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Ethiopia Socioeconomic Survey Wave3, 2015-2016. In Ethiopia 95% of the total area is cultivated by smallholder farmers and contribute 90% of the total agricultural output. Ethiopia has previously imported cotton from various international suppliers. The Ministry of Agriculture (MoA) is the Ethiopian government ministry which oversees the agricultural and rural development policies of Ethiopia on a Federal level. The report includes the market size, recent trends, industry statistics, and analysis. The Government of Ethiopia (GOE) has embarked on a ten-year economic development plan (2021-2030) where agriculture is on the top of priority sectors. Some informal trade is most likely occurring in production areas located along borders. Over 60% of Ethiopian coffee is produced as forest coffee . [7], Cattle in Ethiopia are almost entirely of the zebu type and are poor sources of milk and meat. Depending on international market conditions and local demand factors, there may be opportunities in the future for U.S. wheat and soybean sales to Ethiopia. The GOE, as part of its Livestock Master Plan (LMP), intends to transform this sector and increase production and exports of meat in order to generate foreign exchange. Agriculture as a key element for the development of other sectors 3 3. [14], The most important cash crop in Ethiopia was coffee. In the dry lowlands, persistent winds also contribute to soil erosion. [27], Poultry farming is widely practiced in Ethiopia; almost every farmstead keeps some poultry for consumption and for cash sale. The government nationalized rural land without compensation, abolished tenancy, forbade the hiring of wage labor on private farms, ordered all commercial farms to remain under state control, and granted each peasant family so-called "possessing rights" to a plot of land not to exceed ten hectares. As a result, up to 200,000 Ethiopians perished. [7], As of 2008[update], some countries that import most of their food, such as Saudi Arabia, had begun planning the development of large tracts of arable land in developing countries such as Ethiopia. [7] The AMC was a government agency whose objective was to influence the supply and price of crops. 3. Between 198485 and 198687, at the height of the drought, Ethiopia received more than 1.7 million tons of grain, about 14 percent of the total food aid for Africa. In pastoral areas, livestock formed the basis of the economy. Commercial Imports from the United States, Source: USDA/Foreign Agriculture Service, Addis Ababa, (Total market size = (total local production + imports) - exports). Agricultural equipment and systems, such as tractors, irrigation equipment, and grain handling Infrastructure like, silos, cold storage facilities, etc. The Ethiopian Socioeconomic Survey (ESS) is a collaborative project between the Central Statistics Agency of Ethiopia (CSA) and the World Bank Living Standards Measurement Study- Integrated Surveys on Agriculture (LSMS-ISA) team. Major Rivers of Ethiopia Water resources. As the economy grows and the population expands, consumer demand for certain types of foods is expected to increase. Furthermore, the GOE vowed to begin exporting wheat to neibhouring countries by 2023 by tapping into the huge production potential due to its various favorable agro-ecologies and through expansion of wheat production area under irrigation to achieve self-sufficiency and reduce wheat imports. [25], Both the imperial and the Marxist governments tried to improve livestock production by instituting programs such as free vaccination, well-digging, construction of feeder roads, and improvement of pastureland, largely through international organizations such as the World Bank and the African Development Bank. In addition to cattle, small ruminants (goats and sheep) and beasts of burden (donkey, horse, mule) are not uncommon in this farming system. Title. Therefore, investment in commercial farming requires considerable due diligence. Furthermore, cropping has become more intensive and needs more labour; the establishment of exclosures and the expansion of cropland have led to less grazing grounds. In chtse area intensive farming is carried on in limited. The MPP included credit for the purchase of items such as fertilizers, improved seeds, and pesticides; innovative extension services; the establishment of cooperatives; and the provision of infrastructure, mainly water supply and all-weather roads. Barley is cultivated mostly between 2,000 and 3,500 meters in Ethiopia. Top 3 Trade Partners (2021): China, India, and United States. Common vegetables include onions, peppers, squash, and a cabbage similar to kale. The Blue Nile from Ethiopia originating form Lake Tana and the White Nile that originated form Lake Victoria merge into the Great Nile River at Khartoum, the Sudan capital to form the longest river of the world draining to the Mediterranean Sea.The Blue Nile Falls is one . According to the World Bank, agricultural production increased at an average annual rate of 0.6 percent between 1973 and 1980 but then decreased at an average annual rate of 2.1 percent between 1980 and 1987. This site contains PDF documents. Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. [7], Ensete, known locally as false banana, is an important food source in Ethiopia's southern and southwestern highlands. The market for agriculture in Ethiopia is projected to register a CAGR of 5.4% during the forecast period, 2021-2026). Mengistu and his advisers believed that state farms would produce grain for urban areas, raw materials for domestic industry, and also increase production of cash crops such as coffee to generate badly needed foreign exchange. Land Utilization (Private Peasant Holdings, Meher Season) 2020/21 (2013 E.C.) While by 1988 a total of 3600 Service Cooperatives were serving 4.4 million households and almost 4000 Producer cooperatives comprising 302,600 households had been founded, in that year they represented only 5.5% of national cereal production. Grains are the most important field crops and the chief element in the diet of most Ethiopians. Meat and poultry processing, and supporting equipment and systems. These activities have contributed to higher yields and increased production of both crops and livestock. Before the revolution, large-scale commercial cotton plantations were developed in the Awash Valley and the Humera areas. landholdings are tiny, fragmented and unsuitable for modern methods of agriculture. The contributions of agriculture in Ethiopia. The government's price controls and the AMC's operations had led to the development of different price systems at various levels. Download. The main objective of this review is to indicate the policy gaps in terms of access . Sandy desert soils cover much of the arid lowlands in the northeast and in the Ogaden of southeastern Ethiopia. Agriculture, which constituted 46 percent of GDP and more than 80 percent of exports, is by far the most important economic activity in the Ethiopian economy. But in the northern highlands, where title to farm land was shared amongst members of descent groups, many people resisted land reform. Additionally, camels provide pastoralists in those areas with milk and meat. Develop a legal framework for agriculture-specific financial services such as micro-lending, crop insurance and forward contracts. Yet, information regarding its extent, distribution, causes, and lime requirement at a scale relevant to subsistence farming systems is still lacking. Ethiopia is home to one of the largest livestock populations in Africa. The existence of so many land tenure systems, coupled with the lack of reliable data, made it difficult to give a comprehensive assessment of landownership in Ethiopia, as well as depressed the ability of peasants to improve themselves. More details on the latest grain and oilseeds situation in Ethiopia can be found in our Grain & Feed and our Oilseeds Reports. Because of low rainfall, these soils have limited agricultural potential, except in some areas where rainfall is sufficient for the growth of natural forage at certain times of the year. agriculture, poverty and illiteracy are important causes of land and environmental degradation in Ethiopia. These soils are found in both the northern and the southern highlands in areas with poor drainage. Foreign Direct Investment Attraction Events, Services for U.S. Companies New to Exporting, Services for U.S. Companies Currently Exporting, Leading Sectors for US Exports & Investments, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Licensing Requirements for Professional Services, Improve income and livelihood options for farming and pastoral communities through increased productivity and competitiveness, Raise export of agricultural output and substitute imports, Make agriculture a viable and profitable enterprise through value addition, Enhance livestock health access and quality, Preserve animal genetic resources and increase pastoral research, Improve the development of animal feed and access to markets, Develop livestock specific extension package for each livestock type. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. Nonetheless, agricultural output rose by an estimated 3 percent in 199091, almost certainly in response to the relaxation of government regulation. D. espite the countr. However, despite substantial investments and subsidies, State Farms provided only 4.2% of the cereal production in 198889. [7] According to the Central Statistical Agency (CSA), in 2008 the average Ethiopian farmer holds 1.2 hectares of land, with 55.13% of them holding less than 1.0 hectare. ", Table D.1.1, "The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia: Statistical Appendix", p. 26. To achieve this, the GOE seeks to leverage on developing huge unutilized arable land, modernizing production systems, and improving uptake of technology. the agriculture sector in Ethiopia relies to a greater extent on availability of suitable land, moisture, climatic . Ethiopia's major industries include agriculture, construction, manufacturing, resources and . The UN Joint Programme focused on Rural Women's Economic Empowerment (UNJP-RWEE) was launched in Ethiopia in 2014 by UN Women, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP), and the International Fund for Agriculture Development (IFAD). By African, standard rural development programme has long history in Ethiopia. By 1976 coffee exports had recovered, and in the five years ending in 198889, 44% of the coffee grown was exported, accounting for about 63% of the value of exports. Section D. For instance, the 198485 official procurement price for 100 kilograms of teff was 42 birr at the farm level and 60 birr when the AMC purchased it from wholesalers. [7], Of Ethiopia's total land area of 1,221,480 square kilometers, the government estimated in the late 1980s that 15 percent was under cultivation and 51 percent was pasture. Agriculture is the backbone of the economy of the country as the following facts indicate. Area, Production and Farm Management Practices (Private Peasant Holdings, Belg Season) 2020/2021 (2013 E.C.) [7], In 1984 the founding congress of the Workers' Party of Ethiopia (WPE) emphasized the need for a coordinated strategy based on socialist principles to accelerate agricultural development. Please see below for the market overview and trade data. Only 15 percent of the roads are paved; this is a problem particularly in the highlands, where there are two rainy seasons causing many roads to be unusable for weeks at a time. As with many equatorial countries, the sun dictates time in Ethiopia. Ethiopia has an extremely diverse topography, climate, culture, population distribution and market access. Barley is grown mostly between 2,000 and 3,500 meters. The expected growth from these agriculture-related industries offers numerous opportunities for agricultural input sales, such as tractors and harvesters, farm trucks, fertilizer, irrigation equipment, grain handling systems, food and livestock processing equipment, as well as cold storage facilities. Five major cereals (teff, wheat, maize, sorghum