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Ex-Muslims: They left Islam and now tour the US to talk about it But the fact that the shares of people who enter and leave Islam are roughly equal suggests that conversions to and from the faith are having little impact on the groups overall growth. [26], The largest net gains for the religiously unaffiliated between 2010 and 2050 are expected in North America (+26 million), Europe (+24 million), Latin America (+6 million), and the Asia-Pacific region (4 million). [65], The significant growth of Christianity in non-Western countries led to regional distribution changes of Christians. [38] According to the same study Buddhists "are projected to decline in absolute number, dropping 7% from nearly 500 million in 2015 to 462 million in 2060. "They fired several shots in the air," a local said. [504] One-fifth of the decrease in population is attributed to migration. Quantitative research is lacking, but he believes the European trend mirrors the American: data from the General Social Survey in the United States show that 32 percent of those raised Muslim no longer embrace Islam in adulthood, and 18 percent hold no religious identification. After the death of Muhammad in 632 CE, the young Muslim federation came under strain. The curse is said to cause misfortune or harm to the person that it is directed at. According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, by 2060 Muslims will remain the second world's largest religion; and if current trends continue, the number of Muslims will reach 2.9billion (or 31.1%). Ever year, 6 million Muslims convert to Christianity. [26] Religious switching is a sensitive topic in India,[523][19] and carries social and legal repercussions including the death penalty for apostasy in Muslim-majority countries. [124][a] Countries with the largest numbers of Muslims converted to Christianity according to this study include Indonesia (6,500,000),[125] Nigeria (600,000),[125] Iran (500,000 versus only 500 in 1979),[125] the United States (450,000),[126] Ethiopia (400,000) and Algeria (380,000). [270], Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. [70] According to the same study, a large majority of those who raised as Christians (83%) in Western Europe, still identified themselves as Christians today. [111] Data from the Pew Research Center has it that, as of 2013, about 1.6million adult American Jews identify themselves as Christians, most as Protestants. [220][221][222] Churches in Europe say that there is an increase in the number of Muslims converting to Christianity among immigrants. ", "Hundreds of asylum seekers in Finland converting from Islam to Christianity", "German churches see rise in baptisms for refugees", "Shklzen ou Giannis? [301], On the other hand, in 2010, the Pew Forum found "that statistical data for Muslim conversions is scarce and as per their little available information, there is no substantial net gain or loss of Muslims due to religious conversion. In the coming decades, the developed world's demand for workers to pay its pensions and work in its service sector will soar alongside the booming supply of young people in the third world. [41][42], This growth reverses the rapid decline that Chinese traditional religion faced in the 20th century. There is an ongoing silent migration away from the church of an estimated 3,500 individuals each and every day. [362][368][369][370] According to some scholars, the Jizya (poll tax) was the most important factor in the mass conversion to Islam, the tax paid by all non-Muslims (Dhimmis which translated means "protected persons") in Islamic empires[371][372][373][374] While other scholars oppose this belief, because the jizya was not of great value, and those who could not pay it were exempt from it. Besides, the Muslim population in sub-Saharan Africa is forecast to grow from about 250million in 2010 to nearly 670million in 2050 which is more than double. (+1) 202-857-8562 | Fax [206] Converting to Christianity is growing among Muslims in the Albanian diaspora,[207][208] Iranian diaspora,[209] and Syrian diaspora,[210] and among Muslim Maghrebis in France,[211] and Kurds and Turks in Germany. Hajj: The Annual Muslim Pilgrimage To Mecca Explained - Forbes [446][447], In terms of absolute numbers, irreligion appears to be increasing (along with secularization generally). [72] Christianity is still the largest religion in Central and Eastern Europe, according to a 2017 study by the Pew Research Center, the share of adults who identify themselves as Eastern Orthodox in Russia, Ukraine and Bulgaria has been significantly increased between 1991 and 2015. Another study found that the number of people who will leave Islam is 9,400,000 and the number of converts to Islam is 12,620,000 so the net gain to Islam through conversion should be 3 million between 2010 and 2050, . According to a 2012 Pew Research Center survey, over the next four decades the number of Buddhists around the world is expected to decrease from 487 million in 2010 to 486 million in 2050. [361], In 2010 Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nigeria was home for (47.8%) of the world's Muslims. : New Dynamics of Religious Expansion in a Globalizing