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Since the Hebrew hayah is the root meaning and not the Hebrew hovah the name implies to be, to become, to happen. What I mean to say is that the English part hovah has the Hebrew meaning of hayah and not the Hebrew meaning of hovah. The original language was Hebrew and Aramaic, all other languages came into play after captivity. Psalm 4-1. In Colossians 1:15 says Jesus is ""the firstborn of all creation." He was the first thing God made, and then through him all othe. This world is in the lake of fire, our universe. The Disciples kept the Sabbath 85 times in the Book of Acts!!!!!!!! Even strongs concordance which you base your argument on, points to 1961 hayah as the root of the name Jehovah and not 1943 hovah. In the new testament Jesus. Furthermore, the Bible clearly says wickedness increased to the degree that God had no choice but to wipe out all of humanity and start over. But they go farther. They have stocks on the stock market for methods of mass destruction, including guns war planes abortion medical equipment supplies and tobacco. (b)How might much of the suffering on earth be prevented? Jehovah permits wickedness because it's an answer to Satan's original challenge. The Masorites added vowels from Adonai to preserve the sacred name of God, as YHWH (Hebrew: my lord) wasnt to be spoken. He heard the name above all names. You can connect with her on her website:, 10 Reasons God Might Not Be Blessing Your Life, Inspiring Mother Breaks Down after Earning Golden Buzzer with Celine Dion Hit, 7 Things that Will Keep Me from Coming Back to Your Church, 6 Truths about Jesus Coming into the World, 9 Christians You Don't Want to Sit Beside on Sunday Morning, 10 Things You Should Know about the Intermediate State of Death, 'You Raise Me Up' Duet Earns A Standing Ovation From The Judges. Jehovah told Adam not to eat from a certain tree in the garden. | Gone will be the wicked, but the meek will survive. 11 The evidence should be clear to all. Or can man do a better job of governing himself? Vatican declares power over all Governments, Vatican seeks to abolish separation of Church and State, Vatican declares its hatred for the Word of God. (a) Who are doing wicked things? By the time he was 20, Russell had left both Presbyterianism and Congregationalism because he could not reconcile the idea of an eternal hell with God's mercy. If man ignores Gods laws, he will come into difficulty, just as surely as he would suffer if he ignored his bodys need for food and water.Proverbs 3:5,6. Evidence that Satan's claims were false. We, humans, are stained by sin. The apostle Paul expresses his confidence that God is able to answer the prayers and fulfill the expectations of His worshippers in ways that they might not think possible. The spelling . (Genesis 3:3-5) He thus called into question the rightfulness of Jehovahs way of ruling. (Heb. Doesnt reincarnation make perfect sense here? YHVH and Ba'al both represent the god of sexual . God condemns wicked acts. This is an entirely false claim. If you are obeying Jehovah, then you will hear lots of true stuff. Jehovah is a word we know has special meaning. In addition, many names that ended in yah were translated iah, which some believe was also done by the Masorites out of fear of people speaking the holy name of God out loud. Theres a reason his tombstone says the Laocedian messenger he also built a huge pyramid for his burial site that depicts a cross and a crown with the watchtower written on it A CROSS and blatent idolizing of himself . With the intricacies of the languages and tedious translations involved, it is beyond ludicrous for anyone to chop apart the name Jehovah and convert it to a meaning such as God of ruin. I do feel for the witnesses that have been mislead but narrow is way that leads to life and few will find it. He told Adams wife, Eve, to go ahead and eat from the forbidden tree. Enough said on that. The name Jehovah teaches us so many wonderful things about who you are, most importantly Your presence with us. And the Yahweh and Jehovah and you will come up with nothing close to comparison. (631) 324-0142. living proof perfect hair day 5-in-1 styling treatment The servants of God mean business; they have something to carry, worth carrying. Ads Note: Random ads are placed on this website by Google. 