortunately, you can't change priorities now, so set 1-7 to buy singles instead of max, hold the 4, 5, 6, and 7 hotkeys to get dimension shifts, then yeah). With some waiting, you can get 500 300 IP for the last one. Invest these on the left path at the start of the tree (21, 31, 33, 41), and when you have 7 of them in total, including those invested into the 21 path, respec out of the 21 path and switch to the Infinity Dimensions (middle) path in the first 3 way split. Sacrifice doesn't reset your Antimatter Dimensions. EC12 is the last eternity challenge, with the difficulty being the part where "the game is 1,000x slower" (but actually affects production). Special notes . You can maybe skip TS192 for more time studies. This should let you beat the challenge fairly quickly, and get that upgrade high. Complete 50 unique Eternity Challenge tiers. Have 569 Antimatter Galaxies without having any Replicanti Galaxies in your current Eternity. Your antimatter doesn't reset on Dimension Boosts or Antimatter Galaxies. ", as the game is coded in a different language (Java/Kotlin) and access to a console is not possible without developer tools. I never liked this infinity stuff anyway: You must not buy any IDs or IP multipliers, but the IP multiplier dilated time upgrade will be enough to help get enough IP up to 1e140,000 IP (You can complete achievement even without IP dilation upgrade, I tested - E308.25). (There is also a secret achievement for this, fail it 10 times without refreshing.). This is basically an alternative AD guide made by YT kerfuffles. After doing ICs, check out the time studies tab and buy time theorems with AM and IP, Spend them on the left side. Antimatter Dimensions is a highly unfolding Idle Incremental game with multiple layers of unlocks, prestige, and achievements.

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