World, Think religion is in decline? [67] That caused Protestantism to be called a primarily non-Western religion. [223][224], Religious conversions are projected to have a "modest impact on changes in the religious groups including Christian population" between 2010 and 2050;[225] and may negatively affect the growth of Christian population and it's share of the world's populations "slightly". In 2010, the median age of Muslims throughout Europe was (32), eight years younger than the median for all Europeans (40). Losing their religion: why US churches are on the decline Indeed, while aboutone-in-fiveAmerican Muslim adults were raised in a different faith tradition and converted to Islam, a similar share of Americans who were raised Muslim nowno longer identify with the faith. Comparing its amount to the obligatory zakah which an ex-dhimmi should give to the Muslim state in case he converts to Islam dismisses the claim that its aim was forced conversions to Islam. [454] In Australia, census data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics give "no religion" the largest gains in absolute numbers over the 15 years from 1991 to 2006, from 2,948,888 (18.2% of the population that answered the question) to 3,706,555 (21.0% of the population that answered the question). They were sometimes effectively unable to prevent conversion but they were certainly not going to use force to achieve it. [59] In 2017 Christianity added nearly 50 million people due to factors such as birth rate and religious conversion. The number of Muslims will equal the number of Christians around the . Atheism Among Muslims is "Spreading Like Wildfire" | The National Interest [393] Additionally, while in principle Reform Judaism favors seeking new members for the faith, this position has not translated into active proselytism, instead of taking the form of an effort to reach out to non-Jewish spouses of intermarried couples. When the kingdom fell to Islamic influences and Brawijaya V converted to Islam in 1478, Sabdapalon cursed the King. 'I Converted to Islam, But Hide My New Faith in Public': An Upper Caste [19] In China it is difficult to project rates at which Christianity, Islam and Buddhism are gaining converts, nor what are the retention rates among converts. [78][79] According to scholar Paul Freston of Wilfrid Laurier University Pentecostalism continues to grow in Latin America, "both by conversion and by high birth rates". Islam gains about as many converts as it loses in U.S. | Pew Research According to him, Muslims will be a significant minority rather than majority in Europe and as per their projections for 2050 in the Western Europe, there will be 1015 per cent Muslim population in high immigration countries such as Germany, France and the UK. [94] According to a poll conducted by the Gallup Organization in 2006, Christianity has increased significantly in Japan, particularly among youth, and a high number of teens are becoming Christians. [45], According to a 2011 Pew Research Center survey, there are 2.2billion Christians around the world in 2010,[47] up from about 600 million in 1910. [308] According to a report by CNN, "Islam has drawn converts from all walks of life, most notably African-Americans". The story we normally hear is of an Islam growing from strength to strength, and how for all the phobia that exists around it, it remains the fastest growing religion with 1.6 billion followers across the world and acquiring new converts on an almost daily basis. [247] According to a report by the Singapore Management University, more people in Southeast Asia are converting to Christianity, and these new converts are mostly Chinese business managers. [491], Zoroastrianism was founded during the early Persian Empire in the 6th century BCE by Zarathustra. [248] According to scholar Juliette Koning and Heidi Dahles of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam there is a "rapid expansion of charismatic Christianity from the 1980s onwards. Growth of religion involves the spread of individual religions and the increase in the numbers of religious adherents around the world. However John L. Esposito, a scholar on the subject of Islam in The Oxford History of Islam states that the spread of Islam "was often peaceful and sometimes even received favorably by Christians". [350] Eric Kaufman of University of London denied the claims of Eurabia. Arabs are increasingly saying they are no longer religious, according to the largest and most in-depth survey undertaken of the Middle East and North Africa. Toleransi yang mengundang murka Allah [54] By 2050, Christianity is expected to remain the majority of population and the largest religious group in Latin America and Caribbean (89%),[55] North America (66%),[56] Europe (65.2%)[57] and Sub Saharan Africa (59%). [306][335] Equally, Darren E. Sherkat questioned in Foreign Affairs whether some of the Muslim growth projections are accurate as they do not take into account the increasing number of non-religious Muslims. In probably a first in India, an organisation has been formed in Kerala to provide a platform to those who are renouncing Islam, a move which has significant socio-political implications. And only two western European countries France