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Michael Padway uses his expertise in personal injury and motorcycle accidents to represent a broad spectrum of clients dealing with life-changing and permanent injuries for the first time. While approximately 34% of motorbike crashes involve no other vehicle, only around 19% of car crashes are single-vehicle accidents. Government estimates show that more than 25,000 lives have been saved since 2002 through helmets by motorcyclists. What State Has the Most Motorcycle Accident Deaths per Year? Anticipate conditions: It may be a clear, sunny day when you start your ride, but weather conditions can quickly change and result in you riding in rain or snow. Of the riders who were killed during a crash, motorcycle accident statistics suggest that 33% were riding an engine size that was greater than 1,400cc. Namely, some of the motorcycles which are more commonly involved in crashes are cruisers.Moreover, street bikes and MX/Enduro motorcycles also account for a high number of crashes. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) is an independent, nonprofit scientific and educational organization dedicated to reducing deaths, injuries and property damage from motor vehicle crashes through research and evaluation and through education of consumers, policymakers and safety professionals. While 2,881 crashes were fatal, 42,000 resulted in injuries and 18,000 in property damage. Research shows that helmets are effective at reducing the risk of head injury by 69%. As previously cited, the NHTSA reports that you are 29 times more likely to be killed in a collision than occupants of other types of motor vehicles, and 5,014 riders died in crashes in 2019. The chart below compares the rate of fatal collisions for different vehicles in 2010 and 2019, the most current year for which such data is available. Theres no such thing as a minor motorbike crash. Most accidents occur on short trips, usually at the very beginning. 42% of motorcyclists who died in a single vehicle accident in 2019 were alcoholics. The risk of other foot injuries is also reduced by 45%. Motorcycle accident statistics prove that they are less common than car crashes. However, women are a part of these statistics even when theyre not riding, often sitting in the passenger seats. Head-on collisions are quite prominent in motorcycle crashes and are behind 78% of deaths in motorcyclists in Nevada. Primarily, statistics on bike gear and crashes have a significant impact on how weary some riders are. The majority of fatal crashes, 52.61%, involved a motorcycle and one other vehicle. Out of all motorcycle owners, approximately 81% of them are male. [19] Motorcycle deaths have come under increased attention because other types of non-motorcycle fatalities have decreased, so motorcycle fatalities became an increased share of deaths. In 2000, it was 9% while in 1990 it was only 1%. There were 5,579 motorcycle fatalities in 2020 - the highest number ever recorded. However, only 40% of the riders involved in an accident wore a helmet. Here are some motorcycle riding stats that can help you stay informed and hopefully safer. Deutermann, W. (2004). National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. However, when broken down by the rate of fatal crashes per 100,000 registered vehicles, it shows that 58% of motorcycles versus 9.4% of cars were involved in fatal collisions. However, doing so could reduce your risk of dealing with feet or ankle injuries by 90%. Bikers have only two seconds to react to the chance of a crash. GREENVILLE, S.C. (AP) South Carolina reported more deaths on motorcycles in 2021 than any year in the past four decades. Forty-eight percent of motorcycle drivers killed at night (9 p.m. - 6 a.m.) in 2020 had BACs at or above 0.08 percent. Intersections are usually where most accidents occur when another vehicle violates the motorbikes right-of-way or other rules and traffic controls. Only about 2% of accidents can be attributed to roads or visibility affected by rain. The wind in your hair, the open road, and adrenaline make each ride a unique experience. Riding a motorcycle is dangerous when sober, and the chances of a fatal crash only increase when drivers are over the legal limit for alcohol. In 2012, 75% of two-vehicle motorcycle accidents involved the motorcycle crashing into the vehicle ahead of it and only 7% involved the motorcycle being hit in the rear. Whether its a long road trip or a short drive across town, riding a motorcycle can be a lot of fun. If you were asked to guess the type of weather conditions that prove most dangerous for motorcycle riders and guessed rain or snow, you are wrong. Bikes arent as stable as cars, and rides often lack the protection a car driver has. Polk & Co; Registered motorcycles - USDOT, Federal Highway Administration. By knowing these details, you can do a better job of protecting yourself and others while on the road. Do you know where bike crashes are more likely to happen? Those numbers rose in 2020 where 172 fatal accidents killed 170 in 2020. Motorcycle protective clothing reduces the chance of open-wound injuries, as stated by the George Institute for Global Health. According to the NHTSA, most of these weekend motorcycle accidents (601) happened between 6 PM and 9 PM. Take a few minutes to read some of the most staggering motorbike statistics. 