How to use ostensibly in a sentence. How to use ostensibly in a sentence. What does ostensible mean? Although Clyde had plans to spend the day with his mistress, ostensibly he appeared to be getting ready for work by packing his brief case. A common problem has been how to reduce a state to submission or subordination while ostensibly preserving its independence or existence; to obtain power while escaping responsibility and the expenditure attending the establishment of a regular administration. On the 19th of June Count Sclopis intimated on behalf of all his colleagues that, without intending to express any opinion upon the interpretation of the treaty, they had arrived at the conclusion that "the indirect claims did not constitute upon the principles of international law applicable to such cases a good foundation for an award or computation of damages between nations.". 41. ostensibly is defined as apparently or seemingly. Ostensibly a solemn revenge for the burning of Greek temples by Xerxes, it has been justified as a symbolical act calculated to impress usefully the imagination of the East, and condemned as a senseless and vainglorious work of destruction. Why do so many people believe in the paranormal and what might underlie ostensibly paranormal experiences if in fact paranormal forces do not exist? Englisch-Deutsch-Übersetzungen für ostensible im Online-Wörterbuch (Deutschwörterbuch). We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. While Jerry is the ostensible author of this amendment, there is some question of who actually deserves credit for the idea. The rejection, ostensibly attributed in large part to Van Buren's instructions to Louis McLane, the American minister to England, regarding the opening of the West India trade, in which reference had been made to the results of the election of 1828, was in fact the work of Calhoun, the vice-president; and when the vote was taken enough of the majority refrained from voting to produce a tie and give Calhoun his longed-for "vengeance.". Ostensible definition, outwardly appearing as such; professed; pretended: an ostensible cheerfulness concealing sadness. It thus, while ostensibly weakening, actually tended to strengthen the Ottoman power of resistance. He leaves an ostensible heir apparent in managing editor Mark Whitaker. share. As soon as Ignatius had regained strength, he started ostensibly to rejoin the duke of Nagera, but in reality to visit the great Benedictine abbey of Montserrato, a famous place of pilgrimage. 2. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Many translated example sentences containing "ostensibly" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations. The project in which everyone at Black Mountain was ostensibly engaged was building the community and A few months later, the Vlakplaas unit was ostensibly disbanded. All Rights Reserved. But there has been considerable interference (ostensibly on humanitarian grounds) with the Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food (Shehitah) and the method was prohibited by a referendum in 1893. The motives of German intervention in the Eastern Question were ostensibly commercial; but the Bagdad railway concession, postulating for its ultimate success the control of the trade route by way of the Euphrates valley, involved political issues of the highest moment and opened up a new and perilous phase of the question of the Middle East. This led in June 1567 to the arrest of some fifteen out of a hundred men and women met in Plumbers' Hall (ostensibly for a wedding), none of whom, to judge from the eight examined, was a minister. Ostensibly it is written in opposition to Whiston's attempt to show that the books of the Old Testament did originally contain prophecies of events in the New Testament story, but that these had been eliminated or corrupted by the Jews, and to prove that the fulfilment of prophecy by the events of Christ's life is all "secondary, secret, allegorical, and mystical," since the original and literal reference is always to some other fact. This book ostensibly provides the reader with all the information needed to write good prose. The urban nobles had set up a republic, which, under forms ostensibly modelled on antiquity (e.g. What does ostensible mean? The singers of successive hours of centuries may have ostensible. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. In two of these (A Letter to a Gentleman in Holland, and Motion essential to Matter), ostensibly an attack on Spinoza, he anticipated some of the speculations of modern materialism. It becomes, then, a question whether the present-day practice of many of the clergy, ostensibly based on the rubric of 1549, is in fact covered by this. Definition of Ostensibly in the dictionary. Antonyms for ostensibly include genuinely, improbably, obscurely, really, truly, unlikely, actually, certainly, indeed and absolutely. O'Donnell went to Spain, where he died soon afterwards, and Tyrone with a shattered force made his way once more to the north, where he renewed his policy of ostensibly seeking pardon while warily evading his enemies. synonyms. Salviati and Sagredo took their names from two of Galileo's early friends, the former a learned Florentine, the latter a distinguished Venetian gentleman; Simplicio ostensibly derived his from the Cilician commentator of Aristotle, but the choice was doubtless instigated by a sarcastic regard to the double meaning of the word. Santa hasn't always been tracked by radar, ostensibly because of his magical powers and the incredible speed that allows him to deliver gifts all over the world on a single night. 2. In 1768 he was recalled, ostensibly because of a mesalliance with Mme Testa, widow of a Pera surgeon, but really because Choiseul thought him not zealous enough in provoking a quarrel between Russia and Turkey. Information and translations of Ostensibly in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. In 1896 the Philharmonic Society decided upon a performing pitch, ostensibly at 68° Fahr., of a' 439; and in 1899 Messrs Broadwood made a successful effort to get this vibration number accepted by their competitors in Great Britain. Ostensibly means presumably, or something that's taken for granted. ‘The report was ostensibly to be a reply to a questionnaire sent by the League.’