and Belgium will become around 10 percent Muslim, by 2030. For example, it became gradually . Druzites or Al-Muwaidn are an Arabic-speaking esoteric ethnoreligious group; the number of Druzites worldwide is between 800,000 and one million, with the vast majority residing in the Levant. [353][354][355][356][357], In 2010 Asia was home for (62%) of the world's Muslims, and about (20%) of the world's Muslims lived in the Middle East and North Africa, (16%) in Sub Saharan Africa, and 2% in Europe. Fertility Declining in the Middle East and North Africa, Recent changes and the future of fertility in Iran, Demographic implosion in Muslim societies, "Book excerpt: The 'Muslim tide' that wasn't", "Center wins NEH grant to study Salafism", "Uproar in Germany Over Salafi Drive to Hand Out Millions of Qurans", "Arab Invasions: The First Islamic Empire | History Today", "BBC - Religions - Islam: Early rise of Islam (632-700)", "BBC World Service | The Story of Africa", "Blent zdemir - Political Use of Conversion in the Nineteenth Century Ottoman Context: Some Cases From Salonica", "The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam (part 1 of 13): An Islamic Basis". 3500 People Leave the Church Every Day | Opinion News - The Christian Post One-fifth of the U.S. public and a third of adults under 30 are religiously unaffiliated today, the highest percentages ever in Pew Research Center polling. [319] While Muslim birth rates are expected to experience a decline, it will remain above replacement level and higher fertility than the world's overall by 2050. . [1][2] [38], It was reported in 2013 that around 5,000 British people convert to Islam every year, with most of them being women. Sign up now! [39] Further in detail, 12million people have passed some formal initiation into Taoism, or adhere to the official Chinese Taoist Association. [47] From 2015 to 2016, Africa saw an increase of more than 6,265,000 Catholics. or for reasons of social prestige[28]), [393] As a result of the efforts by these and other Jewish groups over the past 25 years, there has been a trend (known as the Baal teshuva movement) for secular Jews to become more religiously observant, though the demographic implications of the trend are unknown. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. [122] Many people who convert to Christianity face persecution. The dream reflects your lonely state of mind or fear of trusting people around you. [26] According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, over the next four decades the number of Jews around the world is expected to increase from 14.2 million in 2015 to 16.3 million in 2060. Nearly 1,000 Pakistani girls forced to convert to Islam every year [103] Doug Saunders states that by 2030 Muslims and Non-Muslims birth rates will be equal in Germany, Greece, Spain and Denmark without taking account of the Muslims immigration to these countries. Recent political debates over Muslim immigration and related issues have prompted many people to ask how many Muslims actually live in the United States. [305] A 2007 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) report argued that some Muslim population projections are overestimated, as they assume that all descendants of Muslims will become Muslims even in cases of mixed parenthood. . In other words, Christianity as a whole loses more people than it gains from religious switching (conversions in both directions) in the U.S., while the net effect on Islam in America is a wash. A 2017 Pew Research Center survey of U.S. Muslims, using slightly different questions than the 2014 survey, found a similar estimate (24%) of the share of those who were raised Muslim but have left Islam. Unless you are from a totalitarian country like China where the religion is intentionally put down. [7] Another study found that the number of people who will leave Islam is 9,400,000 and the number of converts to Islam is 12,620,000 so the net gain to Islam through conversion should be 3 million between 2010 and 2050, mostly from Sub Saharan Africa (2.9million). Table 4.1: Police officer leavers, by route of exit, years ending 31 March . ISIS's Gruesome Muslim Death Toll - The Daily Beast And many people who left last year are coming back too. [17][18], Counting the number of converts to a religion can prove difficult. He vowed to return after 500 years at the time of natural disaster and political corruption. "[302] People switching their religions will likely have no effect on the growth of the Muslim population,[6] as the number of people who convert to Islam is roughly similar to those who leave Islam. Converting to Islam: British women on prayer, peace and prejudice Low fertility rates and aging populations in countries such as China, Thailand and Japan are the main demographic reasons for the expected shrinkage in the Buddhist population in the years ahead". Christians Are Leaving the Faith in Droves - Business Insider Are people leaving Islam? : r/islam - Ellethy 2014, p. 181. Wealthy Neighborhoods Saw the Most People Leave Every borough experienced a spike in people moving out last year, but Manhattan saw the . 