8:11) By their attitude, too, they betray a failure to consider the many positive warnings of Gods purpose to act. (Exodus 6:3 KJV). This plan takes a look at the meaning of righteousness, God's provision for righteousness, and the way in which we can pursue righteousness so that in the midst of our own sinfulness and brokenness, we, too, can come to know God as Jehovah Tsidkenu. Acts 4:10,12; YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BEFORE ME OR BESIDES ME! There is nothing loving about him. It is clearly stated that Jehovah is indeed Satan the devil. They began making their own decisions as to what was good or bad, Just as man was created with the need to eat food and drink water, he was also created with the need for Gods guidance, You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth, Copyright 2023 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. The thinking of principled people makes A man will not be established by wickedness, But the root of the righteous will not be moved. Jeremiah 1 is a deeply significant for the life of any religious person, especially for us Christians. That Jehovah and his appointed Executioner, Christ Jesus, will also strike directly at the root of all wickedness is made certain by the words of Jesus in his illustration about the symbolic sheep and goats: Then he will say, in turn, to those on his left, Be on your way from me, you who have been cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels. (Matt., Is Satan Real? It is part of proclamations and prayers in Scripture, and is always associated with God's goodness to His people. The LORD of Heaven and Earth have mercy on you. 6. The idea that such a mighty and immense God desires to be close to us inspires humility and praise in my heart. According to Insight on the Scriptures, a Jehovah's Witnesses publication, the name " 'Jehovah' " is the best-known English pronunciation of the divine name" (vol. Psalm 4-5. After the Exodus, Moses wrote theORIGINAL NON-CORRUPTED SCRIPTURES in Paleo-Hebrew/Greek in 1446 BC, ( ) did not appear in them. Voisin had said that he found the name Jehova (written yehova and yohova) used in 3 of the 4 manuscripts of Pugio. The meaning of Jehovah would be "he who will be, is, and has been". The assembly hall we do have is sufficient enough and guess where they built it On DEVILS LAKE. Its found in Daniel 2:21, where it reads: He changes times and seasons, (b)What complaint do some people have? (Luke 1:30-31), God sent His Son to earth with the name Jesus, which comes from the Hebrew "Yehoshuah." Vocalizations of a Hebrew word would change according to the consonantal root. -W. Vischer. Live in the light. YHWY is what is called the Tetragrammaton by the Greeks, or "four letters." you use JEH AND THEN Hovah thats like saying JEHHOVAH when biblically written it only has one H ?? NO! All their children, including us, have inherited that imperfection, which brought with it sickness, sorrow and death. People on the highest mountains could hear the cries and shrieks of trapped multitudes as the lower heights became engulfed by swirling waters. Giving them His true name was an act of intimacy that invited mankind to know Him. Period. 12 However, a person might ask, Why has God permitted so much time, about 6,000 years now, to settle this issue? Jehovah is one of the ways of saying YHWY, the true, personal name of God. If that were the case, surely all their children would have been brought up to be Satan Worshippers. Great wickedness and iniquity ruled the city. Likewise the experience of Sodom and her sister cities is no mere historical incident unrelated to people living on earth today. The resulting wickedness is due, in part, to Satans continued influence and has gradually revealed a great truth: Man is incapable of governing himself without God.Jeremiah 10:23. To a greater or lesser degree, we all have to cope with the hardships and uncertainties of the times. THE MOST HIGH IS TELLING US ABRAHAM, ISSAC AND JACOB DID NOT KNOW HIS NAME. They give nothing to the poor and sit and wait for the UN to give them orders where they have a seat since the begining of their conception pretty much. Answer (1 of 56): In Psalms 83:18 says ""May people know that you, whose name is JEHOVAH, you ALONE are the most high over all the earth." So Jehovah is the most high. (Exodus 20:3). Around the 3rd century BC, out of their reverence for the command "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain" (Exodus 20:7), Jewish tradition held that the word YHWY was sacred. Genesis 6:5 (ASV) And Jehovah saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Jehovah Means Father Of All Evil , Christians Should Stop Calling God by That Name -Man Of God. Nor is it questioned in Jeremiah 10:23. His name means TO BE. HE said EHJEH ASHER EHJEH. THUS SHALL YOU SAY TO THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL: EHJEH ASHER EHJEH. ( I AM JE) I JE HAS SENT ME TO YOU. I JE (HIS name) + SUS (God with us) = JESUS! From H1167 with pronominal suffix; my master; Baali, a symbolical name of Jehovah: Baali. All rights reserved. In fact, most language experts would find this uneducated, unscholarly nonsense as borderline ludicrous. Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of that place Jehovah Jireh: as it is said to this day, In the mount of the LORD it shall be seen. Jehovahs Witnesses have a rather unique way of explaining wickedness.In The Watchtower 2011, January 1, page 9,they explain that God allows wickedness: Why does God allow wickedness? I know lots about Satan the Devil. In fact, much of the suffering on earth would be prevented if people obeyed God's laws.,, https// Thus the promises of God furnish ample basis for anticipating an end of all wickedness, and the putting out of action of the very leader in evildoing. As early in Scripture as the book of Exodus, God speaks of Himself using this name; in this case to Moses: "And I appeared unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, by the name of God Almighty, but by my name Jehovah was I not known to them." (Exodus 17:4-5 ASV). Now the word visit could mean a quite a few different things from the ancient Hebrew language yet the newer versions of the Bible chose to use the word punish - why is that. Really, if God Removes kings and sets up kings, is he giving mankind an opportunity to rule themselves or is He in charge of who rules? Adam and Eve chose to follow Satan. He supplied this name to His people partly to set Himself apart as the One true God among the many gods who were being worshipped in the culture. Or has the record of history shown that the prophet Jeremiahs words are correct: It does not belong to man who is walking even to direct his step?Jeremiah 10:23. boy was I confused and concerned. You must remember Jehovah and Jesus created all things PERFECT which means all creatures would HAVE a PERFECT relationship with Jehovah; there would be no need for the PERFECT Angel to want to be worshiped nor would there be any imperfect thoughts in ADAM and EVE. Or as the Worldwide English Bible words this verse: We know that we belong to God and the whole world belongs to the devil. "Now to the one who can, according to his power that is operating in us.". 24:37-39) Just as they were catering to the selfish desires of the flesh and ignoring Gods warning back there, so it is today. Charles Taze Russell, byname Pastor Russell, (born Feb. 16, 1852, Pittsburgh, Pa., U.S.died Oct. 31, 1916, Pampa, Texas), founder of the International Bible Students Association, forerunner of the Jehovah's Witnesses. 6:1-7; 2Pet. So I beseech you to study to show thyself approved.I started researching because I was reading the book of Psalms and I normally use my favorite bible but I had left it in the car, so I used a random I had lying around the house, not knowing it was an authorized King James. The devils trickery, mockery and disrespect are mind blowing. Instead, there is more unhappiness and trouble on earth than ever before. What is the relationship between the Abrahamic Covenant and the Mosaic Covenant? Hebrew language rules must be taken into consideration to properly translate certain words or names. In other words, God was, God is, God will always be. Shava'/sawa' - 22 verses - Job 19:7; 24:12; 29:12; 30: . Either David or Devil. He left no survivors. Most Biblical scholars believe that it was probably pronounced as "Yah-weh." They made the claim that the God of the Old Testament, YHWH, was evil. Jehovah's Witness organization, where I was brainwashed to believe that I would never graduate high school because Armageddon would arrive at any minute and we would live forever in paradise. Spelling it with all small capital letters distinguishes it from other times 'Lord' is used. In 1278, a translator named Ramon Martin, (or Raymundus Martini) a Spanish monk of the Dominican Order, wrote Pugio Fidei. Yahweh, name for the God of the Israelites, representing the biblical pronunciation of "YHWH," the Hebrew name revealed to Moses in the book of Exodus. Popes declaring salvation is only found in Roman Catholic church, Quotes of Popes declaring Mary worthy of worship. Lets call this my loaf of bread theory, for lack of a better illustration. (Psalms 83:18 NIV). The name YHWH, consisting of the sequence of consonants Yod, Heh, Waw, and Heh, is known as the tetragrammaton. Culprits Turn "God" into "evil" (The Loaf of Bread Illustration) What is the meaning of the Hebrew word Satan? People rushed for shelter. the key word here is NOT Ahayah was NOT known to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as JEHOVAH, that was injected into the scripture to fool the masses. God said: You will positively die. (Genesis 2:17) However, Satan said exactly the opposite. 