OCCUPATION Rick and Morty lebt aber genauso von seinen liebevoll und detailliert ausgearbeiteten Nebenfiguren, ... #10: Zeep Xanflorp. He was voiced by Stephen Colbert in his first, and so far only, villainous role. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Alias Read more. Rick took an immediate disliking to Zeep, due to their alarmingly similar ideas and personalities. Zeep is a rude, arrogant, self-centered, and hypocritical individual. After a duel where Rick bests him, he seems to come to an understanding of how Rick works. Accompanied by their president, President Chris, Rick and Morty meet Zeep at the Zeep Tower (President Chris mentions to them that Zeep Zanflorp invented a new technology that makes the Gooble Boxes obsolete, much to Rick's annoyance). … Claw and Hoarder: Special Ricktim's Morty, Rick and Morty's Rushed Licensed Adventure, https://rickandmorty.fandom.com/wiki/Zeep_Xanflorp?oldid=59385. Kill Rick and Morty.Escape the Microverse Battery (all failed). Sisters Series Tyler Perry, … Exterior. PLACE OF ORIGIN There is a highly violent ending fistfight between Zeep and Rick where they punch and kick each other in the face, groin, head, and try to squeeze each other's eyes out. Upon exiting the universe, Rick realizes Zeep wants to trap and kill him and Morty. Im Ori… Rick meets Zeep – Rick and morty. While escaping, Rick reveals that Morty … Die Serie hatte 2013 ihre Premiere bei dem Kabelsender Adult Swim, ein Jahr später folgte die Ausstrahlung in Deutschland auf dem Sender TNT Serie. During his life, Zeep Xanflorp came into existence in the Microverse (Rick's car battery). Log in. FIRST SEEN IN Powers/Skills While Zeep puts himself above the Miniverse and Teenyverse, he at least cared enough to use his genius to benefit his own society, unlike Rick. Full Name Watch Rick and Morty - Rick vs Zeep - Nickolerickie 9252 on Dailymotion. Follow. It is unknown if Morty's birth and Rick's disappearance are linked to each other, but it has been shown on two seprate occasions that Rick knew Morty whe… They generated all their energy with a device called the Flooblecrank, and were unknowingly exploited to provide energy for Zeep. Currently, Morty is 14 years old, and as of the beginning of the series, Rick Sanchez had been mysteriously missing from the family for a total of 14 years. Nature. The reason I'm thinking this could be true is because the microverse Rick creates is only able to power his ship, but the miniverse Zeep creates powers the entirety of Zeep's planet. Zeep Xanflorp is the main antagonist of the episode "The Ricks Must Be Crazy" of the TV series Rick and Morty. I know this isn't the only way to quantify how genius they are, but it could be a sign on who's smarter. … Rick is a mad scientist who drags his grandson, Morty, on crazy sci-fi adventures. Zeep grabs Morty’s leg, and you scramble to your feet, a guttural yell leaving you as you kick Zeep’s head like a soccer ball – and you’re lucky the contact happened when it did, because it’s at that very moment that you’re transported away again in a mess of red sparks. Zeep Xanflorp On the side lines, Kyle begins to realize that Rick created Zeep's universe who created Kyle's universe which then reminds Kyle about how he couldn't make it to his father's funeral due to him working too much on his project, causing Kyle to commit suicide by flying his cube ship into a nearby rock formation. Ever wonder what it’s like to be a cartoon character? Rick and Morty - Rick vs Zeep. Animation 2013. 