2. (Page 5), "Haredi Orthodox account for bulk of Jewish population growth in New York City Nation", "Israel and the U.S. are Home to More Than Four-Fifths of the World's Jews", "Britain Sees Spike in Ultra-Orthodox Population ", LongRange Population Projections for Israel: 20092059, "Data: Arab Growth Slows, Still Higher than Jewish Rate", "NJPS: Defining and Calculating Intermarriage", "Les juifs de France: La lente progression des mariages mixtes", "The Virtual Jewish History Tour Mexico", "World Jewish Population Latest Statistics", "The continuing decline of Europe's Jewish population", "Notes on the Bb and Bah Religions in Russia and its Territories", "Religious Persecution & Oppression: A Study of Iranian Baha's' Strategies of Survival", "Progress report from Mercyhurst: Assessing the risk of genocide in Iran", Rivn 1989 letter from the Universal House of Justice to the Bah's of the World, Association of Religion Data Archives 2010, "The Baha'i Faith Compared to Race in American Counties", "American Nones: The Profile of the No Religion Population", "Religious Composition by Country, 2010-2050", "American Religious Identification Survey, Key Findings", American Religious Identification Survey, Full PDF Document, "Who's religious? Do Muslims have more children than other women in western Europe? [287], Hinduism is a growing religion in countries such as Ghana,[288] Russia,[289] and the United States. BBC - Religions - Islam: Early rise of Islam (632-700) [26], Only in recent decades have surveys begun to measure changes in religious identity among individuals. The main reason for this is the social and legal repercussions associated with leaving Islam in many Muslim majority countries, up to and including the death penalty for apostasy. [329] According to the same study, Muslims population growth is twice of world's overall population growth due to young age and relatively high fertility rate and as a result Muslims are projected to rise to 30% (2050) of the world's population from 23% (2010). ", most of them are women and African-Americans. forced converts from Islam. Australian Bureau of Statistics (21 June 2012). Before it was banned in certain countries, the religion "hugely increased" in sub-Saharan Africa. [113] According to a 2012 study, 17% of Jews in Russia identify themselves as Christians. [87] In Singapore, the percentage of Christians among Singaporeans increased from 12.7%, in 1990, to 17.5%, in 2010. [285][286] According to a 2017 Pew Research Center survey, between 2010 and 2015 "an estimated 109 million babies were born to Hindu mothers and roughly 42 million Hindus died, meaning that the natural increase in the Hindus population i.e., the number of births minus the number of deaths was 67 million over this period". As teenagers and 20-somethings seek to earn a. The mystic priest predicted to free the archipelago from the clutches of Islam and restore the glory of the Hindu Javanese religion. Among those who have converted to Islam, a majority come from a Christian background. [494] Zoroastrianism declined as forced conversion increased with the rise of Islam. [515], Statistics on religious adherence are difficult to gather and often contradictory; statistics for the change of religious adherence are even more so, requiring multiple surveys separated by many years using the same data gathering rules. [230][231][232][233][234][235][236] The 2014 Religious Landscape Study finds a large majority (87.6%) of those who were raised as Christians in the United States still identify as such, while the rest who no longer identify as Christians mostly identify as religiously unaffiliated, and the number of those leaving Christianity in the United States is greater than the number of converts; however, the number of those convert to evangelical Christianity in the United States is greater than the number of those leaving that faith. [38], According to Mark Jrgensmeyer of the University of California, popular Protestantism is one of the most dynamic religious movements in the contemporary world. [38], According to the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Hinduism (1.52%) is one of the six fastest-growing religions in the world, with high birth rates in India being cited as the major reasons of the Hindu population growth. [248] According to scholar Wang Zuoa, 500,000 Chinese converts to Protestantism annually. By 2040, Muslims will replace Jews as the nations second-largest religious group after Christians. Islam - Five Pillars, Nation of Islam & Definition - HISTORY [483][466][484][485], Johnson and Barrett (2004) estimate that the global Sikh population increases annually by 392,633 (1.7% per year, based on 2004 figures); this percentage includes births, deaths, and conversions. Here are other chief findings from the report: 1. [43] Moreover, Chinese religion has also spread throughout the world following the emigration of Chinese populations, with 672,000 adherents in Canada as of 2010. [30], Buddhism is the majority and state religion in six countries: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Bhutan and Laos. [360] In Asia Pacific region, Muslims will surpass the Hindus by the time. Statistics commonly measure the absolute number of adherents, the percentage of the absolute growth per-year, and the growth of converts in the world. According to the World Christian Encyclopedia, between 1965 and 1985 about 2.5million Indonesians converted from Islam to Christianity. [102] On the other hand, Eric Kaufman, of University of London, argued that the main reason for the expansion of Catholicism and conservative Protestantism along with other religions is because their religions tend to be "pro-natal" and they have more children, and not due to religious conversion.