During the spring and summer water the plant thoroughly when the top soil starts to become slightly dry to the touch. No responsibility taken fo It has large, arrow-shaped leaves sit on large petioles and they can reach up to 2m long. The Green Velvet Alocasia is also known as the Elephants Ear plant. Alocasia Green Velvet Lovers of large-leafed foliage step up. Ficus Pumila, F. Lyrata, F. Elastica and F. Benjamina. Skip to main content. These Plants are part of the Aroid plant family and comes from Malaysia. Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek' - Green Velvet Alocasia. The Alocasia Frydek, also commonly called the Green Velvet Alocasia, is a tropical plant native to subtropical Asia. I am not sure where the name 'Frydek' comes from. On Aug 31, 2002, mystic from Ewing, KY (Zone 6a) wrote: Has velvety green leaves with silvery-white veins.Likes high light but will do well in the shade. A location within a room that gets plenty of light but not indirect sunlight is suitable. Add to Cart. You might know them better as Elephant’s Ear. Alocasia Green Velvet Humidity Being tropical rainforest plants, Alocasias thrive in high humidity environments. ... ~FRYDEK~ Alocasia micholitziana GREEN VELVET Houseplant Live small starter plant. Alocasia Green Velvet. This is because the Alocasia Micholitziana 'Frydek' is the only one called Alocasia Green Velvet (common name) and it keeps this species separate from others when talking and writing about the Alocasia genus. During spring until the end of summer use a diluted balanced feed (about half the strength recommended on the bottle) once every 2 weeks. Remove the plant from the pot and check if the roots are healthy, then take further action from there. Please add in your order notes which day you will collect if selecting Store Pickup; or if selecting local delivery ensure that there is a sheltered position for RM 38.00 . The Alocasia should not need to be repotted very often after it has matured. NB: All plants pictured are considered a They are also sold by the name – Alocasia Micholitziana ‘Frydek’. Water:Water thoroughly during the growing season (spring and summer) and always keep the soil evenly moist but not soggy. Foliage: The foliage is why a grower would purchase a Green Velvet Alocasia, and not for the flowers. Temperature is an important factor for growth and varies from species to species. Genus: Alocasia Species: ‘Green Velvet’ Synonym(s): Alocasia micholitziana Pot Size: 100mm Shipping: NSW, ACT, QLD, VIC, SA. Has a good root system. The matured plant can grow up to 2-3 ft in height. Quantity. The leaves look kinda arrow shaped, displaying thick white veins on a dark green velvety leaf surface . Watch for mealy bugs, scale, aphids, and spider mite. Appx : 17cm diameter pot —- MUST READ BEFORE PURCHASE ——-1. The matured plant can grow up to 2-3 ft in height. Pruning:Remove any yellow leaves or those that develop brown or black spots from an Alocasia plant as that may be a sign of a fungaldisease. However, we will select the best, healthiest and most aesthetically-pleasing plant for every purchase. Vriesea Splendens, Tillandsia, Billbergia, Guzmania, Aechmea Fasciata and others. Alocasia micholitziana aka green velvet has luscious dark green leaves with striking white veining. The like bright indirect light and only water when soil has dried out a little. This plant is sometimes called the Green Velvet Alocasia and can grow to 2 or 3 feet in height at maturity. Plant Care Easy / Low Maintenance Light Medium to bright, indirect light Once very 2 years in a slightly bigger pot if it has grown much or if not just make a complete soil change â keeping the same pot. The stunning Alocasia micholitziana 'Frydek' is one of the many varieties of Elephant Ear. Fertilizer:Fertilize every two weeks during spring until the end of summer with diluted balanced fertilizer. Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’, also known as Alocasia Green Velvet is a stunningly beautiful variety of Alocasia that has grown massively in popularity over the last few years. Frydek is an Elephant’s Ear variation that is also called the Green Velvet Alocasia. Alocasia itself is a genus of 70 different species. Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’, also known as Alocasia Green Velvet is a stunningly beautiful variety of Alocasia that has grown massively in popularity over the last few years. See house plants that not only spruce up the home but remove harmful toxins. Pot diameter 11cm, total plant height 40cm. It is a genus of broad-leaved rhizomatous or tuberous perennials from the family Araceae. The dark, almost black leaves, adorned with brilliant silvery-white veins and velvety look make for an unmistakably beautiful sight. *Amazon and the Amazon logo are trademarks of Amazon.com, Inc., or its affiliates. Green Velvet Alocasia is a popular indoor houseplant. Mist the leaves as often as possible. Melbourne grown (under controlled conditions), in 10cm pots. Some tips for increasing humidity include grouping plants together, placing pots on a pebble tray or – if you want to go all out – buy a small humidifier online and place it in amongst your rainforest friends! If your using your own mix it will need to include perlite or sand and bark to improve drainage. Alocasia Green Velvet. Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’ is mainly grown for its foliage, which has thick white veins on their dark green velvety leaves. Light:It requires bright indirect sunlight but not direct sunlight. Brown leaf tips or edges: Likely cause is lack of humidity and/or dry air. Green Velvet is a special alocasia. Another compact variety, ‘Silver Dragon,’ has silvery, pale green leaves with dark green veining that shows red on the underside. Alocasia Zebrina in 2 sizes. Houseplantsexpert.com is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. The Green Velvet compared to the Alocasia Polly (or Poly) - Alocasia Amazonica is harder to find when needing to buy one. Scientific Name: Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’Common Names: Green Velvet Alocasia, Alocasia Frydek, Elephants Ear plant. Re-Potting:Re-pot the Alocasia Frydek plant once every two years in a slightly bigger pot if it has grown much. Divide rhizomes in spring and pot in separate containers. I prefer naming the Alocasia Amazonica hybrid, Elephant Ear. Of all the smaller Jewels, Alocasia reginula 'Black Velvet' is one of the most familiar and recognizable. Save up to 20% when you buy more. Alocasia Polly (or Poly) - Alocasia Amazonica. Pests and Diseases:There is no serious pest or disease problems. Wilting can be caused when certain care factors are not correct, but when the soil is damp it's likely to be overwatering. Green Velvet Alocasia, Alocasia Frydek (common). Alocasia "Green Velvet" A rather commonly found Alocasia, readily available in garden centers. For ways to increase the humidity see the guide here. Dont worry, slow right down on the water and give it some time to bounce back and regrow. They are best grown in a greenhouse, although some growers do have success. How to grow and maintain Green Velvet Alocasia, Crassula mesembrianthemopsis – Succulent plants, Crassula multicava (Fairy Crassula) – Succulent plants, Crassula namaquensis (Namaqua Crassula) – Succulent plants. The Green Velvet Alocasia is also known as the Elephants Ear plant. Buy It Now +$15.96 shipping. from $14.00. I prefer naming the Alocasia Amazonica hybrid, Elephant Ear. You will have to work at keeping these happy indoors, but they will bounce back to good health if they struggle during winter, even if grown outdoors (not much left of the leaves but the rhizome will survive). Keep this in a bright indirect light, high humidity to stay more beautiful and stunning. Beautiful velvet leaves and vibrant veining. Sat back from a south, east or west facing window is good. During the winter months, reduce watering. Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’ is mainly grown for its foliage, which has thick white veins on their dark green velvety … Please see the ‘Shipping and Returns’ page for post to TAS & WA. Using a fast draining peat based potting mix will do the trick. Roseopicta, C. Zebrina, C. Crocata, C. Makoyana, C Lancifolia and others. Alocasia regulina ‘Black Velvet’ is a small-sized variety that has soft, velvety, round leaves colored almost black with contrasting white … Dracaena Fragrans, D Braunii, D Marginata and D. Reflexa. See the guide for repotting house plants with useful tips. Growing the Alocasia Frydek indoors in a tough task, but with all the right steps and tips in … Alocasia Green Velvet. We providing solutions for all gardening problems. More Details | Add to Compare; Alocasia 'Mayan Mask' PP24391. Planting Man helps you to build