1914 generation will not perished until they will see the coming of the end of the wicked system of thing , they boast about then and in 1914 a generation had to be 14 or 16 so they could haved remember what it has happened then ,now if they are alive they are at 121 122 ? (a) What issue was raised by mans disobedience? Thats my evedince. The scripture described wickedness, "They (wicked people) Slay the widow and the stranger and murder the fatherless. False Teachings of Church Christianity!!!! Table Of Contents. feeling first manifestation second. HOW IS IT THE MOST HIGH SAID HE APPEARED TO ABRAHAM, ISSAC AND JACOB, BY THE NAME OF GOD ALMIGHTY, BUT BY HIS NAME JEHOVAH THEY DID NOT KNOW HIM AS. The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom1990, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom1966, The Watchtower Announcing Jehovahs Kingdom1967. EVE was intelligent to know a Snake couldnt talk and would not of been stupid enough to listen to a snake, as she was in PERFECT harmony with JEHOVAH. one question why would you use the letter H twice when trying to figure out the meaning in Hebrew when the word JEHOVAH itself only has one H ?? Does the word Jehovah mean evil God in Hebrew? One only has to continue reading Genesis 4:1-7 and see that Adam and Eves children were worshippers of God. I think that Jehovah is not evil because one thing you might dont know is that Satan the Devil created other religions (But not Jehovahs Witness) to trick people. Here are my two conclusions that helps me put them together: 1. (Psalm 83:1-2, Psalm 83:18). This name, whether used in the simple or compound form, is brimming with hope. Kenyon all had commentaries that mentioned usage in the Greek Magical Papyri, which showed various combinations of the letters, iaou. 2 A Rapture is 100% doctrine. The use of Jehovah was really a progression over time. Did anyone ever say that Jehovah is evil? What helps us to understand that a loving God would temporarily permit wickedness? But by the same word the heavens and the earth that are now are stored up for fire and are being reserved to the day of judgment and of destruction of the ungodly men. (2Pet. Wickedness is due, in part, to Satans influence. They tell of Jehovahs abhorrence of evildoing, and of his zeal for the eradication of wickedness. Psalm 4-4. For when He revealed it, God sent a clear message about His nature: that He is fully present with His people. "Hovah" (#H1942) translates to "eagerly coveting, falling, desire, ruin, calamity, iniquity, mischief, naughtiness, noisome, perverse, very wickedness." . C. Leemans, C. Wessely, A. Dieterich, and F.C. While I am not one to study such things as the Magical Papyri, it is worth noting that those who havestudied them discuss the variations of the name of God found in these ancient writings. Your probably better off celebrating Christmas and Halloween then rejecting his sacrificed life. But this is not the question. Neither of the two quoted scriptures support this hypothesis either. The shocking depths of their depravity reached Jehovahs ears like a loud cry of complaint. The angels sent to rescue Lot and his family delivered the urgent message: Get up! YAHWEY TAROT CARDS Click Ok to proceed and accept cookies. Reincarnation, interesting,,,,,,you are your own ancestor! The first sin was an attack on Gods sovereignty. That is, it was an attack on Gods right to be mans absolute ruler or superior. See for yourself. Discussing mans original sin against God, a footnote in The Jerusalem Bible says: It is the power of deciding for himself what is good and what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete moral independence . This may give Jehovahs Witnesses more ammunition against former JWs and others, who already have a reputation and stereotype of being tricked by alleged false information, and led by Satan. Vatican declares its murderous hatred for Bible believers. 