2022 Motorcycle Legal Fundation all rights reserved. [17] In addition, the rate of accidents per mile has gone up from the 1980s and was not due to increased ridership. The motorcyclist exceeds the performance abilities of the bike and crashes. Deaths were more likely to occur in urban than rural areas (60 percent vs. 38 percent). motorcycles make up only 3% of all registered vehicles, but more than 5% of highway deaths. Whether taken from the perspective of vehicle miles traveled or the relative number of registered vehicles, motorcyclists have a much lower survival rate than occupants of other types of vehicles. DOT HS-809-715). Source: National Highway Traffic Safety Commission. (1) Alcohol-impaired driving crashes are crashes that involve at least one driver or a motorcycle operator with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 grams per deciliter or greater, the legal definition of alcohol-impaired driving. [2] In 2008, 47% of fatal accidents were with another vehicle, and of those 77% involved a head-on collision with a motorcycle and in 7% the motorcycle was struck from behind. Some 1,689 of deadly bike crashes involved alcohol. Learn about the different types of motorcycles and how to choose the best one for you! Surveys conducted in October for 1996-2000 and in June thereafter. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Federal Highway Administration. Nearly 20% of riders are women, and that number is increasing all the time. Motorcycle accidents show an astonishing 80% injury or mortality rate, while car accidents are around 20%. 1999 Crash Facts. Furthermore, motorcyclists are also five times more likely to sustain an injury. You should always go for DOT-certified helmets. Improper lane use, including lane splitting. Using crash data for 2019, the National Safety Council reports the following states as having the highest number of fatal motorcycle accidents: Weather that allows for year-round use of motorcycles may be a reason for the high fatality rate in Florida and the fact that cold-weather states, such as Alaska with six fatalities, do not have as many deaths due to motorcycle crashes. Spine injuries occurred in 20% of collisions. Fatalities by county Fatalities by month Questions? Lower extremity injuries occurred in 47% of collisions. Traffic safety facts, 2019: Motorcycles (Report No. Although touring bikes also made a good showing at 21.8%, the overwhelmingly favorite motorcycle is the cruiser. Pennsylvania Motorcycle Statistics. Buy a motorcycle that you can control, particularly when you need to maneuver out of a dangerous situation. In 2020, 5,579 motorcyclists died. How many motorcycle deaths in the US each year? You are about 30 times more likely to die in a motorcycle accident than in a car accident. Facts and Statistics: To date there have been 100 motorcycle fatalities in 2020. Surveys conducted in October for 1996-2000 and in June thereafter. Statistics show that 5,206,409 registered bikes are older than ten years. All rights reserved. In these seconds, they must take all actions necessary to avoid a collision. *Any testimonials or endorsements do not constitute a guarantee, warranty or prediction regarding the outcome of your legal matter. [7] (About half a million people to a million people would die each year if cars had a similar accident rate, all else being equal. Considering the number of registered motorcyclists, a little over 1% of them are involved in motorcycle crashes every year.Then again, not all motorcycle accidents (especially the minor ones) are reported, meaning the actual numbers are higher. They do a great job of preventing death by almost 37%. For this reason, bikers are more likely to be killed or at least injured in a crash. To keep everyone safe, we urge drivers and motorcyclists to share the road and be alert, and we're reminding motorcyclists to make themselves visible, to use DOT-compliant motorcycle helmets, and to always ride sober. Another vehicle fails to spot a motorcycle in an oncoming lane, and does a left turn and the motorcycle either has a head-on collision with car, or crashes during the evasive maneuver. It is noteworthy that the demographic most commonly associated with riding is the over-40 group. and Thom, D.R., Traffic Safety Center, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90007, Contract No. Citing the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the III explains that 5,014 motorcyclists died in 2019. As noted by First Checkpoint, the