[ultimate_heading main_heading=”BIDC Dental Service” main_heading_color=”#009edc” main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;”][/ultimate_heading]

Bangkok International Dental Center (BIDC) is a full-fledge dental clinic specailizing in the field of dentistry. The full range of dental treatments and services are provided:
General Dentistry
- Checkup, X-rays & Consultation
- Cavities Fillings and Fillings Replacement
- Scaling, Cleaning & Polishing
Aesthetic Dentistry
- Laser tooth whitening
- Zoom tooth whitening
- Porcelain crowns & bridges
- Porcelain veneers
- Dental inlays and onlays
- Composite resin fillings and composite veneers
Dental Implants
Prosthodontic Dentistry
- Dental Crowns & Bridges
- Dentures
- Dental Implants
Orthodontic Dentistry or Braces
- Metal and Damon braces
- Clear and Ceramic Braces
- Lingual Braces
- Invisalign and Invisalign Express
- Retainers and removable appliances
Endodontic Dentistry
- Root canal treatment
Oral Surgery
- Tooth extraction and Wisdom tooth extraction
- Dental implants
- Bone Grafting
- Orthognatic Surgery
Peridontal Dentistry (Gums)
- Root planning and deep cleaning
- Gingivectomy
- Gingival grafting
- Crown lenghtening
Preventive Dentistry
- Sealant and Fluoride Treatment
- Caries risk assessment
- Diet counselling
- Preventive resin
- Oral hygiene instructions
Pedodontic Dentistry
- Cleaning and polishing
- Fillings
- Fluoride application
- Space maintainer
- Behaviour management