beautiful & healthy gardens. I prefer naming the Alocasia Amazonica hybrid, Elephant Ear. The Alocasia Frydek, also commonly called the Green Velvet Alocasia, is a tropical plant native to subtropical Asia. I can also ship to WA if the correct permit is arranged. They are known for their foilage. Leaves and stems die: If it's winter the plant has likely to have entered into its dormancy period because of the colder and less lighting conditions. Grows well in filtered ligh, likes a good quality organic mix. However, they are sold as an Alocasia Frydek, A Micholitziana "Frydek" and A. Micholitziana. These big long-leaved garden plants aren’t a very easy one to find, but it is one of its kinds. There is not a great amount of reliable information available for this species. If the soil is dry it could be the opposite of overwatering, underwatering or possibly not enough light. A rare find and a must for any collector, the 'Green Velvet' Alocasia truly lives up to its name. Alocasia Frydek or Alocasia Micholitziana or sometimes just called Alocasia Green Velvet is a stunning plant and one of our favourites Alocasias. No shipping to quarantine states (WA, NT, TAS). With its dark green leaves and bright silvery veins, this exotic plant will stand out in any indoor jungle. He has dark green foliage that’s almost black with striking white veins. Use a clay pot if you can, because it will help dry the soil out quicker and may improve humidity being under the plant. Alocasia reginula ‘Black Velvet’ If you’re looking for a plant that is dark and mysterious, yet stunning … Highly sought after in the current indoor plant market, be quick for this limited release. Alocasia Green Velvet is also known as the Elephant Ear plant or Alocasia Frydek. This Alocasia has dark green velvet leaves and striking thick white veins. You may have to use other methods for increasing the humidity if the plant begins to show lack of humidity issues (brown lea tips or edges are most common signs). Alocasia plants are tuberous, which means they sprout from a central rhizome. Young plants adapt better to their new homes, this plant is sold as a baby and in a 140m pot.... View full details. Positive. Like other Alocasias, keeping it thriving and looking its best can be a bit of a challenge. Quantity: 0 $6.99. With its dark green leaves and bright silvery veins, this exotic plant will stand out in any indoor jungle. Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek’, also known as Alocasia Green Velvet is a stunningly beautiful variety of Alocasia that has grown massively in popularity over the last few years. They are native to South east Asia. A part of the very exclusive club of plant species with (almost) black foliage, it provides a powerful contrast to a typical green terrarium environment – especially with the silvery white veins that pierce through the leaves. Please note that plants are unique, there are no two plants that look alike. Propagating Alocasia | Offset division. The Alocasia Micholitziana 'Frydek', commonly known as the Green Velvet is a rare velvet textured Alocasia with prominent white veins to its leaves. Alocasia micholitziana ‘Frydek' - Green Velvet Alocasia is a member of the Araceae family of plants that can be found in tropical rainforests or wet areas in Asia, India and The Philippines. The best temperature for this plant is approximately 65-75ºF + (18-24ºC +) or more. Alocasia are unusual plants with large patterned leaves sitting pretty on thin stems. Ease of growing: Native to South East Asia, this perennial rhizome rooted plant prefers high humidity conditions and warm temperatures. Flowering: These will flower given the right conditions, but this is unlikely indoors unless you have a very warm environment with high humidity. •Plant height : 17 inches • Plant leaf : … Up for grab is a beautiful Alocasia Micholitziana Green Velvet Variegated that has few variegated growing points. Propagation:Green Velvet Alocasia can be easily propagated by dividing. Temperature:It prefers ideal temperatures of 65 degrees Fahrenheit – 75 degrees Fahrenheit / 18 degrees Celsius – 24 degrees Celsius. A beautiful green Alocasia with a multicoloured stem. Green Velvet Alocasia is a popular indoor houseplant. Ships Within 1-3 business days Size Plant 10-14” tall (including 6” nursery Continue to care for it, and the rapid growth will return the following growing season. It