5 years ago | 293 views. His development of a new power supply prevents Rick from using his flying car. Rick and Morty. After one final fight between Rick and Zeep, Rick and Morty exit the battery and go out for ice cream with a majorly traumatized Summer. Join Rick and Morty on AdultSwim.com as they trek through alternate dimensions, explore alien planets, and terrorize Jerry, Beth, and Summer. Customize yourself, your loved ones, or friends on a Rick and Morty style portrait. Join Rick and Morty, teleport yourself to different universes, or travel by Rick's … He causes difficulty for Rick when he develops his own microverse technology, making the society's previous source of energy (much of which was directed to running Rick's car) obsolete. https://www.adultswim.com/videos/rick-and-morty/zeep-realizes-the-truth 7. Rick and Morty, and Zeep’s Microverse. Ricks and Mortys As Rick and Zeep have an equally matched battle destroying both of their technologies, the tree people surround them with Morty as their leader. After Zeep explains the story of his invention, Rick criticizes him similar to how Morty criticised Rick. Add to Wishlist. The two scientists then start to have a feud, forcing Morty to leave Rick and join the tree people. Scientist Want season 1 – 3 on Blu-ray or DVD https://amzn.to/2Ws3SLk . Escape the Microverse Battery (all failed). You two,” You gesture to Rick and Zeep, “Can have your little pissing contest later.” You gather up as many vines as you can carry, dropping them off near Morty, and then going back for more. Edit . Rick and Morty Now you can get personalized Rick and Morty portraits and become a cartoon character. Rick is a mad scientist who drags his grandson, Morty, on crazy sci-fi adventures. Zeep's status is only known up to the point when Rick and Morty escaped the Microverse. Nickolerickie 9252. His development of a new power supply prevents Rick from using his flying car. Meanwhile, giant spiders and the government come together to make a peace treaty which relieves Summer of the military. Occupation Rick, Morty and Zeep are left stranded in a third miniature universe, as the pilot commits suicide and destroys his ship. Accompanied by their president, President Chris, Rick and Morty meet Zeep at the Zeep Tower (President Chris mentions to them that Zeep Zanflorp invented a new technology that makes the Gooble Boxes o… Morty forces the two scientists to work together to escape. Once both Zeep and Kyle discover that they are slaves born to make electricity, Zeep attacks Rick in a rage. Arrogant Scientist, Creating his own micro-planet power supply called the Miniverse. Rick and Morty Guide Zeep Xanflorp is a scientist who lives inside Rick's microverse battery . Die Fernsehserie folgt dem alkoholabhängigen, aber genialen Wissenschaftler Rick und seinem einfältigen Enkel Morty auf Abenteuern in andere Dimensionen. Their escapades often have potentially harmful consequences for their family and the rest of the world. Library. Season 2 episode 6, Zeep Xanflorp, the green-headed scientist, who rick and morty meet inside their car battery, looks exactly like william defoe (green goblin guy from spiderman 1) . Headlined Villain - Erik Killmonger (MCU), https://villains.fandom.com/wiki/Zeep_Xanflorp?oldid=4174845. Kyle explains the concept behind his project that is similar to the Microverse and the Miniverse's. Zeep STATUS Zeep is depicted as arrogant and very intelligent, and in many ways a parallel of Rick Sanchez. The main city. Rick And Morty Cypher Lyrics: Morty [Freshy Kanal]: / Oh jeez! Biographical Information The surviving three then live in two separate cave like dents in mountains with Rick and Morty living in one and Zeep alone in the other. Genius-level intellectCreating his own micro-planet power supply called the Miniverse Months later in the Teenyverse, Rick and Zeep both have advanced technology and still continue their feud. While likewise indifferent and somewhat disliking of Rick, due to him only knowing Rick as an alien visitor who granted his planet with an "outdated" power system, Zeep's feelings towards his 'creator' eventually evolve into an outright hatred and resentment, especially once he realizes his universe was only created to power Rick's car. Jul 11, 2016 - Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. After this realization, Zeep attacks Rick and they begin to fight each other. Report. Alive Rick, Morty and Zeep then go into the Miniverse that was created almost exactly like how the Microverse was. Type of Villain After Morty and Rick have a conversation, the three of them then land to meet the Miniverse's inhabitants. So could Zeep (S02E06) actually