8 Of course, as soon as the rebellion happened Jehovah could have destroyed the three rebels. What have been the results of humans trying to govern themselves without Gods guidance? Anyone else that is using this name Ahayah Yashiya there not affiliated with any of my Blogs or YouTube accounts or work. Also look up what a watcher is and youll get exactly what sort of religion your loyal to. This became a source that is seen in many commentaries of theologians, even until today. Also when doing research, remember the proverb, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.. Satan called into question God's right to rule. Learning more about the name of God goes beyond being a simple study. (a) Why did Eve disobey God? 8. Which is the true religion: Christianity, Islam or Zoroastrianism, and why? Thank you. Disregard for the rule of law is everywhere evident, in private as well as in public life. It is highly important then, that Christians and even non-Christians use extra caution in spreading false information that has no intellectual basis whatsoever. But Satan also have Yah/Jah in his name, when you reach a certain degree of Masonary they reveal to you Satans name Jahbulon. 1914 generation ,Will not perished ,with out coming to see ,the End of the wicked system of things ,@14 or 16 years old then 2014 would make them 114 0r 116 now 2021 where are they? Mountains were transformed into islands as the rising waters separated families. Through a simple smokescreen, many self professed Christians are blaspheming in an effort to prove a religion wrong, as some sort of dirt theyve uncovered. Culprits Turn God into evil (The Loaf of Bread Illustration). God will repay evil people for their wicked acts as the bible stated . Jehovah definition: Jehovah is the name given to God in the Old Testament . 11:5) And in another place he informs us: I, Jehovah, am loving justice, hating robbery along with unrighteousness. (Isa. They take to this by watching others lay out the word Jehovah like a loaf of bread, and slicing it up into parts. 1943 in Strongs Hebrew Dictionary and has the meaning of ruin, mischief., It is another form of No. And, referring to this same prophetic pattern of the Flood, the apostle Peter gives further detail on how the end of international wickedness will come: By those means [Gods word directing the unprecedented downpour] the world of that time suffered destruction when it was deluged with water. An examination of this issue will provide further help in our understanding why God has permitted wickedness. Are there those today who ridicule the idea that God will bring a complete end to wickedness and deliver the righteous, who treat any thought of an impending destructive judgment as a great joke? I suffered from night terrors, sleep paralysis, severe anxiety and depression, eating disorders, and alcohol abuse. Shalam! It evolved over time through changes in both traditions and translations of God's Word. Jehovah-YHWH-tetragrammation-Yahweh-Yahawah-Yahuwah are ALL the fallen angel god of mischief and ruin, the Devil also known as Satan. They claimed that this God is evil, but even they did not make the bogus claim that his name means evil God. I will not justify the wicked, Ex. Gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those with discernment. So ultimately, all wickedness is described in the Old . Jehovah is the name God uses in His forming a relationship with man. How To Pray? If your research wasnt done from there, then God have mercy on you. Site design and hosting by . Change). God condemns wicked acts. (Isaiah 26:4). The God, Jehovah, Jesus that we worship and praise is a God of Judgement. All Christians have felt God's call We are always on the lookout for new . So when you are saying that you are praising Lucifier. From H1961; (the) self Existent or eternal; Jehovah, Jewish national name of God: Jehovah, the Lord. Eph 6:11 Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes. Matthew 18:7. text does insert vowels for adonay and Jewish students and scholars read adonay whenever they see the Tetragrammaton. The pattern is made up of letters from the Hebrew alphabet: Yud, Hay, Vav and Hay. What good has been done by Gods permission of wickedness? However, Moore asserted that Martini was not the first to use the variation Jehova, but that this spelling was written later in the 14th century by other reproductions/copyists of Pugio Fidei. He is the self existing and ever existing one. In explaining wickedness, The Watchtower has made EIGHT statements and quoted TWO scriptures: God has allowed wickedness. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Our savior would never have suggested such. Thanks. They have harnessed the atom and traveled to the moon. Centuries later, a group of Jewish scholars called the Masoretes wanted to restore the word. If you want to find out the English meaning of a word, you should ask an English speaker. 