. 25 examples: The editors are to be congratulated for having succeeded in bringing together… Cambridge Dictionary +Plus My profile Nov 19, 2017 - Ostensibly definition is - in an ostensible manner. Miss Elsa came ostensibly to beg a favour. Inspired, but ostensibly effortless, movement combines sensitivity and emotional depth, as scene changes and subtle stage trickery are played out seamlessly. As has been stated, it was ostensibly attributable to the poll-tax, but the causes were more deepseated. His edition of the celebrated Codex vaticanus, completed in 1838, but not published (ostensibly on the ground of inaccuracies) till four years after his death (1858), is the least satisfactory of his labours and was superseded by the edition of Vercellone and Cozza (1868), which itself leaves much to be desired. "No one out here but the cook," he answered as Paul reached for the bottle, ostensibly to look at the label. Schön is ostensibly the body's "owner", having created the Ivo personality to avoid being the subject of experimentation. , Although Janice went to church ostensibly to worship, she actually attended service each week to search for a husband. pamphlet was placed on the Index, ostensibly on account of a phrase, The whole of Italy entered Rome by the breach of Porta Pia; the king cannot restore Rome to the pope, since Rome belongs to the Italian people. See more. 75+1 sentence examples: 1. 2. The reason for this, … The works (see above) of Sagra, Humboldt and Arango are indispensable; also those of Francisco Calcagno, Diccionario biogrdfico Cubano (ostensibly, New York, 1878); Vidal Morales y Morales, Iniciadores y primeros mdrtires de la revolucion Cubana (Havana, 1901); Jose Ahumada y Centurion, Memoria historica politica de. Here are some examples. Ostensibly quotes from YourDictionary: I came to share with many NSA colleagues a kind of unease, a sense that something was awry. took place in September, of which event Henry stood in great suspicion, as Francis was ostensibly his most cordial ally, and had hitherto maintained the justice of his cause in the matter of the divorce. Meaning of Ostensibly. It is true that he made an ostensible offer on the franchise question, but that proposal was made dependent on so many conditions that it was a palpable sham. It is only in the present day that there are noticeable signs of dissatisfaction with current morality itself, and a tendency to substitute or advocate a new morality based ostensibly upon conclusions derived from the facts of scientific observation. ostensibly in a sentence - 14. Top searched words adverb. Learn the definition of the word "ostensibly" and how to use ostensibly in a sentence. , Dressed as a homeless man, the billionaire, ostensibly, appeared to be a beggar in need. Look it up now! It is ostensibly about the power of underdogs and the weakness of giants. Ostensibly it is written in opposition to Whiston's attempt to show that the books of the Old Testament did originally contain prophecies of events in the New Testament story, but that these had been eliminated or corrupted by the Jews, and to prove that the fulfilment of prophecy by the events of Christ's life is all "secondary, secret, allegorical, and mystical," since the original and literal reference is … While Jerry is the ostensible author of this amendment, there is some question of who actually deserves credit for the idea. 2. It is a striking example of the way in which such legends grow, that it is only the latest of these authorities, Hsiian Tsang, who says that, though ostensibly approaching the Buddha with a view to reconciliation, Devadatta had concealed poison in his nail with the object of murdering the Buddha. March 22, 2020 by admin Leave a Comment. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. Thus the Italians, during the heat of the civil wars, were ostensibly divided between partisans of the ~ ~ empire and partisans of the church. The Anglo-Japanese treaty of 1902, however, was ostensibly directed towards the preservation of Manchuria in Chinese hands. 2. Some 6,000 soldiers are stationed at more than 30 bases, Ostensibly to battle “narcoterrorism.” It was a task which should have made Atletico’s task Ostensibly easier given Real’s injury probleMs. It was a simple matter to manipulate these so as to throw the effective power into the hands of the propertied classes without ostensibly The depriving any one of the vote.'. Amid all the variation in their details, and the apparent confusion introduced by Napoleon's habit of suggesting alternatives and discussing probabilities, and in spite of the preparations ostensibly made for an expedition to Ireland, which was to have sailed from Brest and to have carried 30,000 troops commanded by Augereau, the real purpose of Napoleon was neither altered nor concealed. The ecclesiastics who were parted at his command from the laysisters (whom they kept ostensibly as servants), the thirteen bishops whom he deposed for simony and licentiousness at a single visitation, the idle monks who thronged the avenues to the court and found themselves the public object of his scorn - all conspired against the powerful author of their wrongs. Examples of Ostensible in a sentence. In November 1797 he sent to Malta Poussielgue, secretary of the French legation at Genoa, on business which was ostensibly commercial but (as he informed the Directory) "in reality to put the last touch to the design that we have on that island.". The consequences of your actions are absolutely essential for the idea troops into the war-torn country, ostensibly, duke! Materials to protect English industry the definition of ostensible is something that to... Defence of Brittany, but we believe management uses them to monitor daily... Hands at, ostensibly to work do you use the word `` ostensibly '' and to... Exactions, really, truly, unlikely, actually, certainly, indeed and.... The web a much-noted speech last week, Israel 's Prime Minister Ariel Sharon ostensibly made a dramatic reversal course! His ostensible object is the liberty of the groggery and ostensibly weeping ostensible assurances of support, actually,,... 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