and barley) are the core of Ethiopia's agriculture and food economy, accounting for about Nevertheless, Ethiopia's manufacturing sector is still far from being the engine of growth and structural change. The Ethiopian Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Enterprise, which handled about 75 percent of Ethiopia's exports of fruits and vegetables in 198485, had to receive government subsidies because of losses. However, even with this anticipated increase in chicken meat production, demand is expected to outstrip supply, thereby creating potential opportunities for imports. Ethiopia's economy is based on agriculture, which accounts for 46% of GDP and 85% of total employment. Tenant farmers in southern Ethiopia, where the average tenancy was as high as 55% and rural elites exploited farmers, welcomed the land reform. In order to address the ongoing drought, the GOE is renewing its emphasis on developing the countrys irrigation systems and water-harvesting methodologies. In particular, demand for cooking oil, sugar, meat, eggs, dairy products, wheat-based products, such as pasta and bread, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, are forecast to climb upward. <i>Results . [7], Livestock production plays an important role in Ethiopia's economy. The powers and duties of the MoA include: conservation and use of forest and wildlife resources, food security, water use and small-scale irrigation, monitoring events affecting agricultural development and early warning system . The reforms success in supporting Ethiopias economic growth in part depends on the development of the agro-processing sector (e.g. Grain imports are almost exclusively limited to wheat, nearly all of which the GOEs state-trading arm (i.e., Ethiopian Trading Business Corporation) purchases off the international market and later distributes in the local market at a subsidized price. The highest concentration of poultry is in Shewa, in central Wollo, and in northwestern Tigray. By 1990 the state had begun to develop large poultry farms, mostly around Addis Ababa, to supply hotels and government institutions. [7], By the mid-1960s, many sectors of Ethiopian society favored land reform. processed food, beverages, and livestock products meat, milk, and eggs), as well as the textile/apparel and leather industries. Ethiopia's crop agriculture is complex, involving substantial variation in crops grown across the country's different regions and ecologies. [2][3][4] Many other economic activities depend on agriculture, including marketing, processing, and export of agricultural products. areas like Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh, elsewhere it is practiced on traditional lines. There also was concern that villagization could have a negative impact on fragile local resources, accelerate the spread of communicable diseases, and increase problems with plant pests and diseases. [7], The objectives of villagization included grouping scattered farming communities throughout the country into small village clusters, promoting rational land use, conserving resources, providing access to clean water and to health and education services, and strengthen security. Ethiopias current level of wheat and soybean production is insufficient to satisfy domestic demand. Ethiopia aims to reach lower-middle-income status by 2025. The second type consists of brownish-to-gray and black soils with a high clay content. The country, therefore, is expected to import wheat and soybeans in the coming years. It has also enjoyed a considerable attention by the government. This method was widely used in Ethiopia and southern Ethiopia because it is recommended for soils requiring more than one ton of lime per acre and soils with a pH of less than 5.8 [15].|FOIA|Privacy Program|EEO Policy|Disclaimer|Information Quality Guidelines |Accessibility, Official Website of the International Trade Administration, Comply with U.S. and Foreign Export Regulations. These conditions include basic agricultural production potentials, access to input and output markets, and local population densities which represent both labor availability and local demand for food. Some estimates indicated that yields on peasant farms were higher than those on state farms. In the future, the government intends to work with the private sector to develop capacity to process some of these commodities, like fruits and vegetables, in order to add value and capture higher export prices. Three factors contributed to the decline in the relative importance of pulses and oilseeds. [23], Ethiopia has great potential for increased livestock production, both for local use and for export. Years of bi-directional causality were found between agriculture and manufacturing and services sectors before 1975. Vertisols are very important soils in Ethiopian agriculture. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. The agricultural sector is subject to periodic drought, and poor infrastructure constrains the production and marketing of Ethiopia's products. Demand for vegetables has stimulated truck farming around the main urban areas such as Addis Ababa and Asmera. Growing demand for water supply and drainage systems, pumps, and drilling equipment is expected. Jorge Morales Pedraza. Export sales of U.S. cotton are expected as demand increases. Private . The principal grains in Ethiopia are Teff, Wheat, Barley, Corn, Sorghum, and Millet. These figures varied from those provided by the World Bank, which estimated that cropland, pasture, and forestland accounted for 13%, 41%, and 25%, respectively, of the total land area in 1987. However, information is lacking in Wolaita, Southern Ethiopia. Explain the main contribution, potentials, characteristics , and problems of Ethiopian agriculture. Over the centuries, deforestation, overgrazing, and practices such as cultivation of slopes not suited to agriculture have eroded the soil, a situation that worsened considerably during the 1970s and 1980s, especially in Eritrea, Tigray, and parts of Gondar and Wollo.

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