average bikes speed at the time of impact is 21.5 mph. Helmets are about 37 percent effective in preventing motorcycle deaths The average speed of a motorcycle before the crash is 29.8 mph. Moreover, motorcyclists who lost their lives in crashes at night in 2019 were nearly three times more frequently alcohol-impaired than the ones killed during the day. [26] In cases of a single-rear brake-light, its failure leaves other drivers without notification that the motorcycle is stopping. That translates to females representing only 9% of these fatalities. The vast majority of male motorcyclists who died were drivers. In contrast, motorcycle helmet statistics reveal that only 9% of killed motorcyclists werent wearing a helmet in states with universal helmet laws. You have undoubtedly seen your fair share of Yamaha V-Max and BMW R18s on the road. [17] One study evaluated motorcycles as being 37 times more dangerous for a fatal accident than a car. It is common knowledge that riding a motorcycle can easily lead to a fatal motorcycle accident. The Motorcycle Legal Foundation Blog is owned by Michael Padway as an educational resource only.None of the material on this site is expressly or impliedly meant to provide legal advice to you in any way shape or form. Sixty-one percent of the female motorcyclists who died in crashes in 2020were passengers, and their deaths represented 92 percent of the passenger deaths. [28], Automotive and motorcycle accidents together are the leading cause of spinal cord injuries, about 35% percent. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. 3/4 of bike accidents involve other vehicles, while only 1/4 are single-vehicle accidents. Among ATV riders killed in single-vehicle crashes in 2020, 64 percent involved the ATV rolling over during the crash. . 25% of motorcycle deaths occur because of collisions with fixed objects. Motorcycle deaths accounted for 14 percent of all motor vehicle crash deaths in 2020 and were more than double the number of motorcyclist deaths in 1997. Men seem to be more into motorcycles than women, although women are present just as well. Fifty-two percent of motorcyclist deaths in 2020 occurred on major roads other than interstates and freeways. Nevertheless, motorcyclists should avoid riding in inclement weather or, if they must, take adequate precautions before hitting the road, such as running a thorough pre-ride inspection. "We are concerned about the death of so many motorcyclists in 2020 with the traditional riding season still to come," said Pam Pannkuk, Acting Director of the Washington Traffic Safety Commission. Examples include broken bones, amputations, road burns, spinal cord injuries, paralysis, and traumatic brain injuries. In 2020, 61 percent of fatally injured motorcycle drivers were helmeted. This is a list of numbers of motorcycle deaths in U.S. by year from 1994 to 2014. Trucks also did better based on the rate per 100,000 registered vehicles at 6.8% versus 58% motorcycles. In 2020, 285 motorcyclists were killed in Great Britain, whilst 4,429 were reported to be seriously injured (adjusted) and 8,890 slightly injured (adjusted). The mean engine displacement of the motorcycles involved in fatal crashes also increased, from an average engine size of 769cc (46.9cuin) in 1990, to 959cc (58.5cuin) in 2001, an increase of 24.7 percent. Motorcyclists and their passengers are more vulnerable to the hazards of weather and road conditions than drivers in closed vehicles. Less than 10% of motorcyclists involved in accidents had any insurance. This chart from the National Safety Council shows you the percentage of riders wearing helmets and the lives saved in any year from 2002 through 2019. [30], When an accident does happen, there is a reported 80% chance of injury or death on a motorcycle in comparison to about 20% for passenger vehicles. This is up 12% from 89 at the same time last year. Three riders died in the 1940s; twenty-nine in the 1950s; twenty-seven in the 1960s; twenty-four in the 1970s; fourteen in the 1980s; two in the 1990s; one in the 2000s; three in the 2010s; and one in . The accompanying chart shows that single-vehicle crashes, such as a motorcyclist losing control of the vehicle on a wet or snow-covered road account for 39.87% of fatal accidents. Percentage of motorcycle driver deaths by motorcycle engine size, 1985-2020. 88.93% of Motorbike Fatalities Occur in Cloudy or Clear Weather. Leaving sufficient space between your motorcycle and the vehicle ahead of you and staying out of other blind spots are only a few examples of always being aware and alert. Besides that, what types of injuries can happen when you are riding? It is the most currently available data derived from the NHTSA. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Occupant Protection Use Survey, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration's National Center for Statistics and Analysis. These riders lacked attention and had serious collision avoidance problems. Both rates increased substantially from 2019 to 2020. Twenty-seven percent of fatally injured motorcycle drivers in 2020 had a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) at or above 0.08 percent; in single-vehicle crashes this was41 percent. In contrast, 26 percent of the fatally injured motorcyclists in 2020 were younger than 30, compared with 80 percent in 1975. The NSC shows that 3,061 or 61.38% of deadly motorcycle crashes happened in urban areas. On weekends, the deadliest time was between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m. In detail, that was the case for 674 people in this age group. The Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF) advises bikers to run a quick pre-ride inspection before each ride. DOT HS-5-01160", "Man, 22, paralysed and castrated in beach bike crash", "Blunt abdominal trauma associated with testicular dislocation and contralateral inguinal hernia", "Testicular Injuries: Causes and Treatments", "Highlights of 2009 Motor Vehicle crashes; DOT HS 811 363", "Motorcycle deaths drop, but trend is worrisome", "New Study: Motorcyclist Deaths Spike in 2012", "Importance of Knowing Yearly Motorcycle Death Statistics", "Motorcycle Crashes Leading Cause of Death Among U.S. Service Members", "Motor vehicle crashes: A little-known risk to returning veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan", "Fatal Vehicle Accidents Decline in Military; Motorcycles Remain Dangerous: U.S. Medicine", "Medication mishap leaves surgery patient a quadriplegic at age 20", "Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center", "ATV injuries, deaths down, but concerns still high", Learn how and when to remove this template message, Costs of Injuries Resulting from Motorcycle Crashes: A Literature Review, What body parts will you most likely injure in a motorcycle crash - December 24, 2013, Motorcyclist Traffic Fatalities by State, However, the state-mandated coverage hardly proves sufficient in case of an accident. Texas, South Carolina, Hawaii, North Carolina, and Florida follow. Motorcycles are less stable and less visible than cars and often have high performance capabilities. ATV rider deaths on public roads in 2020 were highest in July. Motorcyclists do not fare much better when you look at the data for injury rates. Seventy-three percent of ATV riders killed on public roads in 2020 were on rural roads. The table presented shows injuries and injury rates for motorcyclists over the nine years from 2010 through 2019. Some of the primary motorcycle accident causes are reckless driving, alcohol use, and speeding. 37% effective in preventing rider fatalities and 41% effective, National Highway Traffic Safety Commision, National Highway Traffic Safety Commission, The Lightweight Motorcycle Helmet Guide for 2023, A Beginners Guide to Types of Motorcycles, Upgrade Your Ride: Best High-Tech Motorcycle Gadgets. Some of the most popular types of motorcycles include: Of all types of motorcycles registered in the U.S., one study found the fatal crash rate for super sports to be four times greater than any of the other types. [26] Despite the focus on the head and helmet protection, it is possible for handlebars to castrate males in accident and damage done to the lower spine can leave men alive but paralyzed. Therefore, making yourself a better rider will make you a safer one as well. Fiftypercent of motorcyclist deaths in 2020 occurred on weekends, and those deaths were more likely to occur after 6 p.m. compared with weekdays. That said, you have a few options of at least protecting yourself somewhat. [25] Enhanced operator training of how to achieve optimal breaking of motorcycle may increase safety. About half of fatally injured drivers of touring motorcycles and of cruisers or standard motorcycles were helmeted. [19] The fatalities echoed the national statistics with motorcycle fatalities of 4,927 deaths being 15 percent of all traffic deaths in 2012, even though motorcycles are three percent of vehicles. [18] Between 1999 and 2012 4,423 died in combined motor vehicle deaths including motorcycles. Source: FARS, ARS, "Unknown" removed for percentage computation. There are, however, reliable statistics available to give insight into how motorcyclists compare with other motorists. Negligence, not bad weather, causes the bulk of bike accidents. Despite providing less than 1% of miles driven, they made up 15% of traffic deaths in 2012. Copyright 2023, Insurance Information Institute, Inc. The majority of these accidents occur because of driving errors such as slide-out and fall because of over-braking or negotiating a curve at high speed, according to causes of motorcycle accidents statistics. What Are the Odds of Crashing a Motorcycle? That's not an exaggeration. Other dangers to motorcycles include enhanced risks compared to other vehicles include potholes, uneven pavement, and unexpected