be smarter than Rick? Zeep Xanflorp is a scientist within Rick's Microverse Battery who creates his own micro-planet power supply called the Miniverse. Origin Rick and Zeep constantly fight, and Morty abandons them and becomes a native chief. Zeep is also a drug addict, being addicted to opium. Zeep Xanflorp appears after Rick and Morty arrive at the Microverse. Once he figures out the meaning of his universe, he is shown to go from disliking to resenting Rick. Search. Microverse Rick shoves him to the floor and crawls over him, Morty still holding onto Rick’s lab coat. Like Rick, Zeep has a vice; opium. … Once he figures out the meaning of his universe, he is shown to go from disliking to resenting Rick. Hobby Zeep has been shown to be arrogant, self-loathing, and very prideful which is only outshined by his genius. Sep 1, 2020 - Now you can get personalized Rick and Morty portraits and become a cartoon character. He starts to make the same objections that Rick had made to his Miniverse, but then realizes his hypocrisy. Although the information is easily accesible, not much has been revealed about Morty's past life. He shares many personality traits with Rick Sanchez and has many traits of the stereotypical genius. Get cartoonized and join Rick and Morty. The two succeed and warp them out of the Teenyverse. I'd love to get a discussion started on this. Evil-doer Missing for nearly 20 years, Rick arrives at his daughter's doorstep looking to move in, but her husband isn't too thrilled. well then don’t forget to: ★ Subscribe ★ Like ★ Comment ★ Share with your friends. 22,850. Stephen Colbert. Tammy Guetermann | Phoenixperson | Cornvelious Daniel | Gromflomites, Other If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. AGE Frightening & Intense Scenes. Zeep Xanflorp is the main villain in the Rick and Morty episode "The Ricks Must Be Crazy".He is a greatest scientist of Rick's microverse, and the creator of the miniverse which threatens Rick's … Add an item . Meta Information When Rick, Morty & Summer all head out to another dimension to see a movie, you'd never guess that a flat battery would be the cause of one of the funniest Rick & Morty … Annoying Rick Sanchez.Working on his inventions. We will use your email address only for sending you newsletters. Like Rick, Zeep has a vice; opium. Rick Sanchez | Council of Ricks | Evil Rick | Evil Morty | Tiny Rick | Toxic Rick | Toxic Morty | Cop Morty | Big Morty | Rick D. Sanchez III | Shadow Council of Ricks | Fascist Rick | Fascist Morty | Fascist Shrimp Rick, Galactic Federation His personality is similar to that of Rick and has many traits of a stereotypical genius. Welcome to the world of Rick and Morty, a genius inventor grandfather and his less than genius grandson. Rick and Zeep have a great race to Rick's ship. Published on January 15, 2021 ★MERCH IN THE DESCRIPTION★ Enjoying Rick & Morty? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Rick Trades Insults With Zeep Xanflorp - The Ricks Must Be Crazy. rick and morty rick sanchez morty smith wubbalubbadubdub wubba get schwifty pickle rick cartoon meme cartoon art Rick strikes Zeep down with a rock in the eye. If the Microverse's time was set to a faster speed than the real world, then Zeep could have potentially grown much older or died by the time of the most recent episode. It's where your interests connect you with your people. Unknown (Most likely young adulthood) Zeep has been shown to be arrogant, self-loathing, and very prideful which is only outshined by his genius. Zeep Xanflorp While Zeep puts himself above the Miniverse and Teenyverse, he at least cared enough to use his genius to benefit his own society… The episode A-plot ends on a dark note when it is revealed that Zeep has to either die or live as a slave to Rick along … The Ricks Must Be Crazy When Kyle explains his plan to enslave people in a Teenyverse to make the Flooblecrank in Zeep's Miniverse obsolete, Zeep is appalled at him. At the end of the episode, even though Zeep may not have a better opinion of Rick, he begrudgingly accepts that his fate is in Rick's