is a genus of broad-leaved rhizomatous or tuberous perennials from the family Araceae. This plant is a deep green and develops a lightly scoloped edge in mature leaves. Additionally, Houseplantsexpert.com participates in various other affiliate programs, and we sometimes get a commission through purchases made through our links. Quantity: 0 $14.99. © 2013new Date().getFullYear()>2013&&document.write("-"+new Date().getFullYear());, Houseplantsexpert.com. The leaves look kind of arrow shaped, displaying thick white veins on a dark green velvet leaf surface. You can allow the top 1 inch of soil to dry out between each watering. Do not overwater. This is because the Alocasia Micholitziana 'Frydek' is the only one called Alocasia Green Velvet (common name) and it keeps this species separate from others when talking and writing about the Alocasia genus. The flowers are a spathe and spadix type. These are usually propagated by dividing the plant when it's being re-potted in spring. The blossoms are a spathe and spadix type. Beautiful velvet textured leaves, white veining intensified as it grows. Use a clay pot if you can, because it will help dry the soil out quicker and may improve humidity being under the plant. Get the best deals for alocasia at eBay.com. My names Jess and I recently got an alocasia black velvet! Ceramic pot not included. It has large, arrow-shaped leaves sit on large petioles and they can reach up to 2m long. $15 Express Post on Monday or Tuesday to VIC, NSW, QLD, SA. Try to avoid wet, mucky or dry, sandy soils. Well established plant with several leaves. The gorgeous, velvety, rich green leaves with white glowing veins on Alocasia Frydek were so striking that I was actually excited to have ordered incorrectly. Once the plant is in its dormant period (in the late fall and winter), it will begin resting. Product Selection for Your Purchase . Submit your house plant to the new forum and ask others for identification. His stalks are pale with light purple banding. Expert in Indoor plants, Outdoor plants, herbal gardens & fruit gardens. Add this mother plant to your collection - well established and healthy leaves. Native to the jungles of Borneo, Alocasia reginula ‘Black Velvet’ is a a real dark gem. Annother Alocasia that is also called African Mask is Alocasia Polly. Has gorgeous velvety leaves. The Green Velvet Alocasia is also known as the Elephants Ear plant. Hello!! Commonly known as the Green Velvet Alocasia, few plants match the foliage of the Alocasia genus!Alocasia Frydek CareIt is important to be very consistent with the care of these plants, especially Cut right back on watering during winter. Assalamualaikum.. Apa kabar sobat hobies semua, semoga sehat dan baik-baik saja..aamiin. This is because the Alocasia Micholitziana 'Frydek' is the only one called Alocasia Green Velvet (common name) and it keeps this species separate from others when talking and writing about the Alocasia genus. Calathea. Cattleya, Lycaste, Phalaenopsis and Paphiopedilum. Green Velvet Alocasia - Alocasia micholitziana-Frydek - Elephant Ear . The Alocasia Frydek also well known as the Green Velvet Alocasia or the Elephant Ear because of its structure is a commonly potted houseplant. More Details | Add to Compare; Alocasia 'Dwarf Amazonica' 4 … This plant enjoys a bright spot with morning or non-direct sun and likes to dry between waters. You just want to hug and baby this wonderful little plant, but in so doing you may kill her with kindness. Because of this, unlike many other houseplant species such as Monstera, it’s not really suitable for propagation by means of taking cuttings.Luckily that doesn’t mean propagating your Alocasia will be a challenge. Commonly found Alocasia thought to be a hybrid of A. amazonica x A.micholitziana. We have a great online selection at the lowest prices with Fast & Free shipping on many items! Soil:It grows well in a well-drained but moist, rich organic mix. The rapid leaf growth will be quite diminshed and the plant will likely remain as-is throughout the season. It is a wide-leaf form of A. micholitziana from the Philippines (this plant has been identified by Dr. Alistar Hay). Plant wilting and damp soil: This is a concern because the plant could have roots problems. $29.99. More Details | Add to Compare; Alocasia 'Regal Shields' 3 Review(s) Quantity: 0 $7.99. 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