objects in the road such as animals. Statistics on motorcycle accidents underline the importance of taking a motorcycle safety course, which can help lower the risk of a crash in novice riders. (1) Includes motorcyclists killed on unknown day of week. Running into objects causes nearly a quarter of motorcyclist fatalities, compared to 18% of car crash deaths. As you read through this analysis of recent motorcycle accident statistics, you will find information to become a better and safer rider. When motorcycles crash, their riders lack the protection of an enclosed vehicle, so they're more likely to be injured or killed. Full-face helmets are still the most protective type, significantly reducing face injuries. Motorcycle accidents tend to be deadlier than car accidents, mainly because the motorcyclist rides out in the open rather than inside a metal cage, so to speak. Motorcyclist Fatalities And Fatality Rates, 2011-2020, Motorcyclist Injuries And Injury Rates, 2011-2020, Occupant Fatality Rates By Vehicle Type, 2011 And 2020, Motorcyclists Killed, by Time of Day and Day of Week, 2020, Vehicles Involved In Fatal Crashes By Vehicle Type, 2011 And 2020, Persons Killed In Total And Alcohol-Impaired Crashes By Person Type, 2020, Drivers In Fatal Crashes By Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) And Vehicle Type, 2011-2020 (1), Rate per 100 million vehicle miles traveled. Among motorcycle drivers killed in 2020, 34 percent drove motorcycles with engine sizes larger than 1,400 cc, compared with 9 percent in 2000 and less than 1 percent in 1990. Awareness always: Some people may prefer to call it defensive riding. 2/3 single-vehicle accidents are due to rider errors such as under-cornering, excess speed, and over-braking. The table below shows Occupant Fatality Rates by vehicle type, 2010 and 2019: Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) contains data on all vehicle crashes in the United States that occur on a public roadway and involve a fatality in the crash. Many factors contribute to motorcycle accidents. Also, as much as 57% of all female riders will choose a new bike over a used one. In the year ending April 30, 2021, 229 motorcycle-related deaths were reported in Australia. In 2019, there were about 84,000 injuries among motorcyclists. 8.6 million motorcycles were registered in the US in 2021 Only 3% of vehicles on US roads are motorcycles, and they cover only 0.6% of all vehicle miles Road accidents are the leading cause of death for those aged up to 29 years Nearly 20,000 cars are involved in fatal crashes each year There are 1.11 deaths per 100 million miles travelled by car Ohio lands in the 38th spot on the list with 151 deaths out of over 409,000 riders. [1] Automobile fatalities continued to decline for the seventh straight year before 2011. DOT HS-810-887W). Broadcast-standard video, remote interviews and media info, An IIHS-HLDI resource for students and teachers. However, the fact that such accidents are more dangerous for bikers is not surprising. Some 80% of women have a college or post-graduate degree. Source: U.S. Department of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. [23] One hope may be Collision avoidance systems on more vehicles. United States motorcycle fatalities increased every year for 11 years after reaching a historic low of 2,116 fatalities in 1997, then increased to over 5,000 around 2008 and then plateaued in the 4 to 5 thousands range in the 2010s. However, do you know how many machines are currently on the road? One of the difficulties with motorcycles is achieving optimum braking between front and rear wheels during a panic stop without losing control of the vehicle. In most cases, the wind caused impaired vision and delayed hazard detection. These are the bikes with quite a bit of power. Wearing proper safety gear and staying vigilant can make a world of difference. Design, engine size, and equipment vary from one type of motorcycle to another, as does the rate of accidents. Input your search keywords and press Enter. Most riders who cause an accident have already been involved in at least one in the past. The likelihood of a rider suffering an injury in a crash is four times greater than a driver or passenger riding in a car or truck. Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome. Despite figures still needing to be officially finalised, it looks like it has been the best year . As many as 73% of riders involved in accidents didnt wear any protective eyewear. Of the 56% of fatal collisions with other vehicles, 78% percent were head-on collisions and 5% were a fatal rear-ending of the motorcycle by another vehicle type. Please note that these figures do not involve the errors in judgment made by the car, van, or trucks driver. As many as 69% of questioned Millennials mentioned that theyre more interested in electric bikes due to their sustainability and environmental impact. Like we said, helmets save lives, which has been proven in recent motorcycle accidents. The fact that car accidents occur more frequently than motorcycle accidents should not be a surprise considering that cars far outnumber motorcycles. For this reason, feel free to share some of these with your fellow riders to spread awareness and interesting facts. (Georgia Injury Lawyer) Running into objects causes nearly a quarter of motorcyclist fatalities, compared to 18% of car crash deaths. In 2017 alone, approximately 36% of fatally injured bikers were older than 50 years old, while 28% of fatally injured bikers were younger than 30. [4], The breakdown in deaths by type of bike in 2013 is as follows: Cruiser 1,281, Touring 578, Sport-touring 22, Sport 269, Supersport 945, off-road 42, other or unknown 889. [9] Of the other over half of fatal accidents that do involve multiple vehicles, more than 75% involve head-on collisions, especially with vehicles that cross the lane of traffic but failed to spot the motorcycle. The statistics presented so far highlight the dangers and risks confronting motorcyclists, particularly about fatalities. Cities have busy roadways with lots of traffic including standard road traffic and commercial delivery trucks. Furthermore, 19 states and the District of Columbia have laws on helmet use, and these laws are the most effective countermeasure for increasing the use of helmets. [4], 327 died on ATVs in 2011 compared to 4,6124,403 on motorcycles that year. Statisticians warn that choppers are likely under-counted because they are a new classification. Call for A Free Consultation Today: [4] Breakdown for 2013 by engine size is 1,951 for under 1000 CC, 692 for 1000 to 1400, and 1,276 for over 1400 (approximately). It covers the years from 2011 through 2020. The rate of unlicensed fatally injured motorcycle drivers during 2020 was higher than the rate of unlicensed fatally injured passenger vehicle drivers (38 percent vs. 20percent). 59% of women killed in bike crashes were passengers, although passenger-carrying bikes arent involved in accidents as much. The comparison of motorcycles to cars becomes even more striking when looking at the rate of fatal crashes per 100,000 registered vehicles. In contrast, 91% of deadly events occur on roads that are not interstates. Approximately 66% of the time that a helmet impact occurs, its around the forehead and chin bar areas, as stated by Dietmar Otte. Reflective tape applied to your helmet increases visibility. The best way to better understand motorcycles and accidents that happen to people who ride them is by looking at motorcycle accident statistics. Cities have busy roadways with lots of traffic including standard road traffic and commercial delivery trucks. Teen motor vehicle fatalities (age 16-19) decreased 25.2% from 219 in 2018 to 164 in 2019. Currently, 19 states and the District of Columbia have universal helmet laws requiring their use by all motorcyclists. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, some 58% of motorcyclist deaths in 2017 occurred in the period from May to September. The following statistics are quite impressive, showing how theres a growing interest in these unique vehicles. Accident statistics offer an insight into the common causes of accidents and things you can do, such as wearing a motorcycle helmet to reduce the risk of a crash and minimize the severity of the injuries in case of one. Since a steel frame doesnt protect them, they are more likely to get thrown far and hard and sustain deadly injuries. In nine years motorcycle deaths more than doubled from the late 1990s to 2008. [24] Of the two-vehicle crashes one nearly 40% involved the motorcycle hitting another vehicle turning left.[24]. There were 132 fatal accidents that killed 133 people in 2019. In 2019, motorcyclists involved in a fatal accident had a higher rate of alcohol disability than drivers of all other car types (29% on motorcycles, 20% on cars, 19% on light trucks, 2% for heavy trucks). Motorcyclists who wear safety clothing are less likely to require hospital help. The IIHS reveals that there are 8.3 million registered motorcycles currently on American roads. Sixtypercent of the deaths in 2020 occurred during May-September. Because there are more male riders, theyre involved in crashes a bit more often. [3] It was also 14% in 2008. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, these are some stats of motorcycle vs. car accidents: The chart below shows how motorcycles compare to trucks and cars regarding the rate of involvement in fatal crashes. To request crash data, please visit the Public Record Center. As some cars are more dangerous than others, the same goes for motorbikes. The vast majority, 88.93%, took place during clear or cloudy weather. On the other side of the spectrum, people under 16 represented the age group with the fewest motorcyclist fatalities (28).

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