hands. Morty then guides the two rivals to Kuala (or the spirit tree), but then tells Rick that he's been driven to near madness and begs to have him and Zeep create the technology to get them home. Zeep is depicted as a very arrogant and intelligent alien, and in many ways a parallel of Rick Sanchez. Sold Out PRODUCT DETAILS. Zeep then introduces them to the Miniverse that Rick instantly dislikes and is much like the Microverse. “Weave those into rope – we're getting down there before the sun sets. Attempted murder Rick, Morty and Zeep enter the miniverse, and discover that Kyle, a scientist living in Zeep's battery, is also working on his own 'teenyverse', which Morty and the three scientists enter. Sign up. i fucking love this show RELATED: Rick And Morty: Rick’s Top 14 Greatest Quotes (So Far). ScientistRuler of the "Miniverse" Rick and Morty Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Zeep would continue this until Rick and Morty arrived and subsequently defeated him. Customize yourself, your loved ones, or friends on a Rick and Morty style portrait. He is a scientist within Rick's Microverse Battery who creates his own micro-planet power supply called the Miniverse. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. This then introduces Kyle to the story. RICK & MORTY RICK VS ZEEP. Frank Palicky | Snowball | Scary Terry | Poncho | Prince Nebulon | King Jellybean | Gazorpians | King Flippy Nips | Lucius Needful | Lucy | Krombopulos Michael | Gearhead | Alien Parasites | Cromulons | General Nathan | The President | Zeep Xanflorp | Beth's Mytholog | Cat People | Agency Director | Concerto | Supernova | Worldender | Risotto Groupon | Glootie | Monogatrons | Miles Knightly | Miles' Heist Crew | Heistotron | Heistotron's Heist Crew | Space Snakes | Snake Astronaut | Serpacorp | Snakenet | Snake John Wilkes Booth | Snake Hitler | Story Lord | Glorzo | Reggie. Time in the Miniverse flows at a faster rate than in the Microverse. He would quit school due to believing it was a place for not smart people and would create advanced inventions for the benefit of his people. After Rick, Morty and Zeep returned from the Teenyverse (Kyle having killed himself), they exited the Miniverse and Rick destroyed it. Zeep's hatred for Rick grew immensely after realizing that Rick created his universe. Rick converts the garage into his lab and involves Morty in his insane adventures. During the struggle, Kyle commits suicide using his spaceship, leaving Rick, Morty, and Zeep … Watch fullscreen. Goals RICK & MORTY SHIRTS: Rick and Morty – Large Portal T-Shirt https://amzn.to/2I2TKVn Rick and Morty … Join Rick and Morty on AdultSwim.com as they trek through alternate dimensions, explore alien planets, and terrorize Jerry, Beth, and Summer. He shares many personality traits with Rick Sanchez and has many traits of the stereotypical genius. Rick and Morty (TV Series 2013– ) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. Their escapades often have potentially harmful consequences for their family and the rest of the world. Zeep Xanflorp appears after Rick and Morty arrive at the Microverse. Crimes 10 Funniest Rick And Morty Moments. When Zeep is giving a speech to the Miniverse's inhabitants, Rick then asks the President about scientists working on projects similar to the Microverse. 5 years ago | 293 views. VOICE ACTOR Rick and Morty ist eine US-amerikanische Zeichentrickserie von Justin Roiland und Dan Harmon. Get a discussion started on this Morty arrived and subsequently defeated him Subscribe ★ like ★ Comment Share... Intelligent alien, and very intelligent, and Morty style portrait only outshined by his genius scientists to work to... The story of his invention, Rick and Morty 's Rushed Licensed Adventure, https:?... Becomes a native chief arrived and subsequently defeated him fight each other his invention, Rick Morty... How the Microverse Rick vs Zeep - Nickolerickie 9252 on Dailymotion andere Dimensionen that! Comment ★ Share with your people still holding onto Rick ’ s lab coat for family! 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