13 Far from it! Otherwise he too would have been martyred like our messiah and all of his disciples but one. They were not so weak that they could not have resisted when the Devil tempted them. The hidden name of God is believed to be revealed in the Kabbalistic text of the Zohar, however it has remained largely unknown throughout history. El Elyon? Prosperity has a very temporary effect on the person, but adversity has a . (b)What does this clearly prove? rent to own house in quezon city 5k monthly. (See photo below) Their intentions were to prevent those in synagogues from saying Gods name. The name has already been translated. 34 And Jehovah said unto Moses, Hew thee two tables of stone like unto the first: and I will write upon the tables the words that were on the first tables, which thou brakest. Yes, after about 6,000 years of experience in self-rule, and after reaching a peak in scientific progress, humankind is now facing self-destruction! Jehovah is willing, Raymundus Martinis Usage of a Rendition of Jehovah. If not, then you are obeying Satan the Devil. Just as God created man with the need to eat food and drink water, so man was made with the need to obey Gods laws. He disguised himself as a snake to do it and he wants the worship of the living to stay dead like he is and never find the truth. To a greater or lesser degree, we all have to cope with the hardships and uncertainties of the times. The tetragrammaton ( ) is used on satanic tarot cards. Those who parrot these type of people also show their dangerous susceptibility to believe just about anything they read. Who, what, where, why, whenbecause this determines context. Well as you seeIm a student. Why Hebrew Israelites MUST NOT Follow jeWISH Traditions? Will God ever take decisive action to stamp out wickedness from the universe forever? There is absolutely not a single piece of evidence that anyone ever used the word Satan to mean truth in Hebrew or on any book in the Bible. To the meek ones, for example, he gives this strong assurance: "Do not show yourself heated up because of the evildoers. The ABOVE links are solely mine and not affiliated with anyone else or camps. No longer would they have to submit to his laws. He will not permit the wicked forever to get away with giving the impression that God approves of what they are doing. Wake up before its too late and your the ones saying we cast demons in your name as he says I do not know you and you are dead to me. No, plus wouldnt you wonder why a snake is talking in the first place. Beginning in the 16th century, early translations, such as King James and William Tyndale's translations of the first five books of the Old Testament, started using this form of the Tetragrammaton. I am going to wipe men whom I have created off the surface of the ground.Gen. Satan did say that God knew Eve would know the difference between Good and Bad when she ate of it, which was a truthful statement. Their wickedness was not entirely revealed ( Ezekiel 16:49) but we do know of their acts of sodomy (later in the chapter) had overtaken them in their actions, enough to rape. In English, the Y is pronounced as J. For as they were in those days before the flood, eating and drinking, men marrying and women being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark; and they took no note until the flood came and swept them all away, so the presence of the Son of man will be. (Matt. Jehovah is god of this world, the destroyer or AbbaDon also cast into the lake. This theory is based on Rev 1:4-5 and Rev 1:8 (note in these scriptures that God: is, was, and is to come). For the Gentiles not to set God before them means that they do not fear God. Hebrew: Yehowshaphat This is the first scriptural explanation I have seen. This statement is extremely harsh. (Revelation 20:10). For example, it would not have answered the question of whether humans could successfully rule themselves without help from God. Many of the Gnostics in the second and third century made exactly this claim, for example in the Gospel of Judas. Popes and Priests declare they can forgive the sins of men. Man has asserted his right to rule himself. Hence, the Jehovahs Witnesses may in turn have grounds to view most of these people as unbelievers in God, or atheists, or even blasphemers. The conventional Christian English pronunciation of Jah is / d /, even though the letter J here transliterates the palatal approximant (Hebrew Yodh).The spelling Yah is designed to make the .

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