[103]. [270] The fertility rate for Israeli Druze in 2017 is 2.1 children per woman, while the fertility rate among Jewish women (3.2) and Muslim women (3.4) and the fertility rate among Israeli Christian women (1.9). HarperCollins, 2009, p.15,93. 1615 L St. NW, Suite 800Washington, DC 20036USA In 2015, the internationally recognized religion was the second-largest international religion in Iran,[413] Panama,[414] Belize,[415] Bolivia,[416] Zambia,[417] and Papua New Guinea;[418] and the third-largest in Chad,[419] and Kenya. [246] According to a study by a scholar Fenggang Yang from Purdue University, Christianity is "spreading among the Chinese of South-East Asia", and "Evangelical and Pentecostal Christianity is growing more quickly in China",[247] also according to him, more than half of them have university degrees. Feb. 3, 2013. According to Arvind Sharma, Hinduism "is typically quite comfortable with multiple religious participation, multiple religious affiliations, and even with multiple religious identities. 1,400 Years of Christian/Islamic Struggle: An Analysis - - The In surveys conducted in 2018 and 2019, Pew found that 65 percent of Americans described themselves as Christian, a 12 percent decline over the past decade. It stated that, "Islam has overtaken Roman Catholicism as the biggest single religious denomination in the world",[315][316] and stated that, "It is true that while Muslim families, as is well known, continue to make a lot of children, Christian ones on the contrary tend to have fewer and fewer". [38] According to scholar Mark Juergensmeyer of University of California, Berkeley, the global Christian population increased at an average annual rate of 2.3%, while Roman Catholicism is growing by 1.3% annually, Protestantism is growing by 3.3% annually, and Evangelicalism and Pentecostalism is growing by 7% annually. What Happens When Muslims In Malaysia Try To Leave Islam? [250] According to scholar Todd Hartch of Eastern Kentucky University, by 2005, around 6 million Africans converted to Christianity annually. In fact, a solid 55 percent of those who leave Islam stop identifying with a religion at all. Reaching Iranians online Iran's census claims that 99.5% of the population are Muslim, a figure that hides the state's active hostility toward irreligiosity, conversion and unrecognised religious. The UN concluded that in the first eight months of 2014, at least 9,347 civilians had been killed and at least 17,386 wounded. Malcolm X | Biography, Nation of Islam, Assassination, & Facts [506] Concerns have been raised in recent years over the rapidly declining population of the Parsi community in India. Islamophobia: Understanding Anti-Muslim Sentiment in the West - Looking at suicide as a share of total death is one way to compare differences across the world. Islam is the fastest-growing religion in Europe. [93] Professor Aris Ananta reported in 2008 that "anecdotal evidence suggests that more Buddhist Chinese have become Christians as they increased their standards of education, because Christianity, unlike Buddhism, is often associated with 'modernity' and Western education", although there are no stats to support this. [334] A 2007 Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) report argued that some Muslim population projections are overestimated, as they assume that all descendants of Muslims will become Muslims even in cases of mixed parenthood. In the year 610 a 40 year old illiterate trader in the deserts of Arabia received a revelation that would change the world. Though exact numbers are difficult to tally, observers estimate that as many as 20,000 Americans convert to Islam annually. ", Jenkins, Philip. [38], As of around 2020, there were about 8 million Bah's in the world. Some, mostly women who. According to the records of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its membership has grown every decade since its beginning in the 1830s,[108] that it is among the top ten largest Christian denominations in the U.S.,[109] and that it was the fastest growing church in the U.S. in 2012. What the data says about gun deaths in the U.S. The Muslim population in the Asia-Pacific region is expected to reach nearly 1.5billion by 2050, up from roughly 1billion in 2010. [388], According to the Pew Research Center published on 2010, religious conversion may have little impact on the Jewish population between 2010 and 2050; Jews are expected to lose 0.3 million adherents, between 2010 and 2050. [26] The study also reveals that, due to young age & relatively high fertility rate among Muslims by 2050 there will be near parity between Muslims (2.8billion, or 30% of the population) and Christians (2.9billion, or 31%), possibly for the first time in history. Growth of religion - Wikipedia

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